Check In

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Check In Page 1

by Umair K. Baloch


  By Umair K. Baloch

  Copyright ? 2013 Umair K. Baloch




  "Goddammit", Vince slurred as he pulled over to the side of road, banging his palms on the steering wheel. Car came to an abrupt stop. He took his torch light out of the glove box and got out of the car, closing the door behind with a loud thud. He switched on the light and examined the wheel.

  "Another flat tyre", saying that, Vince exhaled slowly, the mixture of fatigue and a little anger in his voice. "Guess it's no use looking for a spare in the trunk." He remembered changing the only spare tyre he had the same afternoon. "It can only be a fucking coincidence, I'm sure of that". He took the mobile phone and tried to contact his office. Cell phone beeped which meant that there were no signals in the area. Vince raised his head, stared at the night, starless sky for a couple of seconds and said "Thank you, God".

  He stood there for some moments, pondering over the situation he was currently in. "Now what the hell am I supposed to do." First he thought of waiting there and look for any other traffic approaching from either sides of the road, maybe ask them for help. Now another thought came to his mind. He was on the freeway with plenty of drivers in front or around him. He passed a sign-board which read "Lane 80 Gremmes" a shortcut. He was already a bit late; so he turned on his indicator lights and steered his car to that direction but since he turned to that solitary road on the "Lane 80 Gremmes" he noticed a strange thing that he didn't pass any sort of vehicle on the road he himself was on. "That's strange." He mumbled. The freeway wasn't that busy at the moment but still, no traffic at all on that singular road.

  Waiting for someone didn't seem helping so he discarded the idea. Instead he turned around, approached the car door, grabbed his coat and black leather bag which contained all his business documents and useful stuff and locked the car. He had decided to walk the distance till he can find a diner or motel of some sort. Chances of finding either one were low but still, he wanted to take those chances.

  He put on his coat, buttoned it to the top, grabbed the bag in one hand, his torch light in the other and was ready for a little trot down the road. As he was trotting along the road, he began to notice his surrounding for the first time. Just large trees with dry leaves on both sides of the road, pale moonlight which gave no help to distinguish certain objects in the scene. The air was thick and heavy. Death like stillness pervaded all nature. A faint peal of thunder often came from far off. All was still--still as the very grave. Every now and then, there would come a sudden gust of wind that in its strength, as it blew laterally, would make the leaves dash from the very trees, an occasional howling of some animal in distant was also audible.

  "What the hell am I doing in this god forsaken place?" He said to himself.

  "Of course, your job".

  "I mean, why am I here in the first place?"

  He was sitting in his office yesterday, bending down on his Computer, when Lizz, that fat secretary of the boss said to him.

  "He's asked for you in his office"

  "Okay" he replied. He saved his work, got up from his chair and slowly walked towards the little cabin.

  He knocked as he approached.

  "Come in" A brisk voice from inside let him in.

  "You asked for me??" Vince inquired.

  "No, I just wanted to have a peek of your beautiful doll face, of course I've asked for you, you moron. Sit down."

  Vince closed the door behind him silently and sat at one of the two chairs in front of the table. He didn't know why but for some reason his boss didn't like him very much. No matter how he hard he'd try to avoid encounters such as this, something must drag him to this cubical of an office. He was actually starting to get pissed and was having some funny thoughts. Maybe burn the whole office or simply take a shotgun and blow the fucker's brains out. His boss was busy talking on the phone and wasn't paying much attention to him. He looked outside the windows, usual, slow moving traffic, a two or three individuals sitting in front of cafes, sipping their tea or coffee and occasional groups of people waiting for the signals so they can cross the road. Vince found nothing interesting outside so he once again changed his glance inside the room and started noticing things in the office. A small bonsai plant in a corner and some folders on table, slow moving ceiling fan and rustling sound of calendar pages due to ceiling fan.

  Vince started to look at the picture on calendar page, it was a blonde tanning on the beach in her orange color swimsuit, and getting warmed .Her face was not visible, covering her eyes with her left hand and just staring at that vast ocean. Maybe she enjoys being naked, exposing her skin in front of that warm, summer sun. Vince didn't know how that thought came in to his mind but for one second he completely forgot where he was and imagined that he's also on the beach, laying down aside of that blonde.

  His boss simply put down the receiver and cleared his throat to get his attention.

  "Listen, I want you to go to the Cook County and meet some clients there. Everything is set and if we are lucky, we might be able to crack a deal, even when the bum like you will be throwing them the final pitch." Boss didn't forget to be sarcastic.

  "But isn't that Linda's job to meet new clients..?" Vince tried to explain.

  "She's at another project at the moment, besides this deal ain't so big so someone less sophisticated like you should do it." Boss said.

  "But?." Was all Vince could utter when the boss cut him and said.

  "But what?? C'mon, be a man, just take the initiative, have this trip, go out. Do something good instead of staring at those cleavages of women of yours mums age. Don't you realize that for once you're doing something constructive since you came here? You're leaving tomorrow. Pack your bags, meet with Donnie; he'll fix you with some sort of vehicle for your trip." Vince knew he worked honestly, the whole fucking office knew he did but how his boss blaming him for watching porn during work, that was unbelievable.

  "Sir, I do no stare at anybody's tits, I'm just doing honest work, just doing my job." Vince tried to defend himself.

  "Sure you do" his boss replied, again sarcasm. "I just want you to understand that you are the man for this job, take it as I don't have a person qualified enough at this specific moment, so I want you to do this job for me, you got it.?"

  "Yes sir," Vince mumbled.

  "Good, now get out of my office." Boss motioned him to leave his office.

  Vince lazily walked back his desk. He just dropped in his chair. Feeling a little thirsty and exhausted, he finished the glass of cold water in one gulp. It wasn't that he was shy or couldn't throw a lame ass sales pitch to a bunch of country folks, actually he was good at these sort of things but for many reasons, he didn't like road trips, didn't like being all by himself, to be specific. Being alone and now, for the moments like this one, typical office job. He had to put aside all his fears. Pulling himself together, gaining enough courage to get the job done.

  "Vincy boy, it looks like we are taking this road trip after all" saying to himself, he exhaled heavily. He then logged on his computer, completed the file he was working on previously.

  He left for home early that evening.

  Next morning, he woke up early from usual. Packed his things, pamphlets, his business documents, change of clothes in a black leather bag which often came handy in those one-day trips. Some credit cards, ID and license and stuff of that sort.

  He also put a considerable amount of cash in brown colored wallet. 'A pearl row wallet' made out of eagle ray skin, easily identifiable by the continuous row of pearls, His name "VINCE" carved in the center. A gift from his mother on his birthday. It gave him a strange, childish feeling when touching the soft sensitive leather, running
his fingers on the line of clear pearls.

  He reached the office through his usual bus. Instead of entering the main building, Vince went for the company's parking, Donnie, 'the security and maintenance guy was sitting on his chair in his usual spot, reading some mystery fiction. Sound of Vince's approaching footsteps interrupted his reading.

  "Hey, Vince my man didn't see you for a long time buddy". Donnie greeted him heartily.

  "Nothing in particular, listen, I have to go outside on a field trip today, company business, what have you got for me." Vince came straight to the point.

  "What do you mean, you going for and outside job? Whatever happened to Linda" Donnie asked.

  "I don't know, man. Just do your job." Vince replied, a bit irritated now. He tried to think but couldn't figure out why people didn't take him seriously.

  "O.k., O.k., no reason to get angry, don't bite my head off, hot head, jeez" Donnie put back the magazine on table, and then motioned Vince to come with him. "Come along"

  Donnie led him toward the block where the reserve cars were parked, unlocked a second hand Chevy Gold and tossed the keys towards him.

  "What is that?" Vince wasn't too sure about this.

  "What..? It's your car, man." said Donnie.

  "Yeah, I can see that, I mean can it run". Still doubtfully, he said

  "Woah, Woah Woah, stop right there for a second, Mister. Don't insult this baby, been here for the last 12 years and still runs like an old mare on stretch. So where you heading to," Donnie asked.

  Vince informed him about his location.

  "Yeah, I know the place, just behind those mountains, but don't you worry my boy, just don't over speed or something, you don't want to blow the engine, right? Just stay below 70mph and you'll be alright. It has enough fuel for your departure and return, unless you want to visit some folks of yours, or wish to go sideways; obviously the expenses are coming out of your pocket." Donnie briefed him about the condition of the car.

  "Thanks for the heads up," Vince said, gritting his teeth slightly.

  "Just helping a friend is all" Vince didn't wait to hear his last comment; he just put the key in the ignition, started the car and dashed out of the parking site.

  Donnie returned to his former spot, picked up his magazine.

  "Man, the office is in a bad position, a pickanniny like Vince now handling the deals, no wonder we're out of business." Donnie stretched his legs on the table and continued reading where he left.

  While on the street, the car gave some jolts but after that it ran smooth, as soon as Vince was out of city, a tyre got flat. Vince came out of the vehicle and examined the wheel for a couple of moments. He then' looked for some tools, thankfully they were in place. Vince was still struggling with the tyre iron when a black colored sedan stopped nearby and a blonde peeped out of the window. One of those girls whose eyes are so dark that they look like black spots, on a complexion like ivory.

  "Flat tyre?" the girl inquired.

  "Yeah" Vince replied.

  "Wanna tag along" girl offered him a ride after a few seconds of thinking.

  "Yeah, no I'm just going to change this one and we'll be good to go"

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, thanks for asking anyways."

  Vince watched as the girl sped away from him and his broken car. He just changed his tyre, cursing the whole situation. Vince continued his journey as soon as the tyre was changed. He reached his destination in time. Presentation went good. It seemed that Vince had convinced those country folks in having their old farm house along with their agricultural patches and products insured. Those old buggers looked satisfied. They told Vince that they will show all this to their lawyer who can tell them about technical details and close the deal.

  Vince started his return journey, everything went well till he took that short cut, another of his tyre gave up, and now he was asking himself those questions.

  "What am I doing here?"

  "What am I doing here in the first place?"

  The sky was growing darker with every passing minute. A dreadful sound was producing by the steady tramp of his feet on the concrete. Weather started to change as he was walking. What was that--a strange, pattering noise, as of a million of fairy feet? It was rain--yes, a rain-storm had burst. How the storm raged! Hail--rain--wind. It was, in very truth, an awful night. Those sudden gusts of wind and those raindrops directly hitting his face with all might. That situation only increased his worries. Now he was regretting leaving the safety his car offered.

  The storm was growing fierce. "I shouldn't have left my car; at least it would have protected me from getting wet". Vince was just thinking that when he noticed a source of light in distance. A fine rain, a flying mist, veiled the lamps with a transparent fog, lightening up the little area around. He quickened his pace. Each step he lifted brought him closer to that solitary building. He was amazed at his own luck, finding some sort of shelter in the middle of the nowhere. He could distinguish the features of it when he was just some steps away. It was an old, time worn wooden building, probably built in mid 60's. Disfigured planks and Vince figured in what little light the lamps offered, that a paint job hasn't been done for a long time. A sign-board was a couple of steps away from the entrypoint. Some of the words were missing with the passage of the time but it clearly read "Moonlit Grove Inn".

  "So, this carcass of a building is actually a Motel of sorts". He eyed the whole front for a couple of moments and then entered through the rotten white oak doors. Inside, it was gloomy and silent. Looked like the place looked almost abandoned. Lightning was dim; wallpapers had lost their true colors. What little furniture there was in the lobby, was dirty, and covered with dust. He walked towards the reception counter. It was empty. Strange sounds were coming from the room behind the reception. Vince tried listening carefully, looked like someone was playing a video game of sorts. He could also hear those soft cackles. Looked like they were really enjoying playing that game. There were some old news papers, some rags, shriveled flowers in a vase, an ancient telephone and a rusty brass desk bell.

  Vince rang the bell, stretched his arms on the counter, waiting patiently for someone to respond. No one came out. He banged on the bell again, this time a little louder. He heard someone pushing the chair behind and standing up.

  "Just wait a minute. I'm coming" Next moment, a guy entered the reception area, smiling. Vince noticed that he was missing front teeth which gave a funny appearance to him.

  "Sorry, I just thought it's the storm. We usually don't have many guests here these days, not in these surroundings. So, how can I help you, Mr.?.?" Guy started the conversation.

  "Vince" He said.

  "Vince, you can call me Ted, so Vine, how may I assist you?' Receptionist just introduced himself.

  "My car just broke down, it has a flat tyre. I don't have a spare, can I use your phone and call my office." Vince mentioned the reason he was in the place.

  "Sure thing." Saying that, he pushed the phone towards Vince's direction. Vince picked up the receiver and raised it his ear. There was no dial-tone.

  "It's dead" Vince put back the receiver in its place.

  "What?" Ted didn't hear him clear.

  "The phone, it's dead"

  "Oh, yes, I think the lines have broken down. It's probably the storm, it's a routine around here. It will take them repair guys a couple of days to fix."

  "My cell phone isn't working."

  "There's always a problem with the signals in this area. You tried calling from higher spot."

  "No, I didn't try that. You know if there's a mechanic around by any chance." Vince already knew the answer but still asked desperately.

  "No sir, no mechanic here, you won't find one in this place. Though there's a small town some 100 kilometers away. They have a workshop there. Call them, have them tow your car, you'll probably be able to leave next morning. But then again, you phone isn't working, neither does mine. Guess you have to wait. Try calling from y
our cell in the morning".

  "What am I to do now, what do you suggest?" Vince asked for his opinion.

  "Well, you are in a motel already. Would you like to check in? I can offer you meal since its dinner time and a soft bed to rest for the night at very reasonable price. There's also.." Ted was still talking when Vince's cell phone rang; he silenced Ted by raising his hand who just shrugged his shoulders. Vince pushed the button to answer his phone.


  "Vince, is that you..? Where the hell are you?? You're late, you know you were going to brief me about how that deal went, you moron." It was his boss.

  "There's a problem with the car, boss. I'm looking for some help."

  Vince couldn't hear what his boss was saying so he came out on the porch.

  "Where in God's name are you, Vince. You were supposed to be in front of my desk before 6 P.M, now it's almost 10. What the hell you're doing out there." The static to grow in the conversation.

  "Boss, I'm at motel of sorts, going to find a mechanic, get my car fixed and try to report you as quickly as I can" Vince tried to explain the situation.

  "I can't understand a single word you just said." Voice started to stutter. Vince changed the direction but to no use. Voice at the other end started to cut. The static grew louder and eventually the call disconnected. He tried calling in but signals were lost, again. Vince returned inside with slow steps. Ted was nowhere to be found; it looked like he was playing his game again. Vince banged the desk bell.

  He came out, saying "so, what have you decided?" He asked Vince.

  "Guess I'm staying for the night." Vince replied.

  "Sure thing, you just have to sign here and we are done." He picked up an old register from the shelf and started to go through pages. While he was doing it, Vince had a look at the guy. The motel was in a very poor condition and the personality of its owner was same. Vince saw that it was a small guy probably in his late twenties, he was wearing a brown dirty P-cap, yeah a P-cap under the room, when he was indoors, a green check shirt and an old grey jeans.

  "Just sign here please"

  "Is this necessary?? It seems you don't have much people around. I guess I'm your only guest, right?" Vince asked.

  "Yeah, you are right, buddy, but rules are rules, can't ignore them."

  "Yeah, yeah, rules can't ignore them, as if everything else is in its proper place here". Vince mumbled.

  Ted watched as Vince reluctantly dragged his signature on that register.

  "That will be 10 dollars."

  Vince took out his wallet to draw money, paid the amount he was asked to pay, at first Vince thought it is just is imagination, his tired mind playing tricks on him. But then he realized it's more than just his imagination. He almost felt as if him taking out the wallet, counting the money has produced a strange effect on Ted. That feeble shine of the pearls has made his eyes glisten in a greedy way, it looked like the sense of indifference has gone from Ted's eyes and is replaced by cunningness.

  Vince carefully restored the wallet to its place, Ted, coming to himself, just said

  "Okay, let me show you to your room". He led the way while Vince eyed him suspiciously.

  They both ascended the wooden stairway. Those old wooden steps creaked under their feet. There were old paintings and pictures on the torn wallpaper. Cobwebs in dark corners. The whole place was filled with a mournful air. Everything felt cold and damp. As if the very walls of the establishment were crying.

  "So, what brings you here, in these parts of the country?" Ted asked.

  "Business" Vince replied, he wasn't in the mood for conversation so didn't share many details.

  "I came here to work out a business deal"

  "Did you break a leg?"

  "Yeah, sort of" Vince said, still looking around.

  On top floor, the whole corridor was illuminated with pale yellow light. They stopped in front of 3rd room in the queue. Ted unlocked it.

  "So, this is your room, don't bother with the T.V, its broken, though you can find some magazines on table. Everything else you need is there. I'm going to bring some food for you" Ted left Vince at the door and retreated.

  Vince entered the room; put his bag on the side table. The room was small, full of heavy curtains and discreetly fragrant. An empty fire grate and a solitary lamp at one end of the roof threw a soft light on different things in room. A comfortable looking bed in the center. He got into the adjoining washroom, washed his face with cold water coming out of the faucet. Wiping his face with the towel hanging nearby, Vince walked towards the covered windows. He moved the curtains a little bit and peeped outside into the darkness. Raindrops on the glass window made a strange pattering sound. Lightning after every 20 or 30 seconds revealed that there was a pond just outside the motel. There was no sign of rain stopping anytime soon. He turned back inside. Room was uniquely decorated. Pictures hung all over the place. A scary looking windmill in a picture. A group of people assembled near the gallows, staring at the man hung there. Old women, in mourning clothes, weeping in front of a grave. There was a name written on the grave stone but no matter how he tried, Vince couldn't read it. On a wall there was a dear head d?cor hanging on a wall, it was in a very bad shape. Its antlers, all broken and dirty.

  As he was looking at these pictures, there came a knock at the door and Ted entered, carrying a tray of food in his hand. He put it on the bed and left as he came, silently. There was a well cooked stake and some boiled vegetables in it. Vince regained his lost appetite; he didn't have anything with him during his travel so he ate now in silence.

  He was taking the last spoonful when Ted entered with 2 cans of beer.

  "I didn't order that". Vince protested.

  "On the house." Ted handed him a can.

  "I usually don't take alcohol but I think I need one now" Vince said, taking the can from him.

  "I see you have a pond nearby," Vince said, taking a sip out of the can.

  "It's no pond, mate. Out there is a swamp, you probably got confused with all that darkness outside."

  "I might have, it must be handy, for dumping things."

  "Trust me, trash, broken logs, and old furniture, all gone" Ted replied.

  "So what kind of short cut is this road, I thought I can reach my home a little earlier. All I know that I'm stuck here for the rest of the night."

  "It's the long one; short cut is the one you turned from to get on "Lane 80". Ted explained to him.

  "No kidding?"

  "You probably didn't read the sign properly. They made that new road a year before."

  Both were silent for a moment, Just the pitter patter of raindrops against the window was audible, growing louder every minute.

  "So, how come you ended up here, all alone?" Vince asked, being inquisitive.

  "Now, all of a sudden, you're feeling chatty." Ted said mockingly.

  "You don't need to tell me, if you don't want to"

  Ted began.

  "My father liked the place. He liked being alone. So he bought this secluded land, built a motel here, named it THE MOONLIT GROVE INN, a fan of vintage tales that he was. Good place for rest and food. A good stop for travelers during long road trips. Good business. Now, they built that freeway. Distance got shorter, no one turned to that road again. Days would pass when a guest would show in. Didn't do much good to my father."

  Ted took a moment. Vince, staring at the tiny drops on that cold beer can.

  "He died of his lung disease some months ago."

  "Sorry to hear that"

  "Yeah, I 'the sole heir' inherited the place. At first I thought, what am I going to do with this place, but after sometime, I actually like being here. That discreet silence, storms and cold nights. In fact, I enjoy all this."

  "So, what do you do for recreation? Go outside?" Vince asked.

  "just playing games on that old ass computer all day long, taking hikes on the road, and crushing those dead tree leaves under my feet, desperately waiting for the custom
ers." Ted chuckled.

  "I also have a longing for that silence. Sometimes I think I need place to get away, to run away to, leave all this behind. Just staring at those long trees, hearing the sound of water flowing in the rivers, finding patterns and shapes in those clouds as we used to do in childhood, admiring those large mountains." while sharing all, Vince totally forgot that he is saying all this to the person who was giving him the looks as if he was going to rob him. He also didn't notice that Ted was only pretending to drink his beer. He didn't put a single drop in his mouth.

  "Happens all the time, man. We usually don't get what we care for." Ted expressed.

  Vince finished the remaining drink in one draught.

  "Seems so, I'm tired" Vince said, yawning.

  "Yeah, you should rest now, anything you need, I'm just downstairs." Ted put his can on the table and left the room.

  Vince just dropped on his bed and stretched himself. He felt every joint in his body aching. He stared at the roof for some time, thinking about how crazy this day has become and soon fell asleep.


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