Fae for the Holiday

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Fae for the Holiday Page 7

by Ana Xavier

  Nestled in one of the parks trees, I heard and felt nothing but anticipation and happiness. The Land of the Court of Dusk made in the heart of mountains was a wonder to experience. I marveled at the huge trees and mature greenery. The park was so like a park in my realm, yet the climate here did not seem to support it. The air nearly crackled with life energy. The Fae's chakra was a part of everything here, even the inanimate objects pulsed with it. How had I not felt this as soon as I arrived?

  I had seen enough. Now it was time for Tomas to talk to me and tell me what I was missing. Nothing in what I had observed today would give anyone pause. I reached out for Tomas' mind. I could barely feel him, but knew he was nearby. He was almost totally shut off from me. When I reached towards him, I could only hardly make out what he was seeing. He was holding something in both of his hands. It was emitting a low and steady light from its center. I couldn't make out what it was. His hands were covering most of it. He seemed to be so enthralled with the object that he didn't sense me. I searched his mind for what it was, trying hard not to alert him to my presence.

  I pulled the name from his mind. It is one of the 7 Hallows. Whatever that meant. I pulled back from his mind slowly, then asked for entry. I imagined more than actually felt Tomas trying to pull himself together before letting me in.

  Meet me. I sent. Snapping off our connection before any of my other thoughts could become clear.

  Our walk through the city's center was leisurely, the type of walk that I would have taken back home in New Delphia. It didn't seem that we were headed anywhere in particular, just 2 folks enjoying each other’s company. Tomas was funny, surprisingly so. I guess I had always thought that a Prince would be stuffy and snotty. He was the opposite and as we walked the streets of his capital city, it was clear that his subjects loved him. They came towards him without hesitation, offering their respects and refreshments. Tomas greeted them all warmly, introduced me as his esteemed guest, and moved on politely noshing fruit and sipping drinks that we were given.

  What is the Hollow, I sent to Tomas hoping to catch him off guard? It doesn't work. He doesn't even break stride.

  I will show you.

  The Meeting Place, a simple name for such an impressive structure, began to take shape in front of us. It had the columns that I had come to expect in each building that I saw and the simple, perfect curves that were a hallmark of their architecture. Something is here. I thought. The thought was visceral dragging me from my leisurely walk and putting me on high alert. Resting my hand on Speedy, I stole a glance at Tomas, he was walking along as before. Does he not feel that?

  "We are going to need to jaunt. Has your lunch settled?"

  He was giving me the same annoyingly sexy smirk he had given me when he landed after I had mauled him by the Anubis. I needed him to explain to me what I saw before. I reach my hand towards him and watch the smirk turn into a grin.

  Mid-step I feel the queasiness and know that it has begun. Can all Fae travel this way? Can I travel this way by myself now?

  I feel the soft rap at my mind's gate and allow him entry.

  We are beneath The Meeting Place. I am taking you to what you have been feeling.

  My eyes widened. Does everyone feel it?


  That's it. No more information? Just a simple no. Why not? I asked exasperated that even now getting information was like pulling teeth.

  If everyone could feel it, it would not be hidden. You feel it because you are royal.

  Well, that wasn't quite true, but I hadn't started feeling it until I had loosed the royal chakra flow. Maybe that's what he meant.

  Is this the artifact you were talking about? Is that what you're finally going to show me?

  It is a Hallow. The first of seven.

  The first of seven what?

  Tomas is silent for a long while. His mind closed to me again. I wait, trying to be patient. I needed this information.

  Finally, I hear him in my head. The first of seven needed to release the Scourge.

  I grab his arm, ignoring the tingle the touch causes me. Needing him to face me and explain this. All of this. The Scourge is a myth.

  What man cannot explain it turns to myth, but there is truth in every tale.

  Tell me.

  You already know.

  The Scourge is an ancient tale. One that survived the destruction of the Old People. It is the tale of a ruler that will harness the power of the Demon Realm using it to unite all of the known Realms under her rule. The stories of the war are horrific. Whole realms left little more than wastelands when they dare defy her.

  Why is it here? I ask him.

  You already know that too.

  I look into his eyes, the amber lights still dancing, debating whether to punch him or kiss him. I do NOT know.

  There are 4 hallows in the realm of the Fae, 2 in the realm of the Seraphim, 1 lost by the Old People in my own realm. That is a myth. I repeat. Men do not know of a Realm of the Seraphim.

  Tomas' right hand tilted my head up to meet his eyes again. The Realm of Men knows the Seraphim and the Demon Realm and many others.

  I shake my head free of his hand. He cups my face with both of his hands, guiding my eyes to his once again. That is the true story of the Old People. That is how your realm was almost destroyed.

  Images began appearing in my thoughts of the winged Seraphim of fables and the Demon World Walkers in my realm. But this version of it was the before image with trees that were thousands of years old instead of under one hundred, mountain ranges that were not man made, natural wonders that still existed. I let the images wash over me, trying to understand what I was seeing.

  "Why am I here?”, I whispered.

  "We are destined to save our realms."


  You must allow me to pause the memory of this conversation, Dyana?

  Say what now?

  You must allow me to pause this memory, Dyana. You cannot have this knowledge and perform your duties tonight. Our bond is too strong. I could not hide the truth from you.

  You were trying to hide the truth from me? What are you even saying?

  "Sleep", Tomas said quietly as if in prayer, "and forget."


  The jaunt ended with me feeling a bit groggy this time. Maybe something I'd eaten on our walk hadn't agreed with me, but I wanted to shake the feeling immediately. Tomas had taken me from the park of Petra to the Royal Baths, a series of heated baths in what I think is the east part of the palace. I can't seem to get my bearings straight. It didn't stop me from seeing how glorious they were. Inside the heart of a mountain, like the rest of the palace, the baths were private rooms with large tubs of heated water in their center. The tubs were bordering on the size of small swimming pools at no less than 8 x 8 feet. There was an area with cushioned seating and long coffee table filled with carafes of what looked like water and wine, cups and glasses, fruit and breads to our right. Fluffy towels and robes hung on hooks along the long wall to the left of the entry. The doors slid closed behind us as we entered our own private room.

  "Isn't it illicit for the Prince to bring visitors to the baths?" I teased.

  "Fishing for information?" He gave as well as he got.

  "This is amazing. Fae Magic?"

  "It's a hypocaust system. It was used in your realm at one time."

  I turned from the spectacle that was the room towards him wanting to see his face to see if he was still teasing. He was stripped down to his very tight white shorts. His broad chest leads down to abs that longed to be touched. I tried my best not to gape like a randy teenager, but I'd never seen a body so beautiful before. His legs were lean and muscled, the tops of the thighs lightly kissing together as they rose to where they met I forced myself to draw my eyes away from his body and to his face. It was a real struggle.

  I didn't bother trying to hide what I was thinking. It would have been a waste of time anyway. It was written all over my face and I had been too surprised and
distracted to find him in this nearly naked state to make sure that he couldn't pick it from my thoughts. I wanted to touch every inch of him. I didn't care about the Council, this too secretive to be effective mission, or about a festival. I could only think of me on him.

  "I'm going to show you where my wings go." He said.

  I saw his full lips moving and heard some words coming from his direction, but I was still having trouble focusing. Ok. Pull it together. I coached myself back to sanity. Focusing on his mouth and trying to hear words instead of imagining them on me.

  "What was that?"

  He held out his hand to me, with a knowing smile I tried my best not to like and repeated, "I'm going to show you where my wings go."

  Now? Now he shows me? I shook off the heat that had been building and focused. This was more important than my horny little thoughts. And besides, we have all night and it's the longest of the year. I followed him to the seating area and sat across from him.

  "Do you remember what you read today about the astral plane?"

  "Yes." I answered.

  "What is your understanding?"

  "It is a place between realms, between waking and sleeping, an intermediary."

  Tomas shook his head emphatically. "Yes. The astral plane is where your clothes and weapons go when you shift. It's also where my wings go until I call on them."

  I sat back in my chaise. It made perfect sense. I'd never even thought about where what I was carrying went when I shifted. I just accepted it as part of my gift. Really, it was part of my gift. I'd never been able to do anything like that when I wasn't shifting. I just hadn't understood what part before.

  "I understand." I said. "Show me."

  Tomas turned his back to me. I placed my hands on his back. Feeling the hard smoothness where the wings were earlier today. I could feel a tingling in my fingers and palms as I lay them flat against his back.

  "You need to be in front of me." He directed as he turned to face me.

  I stood to, placed my hands on his chest, expecting the tingle that came and pushing past it. I closed my eyes, reaching for his chakra the way that I reached for every being that I became. The usual jolt upon entry did not come, but the surge I always felt after the jolt was stronger than usual. I could feel myself swaying and leaned into his chest a bit to steady myself. I could feel his life energy flowing through his body. Its flow was tumultuous, spilling over the normal lines of flow at every chakra point. The points looked like they were sparking. I started to pull away. It was so powerful; I didn't think I could stand to look at it. Tomas placed his hands over mine, sealing them to his chest.

  We pulled in a deep breath together. Following his energy as it chased itself around his points and feeling his will, I followed him to the astral plane. This intermediary space was just ours. We had created this space with our will, our chakra. The coolness of the plane settled over us. Then as quickly as we left, we were back in the bath. Tomas' wings were outstretched.

  Can I touch them. I projected.

  He nodded. Turning his back to allow me full access. They were magnificent. I had thought them the color of rust like his hair, but they were many colors ranging from golden to the tone of deepest earth. The softness of the feathers was like so many of the birds that I have become, but the strength underneath the feathers was like nothing I had felt before. I could feel the heavy muscles that ran along the entire top of his wing. The quills that attached to the muscles were thick and sturdy. I was totally engrossed in learning until I felt Tomas shuddering under my touch. With every stroke of his quill, every time I ran my hand over the vane, or touched the follicle he was reacted with an enjoyment that he couldn't conceal.

  I reached around the front of his body, exploring with first my left hand then my right. His wings disappeared into the firmament and I found myself pressed against his back. I breathed in his scent, nuzzling into him.

  I need you over here. He sent, disappearing and reappearing in the bath noticeably shortless.

  You are a showoff. I arrived next to him leaving my new exquisite fighting leathers and my beloved Speedy to wait for me in the space between realms.

  Still a quick study. He smiled against my forehead.


  His body tensed. "Get dressed. Leave Speedy."

  "How did you know about Speedy?" I asked. As shocked at the change in demeanor as I was by his knowledge of my hidden weapon.

  His only reply was, "Hurry."

  Now I could hear them coming too. There were at least four Fae heading this way and 2 of them were heavily armed from the sounds of it. I clothed myself and sat in a chair. The Prince and I were doing a bang up job of pretending to chat casually when the knock came on the door. The Prince looked at me, making a be cool gesture before bidding the group to come in.

  And looky here. Who else would be leading the pack but our friend Set. "Dyana, we must escort you to your rooms."

  "What is the meaning of this, Set?" The Prince lay a hand on my shoulder as I began to rise.

  "The queen has ordered it."

  "I will know why, or you will know death, Set. I am in no mood."

  "Oh, I can guess your mood." Set leered.

  I was sure he was trying to broadcast one of his little sexual short films, but I was locked up tight - the back door, and all the windows. Kick rocks, asshole.

  Tomas was rising from his seat. Even with all of this going on, I couldn't help but admire the cut of his clothes against his body. The way his thighs rippled under his pants. Get a grip, girl. It was my turn to put a staying hand on him.

  "No, Tomas. It is the night of the Solstice. We cannot do this now."

  "Listen to your little..." Set trailed off as if he were looking for the word. “...friend? Is that what they're calling it nowadays?" he turned in question to the 3 Fae guards flanking him. One of them smiled a bit, but quickly fixed his face as if just now remembering he faced the Prince.

  I did not remove my hand from Tomas as I got up.

  "I will know." Tomas emphasized will.

  "Yes", Set sneered, "When you speak with your Mommy."

  I didn't see, only felt Tomas move. His right hand was on the throat of the Master at Arms before I could register what was happening. Set's feet were dangling in the air as he sputtered, both of his hands holding Tomas' wrist. The soldiers were clearly stunned by both the speed and the actions of the Prince. They looked on in horror unsure of the correct move.

  "I. Will. Know." Tomas said calmly, letting Set's feet touch the ground once more.

  "The hallow has been stolen." He choked out and looked at me. "Her filthy little scent is all over the chamber."

  My room had been searched. My new clothes were strewn about the bedroom and everything was overturned. The torches which I had dubbed Fae Blaze were gone. In their place were every day candles set in holders which were filling with wax. The cooling carafe was gone, and I would bet the tub would no longer stay warm if left alone. The room was stripped of magic. The previous liveliness of the space replaced with the humdrum normalcy of my own realm.

  They were serious about this. I reached out gently with my chakra not wanting to get shocked by whatever suppression spell had been placed on the room. My chakra was stilted, but not stopped. I smiled to myself, that little know-it-all, Set, didn't know the extent of my chakra. This room was only strong enough to hold who I'd been when I arrived. He didn't know me then and he sure didn't know me now. I hoped that I would have the chance to show him once Tomas talked to the Queen and got me out of this.

  I paced the room, suppressing my chakra and undoing the enhancements I had made to my Fae form since breakfast. Set had been too wrapped up in his half assed victory and his embarrassment at the hands of Tomas to really notice me. That was clear by the poor job he had done of securing my rooms. I felt more than knew that this was my one advantage and I had to keep it.

  The night had finally begun to fall, and the palace was alive with music and laughter. Whatever
I had been accused of stealing either wasn't important to all of the members of the court or they didn't know about it. Set said that I had stolen a Hallow. That shouldn't be hard for Tomas to disprove since I had no clue what Set was talking about. It wouldn't be hard for me to play innocent, because, ladies and gents, I am in fact without blame.

  I went to the window in the bedroom, listening to the voices below. Those were happy voices, untroubled and full of pleasure. I was supposed to be out there dancing with Tomas, not in here.

  Finally, there was a knock on my door. I knew it wasn't Tomas and I took my time answering it. Set stood there dressed in fighting leathers, blades on both hips, and strapped across his back. He moved to the side and motioned for me to join him in the hallway. I stepped outside the door, feeling a brief respite at the feeling of the chakra in the hallway.

  "Face the door, please." He didn't bother to make the demand sound like a request.

  I met his eye before turning towards the door. He was smiling, a viscous toothy grin that didn't reach his eyes. I felt the ropes of chakra crossing my body, tight across the tops of my breasts, crisscrossing down my back and stomach, and stopping just short of my buttocks. I closed my eyes willing my life energy to stay low so he would not sense it.

  "You can never be too careful." He said cheerily as he steered me down the hall.

  "Where are we going?" I thought I knew, but I wanted to be sure.

  "To meet the Night Queen of course." Set laughed. It was cavernous and thick, carrying down the hall to the front and to the back of us.

  I did not know what to expect when we entered the throne room. I had not seen this room on my tour and hadn't bothered to look it up when we were in the library. It was quite small compared to the enormity of the palace in general. The ceilings were as high as the other rooms we had been in, but the room was oddly narrow and squat giving it a fun house feel. I wondered if that was part and parcel of the design - a room made to make an outsider feel off kilter.


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