Kissing with Fangs

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Kissing with Fangs Page 16

by Ashlyn Chase

  He smiled and took her hand. “I’m pretty sure most people would doubt your sanity. I’d advise against putting yourself in that position.”

  “No shit.” She didn’t usually swear, but letting a few curse words fly relieved the tension somewhat. She gazed up at him.

  Anthony was rubbing his thumb across the palm of her hand. “I know I told you this before, but I’d never hurt you. You believe me, don’t you?”

  His expression couldn’t have been more sincere.

  “Yes. I believe you.”

  He rose. “Why don’t I let you go upstairs and take that nap?”

  “Yeah.” She had no problem taking off a little early. She wished she was upstairs under her covers right now.

  She grabbed her blazer from the coatrack. It was getting so cold that even the few steps from the shop to her apartment door chilled her.

  “Tell Autumn I’ll be out in a minute. I want to make a quick phone call, “Anthony said.


  Claudia relayed the message to Autumn over her shoulder as she hurried toward the door. Once she hit the sidewalk, a stranger stepped into her path. She almost walked into him.

  “Oh. Excuse me.” Where did he come from?

  “Claudia?” he asked.


  What seemed like only a blink later, she was in a completely different place. The noise of the street had vanished, and other than candlelight, she was standing in the dark. Ruxandra stood in front of her. The guy who’d appeared on the sidewalk stood a few feet to one side.

  Claudia took a step backward.

  “Whoa. Where do you think you’re going?” Ruxandra reached out to grab her arm. Instead she shouted, “Ouch,” and recoiled. “Damn it! I broke another fingernail on you.”

  Claudia watched as Ruxandra cradled her hand and her fingernail grew back. Jesus! Is that another vampire thing?

  Ruxandra faced the guy with her hands on her hips. “See? I can’t touch her, and she ruined my manicure. Can you touch her? Try it. Touch anything you want on her.”

  Claudia recoiled.

  The guy laughed. “You didn’t pay me for that. You wanted me to bring her to you, and I did. Now give me what you owe me.”

  “I’ll double it if you’ll sink your fangs into her. No need to drain her dry. Just weaken her so she’s less of a problem. You’ll get your money, plus the bonus of a good meal.”

  “You know it’s hard to stop once we get started.”

  Claudia skimmed the room, looking for some means of escape. The only door appeared to be locked, chained, and bolted with a giant board held in place by two iron brackets. She began to whimper.

  “Don’t cry,” the guy said. “I’m not going to kill you. Not for a measly grand.”

  “I just want to know if you can touch her!”

  “Ha!” He sauntered to the door. “Call me when you have more cash.”

  He lifted the heavy board like it was a stick. Ruxandra crossed her arms and pouted. Claudia figured if she timed it right, she might be able to rush past him when he opened the door to leave. She watched him slip the heavy chain out of its iron ring and got ready. One turn of the dead bolt later, he opened it wide.

  She scrambled toward the door, but before she knew it, she was flying through the air backward. She hit the wall and cried out.

  Ruxandra bent over laughing. “How did you do that?”

  “Simple physics. Even if there’s some kind of force field around her, she can’t walk through a closed door. I closed and opened this one so fast that she didn’t see it and bounced off—force field and all.”

  The guy closed the door and Ruxandra stumbled over to it, still laughing, to lock it behind him.

  Claudia remembered reading some advice about how to avoid becoming a victim. The article said not to appear vulnerable. “What the fuck just happened?” She rose and crossed her arms. Her backside was sore, but she refused to let Ruxandra know.

  “I might not be able to touch you, but it was funny as hell to watch someone else batting you away like a fly. Now, if only I could get him to do that all night, I’d never stop laughing.”

  Claudia didn’t respond. She just stood her ground. Meanwhile, her mind whirred with panicky thoughts. Was there any possibility of escape? Would Anthony look for her? Did he know where to look? Should she talk to the woman or ignore her altogether? Would ignoring her infuriate her more? Claudia guessed that it would.

  Still trying not to appear helpless, she initiated the conversation. “So, you want me dead. Do you really think Anthony will love you if you kill me?”

  Ruxandra’s eyes revealed a flash of indecision…as if she knew he would never forgive her. A moment later, her lips thinned. She straightened her spine and puffed out her chest. Her hourglass figure created the kind of curves in her red clingy dress that any man would find hard to resist. She tipped her nose in the air. “At this point I don’t care what he wants. I refuse to be rejected for a mere mortal.” A sinister smile spread across her face. “You do know what we are, don’t you?”

  The way she said it sounded as if she hoped Claudia didn’t know. Like she couldn’t wait to be the first to tell her. As bad as the news was, Claudia was glad she knew the truth and couldn’t be blindsided by it. “Oh. You mean that you’re vampires?” she asked as casually, as if noting they were both European.

  Ruxandra’s jaw dropped. “He told you?”


  The buxom blond appeared unable to speak as she assimilated the information. Finally, she asked incredulously, “And you’re not terrified?”

  “Not of him. I know Anthony would never hurt me.”

  Ruxandra snorted. “Ha. I’ve known him a lot longer than you have. A lot. He’s killed plenty of people over the centuries. Sometimes, even without meaning to. What makes you think you’ll be different?”

  Claudia shrugged, still trying to appear nonchalant despite this new information. “I suppose I’ll just have to trust him to keep his word.”

  Ruxandra let out a burst of a laugh. It sounded forced. “You can’t trust a vampire. We don’t play by the same rules you do. We’re far superior to humans. We don’t have to stoop to your level. If we feel like taking advantage of you, we will, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “Mmm. I suppose. But if that’s true, why aren’t vampires running rampant through the streets, making humans their slaves?”

  Ruxandra’s face turned red and she stomped her foot. “Stop talking. I’m sick of answering your stupid questions.”

  In other words, you don’t know the answers or you don’t like them.

  Despite the volatile vampire circling her, Claudia remained composed. She was amazed that Kurt’s spell was working so well. As she watched Ruxandra’s face studying her, she became a little less confident. The woman was trying to figure out a way around the magic. Of that she was sure.

  At last, Ruxandra stopped pacing and stood right in front of Claudia, hands on her hips. “So, why can’t I touch you? Is it some kind of protection spell?”

  Claudia just shrugged. She didn’t want to put Kurt in danger by revealing what he’d done to help.

  Ruxandra sighed. “I suppose this will be useless, but I might as well try.” She leaned toward Claudia. Her eyes turned from blue to gold to purple.

  “Hey. Your eyes changed colors. Anthony can do that too.”

  Ruxandra took a step back. “What? I’m not surprised that I can’t mesmerize you, but Anthony can’t, either?”

  “Is that what you were trying to do? Mesmerize me?”

  Ruxandra paced with her hands clasped behind her back. “First Kurt, now you. I can’t believe I’ve lost my power to—Wait. Ah-ha! Kurt. Of course! He’s a wizard. He must have done a spell to protect both himself and you from vampires.”

dia didn’t know what to say. She had hoped Ruxandra wouldn’t figure it out, for poor Kurt’s sake.

  Ruxandra’s pacing became jaunty. “Well, then. I guess I’ll give Kurt the time of day after all.” She tapped her lip. “I’ll have to find him while it’s still dark. Do you know where he is?” She gave Claudia a smarmy smile.

  As if I’d tell Ruxandra anything about my friends. Fortunately, she didn’t know where Kurt lived. She just assumed it was near Boston Uncommon since he was there all the time.

  “I have no idea.”

  Ruxandra squinted at her.

  “Really. I don’t know.”

  “Fine, but don’t think that you can escape, just because I have to leave to look for him.”

  Claudia hadn’t taken a really good look around the dimly lit room. Surreptitiously, she surveyed her surroundings. There appeared to be no windows, only the one door, and a few possessions.

  “It used to be a carriage house. Someone restored it, probably hoping to make the place into a studio apartment or something. But with no plumbing and no windows, and a roadblock or two, courtesy of the city building codes…” She smiled as if she knew something—or had made it happen. “It’s only used for storage, so I got it cheap.” She wandered over to an old trunk in the corner. There wasn’t just one trunk. There were two with something between them, acting like a long, low coffee table. Suddenly Claudia recognized it as a coffin and her mouth went dry.

  Before she realized it, she had duct tape over her mouth and her wrists were clamped to her sides. She had never seen anyone move so fast. It must be another vampire talent.

  “There.” Ruxandra tossed the roll of tape back into one of the trunks and wiped her hands against each other as if to say, “That’s that.”

  “Maa a minim. Ow id ou uh meh?”

  “How did I touch you? I didn’t. I just spread out the tape and ran around you until it stuck to itself.


  “Now be a good little captive and sit against the back wall while I leave and lock up.”

  Claudia lifted her chin in defiance.

  “I have plenty more duct tape,” Ruxandra said, narrowing her eyes.

  Claudia knew better than to test the murderous vampire. She plodded to the back wall and slid down until her back was leaning against it. She might need her legs—and her sharp stilettos—later.


  Anthony had said good night to Autumn and Chris and locked up after them. He hoped Claudia would be home, but he didn’t want to wake her if she was taking a nap. Or maybe he did, he realized with a smile.

  He took the stairs to her apartment two at a time and knocked on her door. Not only was there no answer, but he didn’t hear anything at all. He pressed his ear against the door, hoping to detect the long, deep breaths of slumber. Still nothing.

  Oh well. She must have gone to a meeting.

  Wondering how he’d kill a couple hours, he returned to the sidewalk.


  He knew that shrill voice.

  “Ruxandra,” he said with a nod when she caught up to him. That was all the acknowledgment he’d give her.

  “Are you all right? You look sad,” she said.

  He let out a deep sigh. “If I’m sad, it’s because of you.”

  She reared back. “Because of me? What did I do?”

  “It’s what you won’t do. You won’t move on. I’ve been too kind to you in the past, but no more. I refuse to put up with your interference and sabotage. I won’t have you ruin another minute of my long life.”

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t interrupt.

  I might as well use this opportunity to get it all out there. “If you loved me as you claim to, you’d respect my rights. The same rights everyone in this country has. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. For the record, you haven’t let me pursue happiness for decades—long before I met Claudia. I’m not going to let you ruin this. I’ve finally found someone I love, who loves me…someone I want to settle down with. I can’t keep worrying that you might try to—”

  Ruxandra held up one hand. “Stop.”

  Anthony sensed something was different. Instead of railing at him and pounding on his chest, or crying in some melodramatic pose, she stood quietly, waiting for her turn to speak. He folded his arms and let her proceed.

  “I realize I’ve been a little possessive in the past…”

  A little?

  “But I’ve done nothing to deserve your anger lately. I’ve done exactly what you asked me to. I’ve left Claudia alone.”

  Hmmm… Something didn’t seem right.

  “Besides, I’m with Kurt now.”

  Anthony’s expression must have betrayed his shock.

  Her lips twitched up for a second. “What? You didn’t think I’d stay single forever, did you? I can’t wait around for you to come to your senses. If you don’t want my company, there are plenty of others who do.”

  “I—I don’t doubt that. You’re an attractive woman, Ruxandra—when you’re not being a pain in the ass.”

  “Well, don’t worry. I won’t be.”

  He kept wondering when the other fang was going to drop. When she’d start the guilt trip, the begging…

  She held out her hand. “I’d like us to be cordial to one another.”

  Still no tears. He could barely believe this was happening. Reluctantly, he reached for her hand and shook it.

  “There. No hard feelings. Right?”

  He wanted so badly to believe her. “Right. No hard feelings…as long as this is genuine. I’ll be twice as angry if I find out you’re duping me.”

  “I have no desire to dupe you or anyone else. I’ve always been very honest about my feelings and intentions.”

  If she’s talking about her obsessive feelings and intention to control me, she’s not wrong.

  “You don’t happen to know where I could find Kurt now, do you?”

  “No. Don’t you have his phone number?”

  “Silly me. I lost it. Could you give it to me again? Please?”

  Anthony didn’t want to throw his buddy in harm’s way, in case this was all an act. “I’ll call him for you.”

  She didn’t protest or try to manipulate him into giving her the number.

  Maybe this is real.


  He dialed Kurt.

  Kurt and Nick were scoping out a row of industrial-looking buildings on Lansdowne Street in Cambridge. Kurt had nothing of Tory’s to make a tracking device, but Nick had used his powerful sense of smell to follow the latest victim’s scent to the edge of Central Square. By combining that with Sadie’s description, they hoped to find what they were after.

  “Did she say she found the cages in the basement or on the first floor?” Nick asked.

  Kurt stopped walking and said, “Let me replay that part in my head.” He closed his eyes and used his magic to conjure up a photographic memory of the night Sadie astral-projected into the lab.

  Before he had his answer, his cell phone rang. It disturbed his concentration, so he decided to answer it and go back to memory lane later.

  “Hey, Anthony. What’s up?”

  “Ruxandra wants to talk to you.”

  “Me?” Kurt scratched his head.

  “Yeah. Why do you sound surprised? She says you’re together now.”

  “Really? Huh.”

  Nick’s eyes narrowed. With his wolf’s auditory senses, he could probably hear the conversation on both ends.

  “I didn’t think I was making much progress in that area.”

  “Oh, give me that phone,” a female voice growled. A second later, Ruxandra took over for Anthony. “Hello, lover. You knew it was just a matter of time before I succumbed to your charm, didn’t you?”

  “Well, no. Is
that what you’re doing?”

  “Jesus…” she muttered. Then she switched back to her syrupy sweet voice. “Who could resist you? Don’t answer that. It was rhetorical.”


  “I’d like to see you. I want to apologize for being so ungracious and refusing your lovely invitation to the movies.”

  Nick folded his arms and stared at him. Kurt turned around so he didn’t have to look at his friend’s doubting face.

  “I’m kind of busy at the moment.”

  Ruxandra huffed. “It figures.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I’d love to see you. I’m just tied up with something over in Cambridge.” Then he got an idea, probably not a good one, but what the hell. “You can come here and help me if you want.”

  After a brief hesitation she said, “I’d love to. Where should I meet you?”

  “There’s a Starbucks on Mass Ave. Central Square. You can get here on the Red Line.”

  She humphed. “Public transportation?”

  “Why not? Are you too good to take the T?”

  He thought he heard a gasp. Kurt glanced over his shoulder and saw Nick covering his mouth, as if holding in one of his booming laughs.

  “Fine,” she said. “I’ll be there in twenty to forty minutes depending on the whims of the MBTA.”

  “Great! I’ll see you then.”

  When he hung up, Nick couldn’t hold it any longer and burst out laughing.


  “You and Ruxandra? Have you lost your mind?”

  “Probably. Look, it started as a favor to Anthony. We thought we might be able to protect Claudia if Ruxandra didn’t feel completely rejected. Then, I considered it a challenge. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I’d really like a chance with a gorgeous woman who has the ability to be loyal in her nature. Sure, her loyalty has been misguided in the past, but it’s there for the reshaping. Do you know how many old girlfriends have cheated on me?”

  “No. How many?”

  “All of them.”

  “You’re kidding. Are you bad judge of character, or do you just let your pecker do the picking?”

  Kurt shrugged. “Hell if I know.”


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