Two Hearts Find Christmas

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Two Hearts Find Christmas Page 10

by Tamara Ferguson

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t believe I didn’t even know you’d been married,” she said walking him to the back door.

  “Why should you? I rarely talk about the past.” Walking through the doorway, he turned back to her with a worried frown. “Be careful, Nina. This whole situation has everyone off balance. Everything that’s going on doesn’t make much sense.”

  “I will. What time will you be here in the morning?”

  He grimaced. “Around eight?”

  “That’ll work.”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.”

  Once Steve was on his way, Nina felt exhausted. It’d been a long day. After going into work a few hours earlier than usual this morning after a restless night, she’d arrived home four hours ago to open the house for the delivery men.

  While Nina had been at work today, Danielle Loughlin had been kind enough to stock Nina’s fridge and cupboards with enough groceries to last her and Josh the entire week. Peeking inside the fridge, she couldn’t resist pulling out some cheese and roast beef, and putting together a sandwich.

  Just as she was loading her plate into the dishwasher, the phone for her landline rang, and she answered.

  “Nina? This is Tim. Rose and I are outside in my truck and we didn’t want to scare you. There’s someone waiting for you outside of the back door.”

  “Hi, Tim. Alright.” Puzzled, she walked to the back door. Opening it up and glancing around the porch, her gaze finally went down. With a smile on his face as his tongue hung out on from one side, Ralph was sitting patiently on the back porch.

  When he held out his paw, Nina giggled, bending down to shake it. “Hello, Ralph. How are you this evening?” As she swept out her arm to invite him in, Tim and Rose walked up the steps to the back door, carrying Ralph’s supplies and food.

  “Rose wanted to make sure Ralph was settled,” Tim said.

  Nina grinned, leading Tim and Rose to the pantry and opening the door.

  After Rose rested a large container on the floor and opened the lid, Tim dumped a large bag of dog food inside.

  “Can I get you guys anything to drink?”

  “I’m fine,” Rose answered. “Thanks, Nina.”

  Opening the carry-all she’d brought inside with her, Rose pulled out a bunch of supplies, along with a leash, and laid everything on the bench near the back door.

  Glancing at Rose while she was attempting to settle Ralph on a bed in the corner of the kitchen, Tim answered, “I’ll take some water, if it’s handy.”

  “Sure,” Nina answered, pulling a bottle out from inside the fridge and handing it over to Tim.

  Tim pulled Nina aside wearing a frown on his face. “I heard that Josh was having some big-time trouble. If there’s anything I can do, or if you need my help, give me a call at home. Okay? We’re only ten minutes away from you, you know.”

  Nina nodded her agreement. “Hopefully, they’ll be able to figure out who’s after Josh pretty quickly. I think the best thing you can do is make sure that no one knows that you’ve been training the dog for Josh. And, of course, you and Rose can’t let anyone know that Josh will be staying here.”

  “Of course. I didn’t know anything about the shooting until Jake called me when I was already on my way here with Rose, or I wouldn’t have brought her along with me.”

  Nina nodded. “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it now. If possible, just pretend you were never here.”

  But then she smiled watching Rose and Ralph. “He’s really a sweet dog, isn’t he?”

  Tim chuckled. “He’s definitely a good dog, but a questionable service animal. He has some really dopey quirks, but Josh seems to have enough patience to help Ralph work through them.”

  Nina looked at Tim suspiciously. “What kind of quirks?”

  Tim laughed. “Don’t worry, he’s finally aced his housebreaking.”

  They spent the next few minutes deciding where Ralph’s bed should go after Rose rested a water bowl on the floor in the corner near the back door.

  “The bed should probably be set up in the living room, instead of in here, since that’s where I’ll be spending most of my time,” she said to Rose.

  “I’ve got another bed out in the truck. That one can go in the room where Josh will be sleeping, and then I’ve also got a cage for you for whenever it’s needed. It can be folded away and stored in the garage or the basement if you’d like it out of the way.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Tim and Rose were on their way down the driveway heading toward home, and Ralph was laying on his dog bed with his head on his paws watching her with a soulful gaze. Every few minutes, he’d lift his head, staring anxiously around the room.

  What Nina really wanted to do was go over to the dog and wrap her arms around him like she had the first time they’d met. But for his training to be effective, she’d need to hold off for a while on doing things like that. One of the most difficult behavior problems they needed to break Ralph of was his tendency to revert into puppy mode, which wasn’t much help to Josh.

  All of sudden, Nina was having trouble keeping her eyes open, trying to read and relax.

  Glancing at the cell phone laying nearby on the coffee table and repositioning herself on the couch, she decided she’d better try to get a little rest while she had the chance, and soon she was sound asleep.

  * * *

  It had to be at least a few hours later when Nina felt herself being shaken awake.

  And when something damp ran over her cheek, she bolted upright in confusion.

  “Ralph,” she muttered. “I forgot you were here.”

  Glancing at the person who was standing over her, she started, before bursting into laughter.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she finally said, trying to contain her laughter. “You look ridiculous, Josh.”

  Josh snorted. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t too crazy about the idea myself, but I needed a disguise,” he said, tugging the long brown-haired wig off from his head.

  “Jake,” Nina said with pretended disapproval.

  He was standing on the other side of the room with a smile on his face. “Hey, it was Danielle’s idea. We needed to think of a quick and easy disguise to get Josh away from the inn, and she had this wig from her modeling days. She’s hiding out in my office at the inn until I get back there to take her home.”

  “Supposedly, she wears this poufy long parka all the time. And she’s pretty tall, so in the dark...”

  Jake walked over with a duffel bag, stuffing the abandoned coat, hat and wig inside while at the same time pulling out a package from its pocket.

  “Okay, so what I’ve got here for all of us are some burner phones. Everyone’s numbers are plugged in.” He handed each of them a phone. “Nina? Have you noticed I’ve closed your blinds? It would probably be a good idea for you to get into the habit when it begins to get dark. I could actually see you on the couch when we headed down the driveway from the road, and I imagine once the lake is frozen, anyone out there would easily be able to spot you too.”

  “Alright,” she answered. “I’m glad I actually had the blinds put in now. We lived here for years without any window coverings except for in the bedrooms and bathrooms.”

  “Okay. So Jake tells me there’s a bedroom in the basement?” Josh asked.

  “It’d probably be better if you were here on the same floor with Nina, Josh, when she’s home. Otherwise, you and Ralph better remain in the basement as much as possible so it looks like no one is home. When you take the dog outside? Wear the stocking cap I got you that covers your face. But don’t forget to listen and make sure that no one’s around before you go out. And Luke gave you a different coat to wear, didn’t he?”

  “Yeah, he did. Makes me look like a hunter, he said.”

  Grabbing Ralph by the collar and walking him through the room, Josh finally seated himself in the recliner near the fireplace.

  Nina smiled when Ralph laid down near the fireplace watching Josh instead
of returning to his bed.

  Pulling a list from his pocket, Jake sat down at the end of the couch. “Here are some instructions for the security guys, Nina. You have the morning off tomorrow, right?”

  “Right,” Nina answered. “Mel has that new nurse trainee coming in tomorrow too, so my shift will be covered.”

  “The first thing you need to do in the morning is get Josh outside with the dog so he knows the property lines and the edge of the shoreline. He’ll need to be familiar enough to take the dog outside on his own when you’re not around.”

  Jake turned to Josh. “Josh? I don’t want you outside of this house without the dog? Got it?”

  “I do,” he answered.

  Ralph would be able to immediately alert Josh if strangers were around.

  “Okay, so the security guys will be here at nine. Both of these guys work for me so it’s alright to be visible inside, but don’t go outside. I may drop in to check and see how everything’s going. More than likely whoever’s trying to get to you will be watching me and Luke tomorrow though, when they realize you’re no longer staying at the inn.”

  “Alright. Thanks a lot Jake, for everything you’re doing,” Josh answered.

  “I just wish we had a clue as to what was going on,” he answered, standing up. “Remember, Nina, if you think of anyone who might have been paying any particular attention to Josh when you had him in town to purchase his clothing, let me know. Didn’t you go out to eat a couple of times?”

  “Just at the drive-in,” Nina answered, pursing her lips. “I take that back, I completely forgot that I did stop with Josh for carryout one day, and we walked inside the Crystal Rock Tap. It was a night that Steve wasn’t able to pick Josh up at the shelter after working with Ralph.”

  Josh frowned. “Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. It sounded like it was pretty busy in there.”

  “Yeah, it was,” Nina answered. “That’s why we didn’t stay to eat. The loud music was giving Josh a headache.”

  Jake grimaced. “Oh, boy. That means almost anyone who used to know Josh could’ve seen him. Just about everyone in town goes to the Tap sometime or another during the week. Do you happen to remember who was in charge that night?”

  “It was the owner, Jeff Thompson,” Josh answered, grinning wryly. “I remember cause he shook my hand, which I thought was strange, cause he didn’t think too much of me as a teenager.”

  Jake snorted, walking to the back door. “You’d be surprised Josh, to know the real truth about that. Hopefully, one day you’ll finally be able see it. But I’m glad it was Jeff there that night. He might’ve seen something or someone that others wouldn’t have noticed.”

  “Okay, see you two later,” Jake said, opening the door.

  Nina stood up from the couch, following Jake to the door.

  “Lock up tight tonight, and both of you try and get some sleep,” he said.


  “Thanks, Nina.” Reaching out, Jake squeezed her hand and winked. “Being around you and the dog will actually be good for him, and good for you too, I think. It’s a shame that it has to be under these kinds of circumstances.”

  “For sure,” she answered, smiling wryly. “I’ll see you tomorrow Jake. Thanks again.”

  “Alright.” Jake strolled quickly across the porch and down the stairs as Nina closed the door behind him, locking the deadbolt.

  When Nina returned to the living room, she found Josh nearly asleep, so she tapped him on the shoulder.

  He sprung up quickly, gripping her arm unconsciously with a shaking hand. “Damn. I’m sorry, Nina.”

  “For what?” she asked softly. “I know about your sleep issues, even though I’m never around you during the night.”

  Josh shook his head, acting like he was feeling a little disoriented when he made a confession. “Sometimes it feels claustrophobic, not being able to see. Like I’m trapped in some weird place, maybe a dungeon, and someone is torturing me.”

  “Oh, Josh.” At that moment, something changed between them, and Nina realized he was starting to let her in.

  Sitting on the arm of the chair, she laid a hand over his face until Josh finally quit shaking and laid his hand over hers.

  Ralph had crept closer, and he laid his head on Josh’s lap.

  “I think he might need to go outside. I’ll just take him out tonight so you can get settled in your room. During the rest of the week, we can take him out together so I can keep an eye out for you.”

  “That’ll work.”

  “I’ve got the bed downstairs made up for you, if you need to use it during the day, and I’ve put your clothes in the bedroom next to mine down the hallway since it has a bathroom attached. Steve thought we should stick together when I’m home.”

  “Alright. I was going to suggest the same thing. You want to walk me through the house?”

  “Yep. Let me grab Ralph’s bed first. Tim said he should be near you.”

  It didn’t take long for Josh to find his way around. Most of the house was open concept, and there was very little clutter. There were a few nice pieces of furniture, and one of these days Nina meant to venture into the attic to pull out a couple more things that’d belonged to her mom. It never seemed to be the right time for it though.

  But who knows? Maybe it’d be soon.

  “This place is actually huge,” Josh said. “I didn’t realize that when we were here the other day.”

  “Yeah, there was an addition built after I went away to nursing school. Jake and Danielle talked me into a home improvement loan because the value of lakefront property had quadrupled with all the reconstruction going on at Dragonfly Point.”

  “How many bedrooms?”

  “There are two on this level, three upstairs and two downstairs. Actually, I rented out the downstairs while I was working out of town, since it has a separate entrance and a small kitchen. In fact, I rented out the whole place and kept my stuff in storage for the first five years. But I prefer my privacy since I work so much, so I wanted the whole place to myself when I came home.”

  “Yeah,” Josh answered. “I think that I would want that too.” He started making his way around the bedroom that she’d shown him into. “I’ll be fine. You still sound tired even though you had a nap, so why don’t you hurry and take Ralph out so you can get some sleep. It’s gotta be close to midnight.”

  Ralph cocked his head looking at her expectantly.

  “Okay. Come here Ralph.” Nina grinned when he rushed to her side. “I’ll be right back.”

  Ralph was certainly much more well-behaved than he’d been last month. Nina had left the leash near the door, and quickly clipped it on Ralph’s collar before flipping the switch for the bright overhead light immediately outside the back door.

  There were sensor activated security lights already installed along the driveway, so she made her way with Ralph through the snow covered grassy edge. Nina was relieved when he quickly did what he needed to do so they could hurry back inside. Although she’d always felt safe here, for the last couple days she’d been on edge.

  Five minutes later, she was inside with Ralph, locking the deadbolt for the door. Ralph held still as she unclipped his leash, but when she finished, he held out his paw.

  “Hmm,” she muttered. “What was it Tim said?”

  “He should be rewarded with a treat,” Josh said, with humor in his voice as he walked into the kitchen. “He needs a lot of rewarding, but he’s sure been a heck of a lot better because of it. I’d do it, but I’m not sure where you’ve stored his stuff.”

  But Nina drew in a deep breath. Josh had taken off his shirt and was standing in the kitchen wearing only a pair of sweats. She thought he’d looked fit three weeks ago when he’d entered the rehab center, but now?


  “Nina? Are you alright?”

  She swallowed. “No,” she answered softly.

  With a worried frown on his face, Josh made his way as quickly as he could through the kitc

  “What is it?”

  Dropping Ralph’s leash on the floor, she reached out cupping Josh’s face within her hands.

  And then she kissed him, letting her hands move down over his big broad shoulders.

  His mouth moved away from her lips, over her cheeks and down to her throat. Josh looked as dazed as she was feeling when he finally broke away.

  “Nina.” Josh pressed his forehead against hers. “I don’t think I’m ready,” he said softly.

  But then he grinned, bringing her closer so she could feel his definite arousal. “Well, I’m ready, but I think it’s just too soon.”

  “I know,” she answered, laughing softly. “Geez, Josh. It’s just that you’re so sexy, and I needed to kiss you.”

  “You think I’m sexy?” It sounded more like a statement than a question.

  “Well, yeah, of course I do. I always have.”

  Josh smiled from ear to ear.

  “So maybe we can do a little more cuddling and kissing now that we’re alone together?” He snickered softly. “Wanna go steady, Nina Chandler?”

  “Sure, Josh Loughlin. I’ve never really gone steady with anyone before.”

  “Me, neither,” Josh said softly, pulling her into his arms and just holding her.

  He was doing a pretty good job of taking care of himself since he’d decided to grow a beard, and Josh’s aftershave smelled like the outdoors, and reminded her of Christmas and pines. Every muscle in his body was firm and rock hard.

  He was turning her on so much, she was beginning to shiver.

  But after a few minutes, Ralph began to whine.

  Josh laughed. “Uh, oh. Ralph is jealous.”

  “Sorry, Ralph.” After bending down and patting Ralph reassuringly on the head, Nina guided Josh to the pantry. Opening the door, she pulled out the box of dog biscuits, handing them over to Josh.

  “Okay, I’ll leave you two alone,” she said, brushing her lips against Josh’s cheek.

  “Goodnight, Nina. See you tomorrow.” Josh was still laughing as she made her way through the hallway and into her bedroom, leaving the door cracked open.


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