Finding Erin

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Finding Erin Page 16

by America Leigh

  I stood in Harvey Nichols and immediately felt out of place. I tried not to put myself down, but I felt cheap. When I looked around at the high class fashion and the price tags that matched them. I felt out of place. I glanced down at what I was wearing and sighed. I wasn’t made to be a billionaire’s wife. Who the hell was I trying to kid.

  “We’re not leaving this department store until you have purchased a dress. Do I make myself clear?” Ellerson stood behind me, broad, with his arms folded against his massive frame. An unmoveable force. A week ago I may have been intimidated by the sheer size of him, but now I was use to his brisk ways. The smirk that tinged his lips, didn’t help his attempt at scolding me. I burst out in a fit of giggles and the weight that I hadn’t realised was weighing me down quickly lifted. Ellerson was quickly making himself a fixture in my life and I didn’t mind that at all.

  “Ok, Ok. Put those guns away big guy. I’ll find a dress.” I admitted with a grunt. Ellerson smirked and instinctively searched for that flurry of blonde hair. His face lit up like a Christmas tree when he caught a glimpse of Faith. I reached on my tiptoes to look. Faith was laughing at justice strutting her stuff up and down the crowded shop. I wondered if Eddie looked like that, when he looked at me.

  That would be something, wouldn’t it?

  “He does.” Ellerson whispered into my ear.

  “What?” I shrieked and jumped back. Ellerson chest rumbled with laughter.

  “He does. Eddie looks happier than I’ve ever seen him. When ever he looks into your eyes. Don’t ever doubt his love for you.” Ellerson admitted and looked down. He was internally debating to say something more. “He never stopped searching for you, Erin. I searched with him for the last five years. Having you back in his arms was his only wish. I have never seen anyone so determined in his mission to find you. And I’ve seen more than most guys should. Eddie was battling his own personal war when he lost you.”

  “Thanks for telling me that.” I said softly. I knew that cost him more than he realised.

  “It’s the truth.” Ellerson said, shrugging his shoulders as if those words didn’t mean anything at all, but to my fragile heart they filled it to the top and threatened to burst free.

  I should check on ‘Finding Erin’ and all my equipment was damaged in the shooting. “I need to look for a laptop after this.” I told him, blurting out my thoughts. At this rate I would need a filter.

  “Eddie has a couple at the house.”

  I pulled out Eddie’s credit card and laughed. “Well what would be the fun in that?” I mocked. Sticking my tongue out at him.

  Ellerson laughed gruffly and the sound made me smile even more. “You got a problem with that.” I added trying to tease him. I was unable to control the tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. Ellerson gave me a wink and laughed again. “No ma’am” He drawled in a fake southern accent, but damn he was good, no wonder Faith had fallen so quickly for him. He was perfect for her.

  “Thanks, Ellerson.”

  Ellerson whipped his head around and did a double take. “Did you just call me… Ellerson?”

  “That’s what Faith calls you. Isn’t it? I thought I better start calling you by your proper name seeing has you’re in love with my best friend.” I stated, waiting for his reaction. I watched him closely. Ellerson didn’t leave me disappointed either. His cheeks turned pink and panic filled his eyes. He scrambled to find words, but Ellerson stood there flustered. This was a different side to the no nonsense Marine he tries to act.

  “Don’t worry big fella.” I patted his chest. “You are definitely not ready to tell her that yet and neither is she. But you will be Ellerson and then you will have to face every fear you and her hold inside. The only thing you have to remember is keeping Faith.” I paused to let those words sink in and I was relieved to see Ellerson was nervous, but not daunted in the slightest by the prospect.

  “Just like Eddie did. When finding Erin didn’t matter anymore because when you find the one you love those barriers just melt away and nothing else matters.” I spoke with conviction. I wish I believed them myself. If he wanted to keep Faith, he would have to fight.

  Ellerson’s brow’s furrowed. I knew that he would be everything Faith needed and more. I had no doubts about that.

  “Come on let’s find the girls and spend some of Eddie’s cash.” Ellerson laughed and followed astutely behind.

  Chapter Twenty Five.


  The gala fast approached. I was pampered to perfection. I had found the perfect dress with a gentle nudge from Ellerson. For a man, he had damn good taste and all the girls agreed with me. Faith hadn’t taken her eyes off of him, since he had come into the living room all suave in his tux. Eddie walked in just after him acting all casual, but my mouth went dry and I couldn’t help but stare at my husband. God damn, he was gorgeous. I was so lucky to have someone like Eddie standing right beside me, being right here. I held my palm over my chest. His hot gaze was unnerving and scorched a path straight for me. Eddie just poured sex appeal and the way he was looking at me right now. It was like he was ready to strip me bare. Eddie strode across the room with purpose and looked down at my dress. His eyes swam with desire and love. Everything stood still has if time had stopped with one look at each other, a frozen frame in time. Eddie gave me a smirk and I melted into his willing arms. “Can we just skip the Gala?” I whispered. My voice thick with lust and the thought of having Eddie in between my th….” Eddie chuckled. “Sorry baby. We have to go.” He groaned with his own need and grasped my hand and pulled me towards the front door.

  Eddie opened the door and I gasped at the sight of the black limousine in the drive way. I covered my mouth in shock.


  Would I ever get use to Eddie’s lifestyle? Justice on the other hand was loving the change in pace. Her violet eyes were round as saucers when she saw the limousine. “Oh my god.” She shrieked, trying to contain her excitement but failing miserably. Eddie smiled and laughed at the show she was putting on. Justice stepped out of Eddie’s traditional home and quickly stepped down the steps towards the limo. She held her full length red dress with care, but her eagerness to get to the Gala couldn’t be ignored. It was my turn to smile at her antics. Justice looked beautiful in the strapless dress with a delicate diamante trim around the top. She always did suit red. The image of her red top as we sat waiting for our new life to begin, fluttered through my mind. A lot had changed since we sat in that Social Services Office. I promised myself here and now that I would not let the past ruin our futures. The future I was building with Eddie and the girls. Eddie gave me a tug with our joined hands and led me down the stone steps. We waited until the others had joined us. Faith was dressed in a pale blue baby doll dress that matched her eyes perfectly and fell just short of her knees. Ellerson watched her intently but kept a professional distance, as usual. Eddie had invited him to the Gala as a guest, not has his employee but he refused to be completely off the clock. He had convinced Eddie that he needed to be there in case he needed to intercept any bad feeling between us and our parents. Ellerson’s devotion to Eddie made my nerves ease a little. I was glad that we had him watching over us. All of us. Peace left the property last and looked like she was ready to bolt at any minute. Peace looked breath-taking in a peach dress with an ivory sash tied around her tiny waist. Her curls had been tamed and sleeked long down her back. Her face was another matter entirely compared to the rest of her. She looked pasty as if she could be sick at any moment. We had all been through so much over the last few weeks, but Peace had felt the tremors more severely than the rest of us. She always did. I untangled my fingers from Eddie’s and held my hand out to Peace as she made her last steps. I gave her hand a light squeeze and smiled reassuringly. I wish I could erase the fear in her eyes that clung to her very essence. Sometimes, we carry the past no matter how far we run from it.

  * * *

  The Gala was being held at The Dorchester to maintain that quintessentia
l Gala atmosphere that the charity embodied. I googled it.

  The ballroom was exquisite. It was larger than any room I had seen before. The grandeur the room represented was out of this world, with gold chandeliers draping from each point of the room. The tables were adorned with fine china and wine glasses, ready for the Gala dinner. The room was full of people dressed to impress. Their dresses were adorned with diamantes and the woman were draped in diamonds and tiaras. I felt like Dorothy in Oz. I definitely wasn’t in Yorkshire anymore. I was in the throes of the rich and famous. Eddie held my hand with a force that reassured me. Eddie leaned in and ran his nose against my ear and whispered, “I’m right here, Baby” motioning towards my chest. I nodded and smiled. I knew exactly what he meant. I just needed to concentrate in getting through the Gala and hoped that no one recognised me.

  * * *

  I was surrounded by the people I cared for most, whilst we walked through the ballroom. I ran my free hand through the tight curls the hairdresser had managed to put in my normally wavy hair. I had naively thought, that if I styled my hair differently no-one would know I had been that missing girl. The way people noticed me on Eddie’s arm were putting my nerves on edge and convincing me that I couldn’t run from the past. I ran my thumb over my engagement and wedding band and took a deep breath. I would always belong to Eddie and he would never let anyone take me away from him again. I took another deep breath and smiled in Eddie’s direction, following him further into the ballroom. Eddie handed me a chilled glass of champagne and took a large sip to calm my nerves. I watched the other guests mingle and the next thirty minutes passed without incident. A few had said a few pleasantries to Eddie and looked at me with curiosity. The woman were less welcoming than the men, they merely scowled in my direction. I was starting to realise that people weren’t looking at me after all, it was the fact that I was with Eddie, not because I was Maggie. That was a relief. I started to relax into the function and enjoy the music and the grand ballroom.

  Chapter Twenty Six.


  “Rhodes….” Erin trembled with the intrusion. “Is that you Ellerson?” A deep voice said behind us. I turned around and it was Edmund’s public relations director.

  “What the hell?

  His usual forlorn look held a mischievous grin now. Hell. I had never seen this man smile. Ever. I knew he was Norwegian from what I had been told in passing. He was nearly has tall as Rhodes and broad. They both had a little tolerance for bull shit. I knew by now, it was the Marine in Rhodes. What was Ecklund’s excuse?

  “Son of a bitch.” Rhodes claimed under his breath. His tone suggested he was half shocked and the other half weary. He shook Ecklund’s hand and stepped back.

  “What are you doing in Europe?” Ecklund asked Rhodes. Both Faith and Erin were looking between the two men. Rhodes had a faint smile playing on his lips. Rhodes was cagey about his personal life. The only personal things I knew of him were from his security clearance and that hadn’t given much away.

  “Working.” Rhodes said in a clipped tone. Ecklund took no notice of Rhodes behaviour and looked around the other guests. His gaze lingered on Faith a little longer than I liked. Then he noticed me.

  “Mr Vance, I didn’t see you there. How are you this evening?”

  He was a brown noser. An arrogant one. No wonder he had got so far so quickly. People may call me the tyrant, but Edmund was ruthless when it came to business.

  “Very well, thank you.” I countered as Frosty as Rhodes had. I looked at Rhodes and the waves of uneasiness rolled off of him. There was a history between them. I wondered?

  “Excellent.” Ecklund clapped his hands together and gave everyone a wide smile. He looked around expectantly.

  “Rune Ecklund. Rhodes you know presumably. May I introduce faith Adams and Erin Vance.”

  Ecklund scrutinised Erin. His gaze was intense. The transformation from the smarmy executive that was Edmund’s right hand to the hungry vulture that eyed Erin suspiciously.

  “Vance?” Ecklund questioned. The smile that transformed his suspicious gaze unnerved me.

  Erin stood forward and offered her hand. Her ivory dress clung to her body perfectly. Her movement made her look even more elegant in her dress, than when I walked into the living room earlier this evening.

  “Erin Vance.” She greeted him. Her cheeks were flushed. Her engagement sparkled with the movement. Ecklund’s eyes caught that movement. His eyes bulged.

  “Does your father know of this?” Ecklund questioned us. His executive head returning.


  Chapter Twenty Seven.


  “Darling, is everything ok?” I heard Justice’s words before I could register her delicate fingers thread around my waist. The lower part of my body was not as slow at catching her gentle touch. I searched her eyes, shocked at her boldness in front of my parents. Everyone in our circle treated my parents like royalty, for god’s sake, that’s what money bought I suppose, respect. The only thing Justice was focussed on, was me. I would be fucking lying if I didn’t say that didn’t feel good. I nodded. She gave me a dazzling smile. Then turned and gave them the same.

  “Red, meet my parents. Rafaele and Sophia Riveria.” I introduced her using the nickname I used. I smirked and winked at her. I watched as her cheeks flamed. “Mamma e Papa. May I introduce Justice Thames. My……” I hesitated. I gave Justice a bewildered look. What did I introduce the girl I wanted to be mine, but would not make her a widow before we were old. I would not do that to her. The silence stretched out and I felt Red’s hand in my pocket that made me think about little else. The delicate ministrations of her fingers held my attention.

  “I’m his fiancée. It is very nice to meet you.” Justice said, holding her hand out to welcome my parents. Mamma stared at her hand as if Justice would contaminate her. It wasn’t until Papa noticed Nonna’s ring on Justice’s finger that all the blood drained from his face. Papa had given me the ring a few days before preparing me to select an Italian girl to marry from the dozens they had invited to tonight’s gala. I had brought the ring to tell Pappa that I would not be forced into anything like marriage, for anything less than love. Justice had thwarted their plans of finding me a wife. Now justice had slipped on Nonna’s ring. I watched Justice closely. I realised I liked it there. I grasped Justice’s hand away from my Mamma’s cold gaze and entwined our fingers tightly. I gave her a weak smile and turned back to my parents.

  “I hope you are pleased Mamma. You wanted me to choose a bride. I have chosen Justice to do me that honour.”

  “Marriage is for life, Rafaele.” Papa announced severely, gaining attention from spectators around us. I could see several sets of woman trying to listen to our conversation. They must be some of Mamma’s protégées from Italia to marry me.

  “I am well aware of that Papa. Justice is all I want.” I admitted with conviction in my voice, knowing deep down that I wasn’t exactly lying to him. Justice was all I wanted. Sometimes you don’t deserve what you want, especially not a feisty red head that set my world on fire. I was thankful that Justice had saved me from Mamma’s raft, but I had to shield her from the heartache I would eventually put her through. I would not break Justice’s heart, I just needed to tame her and then set her free.

  The conversation was strained form that point on. The animosity that both Mamma and Papa were directing towards Justice made my blood boil. This girl was one of the best women I have ever known. She was fierce, protective and stood up for what she believed. I released a frustrated breath and felt the anger rise through my body as if I was reaching boiling point and was ready to burn anyone that would cross my path. I looked down to Justice and her fake smile spoke volumes. Her beautiful body was slumped slightly under the strain of my parent’s hostile behaviour. When Justice had entered the gala, she was breath-taking in her long flowing red velvet dress. It had matched her hair, but it was her ice green eyes that drew me in and entranced me as quickly as they ha
d the first time we had met.

  “Enough” I shouted, stilling the unpleasant conversation happening around me. My mamma’s mouth dropped open in disgust at being interrupted.

  Well I didn’t care.

  “Smetitila” I told them. Papa was furious at my raised tone. I could see him looking around the room to see if people were watching us. Papa was Old Italian. He believed that children should be seen and not heard and were born to follow orders from the head of the family, with no exceptions.

  Mamma shook her head. “a buon mercato po puttana.” As soon as I recognised what she had just called justice in Italian. I felt the urge to protect Justice from my mother’s disapproval. When it came to a choice. I chose to face my parent’s disapproval to stand up and be the man that Justice deserved, even if I didn’t want her to waste her life on a ticking time bomb like me.

  “Non mi rompene I coglioni” I spat back at Mamma, going against all my instinct’s to respect and love my mother. Mamma stepped back. Her face was strained. I could not stand back and let her call Justice a cheap little whore. Justice deserved respect, not this kind of behaviour and neither did I.

  My father stepped forward to challenge me. I raised my hand and stopped him. “tirarsi indietro” Papa hesitated at the harsh Italian I had spoken. I had never acted in this way before, but I couldn’t idly sit back and let them slander Justice like that.

  My parents didn’t mutter another word as they absorbed my behaviour. They wouldn’t change my perception when it came to Justice. Justice evoked my instinctive nature and made me want to protect her for the rest of my life.

  My father’s expression darkened and told me this wasn’t over, before he muttered those exact words. “parleremo”. I agreed with my father on that one, we would talk.


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