The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1) Page 3

by Tyler, Paige

  She nibbled on another chip. “And then?”

  “Well,” Sawyer continued, “I prefer to work a woman's pussy slowly, staying away from her clit until she's really ready for it.”

  “Words to live by, partner,” Beau agreed as he pushed back his empty plate.

  Daisy couldn't believe Beau was so relaxed with the way his friend was talking about licking her. Wasn’t he the least bit jealous?

  “I don't mind a little teasing,” she said. “But it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. You make a girl wait for it too long, and when you finally get down to it, it's too late and the moment's gone.”

  “I get that. The key is paying attention to the little signs that a woman is just about as aroused as she can handle.” Sawyer speared the last piece of steak with his fork and offered it to her. “How wet she is, how plump her clit gets, her sighs, her moans, the way her stomach muscles flex as I run my tongue up first one side of her pussy lips and then down the other.”

  Daisy bit back a moan as a surge of wetness flooded her panties.

  “Then,” Sawyer’s voice was husky. “When all the signs are there, when I've gotten her hot as hell, that's when I give in and start really lapping her clit. And I don’t stop until I make her come. Over and over and over.”

  Daisy didn't doubt him. She was practically on the verge of orgasm sitting there listening to Sawyer tell her what he was going to do to her. A few swipes of his warm, soft tongue and she'd go off like a bottle rocket on the Fourth of July.

  Across the table, both men were regarding her expectantly, clearly waiting for her to say something. Daisy wet her suddenly dry lips, not sure she could manage to speak quite yet. Luckily, the waitress appeared to refill their water glasses.

  “Did you three save any room for dessert? Or do you already have other plans for that?”

  The waitress looked pointedly at Daisy, then slid a sly glance toward both men sitting across from her. Good God, the woman thought she was planning on having sex with both Sawyer and Beau!

  Did Daisy look that kinky?

  She decided the answer to that question was probably yes. The waitress had almost certainly caught Daisy giving the foot jobs under the table. The woman had probably heard snippets of their conversation when she’d walked by the table—snippets that likely included references to foot massages, pussy licking and orgasms.

  So yeah, the waitress had good reason to think Daisy was a kinky-ass cowgirl ready to drag two rodeo hunks off to her bed for a night of threesome frolicking.

  Little did she know that Daisy had never even entertained such a thought in her life. She was just about to open her mouth with the intentions of telling the woman—somehow—that she wouldn't be sleeping with both men, when Beau spoke.

  “I'd love to see your dessert menu, ma'am.” His gaze went to Daisy. “I'm dying for something sweet and sticky.”

  The woman gave her a wink, then turned to Beau. “I just bet you are.” She pulled three thin folders from her apron and arranged them on the table. “I'll give you some time to look through the menu and pick what you like. I'll be back for your order in a few minutes.”

  Daisy pinned Beau with a glare after the waitress had left. “Something sweet and sticky, huh? Think you could have been a little more subtle?”

  Beau chuckled, grinding his crotch against her foot. “Probably, but what fun would that be?”

  “Are you seriously still hungry?” She wiggled her toes on him. “You just about licked the plate clean.”

  “I'm always hungry for dessert.” He glanced at her as he picked up the menu. “Besides, we spent the entire dinner listening to Sawyer talk about how he plans on making love to you and those hot legs of yours. Only seems fair I get some time to talk about what I'd like to do to your cute, little ass.”

  Listening to a man talk about her butt and what he'd like to do it? What woman wouldn't want to hear that?

  But Beau and Sawyer suddenly seemed more interested in debating the pros and cons of the dessert selections than in discussing her derriere at the moment. Daisy snatched the menus out of their hands and waved the waitress over. No reason to dilly-dally around with it. She wanted to hear what Beau had to say.

  “We'll all have your chocolate cake,” she told the woman.

  “Hey,” Sawyer protested. “I was still trying to decide what I wanted.”

  Daisy handed the menus to the waitress. “Cake. Chocolate. Thank you.”

  As the waitress walked away, both men eyed her in amusement.

  “You must seriously like chocolate cake,” Beau said.

  “You can never go wrong with chocolate cake, for sure,” Daisy agreed. “But that’s not why I ordered it. I ordered it because I didn’t feel like waiting while you two screwed around with those stupid menus. So, let's hear it. What do you have in mind for my behind?”

  Beau laughed. “Sure you don't want to wait until the waitress brings your cake out?”

  At the look from Daisy—and a nudge with her foot on his groin—he held up his hands. “Okay, no more stalling.” He lowered his voice and leaned forward. “Let's assume for the sake of convenience that Sawyer just finished licking your pussy. That way, you're already naked and hot as hell. That work for you?”

  Did that work for her? That worked for her in so many ways.

  Chapter Three

  So did the idea of Beau watching Sawyer lick her to orgasm. That gave her a jolt—mostly because she'd never had a thought like that. She was a long ways from being a prude. She'd always laughed with all the other cowgirls on the circuit when they sat around drinking and telling stories about banging two or more guys at once. But it had never been something she considered doing. It had always just seemed too impersonal. If a woman were with two guys at the same time, how could she ever hope to focus on the intense personal connection that made sex so wonderful?

  But now Beau had planted the image in her head—and it seemed anything but impersonal and mechanical.


  She jerked. Both men were looking at her curiously.

  “You okay?” Beau asked.

  She mentally smacked her horse on the rump. How long had she been wool gathering? “Of course. Why wouldn't I be?”

  “I thought maybe I said something that bothered you.”

  “No. I was just…picturing the scene you described. You know, Sawyer licking me to orgasm, then turning me over to you.”

  Putting the image into words made a seriously warm sensation flood the space in her jeans just below her belt buckle.

  “So, does it work for you?” Beau prompted.

  Had she zoned out again? They must think she was a whack-job.

  “Yeah, for sure!”

  Sawyer and Beau exchanged amused looks.

  She quickly picked up her beer and took a sip, scrambling to cover up how flustered she was. “What’s first on your agenda, Beau? How would you show my bottom some love?”

  Beau sat back, a sexy grin on his handsome face. Beside him, Sawyer reached under the table to gently play with her toes.

  “Well, when presented with an absolutely perfect ass, I think the best way to start is with a good, old-fashioned spanking,” Beau said.

  Daisy's jaw didn't drop. Okay, maybe it did. She must have heard wrong. Beau couldn’t have just said he wanted to spank her bare ass. She waited for him to laugh and admit he’d been teasing her, but he didn’t.

  “You're serious? You want to spank me?”

  “Hell, yeah. Don't tell me you've never had that ass of yours smacked really good?”

  Before Daisy could answer that question, the waitress came over with dessert. She gave Sawyer and Beau theirs first.

  “Here you go, boys. Enjoy.”

  The woman smiled at Daisy as she set the piece of cake in front of her. “You let me know if you need anything, honey. Anything at all.”

  Giving Daisy a wink, she turned and left. Daisy picked up her fork. Across from her, Sawyer and Beau dug in
to their desserts, too. She almost laughed when she realized Beau was eating the cake from between the frosting layers first. Leaving the best part for last. Definitely said a lot about the man.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” he said, pulling her attention back to the topic of her ass and the silly concept of spanking a grown woman.

  She put a piece of cake in her mouth and chewed before answering. “Because the answer should be obvious.”

  “If you've never let a man spank you before, how do you know whether you'd like it?”

  “I'm a cowgirl, Beau. It doesn't take a lot of sense to figure out that if my butt is sore after a good hard ride on a horse, then a spanking would be ten times worse.”

  Beau shook his head. “It’s not even close to being the same thing.”

  “Close enough for me.”

  He started on the next layer of cake. “Answer me this then, Daisy. Have you ever gotten hot and wet riding your horse? And I don't mean from sweat. I mean has your pussy ever gotten completely dripping wet and throbbing with excitement?”

  There was that time back years ago when she and her boyfriend at the time had ridden out to the farthest edges of her family's farm to have sex in an open field. She'd been wet then, but that probably wasn't what Beau was talking about.

  “While horseback riding? No, I can't say that I have.”

  “Further proof that I'm right, then,” he insisted. “Because every woman I've ever spanked ended up getting soaking wet.”

  She frowned at that. She didn't want to know how many woman Beau had spanked. That was under the category of too much information. But still, his logic didn't even make sense.

  “Maybe you just hang out with bizarre women.”

  “Maybe.” He glanced up from his cake. “Or maybe you simply don't understand what a spanking is all about.”

  Beau didn’t sound mad, or even offended. If anything, he seemed to enjoy trying to convert her to his fetish.

  “You’re right. I don’t,” she said. “Why don't you explain exactly how you’d spank me?”

  Now that all the actual cake part was gone, Beau started in on his frosting. Sawyer was licking his fork off—there wasn't even a crumb left on the plate. He eyed her cake. She warned him off with a look—she'd barely started.

  “Hey,” he protested. “I shared my steak with you.”

  “That was steak. This is chocolate cake. Completely different.” She took another forkful. “No sane woman would share her chocolate cake with a man—even after he promised to give her pussy a tongue bath.”

  He gave her the most forlorn puppy dog eyes she’d ever seen. Powerless against them, Daisy sighed and extended her fork, a big piece of cake on it. Sawyer closed his mouth over it with a groan that made her tummy all fluttery.

  Beau pointedly cleared his throat. “Back to the spanking I want to give you. First, I’d pull you gently over my lap.”

  She lifted a brow as she loaded her fork with more cake, this time for her. “Gently, huh? Because you wouldn't want to rough me up before you spank me, right?”

  “Exactly.” A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Now you're getting it. Anyway, after I get you comfortably settled across my lap, I’d spend a little time giving your ass cheeks a deep, firm massage.”

  Hmm. A butt massage? Now Beau was talking her kind of language. She'd never considered her ass to be one of her top erogenous zone. It wasn't at the bottom of the list—no pun intended—but there were a few places ahead of it. Still, the thought of Beau giving her derriere a massage sounded extremely appealing, especially after the hard riding she'd done the past few days.

  “Now,” Beau continued, “while I'm sure you're thinking a little massage sounds nice and relaxing, that's not the real reason for it. The purpose of the massage is to get the blood pumping in your bottom so you'll be ready for the spanking.”

  Daisy groaned. “You're a tease.”

  “True. But trust me, after getting a firm massage, your ass will be primed and begging for that spanking.”

  “Yeah, right. Whatever you say.” She rolled her eyes. “So the ass-whooping comes next?”

  “No, not yet. Stop rushing the experience.” Beau licked the last of the chocolate frosting off his fork. “Besides, I haven't mentioned the best part of the massage. In between rubbing that beautiful ass, I’d slip my hand between your legs and run my fingers up and down the folds of your pussy. Once you're good and wet, I'll sneak forward to tease your clit. Not enough to make you come, but I guarantee you'll like it.”

  That part of her anatomy purred approvingly. “I think I can state with a fair amount of certainty that I’d definitely like it.”

  He grinned. “Thought you might. If you're really good little cowgirl, maybe I'll even slide a finger right into your anus. Would you like that, too?”

  That gave Daisy pause. The moment Beau had confessed to being in love with her ass, she knew he'd get around to sticking something in there at some point. She'd had a few dalliances with anal sex before, and the results had been fairly positive. Nothing earth-shattering, but good enough that she was still curious about how amazing it could be—with the right guy. It was one of the reasons Beau's attraction to her backside had piqued her interest.

  “Let's assume for now that you're still in the like category. Tell me more.”

  Beau smiled. “I'll finger your tight, little rosebud oh-so-slowly until your whole body goes all soft and gooey. Only then, when you're perfectly relaxed and seriously excited, will I even consider spanking you.”

  Her breathing came a little faster. “And how exactly does this spanking thing go?”

  “First, I'll place one hand right in the center of your lower back. No matter how enjoyable you find the spanking, it's only natural to wiggle around a bit. My hand on your back is there to make sure you don't fall off my lap.”

  She wouldn’t have thought it, but from the crazy way her body was reacting, it clearly liked the idea of being held down by the big, strong cowboy. “Can't have that.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of their waitress cleaning a nearby table—one that was already clean. Was she listening in on their conversation? Daisy couldn’t help but smile. If the woman got off on hearing the guys talk nasty, good for her.

  “I’ll start off gently, a little harder than a love pat,” Beau explained. “Hard enough for you to feel it, but not hard enough to sting yet. I'll go back and forth from one cheek to the other, setting up a nice rhythm that will almost be hypnotizing.”

  Daisy tried to imagine what those light smacks on the tender flesh of her bottom would feel like, but couldn’t. She simply didn’t have a frame of reference to go on.

  “After I have you warmed up, I'll start to smack your ass a bit harder. You probably won’t even notice at first, but at some point you'll pick up on the fact that the spanks are louder, and your ass is starting to tingle.”

  “Won't that hurt?”

  She hated sounding naïve, but this was so new to her, and she was curious.

  “Not at all,” Beau assured her. “It will be a pleasant, warming tingle at this point. You might even want me to spank you harder.”

  She frowned. “Why would I want to be spanked harder?”

  “Because your skin will actually be getting used to the sensation. Some women have even told me their ass gets a little numb. They claim they can't feel the smacks as much unless I spank them harder.”


  That sounded almost right. She knew when she rode Playdough for a long time, her ass actually did go numb. Once that happened, she could ride almost all day. She'd feel it later, but at that moment, not so much.

  “Really.” He gave her a slow, sexy grin. “In fact, I have a hunch you're the type of girl who'd get to this point sooner rather than later. I also think you probably wouldn’t be too embarrassed to let me know it.”

  She wasn't so sure of that, but took it as a compliment anyway.

at’s when I'll really start spanking you. Making sure I concentrate on those perfectly padded sit-spots.” Beau leaned in close. “And guess what? You'll be wiggling all over the place and loving it.”

  Daisy bit her lip. She had sort of a conceptual idea of where her sit spots were—though she wasn't so sure she liked the idea of him calling them padded—but Beau seemed to like them that way. He was also starting to bring her around to the dark side. Maybe she’d actually let him spank her—if he was the one who ended up in her bed that night.

  “Okay,” she said. “You definitely have my attention. Tell me, how does this spanking come to an end—what's the big finish?”

  His dark eyes glinted. “Well, just when I have your ass good and hot, and you're really starting to feel it, I'll grab one of those rosy cheeks in each hand and give them a firm squeeze. The sensations will blow your mind.”

  She squirmed in the seat. “And if they don’t?”

  “If they don’t, you'll definitely explode when I slide two fingers in your very wet pussy and start finger fucking your G-spot while I spank you with my other hand.”

  Daisy caught her breath. Man, he was getting her going big time.

  “Would you come again if I did that?”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Her clit was throbbing in her jeans. Damn, she really needed to get touched—ASAP.

  The only question was which man was going to be doing the touching. She opened her mouth ask, but the dang waitress interrupted her.

  “How was everything? That cake was scrumptious wasn't it?”

  Daisy pulled her feet out of both men's laps and looked up. The woman’s eyes danced with amusement—and no small amount of envy. She’d obviously overheard everything Beau said, including the part about G-spots, finger-fucking and coming.

  “It was wonderful, thank you,” Daisy told her.

  On the other side of the table, Sawyer and Beau murmured their agreement.

  The waitress placed the bill on the table. “I hope you have a wonderful evening.”

  The woman gave Daisy a sly wink and a smile before she left.

  Across from her, Beau and Sawyer began to argue over who should pay the bill. Daisy reached out and placed her hand on top of theirs.


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