The Legend of Ivan

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The Legend of Ivan Page 27

by Justin Kemppainen

  I spared a moment considering Ivan and his amazing life, noting the emotional turmoil of recent days settling into the background but still present. Perhaps Grey, Marqyni, Dana, and whoever else was right. Perhaps there was still humanity inside me, even now in spite of being more machine than before.

  I decided I would try to learn to accept emotion and sympathy, to become something more than just an elaborate recording device. With time, I was confident I could solve this mystery and let the greater understanding of self enhance my abilities. The vestige of Dana seemed to approve.

  Strength and control flowed through me. Every moment, every breath provided focus and power to my new body. Still Dana's ghost haunted me, and Cain would remain a prisoner of his and our mind. Perhaps in time, even he would begin to haunt me as she did, as all of the Archivists he and I killed did in their own small way.

  Everything felt different. Be it the mingling of many souls into one body, my death and rebirth, or simply the long journey to find Ivan...

  My life changed.

  What I wished to do next, besides an immediate rampage through the interior of Keritas Interests, was yet up in the air. Back to work with Daedra-Tech? Perhaps. Travel to live on Vapaus Colony? Perhaps but unlikely.

  A galaxy of information lay ahead of me. Though I had cracked one of its greatest mysteries, the legend of Ivan, so much more was yet to be found.

  I departed the office of the deceased Vice President, my journey beginning anew.

  Archivist Sid


  Nothing specific.


  Wherever I wish.


  Unit reactivated, discontinuing service with Daedra-Tech. Good luck with your future endeavors.

  Epilogue: The Legend Lives On

  -Orkanis Prison: One week later-

  Voux Hanatar sat in his isolated cell. Many of his years were spent in difficult conditions; the warden and guards did not take kindly to his numerous assaults on the prison. After a while, upon realizing he was an old man lacking the fangs and resources of his youth, a few concessions were granted.

  He was given a datapad and access to a few information sources, something to occupy his time during the endless hours of his incarceration. Part of it was so the warden could let him read all about how defunct he and his empire had become.

  As Hanatar scanned though entries and reports, he happened upon a news story: a featured piece from a major outlet. The title by itself caused a grin to break out on his face as he read:


  Galactic Associated Press

  The terror of our galaxy has reared his ugly head once again as new light is shed upon the incident at the Keritas Headquarters last week. It appears the man behind the destruction of Atropos Garden, the man called Ivan, has returned.

  Ethran citizens were shocked by explosions at the towering structure as an unidentified assailant rampaged through the building. Several people, including Keritas Vice President Saul Zimmer, were killed with dozens more injured. The assailant, unseen by survivors or security footage, tore through the complex, destroying computer systems and assaulting workers before escaping in his vessel.

  "There was smoke, and some fires. The power went out, and everyone was screaming," said former employee Bernard Tapp. "Nobody knew what was happening."

  Though the investigation has been ongoing, recent evidence has been brought to light linking the assault on Keritas Headquarters with the incident at Atropos Garden fourteen years ago. Images from the GCG Cassander, first respondent to the Garden incident, clearly show a fleeing vessel. This very same ship was recorded leaving the scene at Keritas Headquarters last week.

  Hanatar thumbed through the images, and his heart froze. "I'll be damned," he whispered. The former crime lord recognized the ship as the very one which crushed his last hope of escape so long ago. It was the very same ship his trusted former employee used to bring Barian Dreger into his final moments. Even the name on the side, Olga, was the same: it was Ivan's vessel. Hanatar chuckled. "That son of a bitch." He continued reading, and as he finished, he threw his head back and laughed.

  In response to this new assault, the GSA has put out a bulletin asking all galactic citizens to be on the lookout for this ship, piloted by the man they refer to as Ivan. No concrete descriptions of the man exist as of yet, but authorities are working with Keritas employees to form some idea of their attacker's appearance.

  In related news, Keritas stock went into freefall as investors scrambled to unload their holdings. More than sixty percent jumped ship within the first twenty-four hours of the GSA announcing Ivan's involvement. Former board member Derlin Winters expressed this opinion when asked why. "Support a company Ivan's marked for death? Are you nuts?"

  Though the company is scrambling to keep its head above water, the future looks grim for Keritas Interests. Whatever impact this may have on the galactic economy is yet to be seen, but it may be a minor issue in light of the terror we all face again. Regardless of Keritas or the rest of the galaxy's future, one thing is very certain: Ivan is indeed real, and he has returned.


  Author's Note:

  Thank you very much for reading through my third novel, The Legend of Ivan. I hope you enjoyed it. I do have a couple more novels if you're at all interested in reading further, and I'll be continually putting out a new one every so often for the foreseeable future.

  As an independent author, I don't have a team of marketing gurus around to spread the word about this novel. You won't see me on any talk shows, and the news won't mention my name. I'm just a writer, chained to my desk while searching endlessly for more readers like you. If you enjoyed The Legend of Ivan, then tell a friend. If you really enjoyed it and are so inclined, you can post reviews, ratings, or comments on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Shelfari, LibraryThing, Kobo, my website (link below), and anywhere else your heart desires.

  It truly does mean the world to me when readers help out and provide feedback, so thank you very much to any who do and again to all who spared the time to read The Legend of Ivan.


  Justin Kemppainen





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