The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1) Page 1

by Tyler, Paige

  The Buckle Bunnies Series:

  Volume 1

  By Paige Tyler


  Ride of Her Life

  Team Roping

  Ride ‘em Hard

  Ride of Her Life

  This ride lasts a lot longer than eight seconds.

  Barrel rider Daisy Hollins has run into bronc riders Sawyer Jones and Beau Monroe quite a few times on the rodeo circuit. She’s flirted with both of them, but things have never gone any further than that. Before an event, they're all too focused on the competition, and afterward, they’re usually too sore and tired to do anything but fall into bed.

  When she runs into the two hot cowboys in the hotel bar at the Rodeo Finals in Las Vegas, however, there’s a different vibe in the air. When the flirting starts this time, it doesn't stop, and Daisy goes upstairs with both of them for a completely different kind of rodeo ride.

  Team Roping

  She's not going to sleep with either of them, unless she sleeps with both of them!

  When two hot rodeo riders walk into Dallas O'Shea's bar, she can't help but notice them. Steer ropers Mack Carter and Ked Everett have set their sights on her, too, regardless of the fact that she's going to be mixing drinks until closing. Any other time, she would have jumped at the chance to rope herself a hot stud like Mack or Ked - what woman didn't like a pair of cowboy boots under her bed now and then?

  When closing time comes around, both men are still there. She can't choose between the two cowboys, so she tells them she won't sleep with either of them, unless she sleeps with both of them. She doesn't think they'll take her up on the offer - they look like they'd rather shoot each other before bedding her together. But they surprise her by agreeing - on one condition. Afterward, Dallas has to honestly tell them who was better in bed. Two hunky cowboys, each motivated to please her like she's never been pleased before? How can a woman lose in a situation like this?

  For Dallas, it's going to be a night like she's never had, and for Mack and Ked, the night ends with the cowboys getting a chance to demonstrate two of their greatest talents - roping, and riding.


  Ride ‘em Hard

  This night is going to change the meaning of best friends forever.

  When Shawna Barton's best friend and barrel racer Britt Miles comes to town, she can't wait to have a girls' night out. The two haven't seen each other in years and the usually shy, reserved Shawna loves hearing about her friend's exploits, especially her most recent sexual encounter with handsome bull rider Clay Winters.

  Things take a sexy turn after they run into the man himself a little while later. When he asks them to go dancing, the two women can't refuse and before Shawna knows it, she forgets about her inhibitions and is out there bumping and grinding on the floor with Britt and Clay.

  The night gets even more interesting when Clay suggests they take their little threesome back to his place for the kind of ride only a cowboy knows how to give a girl - or in this case, two of them!

  Copyright © 2013 by Paige Tyler

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author.

  Cover Design by Gemini Judson


  With special thanks to my extremely patient and understanding husband, without whose help and support I couldn’t have pursued my dream job of becoming a writer.

  You’re my sounding board, my idea man, my critique partner, and the absolute best research assistant any girl could ask for!

  Thank you.

  And thank you to the wonderful fangirls on my Street Team. You all rock!

  Ride of Her Life

  Chapter One

  The barrel riding competition might be over, but Daisy Hollins was still buzzing as she walked into the hotel bar two hours later. Simply qualifying for the National Rodeo Finals in Las Vegas had been a dream come true, but she'd ended up doing better than she ever imagined. Even though she didn’t win the championship buckle, she'd finished pretty damn close, coming in second behind a perennial championship winner. After an already amazing season on the circuit, and a nearly perfect week at the finals, tonight’s ride had been icing on the cake, and she was ready to celebrate. All she needed was a cold beer and a hot guy. The first was easy to get her hands on. The second could be a bit more difficult—though not for the usual reason. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Finals was in town—there were a lot of hot guys around. How the heck was a girl supposed to pick just one?

  Keeping her eye out for the perfect hunk, she smiled and flirted her way over to the bar, complimenting each and every cowboy on his rodeo ride as she went. They flirted right back, flashing her sexy grins and telling her she’d looked damn fine out there herself.

  Daisy sighed as she leaned back against the bar and waited for her beer. Dang. Narrowing down the field tonight was going to be even harder than she thought. This place was packed to the rafters with serious cowboy beef. Half the fun of being a professional rodeo rider was all the hot cowboys she got to work with. Nothing finer than a man who knew how to ride.

  She turned back to the bar just as Britt Miles, one of her fellow barrel riders, limped over. Daisy winced at the woman’s painful gait. She held out the untouched bottle of beer to her friend.

  “Here. You look like you could use this.”

  Britt smiled as she accepted the offering. “You’re a lifesaver.”

  Daisy frowned as the dark-haired woman tipped the bottle up and took a long swallow. “Shouldn't you be in bed with your leg wrapped in ice?”

  “Nah. The doc said it won't start to swell up until I lie down. Then it will turn into a watermelon. I want to get a few drinks in me and have a little fun before that.”

  Daisy grimaced. She’d already finished her run and been watching from the fence when Britt had crushed her lower leg against one of the barrels in the arena. “I thought you'd broken it for sure.”

  “Me, too.” Britt took another swig from the bottle. “Fortunately, Dippin' Dots is a lot smarter than I am. He jerked out of the line I'd put him in at the last second. If not for that horse, I'd be in a cast up to my ass. Of course, the worst part is that I got DQ’d on that run.” She grinned. “I think I might have caught up to you if I hadn't been.”

  Knocking over a barrel meant an automatic disqualification for the round. Something like that could drop the best rider from first to worst dang fast.

  Daisy laughed. “Probably.” She chewed on her lip as her friend took another long draught. “Are you sure you should be drinking that? Didn't the doctor give you something for your leg?”

  “Yeah, but he only gave me a quarter dose of the pain meds because he knew I'd be out drinking tonight. He promised he'd give me the rest tomorrow—once I sobered up.” She lifted the bottle in a toast. “Thanks for the beer, girlfriend. I owe you one. Catch you later. I'm going to get hammered and then find a cowboy who'll be willing to help me get my boots off. Have a fun night.”

  Daisy shook her head. Britt was a cowgirl through and through. Ride hard, play hard, wake up in time to head for the next rodeo.

  She started to turn back to the bar, only to stop when someone called her name. She spun around to see a group of girls hurrying over to her. They had to be over twenty-one to get in the bar, but not by much.

  “Can we get your autograph?” the redhead asked excitedly.

  Daisy laughed as they each held out 8 x 10 glossy photos of her. “Sure.”

  The redhead pulled out a P
ro-Rodeo T-shirt next, while one of her friends begged Daisy to sign her rodeo program. Dang, this was so unreal. It wasn't that long ago when she was just a farm girl from Oklahoma no older than they were. Now, she was on the circuit playing the big lights of Vegas, signing autographs. She was definitely living the dream.

  By the time the girls left and she turned back to the bar, it was packed with people. As she patiently waited for the bartender to get to her, she noticed Britt sitting on a stool with her bum leg in the lap of an equally sore-looking but totally hot bull rider named Clay Winters. He was slowly massaging his way up Britt's inner thigh, and she didn't look like she was planning on stopping that wandering hand anytime soon.

  Dang, that woman worked fast. Daisy couldn't blame her. She'd seen that particular bull buster around a few times, and wouldn't have minded a little of his attention herself. But Britt deserved it. There were still a lot of hunky cowboys out there for Daisy to pick from. And a lot of them were looking her way. All she had to do was give one of them a nod and she'd be set for the night.

  After she got her beer.

  “Bud Light, right?”

  The warm, sexy voice in her ear made Daisy’s breath hitch. She turned to find Sawyer Jones standing there, a bottle of beer in each hand. Tall with dark blond hair long enough to brush the collar of his shirt, scruff on his jaw and amazing blue eyes, he was one of the best bareback bronc riders on the circuit. And standing right behind him was Beau Monroe, another bronc rider. He didn't ride in as many events as Sawyer, but when Beau rode, he rode well. And with silky, black hair, a chiseled jaw and eyes the color of deep, dark chocolate, he was handsome as sin.

  Sawyer’s mouth curved into a devastating grin as he held out one of the bottles. “This is the kind of beer you drink, right?”

  She took it from his outstretched hand with a smile. “It is. But how did you know?”

  “I remembered you drinking it the night we ran into you at that bar in Amarillo a while back.”

  Daisy knew the occasion was talking about. It had been the last night of the rodeo and all the riders were at Dusty’s Bar either nursing their wounds or celebrating their wins. She and the two men had been in the first group. They’d run into each other a few times since them, and while they’d flirted with her, things hadn’t gone any further. She couldn't really say why, especially since she was attracted as hell to both men. Bad timing, maybe. Before an event, she was too focused on the competition and everything that went into it to put much energy into hooking up. Afterward, she was usually too sore and tired. Having to get up early the next morning to head to the next rodeo tended to put a damper on things, too.

  But she had nowhere she had to be tomorrow because the season was over—for her anyway. The professional circuit ran year round, but a lot of riders took a few months off after the finals to rest and heal up, and after the big paycheck she’d gotten this time around, that’s exactly what she was going to do. Which meant she didn’t have to be in bed anytime soon. Unless it was with Sawyer or Beau. And honestly? She'd be dang happy to end up in either man’s bed. It'd be a perfect way to end the night, and the season.

  She raised the bottle in a toast, then tipped it back and took a swallow. “Thank you, Sawyer. That was mighty sweet of you.”

  He jerked his chin toward the man beside him. “Beau saw you standing in the back of the line and figured grabbing you a drink would be the gentlemanly thing to do. Especially after the week of riding you've had.”

  She flashed the dark-haired cowboy a smile. “Well, thanks to you too, Beau.”

  “What do you say we grab a table?” he suggested.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  They found one in the back corner, but it only had a single stool. Both men gestured for her to sit. Gentlemen to the core. She liked that.

  Beau leaned his forearms on the table, his bottle of beer dangling from his fingers. “We got a chance to see your last ride. You looked good out there. If you'd had another few rounds, I think you could have caught up to Katie Carlyle.”

  Daisy didn’t know about that. Katie’d won a lot of championship belt buckles. “Maybe. I was in the groove for dang sure, but Katie was, too. She won it fair and square.”

  “Well, she may have won the buckle, but you had everyone cheering for you,” Sawyer said. “I don't think I've ever seen a barrel rider take her turns so tight.”

  Dang. When Beau said she looked good out there, she'd thought he'd meant it in the general sense, like when a football player slaps another on the back and says, “Good game.” But they’d actually been paying attention.

  She sipped her beer. “It didn't know you two were that into barrel riding.”

  “We're not.” Sawyer grinned. “We just like watching you. Isn’t that right, Beau?”

  Beau gave her a wink. “That’s right.”

  Daisy blinked. Double dang. She figured there'd be a few more empty beer bottles on the table—and maybe some shot glasses, too—before either man came onto her.

  Not that she was complaining. Especially if she ended up roping one of these two studs into her bed tonight. Although it wasn't a given she'd be bedding either of them yet. While they were both smokin’ hot, she didn’t know if they had the one thing in particular she looked for in a man—the ability to carry on a conversation. And she didn't mean about the weather.

  She liked a guy who could talk dirty to her.

  She wasn't referring to a guy using nasty words to describe how he wanted to have sex with her—though that certainly had its time and place, too. No, she was looking for a man who took verbal foreplay just as seriously as the physical kind.

  She'd first realized the power of a man's voice and how it could arouse her at the impressionable age of sixteen when she’d gotten her hands on a set of audio romance books. The man on the tape had a voice as smooth as honey, and before she knew it, her hand was down her panties and she was touching herself to her first orgasm. Ever since then, a man with a smooth voice and a knack for whispering just the right naughty words in her ear could get her hotter than a tin roof in August.

  Conversely, her attraction to a man tended to drop drastically when she discovered he couldn't talk it up.

  As kinks went, it was rather tame, but it was one of her things.

  So, while she wouldn't turn her nose up her at a good old-fashioned roll in the hay, she always kept her ears open for a man who knew exactly what to say to get her all hot and bothered. Sawyer and Beau were equally attractive, but if one of them talked dirty to her that would certainly help tip the scales in his favor.

  “You mean you like watching the way Playdough and I work the course?” She absently ran her finger around the mouth of the bottle. “Yeah, we’re really good as a team.”

  Daisy couldn't care less what they thought about her and Playdough’s teamwork. She just wanted to see if one of the men would step up and engage her in a little saucy repartee, or if they’d both get tongue-tied.

  Beau chuckled. “Not saying that watching you and your horse work isn't fun, but speaking truthfully, it's watching your ass bounce up and down in the saddle that really gets my attention. Isn't that about right, Sawyer?”

  “I do love watching you ride, not gonna lie about that. And I sure as hell don't mind taking a long look at that behind of yours.” The blond cowboy grinned at her. “But since we're being straight here, I sort of have a thing for the way those mighty fine legs of yours look in those tight-ass jeans you wear. Damn if I can't see every muscle flex as you ride. You’ve got the best-looking legs that ever wrapped themselves around a horse.”

  Well, dang. They were both interested in her. And they both were willing to talk about it. She might just have a competition on her hands.

  She demurely dropped her gaze to study her bottle of Bud. Mostly so she could collect herself. Guys liked women for all kinds of reasons, but it was nice to have two men as hot as Sawyer and Beau tell you they were fixated on a particular part of your body.

bsp; When she lifted her head, both men were eyeing her as if they thought they’d said too much. She smiled to let them know they hadn't offended her.

  “So, you like my butt? And you like my legs?” She looked at first one man, then the other. “I guess I should take it as a compliment. But if you're so enamored with my below-the-belt assets, why haven't you ever said anything before?”

  Both men grinned, visibly relaxing. As one, they moved closer to where she sat perched on the stool. At this proximity, she could almost feel the heat coming off their bodies.

  “You may not know this,” Sawyer drawled. “But you're pretty damn focused on your profession. Everyone knows you don't let anything distract you during the season.”

  Daisy opened her mouth to deny it, but stopped herself. It was true. She'd always been a woman who went after what she wanted, and her goal this season had been the finals.

  “I guess you’re right,” she admitted. “What made you decide to say something now?”

  Beau shrugged. “Figured since the finals were over and all, we owed it to you to tell you how we felt about you. Let you decide where it went from there.”

  She liked a man who wasn’t afraid to put his cards on the table. “Fair enough. But tell me something. You two aren’t so fixated on my bottom half that the parts above the belt have escaped your attention, have they?”

  Okay, so she was fishing for compliments. But she had to keep them talking dirty, didn’t she?

  “Oh, they rate for damn sure.” Sawyer gave her an appreciative look. “You are one well put together filly. But we all have our soft spots, that one thing that makes us go weak in the knees. Mine just happens to be a pair of long, well-toned legs.”


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