Worth the Ride

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Worth the Ride Page 9

by Casey Peeler

  The heat is killer. I wipe my brow with my arm and as the sweat pours down my face, I wipe it on my shirt. Damn this heat and it’s only going to get worse.

  I hear a truck coming down the drive and when I glance up, I catch sight of Timber. It’s too early for her to be back. Pausing, I look to Forrest, who shrugs his shoulders and continues to work. I load one more basket, wipe my hands on my jeans, and walk to her truck.


  Sweet baby Jesus! My eyes can’t even function at the sight of that man in front of me. He’s hot, sweaty, has on tight-ass jeans, and it’s obvious that the farm does a body good. Taking a deep breath, I pull myself together and step out of the truck.

  “What you doin’ here?” he questions, which rubs me the wrong way.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I snap as my hands land on my hips.

  “Awe hell, what I meant was what brings you by so early? I thought I was pickin’ you up later tonight.”

  “Oh you are, Cowboy, but I have a certain little girl to talk to as soon as she gets home.” As I calm down, all those hot thoughts start to filter back through my mind and then I’m not so calm any more.

  “She should be here any minute,” he says, looking toward the road.

  “Oh okay. Y’all need some help?”

  He looks back to the crew. “Only if you want to.”

  “Heck yeah, it’s been awhile since I loaded these trucks.”

  A smile escapes his lips and we both walk to the trucks. “Move over, boys, and let me show y’all how it’s done,” I holler as we approach. Weston tries not to laugh, Forrest flips me off, and then I hear some random asshat make an inappropriate comment. Weston falters a moment, and without giving him a second to respond, I let my mouth fly. “Hey asshat, that’s right you’re gonna watch this backside because your slow ass can’t keep up. You tell me how it feels when I put your ass to shame.” Forrest and Weston begin to snicker, and the group parts as I come face-to-face with him. “Why you still standing here? Don’t let me slow you up. Hey, Forrest, how many more y’all got?”

  “Two more trucks.”

  “Well, then let’s see who loads ‘em faster. I’ll even let your punk ass have Forrest and Weston.”

  He looks from me to them. “You can’t be serious. We might make you cry.”

  “You gonna keep talking or what?”

  He looks to Weston and Forrest again before Forrest speaks up. “Nah, Steve. We’re out. We’re not messing with Timber. This is all on you.”

  He mumbles something and the next thing I know Weston and Forrest have everything ready to move. It’s go time, and I say a quick prayer that I can beat his ass because it’s been awhile since I did this.

  I look at Weston and he nods. Forrest gives me some speech about how I got this. Heck yeah I do.

  “On the count of three,” Weston says, “One… Two… Three.”

  With the last word, I’m in motion. I haul ass between the baskets and run straight to the truck. Going back and forth, I hurry to place as many baskets as possible near the truck before climbing on the back, sliding them one by one into place and moving on. I don’t pay attention to Steve. I remain focused as I see an end in sight. I have no clue how long I’ve been working, but I’m sweating like a hooker in church. I’d give anything to be a guy and lose my shirt about now. Then my mind starts to think about Weston without a shirt. Quickly, I toss that from my mind and focus. Glancing to Steve, I see it’s a tight race and that’s when I turn it up a notch. I need ten more baskets to have it loaded. I don’t focus on anyone or anything but the task at hand.

  As I grab the last basket, I glance left to see that Steve has three remaining. I haul ass to the truck, place it in the bed, slam the tailgate shut, lean against it, and wait for him to finish.

  When he slams the bed of the truck, I know I’ve gotten under his skin. “Damn,” he says under his breath.

  “What was that?”

  “That was awesome, Timber! I wanna be like you when I grow up!” I hear a small voice behind me. Turning around, I see that it’s Bryndle.

  “Well, I learned from the best,” I say, motioning toward Weston.

  “Daddy, why haven’t we raced like that?”

  “Not sure, Sweet Peach. Guess I grew up.”

  “Well, that’s ridiculous. I want to race next time.”

  “Absolutely,” he says and when I see Bryndle standing there, I forget the peaches and walk toward her.

  “Forget the race. I wanna hear about this dance.”

  “Sure, but first I need to change. Will you help me? Anna Rose’s mama is coming to get me in an hour.”

  I look toward Weston and he nods. “Of course.”

  Taking her small hand in mine, we walk to the house.

  Chapter 18


  I pause to watch them walk toward the house. “Take a picture, it will last longer,” Forrest says as he walks up beside me. So I do just that. I take my phone from my pocket and snap that photo. Looking at the two most beautiful girls on this earth walk hand in hand is worth it. “I didn’t mean literally.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “Never know. I might want to remember this moment one day.”

  “Awe shit. You really do like her, don’t you?”


  “Maybe, my ass. Just know your ass is mine if you fuck with her.”

  “I’m pretty sure she can handle herself.”

  “Well as her brother, I needed to remind you.”

  As I finish making sure everything is ready for tomorrow, I see my dad walking my way.

  “Hey, Dad. Everything’s a go for in the mornin’.”

  “I had no doubt son, but you got a minute?”

  “Sure,” I say, turning to give him my full attention.

  “Look, I’m not here to give you a lesson or tell you shit you don’t already know. I am here to make sure you don’t do something stupid. That little girl in there deserves the best, and you’ve been the best daddy for the past ten years. I’m not sure Timber’s the one for you, but I want you to make sure you think things through this time.”

  “Dad, the last time I did anything with a girl I was too drunk to worry about the consequences. I’m not the same person. Hell, that wasn’t even me back then. Believe me, I know better than to bring just any woman into our lives. Timber’s not some girl. She’s one of my best friends, and Bryndle likes her too.”

  A shit-eating grin spreads across his face, and I know this was his plan: to see what I’d say.

  “Thatta boy. Now, you want me to work the market in the mornin’, right? An old man needs something to do when his favorite girl’s at a sleepover.”

  “You know you can. I’ll pick you up on the way.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Dad and I begin to walk to the house when Timber and Bryndle come out. Bryndle’s hair is still in the bow but she’s changed into her normal clothes, and the woman beside her radiates beauty in a sweaty tank top and dirty jeans. I swear that’s the sexiest look I’ve ever seen on any woman.

  “Guess I better get going. Have fun tonight, Bryndle, and I told your dad that you’ve got to have your own slumber party soon.”

  I wince as Bryndle’s eyes widen and she looks to me. “Really, Daddy?” I shake my head and make a mental note to try and put that off as long as possible.

  “You’re awesome, Timber! Thank you for everything.” Bryndle wraps her arms around Timber’s waist and then releases her. Timber makes her way down the steps and says goodbye before disappearing down the driveway.

  Glancing at the time, I know that I’ve got a couple of hours before I have to pick her up but right now I want to know all about this dance. Taking a seat on the porch swing, Bryndle sits beside me and Dad takes a seat in the rocking chair.

  “So, how was it?”

  “Daddy, it was awesome. Anna Rose, Sophie, Emma, and I danced the entire time. You should have seen us Juju.”

“You what?” Without missing a beat, she tells Paw to hit it and some crap starts playing on his phone. She starts moving and he stands up and starts doing it too. What in the hell are they doing? When she stops, I look at my dad and then to her. “Why do you have that on your phone, and where did you learn that?”

  “Daddy, Paw let me download some of my songs on his phone. We learn them at school and I can’t download them on my tablet because I’m out of money. Come on, you want to learn it like Paw?”

  Looking at my dad, he tries to refrain from laughing. “Sure, Sweet Peach.”

  Standing on the worn wooden porch, she begins to show me the moves and I do my best to follow along. When she laughs at me, I exaggerate my goofy dance moves. By the end, I’ve learned to Juju and my moves are right on beat.

  As the song ends, we take a seat on the swing and she finishes telling me about the dance. She also informs me that James did the worm across the entire floor and ruined his shirt. She’s positive that Mandy is going to be mad at him for that. She’s probably right.

  “So, did you dance with any boys?” I question, praying the answer is no. Her face starts to turn red and she tries to hide it with her hands.

  “Yes,” she mumbles through her hands.


  “James.” Oh hell no. He’s got too much Forrest in him.

  “Did he ask you?”

  “Yes, and I didn’t want to be the only girl not dancing. It’s just James anyways.”

  “Good point,” I tell her, but deep down I can’t help but worry. It’s my job, right? She quickly changes the subject to Timber.

  “So where y’all goin’ tonight? Brandy’s?”

  My dad starts to laugh. “No. We’re actually going to the Border Cafe.”

  “Really? You must like her. That’s fancy!”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “We only go there on special occasions or when peach season’s over to celebrate with a final peach cobbler. Will you please bring me your leftovers?”

  Nudging her shoulder, I answer. “Of course I will. How about I bring you one of their desserts?”

  “Yes! The double fudge cake and you better bring Paw some too. I mean, unless he’s going with you?”

  Dad starts to laugh. “Naw, this old man’s going home, but a piece of cake or that famous peach cobbler would be great.”

  We sit outside and enjoy the peace and quiet while we wait for Anna Rose. As they approach the house, Bryndle jumps up, gives me a hug and hurries to their car. I follow her and talk to her mom. Giving Bryndle a hug, she hops in the car with a smile on her face and waves bye through the glass as they pull away.

  “Welp son, I’m gonna head out so you can get ready for that hot date.”

  “Bye, Dad. See you in the mornin’.”

  “Don’t be an ass,” he says. I shake my head as I go inside to get ready for my first date in forever.


  When I pull into my driveway, I can’t wait to take a shower. I hadn’t planned on getting that dirty at the farm, but that asshat asked for it. It sure was fun as hell though.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Daddy asks as I walk toward my loft.

  “A peach race.”

  “Oh, you won didn’t you?”

  “You know it. One of those workers ran his mouth and I had to show him up.”

  “What am I gonna do with you?”

  “Well, for starters you can let me go and get ready. I’ve got a date.”

  “Oh that’s right. Let me get the guns out.”

  “Daddy! You’re not! I’m thirty years old.”

  “I don’t care. I can’t wait to mess with Weston. It’s going to be so much fun.”

  I excuse myself to the loft and say a little prayer for Weston because I know this has to be strange for him. All the times he’s come over here have been to hang out or spend the night with my brother. Not to take me out on a date.

  Walking into my room, I quickly strip off my dirty clothes, turn on the radio, and take a shower. While I shampoo my hair I debate on what to wear. Weston hasn’t given me one indication of where we are going, but I’m positive it’s not Brandy’s… or at least I hope not. I meant it when I said I want a guy that wines and dines me in my own country way.

  As I dry my hair, I decide to wear it down. Taking the curling wand from my bag, I plan to do things a little different tonight. Pulling my hair out of my face, I begin to put on my foundation when I hear a song on my radio that makes me pause to really take in the words. The song is playing on a country station, but it’s got a different, soulful feel. The words sum up exactly how I feel about Bryndle and Weston. I feel crazy to even think it, but I know that tonight changes things. I want them to count on me. I want to be the girl he pours his heart out to and the woman that Bryndle comes to with questions when her daddy doesn’t know what to say. I’m going to be that girl for them. When the song finishes, I make a mental note of the artist, Devin Dawson, and finish getting ready.

  Once my hair is curled, I go to the closet and pick out my outfit. It’s hot as Hades outside. I’m not sure where we are going, but if I know Weston it will be great food and not too far away. He’s not going to go too far from Bryndle even if she’s in good hands. Spying a sleeveless boho-style dress, I take it out and slide it on. It’s lightweight, chic, short as hell, and perfect. I slide on my brown booties and find the perfect accessories to accent the outfit. Looking into my full-length mirror, I take a deep breath and feel absolutely beautiful.

  Chapter 19


  Arriving at the Sellers’ farm, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. Never in my life have I been this nervous and I used to ride wild broncs. Hell, I’m a man not a teenage boy. I never dated much because I never wanted a long-term girlfriend. It would be too much work and you would always have to worry about what they were thinking. I didn’t mind getting a piece every now and then, but my mind was mostly on two things… the rodeo and peaches. Looking in the rearview mirror, I tell myself it’s no big deal, and that everything is going to be okay. I open the truck door, step out, and walk toward the old farmhouse.

  As I stand in front of the door, I say a little prayer as I knock firmly. It feels so odd to knock on this door. Normally, I’m coming by to shoot the shit or see what’s going on, but I’ve never entered through the front door and never knocked.

  As I’m waiting for someone to answer the door, I remember that Timber’s staying in the loft. I start to turn on my heels to head that way when I hear a creaking sound. As I turn back around, Lyle is standing in the doorway with a smile on his face and a damn rifle in his hand. You’ve got to be shitting me.

  “What you staring at, boy? I know you’ve seen one before,” he says as he begins to belly laugh at me. “Son, you should have seen your face! I’ve been wanting to do that to a boy coming to pick her up my entire life.” Relief washes over me knowing he was having a good time, but I know that he meant business even if he claims he’s just messing around. “Come on in. I don’t know why you knocked anyways,” he says as he waves me in. “She’s almost ready, I think. I figure she’ll come back over here to meet ya. Hell, she takes forever these days so you might want to take a seat.” My hands are clammy as I sit on the worn leather couch. “So what makes you think this is a good idea?” Well, that was one way to put it out there, Lyle.

  “Lyle! Leave that boy alone and put that gun away,” Timber’s mom says as she comes in and I stand to give her a hug.

  We spend a few minutes talking about the clinic, his retirement, and he even asks if I’m going to the rodeo in a few weeks.

  “I’ve thought about taking Bryndle but not entering because those days are long gone. I’ve got her to think about. Can’t worry about leaving her without a daddy.”

  “I understand, son. Sometimes we have to make hard choices. You were good back in the day. I thought now that she was older you might want to take another chance again. Life’s too short to
live with regrets.”

  “Well, I have a stable life and business now with the farm so I think that’s it for me, sir.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, let us know. Timber will be there as the lead vet.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  After what feels like an eternity, I hear the back door open and footsteps coming toward us. I stand to greet her, and I can’t process what I see in front of me. Timber is standing there in a dress that makes her legs go on for days. Her skin is flawless and her hair is down and crazy in a good way. When my eyes meet hers, she smiles.

  “Daddy, where’s your gun?” she asks with a slight laugh.

  “Your mama made me put it up, but not after I gave Weston here a heart attack.” Looking up at Timber, she mouths sorry. “Now, y’all get on outta here, but Weston, y’all better behave.”

  “Yes, sir.” I state and know exactly what he means by that.

  Timber slides her arm into mine and we walk out the door to my truck. I open the passenger side door for her and help her inside, secretly wishing I’d gotten a nice view of her ass as she climbed in. Once she’s settled, I close the door and walk around to the driver’s side. Once I’m in, I pause and look over at her.

  “Timber, you’re beautiful.”

  “Thanks, you clean up pretty good yourself,” she says with a wink and for some reason I can’t quit smiling.

  We head toward the Border Cafe and when we arrive it’s packed. I hustle around to open the door for her and help her out. I offer my arm and she takes it with a smile. It feels so good to be near her and have her on my arm.

  The hostess informs us that there’s a two-hour wait, but the bar is first come, first served. We make our way there and order a beer at the bar. When I ask her if she wants some girlie drink she glares at me so I order her a beer. I should have known.

  We take the beers and walk to a bar table that just opened up. I slide the chair back and make sure she’s set before taking a seat. We look over the menu and order.

  As we wait for our food, we talk about anything and everything. She tells me about Texas, school, and mentions the rodeo.


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