Kissing with Fangs

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Kissing with Fangs Page 26

by Ashlyn Chase

  Claudia shrugged. “Maybe I proved myself trustworthy.”

  “I’d say there’s no maybe about it.” He smiled and raised her hand to his lips.

  “So…paranormals,” she continued. “Are you going to fill me in on our guests?”

  He hesitated but only for a moment. “We’d better do it telepathically so no one can hear us.”

  Perfect. Okay. So who’s who?

  “Before I tell you anything, I want you to remember you’ve counted most of them as friends for a long time. I don’t want that to change.”

  Neither do I.

  “All right.” Anthony rubbed her palms with his thumbs. “If you think you can handle it, I’ll start small. Tory is a shapeshifting coyote. Angie may never know that. He doesn’t have to shift during a full moon as a werewolf does, and he doesn’t need to drink blood or stay away from sunlight. In essence, he can live his entire life as a normal man if he chooses to.”

  For Angie’s sake, I hope that’s what he decides to do.

  “For everyone’s sake, I think he will.”

  Okay. One down. Who’s next? Claudia asked.

  “You know Brandee is special, but she didn’t used to be. She was as human as you and Angie until she and Nick were engaged.”

  So what happened?

  “Gaia needed a new muse and offered her a position as muse of photography. Wait, it was more than that. Muse of still and moving images, I think.”

  Considering Brandee’s career in photography, that makes sense. But did that happen after she and Nick got together, because she proved herself trustworthy with a secret of his?


  So, Nick’s a…

  “Nick’s a werewolf.”

  Claudia tried to let that sink in. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. He’s a big man and he’d have to let Brandee know why he couldn’t be with her during full moons. Right?

  “I’m sure that was part of it. I was with him when he told her everything, just in case.”

  In case her memory needed a “do-over”?

  Anthony chuckled. “Yes. He even shifted in front of her and let her see his other form. She was naturally nervous but accepted him fully.”

  Wow. That took guts on both their parts.

  “Yes. But she had to know the truth. And he wanted her to see that she was perfectly safe with him in either form. I hope you know his guarantee of safety includes you and everyone here.”

  I don’t doubt it.

  “You should also know he helped me get Boston Uncommon off the ground. He, like me, had a vision of paranormals meeting in a safe space and getting to know each other as friends.”

  It seems to have worked.

  “Yes, but there are still some age-old rivalries out there. We don’t run around recruiting hostile factions and try to play diplomat. We’re just available for those who want to get along.”

  That sounds like the best way to handle it.

  Anthony gave her a smile that spoke of genuine admiration. “You really are amazing, you know that?” he said out loud.

  “Hmmm…I guess I am.” Claudia giggled. So, what about the rest? Kurt?

  “Wizard but human. Not paranormal at all.”


  “Sadie is human too. A human psychic. Both of them are aware of the paranormals in our midst. If they’re comfortable here, that should say something, right?”

  Claudia nodded. What about Morgaine and Sly? You said they might be coming tonight.

  “Sly is the vampire who mesmerized you and Angie, Malcolm, Robin, and Wendy way back when all hell broke loose after that emergency staff meeting. Kurt froze time long enough for him to do it.”

  But Sly can walk in daylight.

  “And thanks to him, I can too.”

  She squeezed his hands. Remind me to thank him later. So, what about his wife, Morgaine?

  “Witch first, then she became a vampire when she married Sly.”

  She became a… Was it by choice?

  “Yes. It was definitely her choice. Apparently he’d already lost a wife and grieved for years. Because she’s his beloved, she figured it would be even worse if she died.”

  Claudia had to remember to breathe. She had never considered the possibility of becoming a vampire. I’m betting it’s not like converting to Judaism, is it? Once it’s done, it probably can’t be undone.

  “That’s correct. In case you’re wondering, I don’t want you to do that for me.”

  As selfish as it sounded, Claudia was relieved. Rather than dwell on it, she continued their conversation.

  Can Morgaine do spells like Kurt can?

  “Yes. I guess there are subtle differences between wizards and witches—mostly moral, and they don’t always get along.”

  Chalk up another unusual friendship because of Boston Uncommon.

  Anthony grinned. “By Jove, you’ve got it.”

  Claudia took in a deep breath and let it out on a sigh. “I guess that’s enough for now. Any more information and my head might explode.”

  Anthony cupped her cheeks and said, “We can’t let that happen. It’s such a pretty, pretty head.”

  Chapter 19

  The party had gone well. Angie spent most of the evening on Tory’s lap, and everyone had fun teasing her about her “get it yourself” attitude. Anthony and Claudia had just said good night to the last of the partygoers when the bell over the door tinkled again.

  In walked Ruxandra.

  Anthony’s back stiffened.

  “What’s she doing here?” Claudia asked telepathically.

  Kurt followed her in and said, “Hi, Claudia. I’m glad you’re still here. Ruxandra has something she wants to tell you.”

  Anthony stepped in front of Claudia, almost as if it were reflex.

  “It’s okay, Anthony. I’m not going to hurt her. Ever.”

  Was that too much to hope for? Anthony caught Kurt’s eye and he nodded.

  Moving to Claudia’s side, Anthony wrapped his arm around her shoulder protectively and noted a tremor. Apparently Claudia needed to be convinced as much as he did.

  “Well, Ruxandra. Go ahead. Say what you came to say.”

  Ruxandra reached for Kurt’s hand, as if she needed confidence. A definite change was taking place in her, and Anthony just prayed it would continue.

  “I’m sorry, Claudia,” she said. “I know I did some terrible things to you, and I don’t expect you to forgive me, but that doesn’t change how sorry I am.”

  After a long pause, Claudia finally said, “I can understand how hard it is to realize you’ve hurt someone and apologize, especially when you don’t think you’ll be forgiven. I’ve been in that position too.”

  Ruxandra’s eyes rounded. “You have?”

  “Yes. I may not have meant to hurt anyone, but I did. Apologizing is the right thing to do. You may or may not help the other person forgive you, but the important thing is that you do it. It’s the first step in eventually forgiving yourself.”

  Ruxandra hung her head. “I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself for some of the things I’ve done…especially to you.”

  Claudia stepped away from Anthony. The spot where she had been curled into him cooled, or perhaps the chill that invaded him was dread. She stepped forward and extended her arms. If Anthony hadn’t just taken a breath a few moments ago, he’d have gasped.

  Ruxandra looked up, surprised. As soon as she realized she was getting a hug instead of the slap she deserved, she relaxed and opened her arms.

  The two women held each other and Anthony thought he heard sniffling, but he couldn’t be sure. Kurt pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to Ruxandra.

  Oh, my gods. I never thought I’d see the day.

  Ruxandra was crying.


>   Anthony and Claudia had finally locked up and made their way upstairs to Claudia’s apartment. He placed his hands on her shoulders and smiled like he had some kind of pleasant surprise in store.

  “Would you like me to spend the night? Or longer?”

  Surprise didn’t quite cover the emotion that Claudia felt. Shock was more like it. “Seriously? You want to sleep here?”

  “I’ve always wanted to stay the night with you, honey. I couldn’t before Sly gave me his temporary cure for the death sleep and photosensitivity. Now I can—if you want me to.”

  She grinned. “Of course I want you to.” She’d often thought about how wonderful it would be to fall asleep all curled up in his arms. “I’d love that. But what did you mean when you said, ‘or longer’?”

  He glanced at the floor and scuffed his shoe as if he were nervous. “I was wondering if you’d like us to live together.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. Instead of answering him verbally, she just planted her lips on his and kissed him for all she was worth.

  “I take it that’s a yes?”

  “Yes. That’s most definitely a yes.”

  Anthony swept her up in his arms and carried her to their bedroom. He set her on the end of the bed and unbuttoned her blouse as she unzipped his trousers. She had always wanted to pleasantly surprise him in the bedroom. Tonight would be the night.

  He was just reaching for her bra when she grasped his erection and sucked it into her mouth. He leaned back and groaned. Claudia went to work giving him the best blow job she knew how. It must have been pretty good because he was moaning and gently cupping the back of her head, allowing her to do whatever she wanted to him.

  She’d never much cared for the act, but with Anthony it was different. She wanted to do this. And it wasn’t just that she wanted to give him the kind of intense pleasure he always gave her. She loved the intimacy it created between them. She loved him.

  “Oh, baby…that’s so good,” he whispered.

  She had always wondered if she could possibly measure up to his former lovers. They’d never discussed it, but she had the feeling there had been more than Ruxandra. A lot more. Considering his long life, that wasn’t much of a stretch.

  She hadn’t realized she was projecting her thought until he answered her telepathically.

  “You don’t have any competition, sweetheart. Not in the present or the past. And there won’t be any in the future, either.”

  Claudia felt a momentary urge to cry. She held it back in favor of the warm feelings flooding her. She wasn’t the emotional mess she had once been, but she could still be swamped by strong feelings…this time, feelings of unmitigated love.

  She broke the suction just long enough to tell him she loved him out loud and to swirl her tongue around his girth a few times.

  “I love you too, darling. So much,” he murmured.

  Whether he called her “baby” or “honey” or “darling,” she felt the sincerity of his words. It was almost too much. She sucked him harder, longing to bring him the same joy she felt.

  He pushed gently against her shoulders until he popped out of her mouth. “I’ll have nothing left if you finish me now.”

  “That’s not true,” she said.

  He laughed. “You know me well. But I want to give you what you need too.”

  “Right now, all I need is you,” she said and reached for him again.

  He stepped aside, scooped her up, and tossed her onto the middle of the bed. She gasped, then giggled as she bounced. He leaped onto the bed and braced himself on either side of her. Gently lowering his weight, he captured her lips and kissed her thoroughly.

  Claudia wrapped her arms around his waist and stroked his back. He was still wearing his shirt and shoes, and his pants were around his ankles, but she could stroke his buttocks and give them a good squeeze.

  He sat up just long enough to pull his shirt off over his head and kick off his shoes and slacks. Then he assisted her with her skirt and bra. She was still wearing her red lace panties, but they proved no barrier at all.

  He stroked her mons over the panties, then slipped his finger beneath them. He found the little bud of sensitive flesh and rubbed. She arched her back and moaned. The intense sensations at her epicenter grew white hot. Before she knew it, she exploded in an earth-shattering orgasm. Her moans turned to screams of ecstasy, and her thighs vibrated wildly.

  When he had taken her to her last aftershock, she felt completely boneless. She was glad she’d given him his blow job first, because she doubted herself capable of it now.

  Anthony easily slipped off her panties and positioned himself between her legs. She was about to raise her knees so she could lift her buttocks and meet his thrusts, but instead, he hoisted her legs over his shoulders.

  “Is this the proverbial legs-behind-the-ears position?” she joked.

  “Oh, gods. I didn’t think of that.” He began to slip her legs off, but she clasped her ankles around his neck. “No. I want to try this,” she said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “God’s, yeah,” she said, teasing.

  He grinned. “I think you’ll like it.”

  He cradled her bottom and then entered her inch by delicious inch. They gazed into each other’s eyes the whole time. Claudia felt so complete. She always did when she and Anthony made love, but this…

  He began his rhythm and she cooed her pleasure. Her eyes closed of their own volition and she used the darkness to simply feel. His thrusts and parries were slow and sensuous. She let him pick the pace and was glad of that. She’d never have guessed he liked it slow.

  “I love you so much, Claudia,” he whispered.

  Her name rolled off his lips, sounding like a caress. She didn’t want to do anything to break the spell, so she answered him telepathically.

  I love you too.

  She continued to concentrate on the glorious sensations of his intimate strokes. She felt a flutter from deep within. She’d never had an orgasm without direct contact to that little exposed bundle of nerves, but she’d heard that the clitoris was much larger on the inside of the body. That must have been what he was stroking.

  Before she knew it, she climaxed in a way she never had before. Subtler, deeper, more… She abandoned thought and let the new sensation wash over her. As her inner muscles fluttered, Anthony stiffened and jerked a few times. She opened her eyes and watched his face as he climaxed. Eyes closed, he let his head fall back and his mouth opened. He let out a long breath and stilled.

  Then he looked down at her and his smile warmed her heart. She felt tears brimming in her eyes. Would he know she was crying from happiness?

  He must have. He slid out slowly and gently lowered her bottom to the bed. Then he lay beside her and gathered her in his arms. He wrapped himself around her as if sheltering her from the world and all its storms.

  She let out a long sigh and enveloped him with her free arm. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “The gift of yourself.”


  Anthony woke to the sound of female voices. One was definitely Claudia’s, but he couldn’t quite place the other one. It sounded familiar.

  He knew he could lie there and eavesdrop, but that wouldn’t be right.

  What time is it? He rolled toward the bedside table on which Claudia kept her old-fashioned alarm clock. She said she didn’t trust digital clocks because when the power went out, the alarm wouldn’t get her up. More reason to love her. She wouldn’t let him down by being late to work.

  The battery-operated analog clock said 10:30, but was that a.m. or p.m.? Either he’d slept a few minutes or several hours. When had he last had any Vampire Vintage? Its effects were temporary, and judging by his total lack of bloodlust, he was still enjoying its neutralizing effect. It must be the same evening. Beside
s, Claudia would be at work if it were morning.

  Anthony got out of bed and dressed quickly.

  When he rounded the corner, he was surprised to see one of his former waitresses from when the place was a bar. Bliss. Of course, he knew Claudia and Bliss were friends, but he hadn’t seen her since the fire.

  He cleared his throat to let the women know he was there. They glanced his way at the same time.

  “Anthony. So nice to see you.” Bliss rose.

  “You too,” he said. “You look well, Bliss.”

  She grinned. “I couldn’t be any better if I tried.”

  He didn’t hug his waitstaff while they worked for him, but this was Claudia’s friend and no longer his employee. He strode to her and extended his arms. She looked surprised but took the cue and hugged him.

  “Wow. Claudia, you’ve really loosened him up.”

  Anthony’s browns rose. What did she mean by that?

  Claudia answered him telepathically. “She remembers you as reserved and serious.”

  Ah, yes. Back when he was worried about Ruxandra’s jealousy, he’d kept all his female employees at arm’s length…if not farther. He hardly smiled then.

  He suddenly realized what a difference Claudia had made in his life. And now that Ruxandra was truly remorseful for her former behavior, he might be able to relax even more. “How’s Drake?”

  “Good. Although he’s being more careful on the job now that he chose to give up his immortality for me.”

  “He did that?” Anthony didn’t mean to sound so shocked. He’d certainly do it, if it meant not having to survive without Claudia. “How?”

  Bliss worried her lip, then whispered, “I’m not allowed to tell. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Then in her normal voice she said, “Damn it. I’m such a blurter.”

  Anthony realized who had to be behind it. There was no other explanation. “Gaia did that for him?”

  “Shhh…” Bliss glanced around the room furtively as if expecting the goddess to show up.

  “Sorry,” Anthony said. “I know we’re not supposed to tell anyone who doesn’t know, but we already do.”

  Bliss’s brows rose. “Both of you know?”


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