Fae for the Holiday

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Fae for the Holiday Page 3

by Ana Xavier

  The figure is rising from the bed, light beneath and around it as if on a cushion of light. Tam's eyes must be open because now there are 2 beams of light hitting the ceiling above her face. The light around her is glowing brighter and brighter. Even in my mind's eye, I want to turn away to protect myself from seeing it. Just before I turn, the light in the room returns to normal and the girl plunks back onto her bed.

  Seriously,Tam? We have time for this? I pushed Tamra from my mind and once again we were just 2 people chatting in a living room. Tam was doing her best to remain serious, but the edges of her lips are clearly itching to twist into a grin.

  "Look, Dy. You know that we are all Walkers of Worlds, right? All of us who are blood sworn. It's part of why we are allowed to be blood sworn."

  I knew, of course I knew. "But, I.."

  "-you have never done it on your own." Tamra finished for me. "It is because you don't believe you can, Dy."

  "Whatever, Tam. If you don't have some actual information for me instead of fake memories, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I pause for dramatic effect, fluffing my black curls, and looked her dead in the eye, "I've got a date with a Prince tomorrow".

  Tam rolls her eyes and lets out the giggles that have been brewing since she sent the false memory to my mind. "I do have useful information. I've only been to the Fae Realm 3 times, but I have made some observations that I think you should be aware of."

  Narrowing my eyes, I study Tam. She looks like she's done with the shenanigans, but sometimes it's hard to tell. I settle down on the plush tan couch which is every bit as soft in the right places and hard where it needs to be as the lounge chair. "Lay it on me".

  "Well first, there's their ears."


  Tam stayed for hours last night telling me what she knew of the Fae. It was pretty simple actually. There were 4 Courts, 2 Seelie and 2 Unseelie. From what she had observed there wasn't much of a practical difference between the types of Fae. In this Realm those who believed in the Fae, which weren't many outside of the Gifted Community, thought the Unseelie to be dangerous and the Seelie to be benevolent. Surprise! They both held equal disdain for the Human Realm. They both were just as likely to kill a human, not eat us though, as they were to ignore us altogether. They sincerely thought our realm and humans in general were subpar abominations. Just an all-around fun band of folks to kick it with until the Winter Solstice.

  I hadn't gotten the feeling from the Prince that he felt that way about us, but then again it would have been pretty awkward for him to to let that slip then ask me to come hang out in his realm. I wondered if secretly he harbored those same feelings for us. For me?

  After saying good night and promising to call her before I left the realm, I read what I could find in my collection of books. My 2-bedroom apartment was many things, but small was not one of them. I had turned my second bedroom into a library that would make any bibliophile jealous. I had everything from Shakespeare to Toni Morrison to Imhotep housed in floor to ceiling bookcases that clung to every wall. In all of that I had no more than 30 pages of text on the Fae Realm. It seemed the Fae were notoriously secretive. What could be happening in their realm that was so important that they would invite 4 outsiders in?

  I closed the last book with information on the Fae feeling no closer to understanding them and their culture than I had when Tamra left. So far, I knew that they lived in what was like our feudal systems long ago. Their courts had subjects that were loyal because the courts took care of them, apparently in a way the subjects thought they could not take care of themselves. The courts protected their subjects and in return the subjects paid tribute. The whole thing sounded kind of pimpish to me, but I could well imagine how the Old People's policies made our Realm's look to others. I wasn't in much of a place to judge.

  The Courts all had holidays that were associated with the cycle of the sun and harvest. The Winter Solstice Festival celebrated the longest night of the year. The Courts of Dusk and the Midnight Court held the Festival which lasted from the setting of the sun until it's rise. There was little else about the courts, not even the name of the 2 Seelie Courts was in any of my reading. Was it really wise to go into this so blind?

  I waited for the Prince in the park. I was on the same bench we had been on the previous day. Wearing my dressiest fighting leathers under my leather trench, and Speedy (my curling blade) snug around my waist. I had chosen a festive red beret, matching scarf, and leather gloves. I hadn't really changed much about my looks. From all I had read and from what Tam told me the only real physical difference between us and the Fae were their point ears and their beauty. Apparently, there was no such thing as an unattractive Fae. Like humans they ran the gambit in skin color, hair textures, facial features, and the combinations thereof, but their ears were elongated and pointed at the top. I thought I looked good with the lack of information provided.

  I closed my eyes, gathering my chakra and reached out to the Prince. The feel of the wind against my face, the shush shushing of people's skates against the hard-packed ice of the rink, and the peals of laughter from the children who were putting those poor elves to work again today rushed in. Then I smelled what I had been anticipating: his scent.

  I turned my head to find him sitting in the same spot he had taken yesterday. He had his glamour back on. Still handsome, but nothing like what I had seen in the Council's Chamber. I felt a soft graze against the barrier to my mind and raised an eyebrow.

  "What is it that you can't say here?" I looked around pointedly. There was no one within earshot of us. He did not respond. Lowering his lids, he allowed the grin to spread across his face.

  "Nothing. Nothing at all." He reached out his hand to me.

  I nodded my head, preparing my senses for the onslaught of his smell, the heady feeling of the jaunt itself and believing (probably foolishly) that I was ready for anything. His hand was so warm it was almost hot to the touch. It reminded me of the heated towels you get when you go to a top-notch spa. Not too hot, just hot enough to feel decadent. I allowed myself to feel the decadence of him for just that moment and then we were traveling through time and space together to his realm.


  We stopped before a large stone archway. It had to be over 30 feet high and looked as though it had been carved into the very mountain. Here it was night time and like the desserts in our realm it was cold at night. I closed my eyes to listen to the sounds of this dessert. I could feel that it was teeming with life.

  The Prince began to stride up the steps of the archway and I followed. There was too much to look at, listen to, observe. I was totally unprepared for the sheer beauty, the size, and the wonder of the place. I pulled back a little from his onward press. He turned to face me, the face of the Fae Prince I had seen in the chamber. He looked impatient, slightly put out, and absolutely delicious. Even in the low light of the moon, there was a blaze dancing in his eyes. His close-cut hair so shiny in that it fought with his eyes for my attention.

  I reached out for his mind, gently asking to be allowed inside. I'm sorry. There's so much beauty to see here. His face softened, the fire in his eyes danced, and he slowed his pace.

  I allowed myself to be led up the steps and into the mountain side. The interior hallway was enormous, lit on both sides by torches at least 6 feet tall, each one about 3 feet from the other. The arched ceiling was almost reflective due to its smoothness. The polished floors were lain with what looked like fine Turkish rugs, but they were clearly not of our realm, not with that finish or that design. I longed to bend to touch the rugs to find out what material made them, but a pace didn't allow it. At the end of what I now thought of as the Great Hall, there was another flight of steps which appeared to be of the same material.

  It is carved into the mountain and we are nearing its heart.

  You are correct. Prince Tomas' response startled me out of my thoughts. I had been too busy sight seeing to remember to shield my mind again. That was bad form, even for a Ro

  I hope he didn't catch that as I try to make my oversight seem intentional with more conversation. Is your mother waiting for us?

  Tomas' grip become just a bit tighter with his reply, My mother waits for no one. With that I feel his mind close off to me and close mine in kind. Happy to be alone with my thoughts again, I wonder what that was all about. I guess even princes have issues with their parents.

  When we reach the interior chamber of the great hall, I have to work very hard not to gape. It is more than written words could have described. The etchings covering the majority of the walls are reminiscent of exquisite, the valleys made by the carvers are adorned with jewels of almost every color running from floor to ceiling in some places and in other places there are none at all. The pattern of the wall is both random and thought out as if it were a puzzle or perhaps a map. The room is the poshest lounge I have ever laid eyes on. The fine detail of the furniture even from 15 feet away was evident. Every seat, every table, every area rug, and pillow looked like it had been hand made with nothing but pure opulence in mind.

  "You finally made it." An icy female voice greets us. If that could be called a greeting.

  Standing before a window, a female Fae glowers at us. I know she was not there a moment ago, but I didn't sense her come in. I tried not appear surprised and managed to cover my surprise when she spoke. Or at least I thought that I'd managed to suppress it.

  "Auntie." Prince Tomas held my hand aloft as he presented me before the present members of the Queen's Court. I spied 3 more on the platform now. "This is Dyana. She has heard our request and come nigh." His Aunt turned her full attention to me. Making not even the slightest attempt to hide the fact that she was looking me up and down.

  A male Fae to the left of her cleared his throat as he stepped forward.

  In my mind the clear picture of him behind Tomas' Aunt, holding her by the hair while he licked her neck appeared. The picture was gone as quickly as it had come.

  "You must forgive Zorya for her rudeness. We were in the middle of something pressing when you arrived." I turned my full attention to him. "I am Set, Master at Arms."

  I stared at him stupidly, trying to figure out how he had managed to show that to me. My guard was back up; he should have had to ask to enter.

  "I'm sure you've heard of me." He smirked. Zorya barely tried to hold back a snarky little laugh. I tucked that one away. I'd ask Tomas about it later.

  "See your little friend to her quarters", Zorya ordered. It is too late to seek an audience with the Queen. She is tending to other affairs."

  "Yes, Auntie" Prince Tomas nodded his head in agreement and turned on his heels.

  The picture of Set pulling Auntie Zorya's hair making her neck move first left than right as he nibbled her throat entered my mind as uninvited as the last picture and was gone just as fast.

  "I am sorry to have caused an inconvenience." I stuttered at a loss for what to say as I followed Tomas back down the steps and into the Great Hall.

  When I thought we were out of range, I dared to whisper to him. "What was that about Set being sure I heard him?"

  Tomas smile came back full force. "You may have over done it a bit with the ears."

  "Huh?" My hands flew to my ears of their own accord. "What do you mean?"

  "Fae ears are larger than humans’ ears. That is true, but yours are a little more...um...robust than usual."

  "I'm hungry." I groused, "Where can we get a snack around this place?" I focused on fortifying the wall around my mind so no one would be privy to my next and most private thoughts. More robust than usual, huh? Very funny, Tamra. I couldn't very well change them now that the Master and Mistress of Tools had made fun of them.

  Sullenly I followed the Prince as he led me down another one of those beautifully decorated halls to my quarters. Outside of the double doors, two Fae attendants waited patiently. Both looked to be in their early 20s, both were not quite beautiful, but by no means unattractive. They were dressed in the colors of the Court of Dusk, a deep violet and a soft cornsilk yellow. Their dresses were loose and what I would imagine a peasant girl from the early times of the Old People would have worn. The material looked to be cotton or something close enough to be its cousin. The deep purplish blue of the dress was offset by cornsilk stitching and of course the aprons that they wore were of pure white. My eyes flew to their ears to do a bit of comparison and found that mine were almost 2 times as big as either of their ears. I cursed Tamra and her friggin jokes again but watched carefully as their interaction with the Prince began.

  When the Prince stood in front of them, they both did a full curtsy in unison holding their skirts to the sides and bowing their heads, never making eye contact with either of us.

  "Good evening, Prince Tomas." They chimed together. It was almost like a song the way it was said.

  "Good evening, ladies." Tomas bent slightly at his waist giving a little salute with his right hand as he did so. I thought the attendant to the right was going to break out in giggles, but she managed to hold herself together. "This is our esteemed guest, Dyana. She is visiting our Court from our Sister Court. Please treat her as you would treat me." They murmured their agreement, unlatched the doors and shuffled to the sides to open them.

  I had been so taken by the beauty of the hallways that I hadn't even thought to wonder how they were being kept so warm, but the rush of even warmer air that poured from the room made me curious how this was happening. How could a palace built into the face of a mountain be so warm?

  "Please prepare yourself for a late dinner, Dyana. The ladies will alert me when you are ready."

  I was too dumbstruck to do anything other than nod. I walked into the entry room. The two attendants already bustling about. Neonie, the younger of the 2 in my estimation and the one who no doubt was crushing big time on Tomas, began to help me out of my coat. I shooed her away as politely as possible. I didn't want to give away my weapons. I trusted the Prince, but I did not know these other people. Well, not people. How did they refer to themselves? I'll add that to my list of questions.

  Fiona, the elder of the attendants, was drawing my bath water in an interior room. Neonie showed me to my sleeping quarters, quietly closing the door behind her as she left. The bed stood high and proud in the middle of the room. It was carved of an exquisite dark wood. If we had been in my realm, I would think that it was mahogany. Here I was unsure. The linens on the bed were of different textures, each looked cozier than the last. There was a giant fireplace of a marble like material that jutted out from the smooth walls. The walls in this room shone a glossy neutral as if the room had not only carved into the mountain, but then had been polished. Beautiful tapestries twice my height hung from the wall depicting scenes of the forest, the skies, and the mountains. The windows were open to the night, but there was not cold air passing through them. The motion of air in the room was from what appeared to be venting about 1/2 way up the 20 foot walls. I had never dreamed of such luxury here or anywhere. I didn't want dinner. I wanted to stay here in this room and luxuriate until I was absolutely needed.

  I drew Speedy quietly. It wouldn't do to have the blade whipping around in the rooms where the only noise was the quiet bustling of attendants. A girl could get used to this. I wound the curling blade tightly and placed it in one of the drawers of an ornately carved dresser. The dresser was filled with gorgeous lingerie in almost every shade. I carefully placed my blade in the back of the 3rd drawer which was filled with satin underthings. The first drawer was filled with lace and the second drawer was filled with soft cotton things. I turned to the closet. Its wooden door had been left ajar and I could see from here that it was fully stocked with everything from fighting leathers to soft dresses for tea time. Did they do tea time here? It felt like they would. I removed a robe of deepest purple from the closet as I prepared for my bath. I could get used to this place. I could get used to it real quick.

  This was more like an elaborate dream than an assign
ment. Bath time had been every bit as opulent as the castle itself. The water had been just the right temperature with the lightest scent of lavender. In this room and all of the other rooms I'd seen so far, the light came from torches set as sconces. The torches burned but gave off nothing other than light, there were no embers, they didn't appear to be getting smaller, and they didn't give off heat. The heat was coming from elsewhere. Living a better life through magic. I thought sinking down in the tub allowing the warm water to envelope me.

  When I emerged from the tub, I headed to the vanity area. There are bottles and flasks and tubes of different pastel color, thick creams, thinner creams, perfumes of varying intensity, and lip glosses. They do know how to treat a guest. That was in the minuscule amount of the literature I'd been able to find, and it was true. In the bedroom there were 3 dresses laid out. All of them were modest, no plunging necklines, sequins, or flashy materials. I picked the yellow dress.

  As if she had knowledge of what was going on in the room, Neonie came in as I finished dressing, gently led me to sit at the vanity, and informed me that she would be dressing my hair. I made a few attempts at conversation, after receiving the most non-committal answers I had ever heard, I decided silence was better. Neonie could have been one of the fabled politicians of the Old People. She talked but was saying nothing of substance. I wonder if it was coached for my visit or if it was the way of the attendant. Either way, it wasn't getting me anywhere.

  The Prince showed up at my door just as Neonie finished adding the last jewel to my hair. She had opted for a 1/2 up 1/2 down style. It was a mild bouffant in the front with a lot of tendrils. I thought she had been trying to hide my protruding ears, but it could be the style here. Who knew? The back was wild and curly. The way that I preferred my hair. There were small yellow and purple jewels pinned throughout the front of the style like fireflies had lit in my hair during moonlit walk.


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