Finding Erin

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Finding Erin Page 11

by America Leigh

  “Want to go sightseeing” I asked.

  “Sightseeing?” she asked bringing her head up off my chest to look at me.

  “I thought we could take a trip to London”

  “Ok. What do you want to see?” Erin innocently asked, curiosity creasing her forehead.

  “It’s London. Windsor Castle, Parliament, West Minister Abbey and a church.” I reeled off.

  Erin’s gaze suddenly snapped back to mine. “Church?” She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and the surprised look on her face told me that I would do about anything to keep her happy.

  “Marry Me?”

  “I thought we had already done that?” Erin teased.

  “Marry me tomorrow?”

  “What?” The shock on Erin’s face set my teeth on edge. I was practically throwing grenades at her, one after another.

  “Marry me and become my wife” I pleaded.

  “Why?” Erin questioned. “What’s the hurry?”

  “I could lie and tell you that the only reason is that I love you, but a part of me needs you tied to me in every possible way. I need you to belong to me, so no one can ever take you away from me again. I couldn’t survive that again. I need this. I need you to take my name and let me protect you from whatever is after us. And I will promise that I will strive to make you happy from this day forward.” I needed her to understand that I could never survive that again. Erin’s vision had become blurry and delicate sobs exited her.

  “Yes” She whispered through the sobs. I tilted her chin and looked deep into those pools of caramel and gave her a sexy grin and sealed our fate with one hell of a kiss that had Erin’s legs shaking in response.

  Chapter Sixteen.


  Eddie’s breath hitched at our close contact. This man was fast becoming my reason for living, not the blog, not the girls, only him. If I questioned my sanity I would have probably been sectioned there and then. I would trust my instincts. This was me trusting myself completely. Eddie scooped me into his and kissed the hell out of me.

  I stopped us before it got out of control and ran for the bathroom to quickly get dressed. When I came back out, Eddie had redressed in his pants and sweater from the night before. He grasped my hands and threaded his large hands with mine and led me to the door. As soon as we left the room, we ran into the girls. The pure shock flashed over their faces as fast as lightening.

  “Rhodes” Eddie bellowed into the hallway.

  “Sir” Rhodes answered promptly behind me. Jesus! How the hell did he do that, he seemed to lurk around us. Eddie strummed his thumb over my palm. His slightest touch calmed me.

  “We’re moving out” Eddie ordered him.

  “Yes, Sir” Rhodes immediately answered. I saw his instinct to salute Eddie before he quickly shielded his response from the others. Rhodes easy smile covered the marine in him. I had noticed over the last few days that he was guarded more than the girls and me combined. I wondered if that was purely a marine thing or he hid from a past that wouldn’t stay hidden. Just like my amnesia, I could feel that it was just waiting for the time to come to the surface and shatter everything in its sight.

  “Whoa” Faith shrieked and motioned for Rhodes to stop. What shocked me the most, is that he actually stopped. Mr Mercenary was taking orders from Faith.

  Holy Shit!

  “What?” Rhodes dark gaze swept over Faith’s. Rhodes stood his ground. Faith stood there silently challenging the six and half foot god. My body stilled hummed from Eddie seductive touch. Maybe this was our path all along, I would reconnect with Eddie and Faith would fall for Rhodes.

  The chemistry between them was as pure as gas and as explosive.

  “We are not moving out Ellerson” Faith screamed. “I want to go home” Faith pouted out her bottom lip. Rhodes smirked, but looked away. He did a pretty good job at trying to hide his emotions.


  His face softened. “You have half an hour, shorty.” Rhodes nodded down at her and then whispered something into her ear that the rest of us couldn’t hear. Whatever Rhodes had said, it had Faith blushing.

  “Let’s go” Rhodes commanded and the house set into action. No wonder this man was high ranked in the marines. I wonder why he left?

  “Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Peace’s pale face had turned a nasty shade of red.

  “Sightseeing” I lied.

  “What?” Everyone in the room said in sync. They turned back to face me.

  “I’m taking my fiancée to London to show her everything she cant remember and I don’t plan on leaving anyone without Rhode’s surveillance. So that means we all go. Understood?” Eddie demanded. His tone was all business.

  * * *

  The drive down from Kent was eerily quiet. I had searched every day for a part of my past. I had built my business on that. I could feel the foundations that I had clung to for so many years, start to crumble beneath my feet. I concentrated on the view and how different it was from Yorkshire. Rhodes was driving as usual, something I was quickly getting used to. It seemed that Eddie didn’t go anywhere without Rhodes by his side and I couldn’t say I blamed him. Eddie held my hand tight whilst he checked his emails on his phone. The girls sat silent behind us. They barley acknowledged me since I announced my engagement. I couldn’t say I blamed them. I couldn’t sit still in the leather seats with trying to see everything. The buildings were huddled together with exquisite design and flare. I felt like a little girl discovering something new for the first time and couldn’t get enough of it. The length and breath of Yorkshire had sprawling fields that ran for miles, but London was worlds apart. I could see the masses going for the various tube stations along the way and the pavements crammed with people. I knew now that I wasn’t a true northerner, but Yorkshire would always be home. London was exhilarating. Eddie was smirking at my obvious excitement of seeing London for the first time. I was excited about seeing London, but I was more excited that in less than 48 hours I would be Mrs Erin Vance.

  Holy Shit!

  Rhodes was fiddling with the radio. A familiar song came on. I had heard it before. “Turn it up” I shrilled, scaring the shit out of Rhodes and Eddie. The speakers suddenly blared out the sultry beat that coated my body in goose bumps. The song spoke to me. Birdy singing about love for the rest of our lives penetrated my memories.

  * * *

  “You aren’t taking her away from me.” Eddie’s voice was clear. His aggression surprised me.

  “And who is going to stop me, may I ask?

  You. You may be worth billions Edward, but I will protect my daughter with everything I have and more”

  “No” Eddie grunted at the other man. The voices seemed so real, but they were distant as if they were trying to tell me something.

  “This is not your decision. Margaret is not old enough to make these kind of decisions and I’ll be dammed if I let you or your father dictate to me how I raise my daughter.”

  “You won’t keep me from her” Eddie told him moving towards the other man. “Maggie is mine and the sooner you and my father realise that, the better. One thing you should understand about me Mr Montgomery, is that I protect what is mine. Maggie has been mine since I was ten years old. I will not let you take her from me and If you want to fight me on this, do your worse. I’ll never give up on her or fail her. Never.

  * * *

  “Erin?” Justice’s shrill broke me out of the torture of the past.

  What the hell! Eddie was sat watching me. I concentrated on the song, instead of the memory I had just had. I rummaged in my bag for my phone. Justice rolled her eyes towards me and sighed deeply. “Aww no” Peace and Faith moaned in sync. I was revelling in the fact, that I was reaping what my girls had sowed, they would be tortured by my love of music. This drove them up the wall. Payment was a bitch.

  “Erin, you can’t do this to us again.” Faith whined that instantly made Rhodes chuckle in the front seat. Rhodes froze and then looke
d back at the road. Faith scowled at him through the mirror. It seems my best friend held all the power. That was an interesting little fact.

  “This is what she does. She’ll listen to this song over and over and over again” Faith protested like a spoilt child, looking over at Eddie. Justice started laughing.

  “You’re interrupting my song” I pouted. Justice dramatically turned and gave Eddie a devilish grin “Good luck with that, Lover boy” Justice practically cackled at him. Shit! The way each of my girl’s smiles turned into shit eating grins, I knew I was in trouble, big trouble. The look of sheer horror on Eddie’s face had my heart racing at a million miles a minute and I knew that every minute with Eddie would be an adventure. One that I would relish.

  Chapter Seventeen.


  My girl could not sing for shit. Well at least some things don’t change. I smiled. Erin rustled about in her purse, searching for something. Justice rolled her eyes towards Erin and sighed deeply. “Aww no” Peace and Faith moaned in sync. Am I missing something? As soon as the girls were protesting at something. A smooth feminine voice sang about having wings. My girl liked this song, apparently.

  “Erin, you can’t do this to us again.” Faith whined that made Rhodes chuckle in the front seat. Rhodes immediately silenced himself as Faith scowled at him through the mirror. My friend was in deep, deep shit! Just like I was. That thought should have frightened the living shit out of me. Instead it set me free. The thought of tying myself to Erin permanently made my whole body hum in anticipation.

  “This is what she does. She’ll listen to this song over and over and over again” Faith protested like a spoilt child, addressing me. Justice started laughing.

  “You’re interrupting my song” Erin pouted. Justice dramatically turned and gave me a devilish grin and told me ‘Good luck with that, Lover boy” Justice practically cackled in my face. This girl was trouble. The way each of the girl’s smiles turned into shit eating grins, I knew I was in trouble, big fucking trouble.

  “There’s a story behind that, isn’t there?” I asked. I studied each of them. They performed for Erin. I could see the love behind each of their actions.

  Erin grinned.

  “You bet your ass, there’s a story.” Justice boasted.

  I kept quiet.

  “We have this thing on Friday nights. We watch movies, drink wine and talk boys. Faith rented a romantic. Not usually my thing, but Colin Farrell was in it. You can’t not watch a film with him starring in it. It was a love story of how two people belonged together and how fate had a path for them to follow. This song floated in and out. Erin listened to the words over and over.” Faith looked between us. “I think I understand why now.” Faith admitted. I could see the emotion behind the ice blue in her eyes.

  I turned my attention back to my emails and set on clearing everything what was urgent. I looked back up when all the girls joined in. I had to smile at that. They groaned about Erin listening and then joined in anyway. The juniors would have to take the load, whilst Rafi and I were away from the office. A message from my mother popped up instantly. Shit, what the hell does she want now?

  “Edward. Just to warn you. Your father is attending the Gala and so is Christopher Montgomery.”

  Fucking great. How could I attend the Gala now!

  Rhodes sharp eyes caught mine in the mirror and familiarity entered his intense gaze. Rhodes knew my moods as well as Rafi did. The smirk that tilted his lips informed me that if there was a fight to be had, Rhodes was always ready for War. He lived for this shit! Conflict and battles were his speciality. Whatever was to come from these threats, I knew I had Rhodes standing with me. Always.

  “So Mr Vance. Where exactly are you taking all of us?” Justice asked confidently, but I could see the question in Peace’s delicate eyes, begging for an answer. It was easy to see that Peace was the quiet one, she baffled me. There was something fragile about her that made me want to protect her as well as the others. I hadn’t felt this possessive since Maggie was with me. Molly suddenly intruded my thoughts. Why can’t the past stay where it is.

  * * *

  Our arrival ran has smoothly, thanks to Rhodes. I sat in our joined suites in the heart of London. The Savoy was as extravagant as ever. I could have taken Erin and I to my apartment on the other side of the River. I wanted Erin to be happy and hiding her away in my bed wouldn’t accomplish that. Though it would make other parts of my anatomy, very very happy. I didn’t want Erin ever regretting her decision to marry me. This would always be her decision.

  “You ready for this?” Rhodes voice boomed from behind me.

  “I was always ready for this. Did you send that paperwork over for the license?”

  “Yes” Rhodes answered without hesitation.

  “What’s on your mind?” I asked, cocking a knowing look at him. “Come on spit it out.”

  “Are you even going to tell her friends or Rafi what you have planned? He’s your best friend Eddie. He is going to be devastated when he finds out you lied to him over this”

  “I haven’t lied to anyone”

  “That’s fucking semantics and you know it. You marry Maggie like this. It will break Rafi and your friendship. And that’s not even considering what it would do to your partnership” Fucking hell. When Rhodes went for it, he takes you by the balls. He was worked up. The veins in his neck were throbbing. I am surprised I couldn’t hear them contracting in protest.

  “I have to leave that to Erin. I won’t pressurise her into a big affair if she wants to do this quietly. Ok?”

  Rhodes nodded and turned sharply out of the room. His silence spoke volumes. He agreed with what I was saying, but he didn’t like it.

  All the paperwork had gone over before our arrival, plus the signatures they needed to make the licence official before the small ceremony in the morning. I was looking forward to waking up with Erin has my wife. I had to keep her this time.

  * * *

  “Erin, are you absolutely sure about this?” I asked with a solemn feeling inside my heart. I wanted to marry Erin with everything I had, but I didn’t want her alone through her special day and regret it afterwards.

  “I can’t explain it, but I need this to be just you and me. This feels full circle.” Erin shook her head and cringed. “Maybe I’m not making much sense” She added clearly confused with everything. I lifted her chin to see those beautiful golden eyes. “You make perfect sense because I feel that too. This is something that we need to do together, something that binds us, away from our pasts, our present and our futures.” As I spoke those soothing words, I realised that I believed them. This was our chance to unite together without anything getting in the way.

  “I love you. If you want to do this alone then I completely understand. I will always stand behind you, support you, and encourage you. And I always love you.”

  “That sounded like wedding vows Mr Vance”

  “Maybe Miss Frost.” I shrugged, giving her a small smile. I suddenly felt vulnerable with letting Erin see so much of me. It was her turn to comfort me has her delicate hands wound around my waist and breathed deeply in rhythm with me. She calmed me, and there was the difference between everything I had before and Erin now. She is what I needed.

  “Mr Vance” I heard a sharp, but professional voice behind us. I turned to see the registrar waiting and gave him a curt nod. I looked down at Erin and she was absolutely breath-taking. We hadn’t gone all traditional with the ceremony being a quick affair. Her simple, but exquisite white lace dress looked as if the fabric had been painted onto her smooth ivory skin. Her caramel locks spiralled down her back and her entrancing brown eyes were framed by the smallest amount of makeup, but fuck she looked like something out of an Austen novel. “You look beautiful by the way.”


  “You ok there?” Erin teased, placing a hand on her waist. A hint of humour in her smooth voice.

  “Yes, come on wench before I change my mind about marry
ing you” I mocked whilst bustling her down the hall to the registrar’s room. Erin chuckled in return. Her face was bright and happy. The way she looked made me feel ten foot tall.

  I turned and pinned her with a serious look. I needed to make sure she understood what we were exactly planning to do in the room in front of us. I had the urge to keep checking. Erin was smart. I knew that. When she took my name. She was mine.

  “You sure?” I asked with a strong voice. Underneath the façade, I was screaming for her to not change her mind. Please god, let her want me as much as I want her. Ever since Erin had come back into my life. I had turned into a fucking pussy.

  “I’m right her” Erin whispered and placed her left hand over my heart. I gulped with the emotion I suddenly felt clawing up my throat. My grandmother’s engagement ring caught my eye and I knew deep down in my soul that both Erin and Maggie belonged to me. I just needed to man up and go into that room and claim them.

  * * *

  I had been waiting for this moment for over ten years and now Erin and I was walking out of the registrar’s office officially man and wife. I could finally take a deep breath. The shouting behind us, made me focus on the incoming chaos that would taint our celebration. How the hell did they find out!


  I swallowed down the anger that was threatening to unleash its raft on my head of security and friend. They all looked pretty pissed if I was honest, but the hostility that Faith was directing into Rhodes direction made me reconsider firing his sorry ass. Faith’s punishment would be far worse and a delight to watch. The air stifled around me as I felt Erin’s breathing falter. The air in my lungs ceased to facilitate to my requirements and dread entered my heart once again. Erin’s body sank to the ground and I faltered to try and catch her. I heard shouting and screaming around me, but I couldn’t even register what they were saying.

  “Eddie” I heard Justice scream at me. I was suddenly brought back to the moment and acknowledged Justice’s panicked cry. “Yeah”


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