by Mark Mazower
14. J. Landau, Tekinalp, 9–10; M. Edelman, David: The Story of Ben-Gurion (New York, 1965), 52.
15. E. Benbassa, “Presse d’Istanbul et de Salonique au service du sionisme (1908–1914). Les motifs d’une allégeance,” Revue Historique, 560 (Oct.–Dec. 1986), 337–367; A. Galanté, Receuil de nouveaux documents inédits concernant l’histoire des Juifs de Turquie (Istanbul, 1949), 36–39; J. Landau, Tekinalp, 21, 57–58.
16. K. A. Vakalopoulos, Neoturkoi kai Makedonia, 289: S. J. Shaw and E. K. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, 277.
17. “Conversations avec le Nazim Bey,” Journal de Salonique, Nov. 1909.
18. D. Dakin, The Greek Struggle in Macedonia, 405; Nea Alithia, 12 Nov. 1910.
19. Ionian Bank Archives (LSE), Half-yearly Report of the Salonica Branch, 1928.
20. K. Tomanas, Chroniko tis Thessalonikis 1875–1920, 34, 42; B. Pappenheim, Sisyphus-Arbeit (Leipzig, 1924).
21. K. Moskof, Thessaloniki: tomi tis metapratikis polis (Athens, 1978), 169.
22. M. Tremopoulos, “To syndikalistiko kinima ton trochiodromikon tis Thessalonikis,” EIE, IZ’ Panellinion Istoriko Synedrio: Praktika (1997), 395–420; P. Dumont, “A Jewish, Socialist and Ottoman Organisation: the Workers’ Federation of Salonica,” M. Tuncay and E. J. Zürcher, eds., Socialism and Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire, 1876–1923 (London, 1994), 49–75.
23. G. Haupt, “Le début du mouvement socialiste en Turquie,” Le mouvement social, 45 (Oct–Dec. 1963), 121–137, 131–132.
24. P. Dumont, “Sources inédites pour l’histoire du mouvement ouvrier et des courants socialistes dans l’Empire Ottoman au debut du Xxe siècle,” Études Balkaniques, 3 (1978), 16–34; I. Yalimov, “The Bulgarian community and the development of the socialist movement in the Ottoman empire during the period 1876–1923,” in M. Tuncay and E. J. Zürcher, eds., Socialism and Nationalism, 89–108.
25. P. Dumont, “Une organisation socialiste ottomane: la fédération ouvrière de Salonique (1908–1912),” Études Balkaniques (1975), 76–88.
26. P. Dumont, “Sources inédites,” 27.
27. “Les races sont des troupeaux,” La Solidaridad Ovradera, 2 June 1911 cited in N. Cohen-Rak, “Salonique en 1911 à travers La Solidaridad Ovradera,” Revue des Études Juives, CXLVIII (July–Dec. 1989), 477–485.
14 / The Return of Saint Dimitrios
1. C. Antonopoulos, “I apeleftherosis tis Thessalonikis apo ton Ayio Dimitrio to 1912,” in Ch. Bakirtzis, ed., Ayiou Dimitriou Thaumata (Athens, 1997), 337–343. My thanks to Peter Brown for bringing this to my attention.
2. Memoirs of Lakis Dailakis, cited in K. A. Vakalopoulos, Neotourkoi kai Makedonia, 404.
3. J. Leune, Une revanche, une étape: campagne de l’Armée Hellénique en Macedoine, 1912 (Paris, 1914), 308; Papanastasiou in Ch. Papastathis, “O Alexandros Papanastasiou kai i Thessaloniki,” in his Thessalonikeia kai Makedonika Analekta (Thessaloniki, 1999), 157–167; A. Mazarakis-Ainian, Mémoires (Thessaloniki, 1979), 100; Papavasileiou in L. Tricha, ed., Himerologia kai grammata apo to metopo: Valkanikoi polemoi, 1912–1913 (Athens, 1993), 307–310.
4. On flags, K. Tomanas, Chroniko tis Thessalonikis, 1875–1920 (Thessaloniki, 1995), 168, 171; R. Rankin, The Inner History of the Balkan War (London, 1914), 345.
5. V. Nikoltsios and V. Gounaris, eds., Apo to Sarantaporo sti Thessaloniki (2002), 48–61; A. Mango, Ataturk (London, 2001).
6. Leune, 369–373.
7. “Bulgarians and Salonica,” The Orient, 4 June 1913.
8. A. Buonaiuti, Salonicco (Milan, 1916), 62–63.
9. A. H. Trapmann, The Greeks Triumphant (London, 1915), 155–158.
10. Ibid.
11. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Report of the International Commission, 188–195; B. Gounaris, “Doing business in Macedonia: Greek problems in British perspective (1912–1921),” European Review of History, 5:2 (1998), 169–180.
12. L. Maccas, “Salonique occupée et administrée par les Grecs,” Revue de Droit International Public, 20 (1913), 207–242; K. Skordyles, “Réactions juives à l’annexion de Salonique par la Grèce,” in I. Hassiotis, ed., The Jewish Communities of Southeastern Europe (1997), 503 note 10.
13. R. Molho, Oi Evraioi tis Thessalon-ikis, 1856–1919 (Athens, 2001), 3242–3243; K. Skordyles, “Réactions juives à l’annexion de Salonique par la Grèce,” 503–516.
14. R. Molho, Oi Evraioi tis Thessalonikis, 1856–1919, 244–245.
15. Maccas, 214–217; S. Marketos, “I ensomatosi tis sefaradikis Thessalonikis stin Ellada: to plaisio, 1912–1914,” in n.a., O ellinikos evraismos (Athens, 1999), 69.
16. K. Raktivan, Eggrafa kai simeioseis ek tis protis Ellinikis dioikiseos tis Makedonias (1951).
17. H. Petropoulos, I onomatothesia odon kai plateion (1995), 128–129.
18. A. Scheikevitch, Hellas? … Hélas! Souvenirs de Salonique (Paris, 1922), 34–36; Buonaiuti, 100.
19. E. Hekimoglou, “Dyo anekdota keimena apo ti neoteri istoria tis Thessalonikis: ta paraleipomena tis apografis tou 1913,” in Hekimoglou, ed., Thessaloniki: Tourkokratia kai Mesopolemos (Thessaloniki, 1995), 330–345; Tomanas, 176.
20. Buonaiuti, 141.
15 / The First World War
1. A. Fraccaroli, Dalla Serbia invasa alle trincee di Salonicco (Milan, 1916), 113–114.
2. J. Reed, War in Eastern Europe: Travels through the Balkans in 1915 (London, 1999), 173.
3. A. Palmer, The Gardeners of Salonika (London, 1965), 45–46.
4. A. Scheikevitch, Hellas? … Hélas!, 143; J. Ancel, Les Travaux et les Jours de l’Armée d’Orient (1915–1918) (Paris, 1921), 78–87; Fraccaroli, 211; “Odysseus,” “The Scenes of War—1,” Blackwood’s Magazine, 200 (Oct. 1916), 536.
5. P. Petrides, “I prosorini kyvernisi tis Thessalonikis apenanti sto aitima yia rizikes politeiakes kai koinonikes metarrythmiseis,” in Dimos Thessalonikis, Symposio: I Thessaloniki meta to 1912 (Thessaloniki, 1986), 139.
6. A. Scheikevitch, Hellas? … Hélas!, 143; G. Ward Price, The Story of the Salonica Army (London, 1918), 111–112.
7. A. C. Wratislaw, A Consul in the East (London, 1924), 332.
8. A. Scheikevitch, Hellas? … Hélas!, 183–185.
9. Pol Roussel, Salonique au temps de la campagne d’Orient (Paris, 1925), 78–79; L. Abastado, 52; H. Collinson Owen, Salonica and After (London, 1919), 19, 20, 89; D. Vaka, In the Heart of German Intrigue (Boston, 1918), 247.
10. Pol Roussel, Salonique au temps de la campagne d’Orient, 113; (J. M. Vassal), Uncensored Letters from the Dardanelles (London, n.d.), 250; Canudo, 83.
11. E. P. Stebbing, At the Serbian Front in Macedonia (London, 1917), 33–34.
12. W. McFee, A Six-Hour Shift (New York, 1920), 35; O. Rutter, Tiadatha (London, 1935), 41.
13. “The Misfit Soldier: A War Story 1914–1918 by … John William Roworth” [Edward Casey], Imperial War Museum 80/40/1. See also J. Bourke, ed., The Misfit Soldier: Edward Casey’s War Story, 1914–1918 (Cork UP, 1999). My thanks to my colleague Joanna Bourke for showing me this source.
14. Ancel, Les travaux, 136; E. Thomas, L’Oeuvre Civilisatrice de l’Armée Française en Macedoine (Salonica, 1918), 3; “Odysseus,” “The scene of war,” 543; Lake, 277.
15. H. Lake, In Salonica with our Army (London, 1917), 17.
16. E.A.G., “Antiquities found in the British zone, 1915–1919,” Annual of the British School at Athens, 23 (1918–1919), 10–43, and C. Picard, “Les recherches archéologiques de l’Armée Française en Macedoine, 1916–1919,” Annual of the British School at Athens, 23 (1918–1919), 1–9.
17. Ibid., 6–7.
16 / The Great Fire
1. R. Preece, “Great Fire Impressions,” The Mosquito, 119 (Sept. 1957).
2. Collinson Owen, 90–104; other eyewitness accounts include Harry Pierce in T. Mawson, Life and Works of an English Landscape Architect (London, 1927), 281–282; S. Luck, in the Jewish Chronicle, 5 Oct. 1917.
3. F. H. Smart, “The Great F
ire,” The Mosquito, 93 (March 1951).
4. A. Boué, Receuil d’Itinéraires dans la Turquie d’Europe (Vienna, 1854), 154; V. Adler, Jews in Many Lands (Philadelphia, 1905), 147.
5. The Orient Weekly, 2 Sept. 1917; A. Karadimou-Gerolympou, I anoikodomisi tis Thessalonikis meta tin pyrkaia tou 1917 (Thessaloniki, 1995), 35.
6. Hetty Goldman-AJDC, New York, 22 Dec. 1918, AJDC (American Joint Distribution Committee), 1921, Reel 15/146, Greece.
7. The Life and Work of a Northern Landscape Architect: Thomas Mawson (Lancaster, 1978).
8. Hetty Goldman-AJDC, New York, 30 Nov. 1918, AJDC 1914–1918, file 110a, Greece.
9. Committee of JDC of America: Funds for Jewish War Sufferers—JDC, 20 Feb. 1920, AJDC, 1919–1921, Greece, file 146.
10. Tomanas, Chroniko, 241.
11. Karadimou-Gerolympou, 139.
12. A. Pallis, “Racial migrations in the Balkans during the years 1912–1924,” Geographical Journal, 315–317; R. Darques, Salonique au XXe siècle (Paris, 2000), 68–78, 103.
17 / The Muslim Exodus
1. N. Clayer, “Trois centres Mevlevis Balkaniques au travers des documents d’archives Ottomans: Les Mevlevihane d’Elbasan, de Serez et de Salonique,” Osmanli Arastirinalari [Journal of Ottoman Studies], xiv (1994), 11–28.
2. N. Moschopoulos, “I Ellas kata ton Evlia Tselebi,” EEBS, 16 (1940), 346–347.
3. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Report of the International Commission to Inquire into the Causes and Conduct of the Balkan Wars (Washington, DC, 1914), 106, 148–151; A. J. Toynbee, The Western Question in Greece and Turkey (London, 1922), 138–141; FO 371/1997, Morgan-Mallet, 20 July 1914.
4. A. Zannas, O Makedonikos Agonas: Anamniseis, 80–81, 84.
5. FO 195/2453, Lamb-Lowther, 14 May 1913, 29 April 1913.
6. IAM/GDM (Istorika Archeia Makedonias: Geniki Dioikisis Makedonias) 76, “Oi logoi tis metanastevseos”.
7. IAM/GDM 776, Astynomiki diefthynsis Thessaloniki—GDM, 9 April 1914; FO 371/1997, Morgan-Mallet, 20 July 1914; Bompard-Doumergue, 26 April 1914, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Documents Diplomatiques: Affaires Balkaniques, I: 1912 (Paris, n.d.), 125.
8. Le Jeune Turc, 11 March 1914; FO 371/1997, Morgan-Mallet, 20 July 1914.
9. FO 371/1997, Mallet-Grey, 22 June 1914.
10. FO 371/1996, Morgan-Mallet, 21 March 1914; G. Mavrogordatos, Stillborn Republic: Social Coalitions and Party Strategies in Greece, 1922–1936 (California, 1983), 237.
11. R. Tesal, Selanik’ten Istanbul’a (Istanbul, 1998): my thanks to Alexandre Toumarkine for giving me a copy of this book, and to Sukru Ilicak for translating passages for me.
12. P. S. Delta, Eleftherios Venizelos: Imerologio-Anamniseis-Martyries-Allilografia, I (1988), 75–76.
13. Tesal, Selanik’ten Istanbul’a, 47–49.
14. P. S. Delta, Eleftherios Venizelos, 137.
15. IAM/GDM 87/1, Anotera dioikisis chorofylakis Makedonias, “Egklimatikotitos minos Sept. 1922,” 20 Oct. 1922; 87/1, Astynomiki diefthynsis Thessalonikis, 22 Dec. 1922.
16. S.P. Ladas, The Exchange of Minorities, 335–338.
17. Bompard-Doumergue, 26 April 1914, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Documents Diplomatiques: Affaires Balkaniques, I: 1912 (Paris, n.d.), 126.
18. Y. Mourelos, “The 1914 persecutions and the first attempt at an exchange of minorities between Greece and Turkey,” Balkan Studies, 26:2 (1985), 389–413; G. Anastasiades, I Thessaloniki ton efimeridon (1994), 234; S. P. Ladas, The Exchange of Minorities, 28–29.
19. S. Marketos, “I ensomatosi tis Sefaradikis Thessalonikis stin Ellada: to plaisio,” O ellinikos evraismos (1999), 77; A. Aktar, “Homogenising the economy: Turkifying the economy,” in R. Hirschon, ed., Crossing the Aegean: An Appraisal of the 1923 Compulsory Population Exchange between Greece and Turkey (New York, 2003), 87.
20. S. Loukatos, Politeiografia tis Nomarchiakis Periferias tis Thessalonikis, I (Athens, 1987) 37–38; Tomanas, Dromoi, 141.
21. On western Macedonia, FO 286/874, Hasluck-Bentinck, 22 April 1923; Tesal, Selanik’ten Istanbul’a, 60–63; Anastasiades, I Thessaloniki ton efimeridon, 244.
22. FO 286/902, Crew-Bentinck, 16 Jan. 1924; K. Tomanas, Chroniko tis Thessalonikis, 1921–1944 (1996), 39–41; S.P. Ladas, The Exchange of Populations, 428–429.
23. Tomanas, Dromoi kai yeitones tis Thessalonikis, 141.
24. T. Köker and L. Keskiner, “Lessons in refugeehood: forced migrants in Turkey,” in Hirschon, Crossing the Aegean, 198; FO 286/874, “Council of Elders of Kirk-Kilissi,” 7 Dec. 1923; R. Darques, Salonique au XXe siècle (Paris, 2000), 271; Makedonika Nea, 25 May 1924; Anastasiades, I Thessaloniki ton efimeridon, 244; S. Pelagides, “Metra kai antimetra meta tin ellinotourkiki symvasi tis antallagis,” Thessaloniki, 3 (1992), 121–142; FO 286/898, Edmonds-Lindsay, 27 Feb. 1924.
25. FO 286/902, Crew-Bentinck, 16 Jan. 1924.
26. Ayioreitiki Fotothiki, Thessalonikeis Fotografoi tou Ayiou Orous: O filellinas Othomanos fotografos Ali Sami (1996); Efimeris Valkanion, 3 June 1925, “To temenos Hamza Bey”.
27. IAM/GDM 69, President of the 1st Sub-Committee/Mixed Committee for the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations—Governor-General of Macedonia, 29 Dec. 1924.
28. Makedonika Nea, 3 Jan. 1925.
29. Hekimoglou, “Oi teleftaioi mousoulmanoi fevgoun apo ti Thessaloniki,” Thessaloniki: tourkokratia kai mesopolemos, 377–386.
30. S. Loukatos, Politeiografia, 36; R. Darques, Salonique au XXe siècle: de la cité ottomane à la métropole grecque (Paris, 2000), 187–193; A. Dimitriades, “Phoinix agiros”: I Thessaloniki tou 1925–1935 (1994), 205, for an example of ghostly activity.
31. Makedonika Nea, 22 March 1924, “Minaredes”.
32. Hastaoglou and K-G, “Thessaloniki, 1900–1940,” interview 8 Nov. 1925, Thessaloniki meta to 1912, 465.
33. Cited in Dimitriades, 45.
34. Ibid., 62–63.
35. Ibid., 73–77.
18 / City of Refugees
1. A. Galiropoulou, “I parousia ton Roson sti Thessaloniki kata ton Proto Pankosmio Polemo,” 141–153, and I. Hasiotis and G. Kasapian, “I armeniki paroikia tis Thessalonikis: Idrysi, organosi, ideologia kai koinoniki ensomatosi,” 257–284, in Thessaloniki meta to 1912.
2. H. A. Shaw, “Greek refugees from the Caucasus and the work of the American Red Cross at Salonique,” Journal of International Relations, 12 (1921–22), 44–49; S.P. Ladas, The Exchange of Minorities: Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey (New York, 1932), 16.
3. Hemingway reproduced in K. Andrews, Athens Alive (Athens, 1979), 306.
5. H. Morgenthau, I was Sent to Athens (New York, 1929), 101;$19.
6. J. Ancel, La Macédoine: Etude de colonisation contemporaine (Paris, 1930).
7. Ibid.; Ladas, Exchange of Populations, 660.
8. R. Clogg, “A millet within a millet: the Karamanlides,” in D. Gondicas and C. Issawi, eds., Ottoman Greeks in the Age of Nationalism (Princeton, 1999), 115–143.
9. Anastasiades, I Thessaloniki ton Efimeridon, 238–239; G. Anastasiades and E. Hekimoglou, I fotografia stin Thessaloniki tou mesopolemou (1998), 27.
10. Anastasiades, I Thessaloniki ton Efimeridon, 224–225.
11. Tesal, 61; G. Mavrogordatos, Stillborn Republic: Social Coalitions and Party Strategies in Greece, 1922–1936 (U. California, 1983), 194–195.
12. J. Ancel, La Macédoine: Etude, 291.
13. A. Anastasiadis and P. Stathakopoulos, “I fysiognomia tis Pano Polis stin istoria, poleodomia kai architektoniki typologia,” I Thessaloniki meta to 1912 (1986), 525–526.
14. J. Playber, La problème de l’habitation à Salonique et à la campagne (n.d.), 14.
15. A. Karadimou-Gerolympou, “Prosfygiki enkatastasi kai o anaschediasmos ton voreionelladikon poleon (1912–1940),” in n.a., O xerizmos kai i alli patrida: oi prosfygoupoleis stin Ellada (1999), 89–109; V. Hastao
glou, “Metaschimatismos astikou chorou sti Thessaloniki,” in ibid., 331.
16. Efimeris Valkanion, 10 Nov. 1925.
17. Alexandros Svolos files, author’s possession; also Efimeris Valkanion, 31 March 1925.
18. Darques, passim.
19. Cited in Dimitriades, 91, 104–105; Phoni ton Ergaton, 14 Nov. 1923.
20. Ibid., 93–95.
21. Dimitriades, 106; Hastaoglou, 326.
22. Bunis, Voices, 317.
19 / Workers and the State
1. W. Miller, Travels and Politics in the Near East (London, 1898), 364–365, 388.
2. P. Pizanias, Oi ftochoi ton poleon (Athens, 1993), 79–84, 140.
3. Dangas, Symboli stin erevna yia tin oikonomiki kai koinoniki exelixi tis Thessalonikis (1998), 306; M. Mazower, Greece and the Interwar Economic Crisis (Oxford, 1991), 136.
4. See E. Hekimoglou, “Thessaloniki, 1912–1940: Economic Developments,” in I. Hassiotis, ed., Queen of the Worthy: Thessaloniki, History and Culture (1997), 147–148
5. K. Tomanas, Chroniko, 16–17.
6. A. Dangas, O hafies: to kratos kata tou kommounismou (Athens, 1995), 154, 271.
7. Cited by A. Dangas, O hafies: to kratos kata tou kommounismou, 270–271.
8. Ibid., 51–52.
9. IAM/GDM, file 87/1, Astynomiki diefthynsi Thessalonikis—Archigeion Chorofylakis, 22 Dec. 1922.
10. Cited in Mazower, “I synkrotisi tou antikommounistikou kratous,” 83.
11. “Osoi ginoun prothypourgoi,” by Vamvakaris, in G. Holst, Road to Rembetika (Athens, 1975), 104.
12. FO 371/20389 R 3310/220/19, Lomax [Salonica]-Athens, 27 May 1936.
13. J. O. Iatrides, ed., Ambassador MacVeagh Reports: Greece, 1933–1947 (Princeton, 1980), 86.
20 / Dressing for the Tango
1. Efimeris Valkanion, 23 Sept. 1925.
2. A. Dimitriades, “Foinix Agiros”: i Thessaloniki tou 1925–35 (1994), 119–121.