Fae for the Holiday

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Fae for the Holiday Page 5

by Ana Xavier

  They buzzed around me and I studied them. Their outward anatomy so similar to mine. I noticed a few things that I immediately tweaked in my own appearance. Their finger nails had a different sheen to them than my normal nails, their hair was fabulously healthy and shiny looking, and their skin was incredibly clear almost without pores. It was like they were all in the same collagen supplement commercial.

  I tried to catch their scent since Set had been so kind as to point out that mine was off, but I couldn't put my finger on the difference. To be honest, I had never thought to adjust my scent separately when I shifted. It wasn't a normal requirement when shifting, but the added layer of realism would only help. I wonder how Set would sleep with the knowledge that he inadvertently helped me. Not well, I hoped.

  The most important thing about their anatomy and what would ultimately make me a true Fae when I shifted was an understanding of how their chakra, their life energy, ran through their bodies. I closed my eyes, blocking out the chattering and the soft noises of their work. Seeing with my mind, I had a clear view of their energetic bodies. Their chakra ran through the normal points, the same as other living creatures, but its level was much more intense and the flow was unique. Instead of traveling in straight, thin, and determined lines, their flow was more like a tumultuous river. The energy chased itself around the path in steady waves, much thicker than even the most powerful mage I'd encountered, seeming to lap at the surrounding tissue. The surrounding tissue also interacted with the chakra differently, pulsing around the chakra flow. Interesting.

  I turn my attention to their heart, lungs, and other organs. They are almost exactly like ours. The lungs seem a little larger and the heart is a bit different too. I think they may have a higher flow of oxygen in their blood than we do. I wonder if the healers will have that information documented. After breakfast, I would insist on going to the library, even if just for a couple of hours. This part of recognizance was as important, at least to me, as the filling out of my knowledge about what the hell I was looking for in the first place.

  The buzzing died down after about 1/2 an hour or so and no one seemed to notice the changes that I was making incrementally to my form. There were no clocks in this room. In fact, I don't recall seeing any throughout the castle or in the streets of the land of the Court of Dusk last night. I made a mental note to ask Tomas about it.


  I looked at Neomi, both eyebrows up in question.

  "Breakfast will be served in 30 minutes in the Inner Court's Dining Room. I will be back in 15 minutes to do your hair." She stated matter of factly.

  I guess doing my own hair was out of the question. That was fine by me. I smiled and nodded my understanding, turning to go back into my bedroom.

  "The Prince has chosen an appropriate outfit for your day. It is already laid out in your room."

  "He thinks of everything. Doesn't he?" I questioned with a smile.

  "Yes, Miss. That is our way."


  Breakfast had turned out to be in the same dining area where we had our late dinner last night. Thankfully Auntie Z wasn't there. Unfortunately, Set was present and accounted for. He sniffed the air when I walked in, allowed the corners of his lips to turn up in a smug and hateful little smile, and nodded my way. I was pleased to see that there were 3 other Fae joining us for breakfast. I wondered what information I could get off them.

  Tomas helped me get seated next to a female Fae dressed in shimmering lavender from head toe. Her hair was so light that it was more silver than blond. She wore it swept up and adorned with pearls and what looked like sapphires. It must have taken someone over an hour to do that. It was amazing, but who had that type of time for hair? She was introduced as Freyja, Mistress of the Craft and overseer of the Festival. She cordially welcomed me, but there was a bit of wariness in her eyes as we exchanged pleasantries. Was it me that was making her wary or the lecherous way Set was peering at her over his plate? I checked the shield on my thoughts. I wasn't up for any of his XXX projections.

  On Tomas's other side sat a fierce looking female Fae dressed in fighting leathers. Her leathers were shiny black and looked butter soft. The stitching on the bodice was different shades of red. It ran vertical through the entire bodice. The epaulets over her shoulders were cut to ruffle and rested prettily on her muscular arms. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a severe bun and was adorned simply with a few red jewels. I looked at her and longed to train. I normally trained every day and seeing someone so quietly powerful made me want it. I could only imagine what training would be like in my enhanced body. Training, is definitely going on my list right behind the library. Tomas introduced her as Inanna.

  Next to Set was another Fae male. He was dressed in a suit similar to that of the Tomas and Set. It was of the same heavy linen, midnight blue, and close cut. He was also similar in size to the Prince, but there the similarities ended. His skin was not the sun kissed bronze of Tomas, it was decidedly pale in deference to almost everyone I had seen since I had been here. An emissary then? He was simply introduced as Merrick. No title was given. He nodded curtly when Tomas introduced us, immediately returning to his conversation with Set. I cut my eyes at Tomas. He gave an almost imperceptible shrug and began helping himself to the platter of eggs in front of him.

  I had so many questions for Tomas but didn't want to let my psyche open to ask them now. I couldn't risk anyone getting in. The front door, the back door, and the side door needed to be locked up tight from here on out. I hoped I would have enough alone time with Tomas today so I could get answers.

  I decided that I may as well enjoy my breakfast, observe as much as I could, and mix in with the Fae that were here. Only 2 of the 5 Fae here knew for sure that I was a human and I needed to make sure that the other 3 were not able to guess. Funny thing is Fae small talk is a lot like human small talk. I kept my answers brief and silly and them turned the question right back around on whoever asked me. I was pretty good if I do say so myself. I even pulled a chuckle out of Set that wasn't quite at my expense.

  Inanna and Freyja excused themselves when their plates were empty. Set left only a few minutes after them leaning over and whispering, "I see you've improved yourself. Even your scent has improved." I didn't turn my head to look at him, but I did smile. That is until he added, "But you probably heard me thinking that." He chuckled, nodded to the Prince who was looking a bit too amused, and sauntered out of the room.

  When I looked at Tomas, he shrugged and grinned, “It was funny."

  I guess it was a little funny, but still.

  "Let's get out of here. I have much to show you today. There are things you should know before the Festival begins."

  That was an understatement.


  Tomas led me back to my quarters, leaving me to freshen up. The delicate dress I had chosen for breakfast wasn't suitable for what was planned today and that was fine by me. Although I felt like a beautiful princess in the clothes, I wasn't here to be a beautiful princess. I had business to attend to and doubted that these gorgeous and surprisingly comfortable slippers were the right choice for my work.

  I had insisted on taking a glass of what I thought was the sweetest and freshest orange juice I had ever had with me and was delighted to see there was a pitcher on the table in the waiting room. Now when did he have time to do that? I thought.

  The best surprise came when I walked into the bedroom. There on the bed were three suits of exquisite fighting leathers, similar in style to the one that Inanna wore at breakfast. I hadn't bothered to look at them last night. Who would have though fighting leathers could be so alluring? I could barely contain myself, I almost squealed with glee when I touched them. The interior was so soft in direct contrast to the exterior which was alarmingly hard. How could this be? My reinforced leathers that I had worn here didn't offer even half of the protection these would.

  Where was Neoni when you needed her. This morning dress, although beautiful, was going
to be a project to get off alone. I considered partially shifting but didn't want to risk even a small signature of magic use. How would I sound explaining that I had to shift to get out of my clothes?

  "I can help you with that." A familiar male voice said from behind me.

  Behind me? I hadn't heard anyone come in. I whipped around and there he was. Set sat in the parlor sipping from my glass of orange juice. I was so angry that I knew better than to speak. I imagined slapping the glass out of his hand letting the sweet juice slosh onto that impeccable suit maybe get a couple of pieces of glass stuck in his hair. That soothed me a little bit and I waited. I knew from training the first one to talk in these situations loses the advantage. I would sit here all day until he talked first. Whatever little game he was playing, I would not give him the upper hand. Well, I wouldn't give him the upper hand any more than he already had it.

  I walked over to the table and calmly sat down taking what I hoped was a casual pose. Crossing my left leg slowly over my right and hooking my right arm over the back of my chair, I tilted my head to the right and cocked an eyebrow. What? my gesture asked.

  I felt him grazing softly against my mental protections asking to be let in. This was a surprising change of events. Surely, he could have gotten in when I thought I was alone. Had he been in there when I was alone. I hadn't felt him, but that didn't necessarily mean he hadn't been there. I had read that some of the Fae are masters of the shadow. They were able to appear anywhere that shadows fell. Was he one of those masters? I gave him a bright smile and tugged on my left ear? We'll be speaking in here, buddy, the gesture said. Can't wait to hear what you have to say.

  He put on an exasperated but amused face. He really was handsome. The literature had not lied about the beauty of the Fae. As much as I wanted to smash Set's face in, I had to admit that I could look into sage green eyes like that all day. He pushed a little harder this time and gave a little shrug of his shoulders. This request to enter felt more like a threat than a request.

  I put my bright smile back on and shrugged my shoulders right back at him, letting my head loll casually from the right to the left. Try me, I dared.

  He laughed. "I could learn to like you."

  "Be still my heart."

  "Are you not concerned that Tomas will be back soon."

  "Are you?"

  Set took another sip of my orange juice. I thought about sending him the visual of my dumping the pitcher on his head but decided against it. Sending the thought might leave me open if I was not already.

  "You are an interesting creature," he began. "I have been to your realm many times and have met others with your..." he searched for the word, "..abilities. They would never swear allegiance to anyone. They were too powerful by their own estimation. Why did you?"

  "This is what you broke into my room for? To get to know me? I'm flattered." I poured myself a glass of juice. Setting the pitcher down carefully then stopping to sniff the glass before I drank. The Fae senses were very powerful and I would be able to pick up some poisons in this form, but not all. It was more of a show to let him know I didn't trust him than an act of self preservation. Who would be bold enough to try to kill me in my room in the palace not knowing when Tomas would be back? He had been bold enough to slip in here not knowing when Tomas would come back, but being caught with me alive and annoyed was very different from being caught with me dead.

  "I didn't break in. The door unlocked."

  "Semantics." I dismissed his rebuttal with a wave of my hand still sipping at my juice. What other little tricks do you have up your sleeve? I thought, but did not send.

  "Dyana, please answer my question."

  The please startled me, and I answered. "The Council offered me stability and a place where I could flourish."

  "And have you? Flourished?"

  I gestured grandly at myself, smiling my 100 watt smile again.

  "That is all? You wanted to," he paused dramatically raising both eyebrows incredulously, "flourish and needed stability?"

  "What exactly did you think was going to happen when you barged or rather sneaked into my room to ask me personal questions? Huh? Did you think I would be excited that you were interested in me?" He was starting to piss me off and I really wanted to try on those fighting leathers. I rose from my seat and gestured at the door. "Show yourself out."

  "I know a lot about your kind." He said coldly. "Humans are destructive, impulsive, an all around mess. Look how the Old Ones nearly destroyed your entire realm, yet your kind has not totally abandoned their ways."

  I glared at him, "Please continue."

  "Gladly. I did not want anyone from your realm here - for any reason, certainly not to protect anything of value. Your kind have repeatedly shown you know nothing of what is valuable and even less about protecting what is of real value. Humans think only of enriching themselves at any cost."

  "Are you finished now?"

  "No. Thank you for asking. I wondered why there was such a lobby to have the Council assist us. Why did the Prince push the Queen for you? Did you wonder, Dy?"

  I was annoyed that he called me by a nickname, but I could understand his line of questions. "I am the only OmniShifter blood sworn to the Inter Realm Council. I am the only one who can walk among Fae as one of them and be held accountable to Inter Realm tenets." The answer sounded weak even to my own ears.

  "I see. Let's talk about the Council. Did you wonder why they gave you so little information?"

  "Fae do not allow information to remain in or realm. You said as much yourself."

  "You think the Council has not amassed information? Information they could have shared."

  I did not reply. I wasn't sure how to reply and I didn't like what he was implying. "So, then... You can't show yourself out? Do you need my help with that?"

  He sniffed, "We will talk again."

  "Can't wait".

  Set paused at the door, “Enjoy your new leathers. Maybe you can wear that interesting belt with them." He closed the door quietly behind him.

  So he knows about my curling blade, I thought, and wants me to know it. Why? It didn't really matter why he wanted me to know, but I was still curious. I was pretty clear on where Set stood with me and my presence, so what was this little visit really about?


  I decided not to tell Tomas about the unpleasant visit. I had a lot I want to cover today, and I don't want to waste time on Set and his little games. Tomas was unexpectedly agreeable to both my request to go to the library and my request to train. The only caveat was that there would be a time limit to the library that he would set, and he was able to choose the type of training. I agreed to both.

  Tomas explained the library was one of many throughout the cities that comprised the Court of Dusk, but it was the only one that was private. Housed in three enormous connected rooms in the castle, the private library called, The Library of the Court, was straight out of my dreams. I've loved to read and even to study since I was a little girl. Finding out information I hadn't even known I was curious about, living vicariously through the experiences of others written on the page, and playing both sides of the a philosophical argument are all things I considered magical and the library was where the most of that type of magic lived.

  I could almost feel that magic thrumming throughout the rooms. There were beautiful casks with large scrolls sticking out of the tops throughout the library, quill pens and loose paper on each fine wood table scattered throughout the room just waiting for a visitor to scribble down a note, and plush seating areas perfect for hours of lounging. The light was bright and welcoming. Those strange torches which burned bright while producing no ash cast light down from the chandeliers which hung from the high ceilings. They were stationed along the brightly shining wall made of the mountain themselves. It was so picturesque; it was almost easier to believe that I was reading a book about walking the rooms of an exquisite library with a handsome Fae Prince than to believe this was a reality. But it is, I s
aid to myself, and I have a job to do.

  Tomas leads me to one of the exquisite desks. I can't help but to run my hands across wood of the chairs, the fine craftsmanship making the simple curves of the chair eye catching, but I cut it short. I've only got 1 full day before the night of the festival and I have no more of an idea about what I'm looking for than when I got here.

  "Begin with this book." He said as a finely bound book appeared out of thin air in front of where I sat. He paced a few steps from me and continued, "Don't get too bogged down with that text. Most of what you will need to know, I will show you later."

  "Will you tell me more about why I'm here?"

  "You are here to observe and report."

  "Observe what?" Tomas looked at me and said nothing. His face saying that I should be clear on all of this.

  "You are going to have to give me more to go on." I pushed.

  Tomas turned from me, walking towards a wall full of books. I felt a soft nudge at my mind. I opened it for him, closing the door once he entered.

  You are supposed to observe without forming any opinions. That is why I asked for an outsider.

  You asked for an outsider or you asked for me?


  What is the big secret?

  I cannot tell you, but I can show you something.

  I hope that's enough. I shot back at him. Softly, but firmly pushing him out of my head and locking my mind away from him. Turning my attention back to the book in front of me. This whole hush hush thing was beyond old. I had been so excited to come here, to be requested by name, that I hadn't fully vetted this before accepting. I hoped I wouldn't regret it, but I was starting to be pretty sure that I would.


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