Finding Erin

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Finding Erin Page 19

by America Leigh

  “Eddie” I sighed in the afterglow of my orgasm.

  Eddie shifted slightly and removed his fingers and sucked them into his delectable lips. I felt my thighs clench. God that was hot.

  “Baby” Eddie whispered into my hair and kissed the top of my head. I didn’t want the magic to be broken and ignored Eddie silent plea. I couldn’t let him go, maybe I was being selfish and naïve, but he is mine. He had been since I heard his name roll of them plump lips. That connection we had, what I had been looking for, was right in front of me.

  “Maggie, please” Eddie words were out in a whoosh. My breath caught in my throat and Eddie tensed.

  “I didn’t mean…” Eddie trailed off.

  “It’s ok. I’m ok with you loving both of us. I’m just glad that you fought for me. That you fought for us.”

  I giggled when I felt Eddie’s cock thickened beneath me. This man will be the death of me. If I had to die right now, it would be from happiness and I would totally be fine with that.

  “I need you inside me.” I purred seductively into his ear. I could feel his body hum with need and I felt that familiar stir that I could only associate with being intimate with Eddie.

  “I’m ok with that” He boasted arrogantly and threw my body over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing at all. He made quick time, striding purposefully up two sets of stairs until we were in our room. Alone.

  “Eddie” I whined, followed by my giggles.

  Eddie shut the world out behind us and made good on his promise.

  Chapter Thirty Two.


  Erin was laid out in bed, with a content smile on her face. She was absolutely breath-taking. The small freckles that had just started to appear from the late sun we were having in Kent were visible. It had nearly broke me, when Erin whimpered that I was leaving her again. I could never leave her, but I had something to do and I needed to keep her safe while I faced it. I softly clicked the door behind me. I silently prayed that she would sleep until I returned.

  * * *

  I stood there stiff and uncomfortable, suddenly feeling the need to escape the confinement of my father’s office. The view from his office in the business district just behind parliament in the height of London, had always calmed me when the confines of his presence had me sweating in my seat.

  “Why wasn’t I told Margaret was back, Edward” Edmund Vance’s low tone was deceiving, as the timber and congestion in his voice spoke volumes. This was a bad sign when he used the professional voice he used to silently chastise me for not living up top the Vance name.

  “None of your fucking business” I spat out. The control I had when Erin had her hands all over my…. “Maggie is not back.” I told him, cutting off my thoughts.

  Shit. I did not want to be having this fucking conversation with this man about the love of my life, especially when she had those delicate little hands all over me only an hour ago. The only thing I needed was to know why? The frustrating thing is that I still feel like that fucking little boy seeking his father’s approval in life. It was something that would never come from Edmund or Eliza Vance. Edmund’s nostrils flared in anger as he pushed up from his leather chair and stood stoutly behind his large oak desk.

  “I know what I saw Edward. Most of London saw her for that matter. Do not insult my intelligence.”

  “Margaret Montgomery is gone. You and Eliza made sure of that. When were you going to tell me that you kidnapped and drugged her?”


  Edmund didn’t react. He stood there full of arrogance and pride. Why did I expect any different.

  “Don’t forget I still own you boy. You may have carved your own future wealth, but I still hold all the cards. I have detailed copies of every conversation we had about Margaret Montgomery and the investment you cohered me to make to guarantee your marriage to Margaret. Going against your mother and Margaret’s father wishes especially. That little detail doesn’t sound like it would be beneficial for your reputation. You could say goodbye to your lucrative contracts with Murphy’s and Stevenson’s for a start. If this got out.”

  Well fuck me, he’s trying to fucking blackmail me. After everything I have just found out about Eliza having something to do with Erin’s amnesia. I didn’t think my own father could stoop any further down in my expectations, but this was even a new low for him. My parents and Erin’s should be swapping notes because this shit they’re spouting is priceless. The difference was, that all I cared about in this world was Maggie and Erin and making sure she was safe and happy was my only priority. Not the money and especially not my fucking reputation. Nothing else mattered. I was lost in thought when the venom in his words made me blink at his cruel words.

  “Why did you do it Dad, because I know Eliza never acts alone?”

  “The little slut is only after our money and now she’s going to take you for every penny you have got. Stupid little prick, thinking with your dick. Didn’t I teach you anything in life? That’s how I ended up with you” The anger that pulsated off me, had me rushing Edmund up against the wall by his throat. I could feel Edmunds breath rush out in slick waves that gave me a little pleasure in seeing him weak.

  “I will only give you one warning old man and I want answers.”

  “Some truths are best left unsaid.”

  “Tell me.” I growled through my clenched teeth.

  “The deal was simple. You wanted to marry Margaret and I would have control over the Christopher’s land. That was the deal. Christopher owed me that much. Then he changed his mind. All of sudden he was concerned over his daughters happiness, he was afraid that you do the same to Maggie as I did to Molly.”

  “What the hell does this have to do with my mother?” I snarled at him, making Edmund flinch against my restraint on him. I added more pressure against his neck. He squirmed against the wall.

  “Eliza is your mother, not Molly.” Edmund choked out breathlessly.

  “No. That’s what you like people to believe. Molly Vance was my mother and she showed me more love and respect in those few years as a boy. Than you and Eliza have in nearly thirty years.”

  “That stupid woman nearly destroyed me with her foolish behaviour. She should have kept her mouth shut. She had no right in telling you. If Molly had just followed the rules, than none of us would be in this mess.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That’s right you don’t know, do you. Molly never told you that part. Christopher destroyed Molly. He pursued her, even though he knew she was promised to me. I had a deal with Molly’s father, just has you had with Christopher. Christopher broke Molly’s heart and signed her death certificate. He sings a different tune though, telling everyone that I stole Molly from him. Molly was not the victim she made out, I am.

  “How does this justify what you and Eliza did to Maggie?”

  “Christopher broke the deal. I wanted the land I was promised when I married Molly, but she had to go and give him what was mine. The little bitch.

  “I am not playing games. You, Rafi and Christopher will give me control of all your communications developments that you operate or I will destroy all your pathetic little worlds. One by one.”

  “What on earth, would make you think we would hand you control of anything of ours.” I asked with a chuckle. Pathetic. He was gripping at straws.

  “I have Maggie.”

  “No. You don’t.”

  “Want to bet her life on that son.” My father smirked, testing me.

  I was too far gone to get anything more out of him. I smashed my fist in his jaw. I released my grip on his throat and watched him sink to the floor. I ran for the door. Not giving another thought to my father being bloody or his security barrelling towards me. I threw more punches before I could register anything else. I reacted. I would deal with the consequences after I got to Erin. There had to be more to this than he was telling me?

  Chapter Thirty Three.


  Every p
hone in Eddie’s house was ringing instantaneously. The fear in Ellerson’s eyes told me it was judgement day, but for whom?

  Me or Erin?

  He stood there broad and unnerved, but his eyes were a whirlpool to his most inner thoughts and fears.

  “Rhodes” He commanded into the phone. He was impressive, when on watch. Every muscle taught. He was talking fairly quick now.

  “Are you sure Bailey?” Ellerson nodded. “Send me everything you have. If the Intel is right, then we need to move NOW. Are the documents legit?” He questioned the caller. Ellerson nodded again and his face fell. His brows knitted together.

  “Get your gear. We need to move out.” Ellerson’s features were hard and the traces of his softer side were untraceable once again.

  The marine was back.

  Ellerson didn’t waste any time. He was scouting the room for anything we may need, wherever he was taking us. I grabbed my backpack. I had been packed since Eddie came into our lives and threatened my true identity.

  “Master Sergeant Rhodes checking in. Victor, Alpha, November, Charlie, Echo. Possible threat. Immediate backup. Potential abduction and casualties.” Rhodes looked at me with a possessive look in his eyes after muttering those words to the person on the other end.



  “Sir. Yes, Sir.”

  The silence stretched out. I tore my vision from Ellerson over to my girls. Erin’s face was screwed up whilst she gripped her phone tightly. She had hit redial over and over. Eddie’s number was either dead or her couldn’t answer. I hoped to god it wasn’t the latter because I wasn’t sure Erin would survive that.

  Her head was bent down, making her blonde waves cover her tear tracks. I was that concerned about Erin that I didn’t realise Ellerson was speaking at all. I heard check and vehicle in that beautiful Californian accent. It curled around my thoughts before I realised he was gone. I turned around to an almighty bang that penetrated the entire house. I hit the floor. The windows shook in response. The glare from the windows made it hard to see what was going on. The smoke cleared and the SUV that Ellerson had driven all week was blown into pieces. The flames pulsated around every corner of the car. Everything went quiet. All I could hear was blood strumming through my ears and my heart beating out of my chest trying to get to Ellerson.

  He has to be ok.

  I couldn’t lose him now.

  Oh god. What the hell have I done to deserve this?

  “You know” I heard that familiar voice in my head speak out.

  Erin held her arms around my shoulders as tightly has she could to try and calm my shaking frame. When I looked down at her, I hadn’t realised I was screaming at the top of my lungs. It wasn’t just that. It was the fact were both clawing at the same possibility that both our men were gone. I shut that thought down immediately. Ellerson would be ok. He would fight to come back to me. The alternative was unthinkable. He wasn’t even mine. That didn’t change the fact that I belonged to him. If he wanted me to or not.

  Peace was crying behind us. Justice was panicking about getting out of here alive. We were all alone. Eddie left this morning he taking most of the security with him leaving Rhodes to protect Erin. What would happen now?

  A strong scent of tobacco streamed past my nose, followed by a repugnant smell of cologne. It wasn’t a masculine scent that I associated with Ellerson. This was most definitely not Hugo Boss. It was more like the strong disinfectant we laced the wards with at the hospital. The tinge of alcohol, set my nerves on edge. I could feel the toxins of the aroma engulfing me. I knew he was here before I saw him behind us. The question was, would I escape him this time around and could I save the people I cared most for?

  I heard three very distinctive whacks around me and felt his repulsive breath run down my neck.

  “We have some catching up to do Jessie.” He warned. His words laced with hatred for me. Those words were the only sound I heard until another whack above me shattered the grip I had on reality and I hit the floor with the force that he hit me with.

  Silence fell.

  Chapter Thirty Four.


  Eddie grabbed his jacket off the back of the chair and handed the keys of the other SUV we had, to one of my security team and told them to wait in the car. Eddie had briefed me on Eliza’s potential connection to Erin’s amnesia and his suspicion that his father had something to do with this. Maggie’s disappearance and the security threats.

  I wasn’t the least surprised that a man like Edmund Vance would threaten his own son’s happiness. I had only met him a few times when Eddie had to meet with him. The arrogance of the man was un-believable and the contempt he held for his own son was astounding. What the hell was I thinking? My old man had run off before I was even born. It was my grandfather who raised me until he passed. I know how a father son relationship should work and Edmund and Eddie’s was non-existent.

  “I have to go and have this out with him, once and for all.” Eddie admitted, “Stay with Erin and the girls. Make sure they’re safe, Rhodes.”

  I nodded, blowing the unnerving feeling of danger out of my lips. I stared into Eddie’s eyes. I could see the indecision there and reassured him. He was my boss, but he was more than that now, he was a friend. I gritted my teeth and ran my hand over the buzz cut I had kept since I had joined the Marines and nodded again.

  Eddie left his property and slipped into the vehicle without another thought. I watched the SUV pull-out of the driveway. My gut told me that things were going to change after this. I hoped to hell that he wouldn’t be coming home in a body bag.

  * * *

  When I left the house Faith looked overwhelmed. She was trying to comfort Erin. I slipped out so I wouldn’t have to look at the fear and panic she was throwing out at me. Her blonde hair was tucked behind her ears and she muttered comforting words in Erin’s direction. Faith’s words slipped by as Erin’s vacant expression continued. I couldn’t blame her. I had tried Eddie’s cell more than once since Bailey had given me word that Edmund Vance was behind the security breech. Eddie had given me direct orders to stay with Erin and now he was in danger. If this was the other way round. I would want him looking after my girl. I knew he would. He would lay down his life for me, as I would for him. This was more than duty anymore. This was personal. Deep down in my gut. I wanted to be there to protect him as well. I scanned the perimeter and looked around the vehicle. Thank god I checked I had my firearm this morning. I squeezed my shoulders together. I could feel both my weapons under my arms in my holder. Something told me that I would have to shoot first and question my actions later. Protect and serve first and then fight for the truth. That was the marine way. I got into the black SUV that Eddie had bought last week. He had wanted something sleek and modern and fully equipped for Erin’s security.

  I took a few deep breaths and cleared my head. This is what I had trained for, but seeing Faith in the middle of our own personal war literally kicked me in the balls and made my body clench with fear. I reached for the ignition and inserted the key. My thoughts kept switching to Faith. I held my fingers on the keys and turned to look back at the house. The almost inaudible sound made my instincts kick in. I froze. Listened. Then I heard it again. A click. Then another.

  Son of a bitch.

  I flung the door wide open and cleared the vehicle. The explosion threw me a few yards from the vehicle and I hit the ground. Hard. The flames ignited once again. The heat that pulsated from the bottom of my body should have had in a state of attack. The numbness set in. The pain radiated from the fire trying to climb my legs. I heard sniggering from behind me. I didn’t see who it was. I could smell the whisky and some kind of odour that could strip paint off my beat up truck back in the US.

  “Amateurs. With all that money. You would think he would be smarter” I heard the guy slur. My leg burned. I waited. I listened. There was no reason to give this guy an advantage. I heard the crack of his boot, when I braced for impact.
  * * *

  The fire must have burnt out. I stayed still until I could scope my surrounding out. I heard the reinforcements on the ground before I clocked them. These boys were good. They would have blind sighted me if I wasn’t trained in this shit. They rolled me over, accessing me for potential damage.

  “Sargent?” The commanding officer addressed me. I saw his insignia before I met his gaze. The embroidered red insignia with gold thread held a star in the middle of the pointed insignia told me who he was before he formally introduced himself.

  “Sargent Major, sir.” I saluted. I was flat on my back, but that wouldn’t stop me respecting a fellow marine.

  “At ease, Master Sargent.” He told me, offering an arm.

  “Thank You, Sir.”

  “Go and see the medical officer and get that leg looked at. I want a full briefing at sixteen hundred.”

  “Yes Sir.”


  “Yes, Sir.” I asked, turning towards the Sargent Major.

  “You better have something on Vance.”

  “Understood Sir.” I walked painfully over to the medics who were waiting to look at me. I heard the sergeant call for assistance. I looked over to the window of Eddie’s house. The house was the same. Nothing had changed to someone who was looking from the outside, but everything had changed. Faith was gone. I could feel the knives in the pit of my gut that my girl was in trouble. If only she had trusted me enough to tell me what she was hiding.

  * * *

  I spent the last ten minutes fully briefing the major of what had taken place over the past few weeks. I had discovered that Faith was receiving calls from secures lines. That meant only one thing. It was CIA or potentially Mi5, but we couldn’t be sure. Our inter-corporation relationships were limited and subject to command. So that was a dead lead. The access Bailey had to the US Government database shed light on what I was dealing with, but didn’t tell me what the fuck it was or who for that matter. The whole fucking thing reeked of a cover-up.


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