My Seductive Highlander

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My Seductive Highlander Page 13

by Maeve Greyson

  “Ta love ye.” Graham’s arm circled about her, then easily pulled her across his lap. He held her close, his need…and so much more reaching out to her from the depths of his gaze. He silenced any further questions with a deeper, hotter kiss—one that set off a chain reaction of I’ve got to have him ripples across every nerve ending from her tingling nipples to the aching wet juncture of her thighs.

  Lilia pulled him down with her as Graham lowered her back across the softness of the hillside. The raw, urgent hunger of his mouth—kissing, tasting, ever so gently biting in all the best places. His teasing hands playing lightly across her body, strumming her flesh as though he were a sensual musician and she his beloved instrument. A weak bit of common sense wallowed through the carnal inferno threatening to consume her and rage out of control. “We can’t do this here,” she panted out in a strained whisper. “Someone might see us.”

  An impatient, high-pitched yapping sounded somewhere behind her, then a sharp tugging yanked at her braid. Even Buzz knew they couldn’t get busy in broad daylight on the hillside overlooking Edinburgh. The well-traveled path winding about Arthur’s Seat was a favorite among locals and tourists alike. Odin whickered nearby and thudded a hoof against the ground, adding his opinion regarding their very public display of affection.

  Graham rumbled out what sounded like a cross between a growling string of swearwords and an impatient groan as he lifted himself above her the barest bit. “I dinna give a sweet damn if the King himself sees us.” He blew out a ragged breath. “But I’d cause ye no dishonor nor bring ye any shame. Pray tell me, mo nighean bhan, I must have ye, where can we go?”

  Lila forced herself not to pull him back down on top of her, fighting against her own sexual meltdown as she snuggled deeper into the crook of his arm. Dammit. Where can we go—fast?

  Common sense overruled her libido again. They couldn’t go anywhere and dive in quickly because she didn’t have any protection with her. Who am I kidding? The condoms I do have are probably dry-rotted. She flicked her fingers across the ridge of his ear, currently tipped a deep shade of red with his frustration. At least he was struggling with this just as much as she was. “You don’t happen to have any protection with you, do you? Maybe in your back pocket? I rent an extra stall at the stables—with a couch—and privacy. I sort of lived there when I first adopted Odin.” She leaned up and nuzzled her cheek against the soft springy curls of his beard. Again, the thought of that nicely trimmed beard providing a delicious tickle inside her thighs came to mind. She shuddered at the exquisite possibilities.

  Graham pulled back and traced his thumb across her bottom lip. His gaze raked down her body, followed by a hurried caress. He huffed out another impatient groan then stole a quick glance about the hillside. “Protection, ye say? My finest dagger is in me boot. I’m ne’er without it. What danger is there here? D’ye sense something amiss?” His frustrated gaze settled back on her. “And I’d ne’er carry m’dagger in me back pocket. Ye ken weapons. Why would ye ask such a thing?” He searched the area again, frowning at the two horses and the little dog behind them.

  Lilia arched her back and looked back, giggling at the sight of all three animals watching them with ears perked forward in interest.

  “Tell me what ye fear?” Graham tightened his arms around her. “Ye ken I’d ne’er allow a thing ta harm ye—even though, I must admit, the verra wantin’ of ye is sure t’do me in quicker than a weapon any rogue of this time might wield.”

  Lilia pressed her lips tightly together. The more sexually frustrated Graham became, the thicker and heavier his lilting brogue rolled across his tongue. It would be so wrong to laugh at him right now…especially since he had her buzzing in all the right places. “I’m not talking about your dagger…or weapons. I was referring to condoms—uhm…sheaths?” Graham’s confused stare threatened to release more giggles. “French envelopes?” What the hell did they call condoms in his time?

  “The only sheath I own holds m’dagger and I dinna ken what the hell a French envelope be.” His eyes narrowed as a snorting giggle finally escaped her. “Why d’ye laugh?”

  “I’m not laughing at you.”

  “The hell yer not.”

  Lilia coughed away another giggle and stroked his face with both hands. “No. I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at our…situation. I never dreamed I’d find myself so wound up in broad daylight on a hill overlooking the city. I’m not exactly a teenager without any options.”

  One of Graham’s brows ratcheted a bit higher and his eyes narrowed as he settled himself more comfortably atop her, then snugged himself tightly between her thighs and propped his elbows on either side of her shoulders. A wicked grin tickled the corners of his mouth as he none too subtly ground his denim-splitting hardness against her aching mound.

  Lilia gasped, instinctively arching as she tightened her legs around him. “We…can’t…do this here. We’ll get arrested.”

  “Then the question begs askin’ again. Where shall we go?” Graham rocked his hips back and forth, successfully grinding home each and every word. “Quickly,” he added with a teasing flick of his tongue against the tender flesh behind her ear.

  Lilia clenched her thighs tighter, bucked once more, then rolled him to one side. “Back to the stable. Last one there has to get on top,” she rasped out as she scooped up Buzz and bolted for the horses.

  Chapter 14

  I’d give anythin’ ta be that damn horse. Graham forced a hand down the front of the irritatingly tight jeans and adjusted his aching cock to one side—again. May the gods help me. The way that woman moves. He swallowed hard and urged Freya to a faster gallop to close the distance between them and Lilia and her mount.

  Damnation. He nearly groaned aloud as Lilia hiked her fine round arse a bit higher in the air and crouched low over mighty Odin’s back. Her tempting rear hovered mere inches above the saddle, waving back at him with just enough up-and-down swing to make him nearly spill himself in his trews.

  The teasing glance she tossed back at him was like pouring fresh pitch on an already blazing torch. He stretched tall in the saddle, grinding his teeth as Lilia laughed aloud then turned back, urging Odin to thunder ever faster toward the stable.

  Last one there gets on top, she said. Gladly. He’d take her any way she liked just as long as she allowed him to take her—and soon.

  The horses pounded through the gaping archway of the wide sliding doors, prancing and tossing their heads as they playfully high-stepped around the barred-off perimeter of the dirt arena. Lilia allowed Odin to dance around the ring twice then gentled him to a stop beside the gate leading to the rows of stalls. In a fluid move that made Graham’s mouth water, she slid her legs to one side of the horse, rolled to her stomach in the saddle, then gracefully dropped to the ground.

  Lore a’mighty. Thank ye, Mother Sinclair, fer matchin’ me with this fine woman. He’d drop to the ground and kiss the hem of the old woman’s cloak when next he saw her. Graham dismounted then set to the task of removing Freya’s saddle and draping it across the wooden stand waiting outside the stalls. He kent his woman well. Lilia wouldna stand for the horses to be neglected. The quicker he saw to the needs of the horses, the quicker Lilia would see to his.

  Released from his pouch strapped to Odin’s shoulder, Buzz sped in circles around Lilia’s feet as she hurriedly unbuckled the horse’s gear. Mouth split wide in a doggy smile and his little red tongue a bouncing curl as he panted, Buzz strutted back and forth between Graham and Lilia as they stripped both horses down to nothing but their hackamores.

  “Freya’s stall is over there. Across the aisle from Odin’s.” Lilia motioned to the opened half door farther down the way. She wet her lips and her voice took on an almost sultry purr as she nodded to a closed door nearest them. “And this is the one I was telling you about…earlier.”

  “Come, gentle Freya and mighty Odin. I’ll see to yer oats afore I see to yer mistress.” Graham glanced pointedly at the closed door
that surely promised ta be the gateway to heaven. “Wait fer me whilst I see to these fine animals.” He shifted his gaze to Lilia and winked. “I swear t’ye, I willna be o’erly long.”

  His groin ached as Lilia hungrily wet her mouth then nodded as she backed toward the private stall. “While you do that, I’ll call the others and let them know we won’t be paintballing with them this afternoon.”

  He didna ken what the hell paintballing was and he didna truly care. He had much more enjoyable plans for this afternoon, and if he had his way, those plans would extend well into the evening.

  Both horses obediently plodded into their stalls—Buzz following Odin into his and settling into his own corner that was obviously well fitted for the needs of a tiny dog. Both horses hungrily shoved their noses into the feed buckets attached to the wall. Graham latched Odin’s door, then paused as the horse lifted his head from his feed and angled around to fix a one-eyed glare on the closed door.

  “None o’ that, mind ye. Behave yerself and see to yer rest.” Graham softly patted his fingers atop the gate, then leaned forward and lowered his voice. “If ye grant me an uninterrupted afternoon with yer mistress, there’ll be a fine treat in yer wee bucket by mornin’.”

  Odin flicked an ear, agreed with a nickering grumble, then turned back to his feed.

  Graham noted the emptiness of the stable as he made his way back to the private stall that Lilia had promised was more like a sitting room than a straw-covered pen. Good. Not a soul seemed to be about. There’d be no more interruptions. He filled his lungs with a deep breath then pushed open the door.

  “Hot damn! Viv left behind an entire box.”

  Graham didna ken what the hell Lilia meant. In fact, he didna ken for certain what the devil she’d just said. The sight before him effectively shut down his ability to reason.

  Her back was to him. She’d loosed her long blonde hair from its braids and it was currently cascading down her bare back like a silken river of gold waiting for his touch. Her fair skin shimmered a warm welcoming in the flickering light of the thick pillar candles she’d lit and placed about the room.

  Graham took another deep breath, grazing his knuckles against the roughness of his jeans as his gaze took in the rest of her. His palms itched to cup the dimpled mounds of her ass and squeeze her to him. He tilted his head to one side and eased another step closer. What the hell was the woman wearing?

  His erection nearly burst free of the damnable trews as Lilia bent away from him to rummage deeper in an opened drawer. She cast a wicked glance back at him and smiled. The gods have surely blessed me beyond words. Graham stripped his shirt off, never once looking away from the mouthwatering curves of her ass divided by that teasing bit of black satin and lace. “I’ve ne’er seen a woman wear such…” Had he said the words aloud?

  Lilia smiled as she turned, clutching several odd-looking items, purple squares decorated with strange glyphs against the fullness of her bare breasts. “You’ve never seen a thong before?”

  “A what?” He ripped open the metal contraption fastening his trews, shoved them to the floor then impatiently kicked them away. Those dusky nipples peeping through her golden curls. That black triangle of silk and lace covering her mound. What the hell had the woman just said?

  Lilia seemed to float across the room. The color deepened on her cheeks as she examined him with a slow up-and-down sweeping gaze. “A thong,” she repeated as she drew close enough to envelop him in her scent, barely brushing the bit of silk at the vee of her thighs against the tip of his aching member. Her grin widened as she leaned in, gyrating harder against his cock as she propped both hands filled with the strange purple packets on each of his shoulders and barely brushed her hardened nipples against his chest. “And I found Vivienne’s stash of condoms and…uhm…toys.”

  “Toys?” What the hell did they need wi’ toys? Surely the woman knew he’d no’ be actin’ the bairn? Especially with nothin’ but a wee scrap of silk and lace betwixt their naked bodies.

  Lilia slid her arms about his neck, stretched on tiptoe, and pulled him forward. She softly laughed as she traced the tip of her tongue across his Adam’s apple then nibbled kisses up his neck. “We’ll help ourselves to Viv’s lovely little purple packets but her personal toys are not for sharing. I just didn’t want you to think they were mine…and available.”

  He didna ken what the toys were about and he didna care. “Enough talk.” Graham slid his hands down her back and filled them with the fine fullness he’d admired every time Lilia had walked away from him. He hiked her up to his torso, grunting with satisfaction when she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on with her thighs.

  “Yer a fine woman,” he breathed into her hair as he turned and sat, lowering them both into the plush cushions of the worn couch. He looped his thumbs in the strips of lace running across her hips then yanked hard, ripping the last barrier between them free and tossing it across the room.

  “Those were my favorite pair of panties.”

  “Ye need no panties whene’er yer wi me.” Graham moved to pull her closer, but she planted one hand in the center of his chest.

  Lilia pushed him back, smiling wickedly around one of the square packets she held between her teeth as she tossed the rest to the table beside the couch. She ripped the shining square open and drew out a strange-looking circle. “We’ll discuss panties later.” She arched a brow, leaned in and barely grazed his chest with her nipples, and rubbed against his rock-hard cock. “Right now, I’m not interested in talking.”

  Aye. Neither was he. Sliding his hands under the cheeks of her ass, he raked his fingertips across her slippery wetness as he pulled her higher up his chest and hungrily sucked one of her nipples deep into his mouth. Matching the teasing slide of his fingers across her slit with the gentle nipping and sucking of her delicious breast, Graham inhaled the sweet hot scent of her as she wriggled atop him.

  Lilia hugged him harder into the heaven of her bosoms, softly moaning as she gyrated and arched against him. So close. So ready for a wee bit more. As he nibbled his way to the other breast, Graham smoothed a hand down her outer thigh, then ever so slowly trailed his fingers around and up the smoothness of her inner thigh.

  Her breathing came faster. Mewling sounds escaped her as Graham slid a finger deep inside her, diving into her burning wetness and cupping her in his hand. He pulled her nipple deep into his mouth as he ground his thumb around and around the knot of pleasure throbbing at the center of her mound. He slid another finger in alongside the first, grinding his thumb faster and harder against her pulsing button as the wetness filling his hand begged him to give her more.

  Lilia ground herself against his hand, gyrating her hips as she arched her back and raked her clutching fingers across his shoulders. Her body stiffened in his arms. Her slippery heat clutched and shuddered around his fingers as Lilia rocked and trembled atop him. “Son of a bitch,” she shouted, clutching his shoulders and grinding her sex hard into his hand.

  She finally collapsed atop him, pecking gasping kisses to his throat as he curled her tight against his chest. “You are…” she gasped and shuddered again as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.

  “I am?” Graham encouraged as he cupped her breast and gently rolled her nipple between the tips of his fingers.

  “Talented,” Lilia finished as she slid to the floor and knelt between his legs. “And blessed,” she added as she tickled a finger down the length of his hardened shaft then lovingly palmed his bollocks. She slowly rose higher on her knees, lifted her full breasts to his crotch, and nested his cock firmly between them. Without taking her eyes from his, she slowly slid her silky mounds of flesh up and down either side of his aching shaft.

  “I am”—a groan escaped him and he clutched his thighs tight about her as she dipped her chin and ran her tongue around the engorged head of his shaft—“blessed,” he hissed out as she took him in her mouth, ran her tongue up and down his cock, then squeezed him with
a deep humming swallow.

  Lore a’mighty. I dinna wish ta spill m’self too fast. Graham pulled Lilia up by the shoulders, nearly losing control as the suction broke and popped his cock out of her mouth. “I must have ye…now.”

  “Wait…” She pressed a hand to his chest, smiling as she held the circular oddity out to him. “We don’t need any surprises.”

  “Ye held on to that wee bit of silk whilst I pleasured ye?” Perhaps he’d no’ served her well enough. He’d have to improve upon that in the future.

  “It’s important.” Lilia smiled as she pushed the circle around the head of his cock and unrolled it down the length of his hardness. Then she palmed his coated erection, rubbing the tip up and down through the hot slipperiness of her slit as she leaned up and raked her tongue across his nipple.

  “Dammit ta hell—I can take n’more.” Graham brushed Lilia’s hand aside, rolled her to her back, then shoved forward as deep as his cock would go. “I’ve ached ta claim ye.” He settled deep into her beloved heat, groaning in the bliss of the moment as he nuzzled his face into the silkiness of her hair.

  Lilia arched up against him, entwining her legs with his as she ground into him and gripped him with her thighs. “I don’t want to feel anything but you,” she whispered against his cheek as she raked her fingers down his back. “Make everything else go away. I just want to feel you.”

  “Aye, mo nighean bhan.” He braced himself above her, slowly slid out then shoved in deep again.

  Lilia dug her nails into his arse as she bucked beneath him. “Just you,” she whispered as she arched and met him thrust for thrust. “Don’t wanna feel anything but you.”


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