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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 23

by Tyler, Paige

  O-kay, so maybe Shawna moved a bit faster than Britt remembered. And damn, if she and Clay didn’t look hot together.

  Britt was wondering if she should get a cab when her two friends slowly pulled away from each other. As if sensing she was standing there, Clay looked up, caught her eye and motioned her over. Not sure how she could get away now that she'd been seen, Britt reluctantly let her feet move her across the crowded club to the booth.

  Clay grinned at her, as if playing tongue hockey with her best friend was as natural as breathing. Shawna, on the other hand, looked like she'd been caught stealing Cheerios from a baby. She wouldn't even look at Britt.

  Well, crap. She'd wanted Shawna to have fun, not feel guilty. Especially when there was absolutely no reason for her to feel that way. But how was she going to let Shawna know?

  She started to sit down beside Shawna, hoping Clay would give her a second to talk to her friend before he dragged them onto the dance floor. But Clay was already on his feet. Guess she'd have to wait until later to talk to Shawna. Looking at her friend, Britt wasn't sure if waiting was a good idea. The poor girl looked positively morose.

  “Hey,” Clay said. “I gotta hit the restroom myself. Don't let any strange men hit on you while I'm away, okay?”

  Giving Britt a wink and a smack on the ass, he turned and headed toward the men’s room. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Clay was giving her some time alone with Shawna. The guy was looking smarter and smarter by the second.

  Britt slipped into the booth beside her friend. “That Clay is one devastating kisser, isn't he?”

  Shawna’s head jerked up, her eyes wide and apologetic. “Oh God, I'm so sorry, Britt. I didn't mean to kiss him. It just happened.”

  “Don't be silly, honey,” Britt said. “There's no need to apologize.”

  Shawna’s brows drew together. “You mean you aren't pissed that I was kissing your man?”

  Britt laughed. “For starters, Clay's not my man. We just had sex once, and that was more than three months ago. While I sure as hell hope to hook up with him again, I don't have a claim staked on him. He kisses who he wants.”

  Shawna opened her mouth, then closed it. After a moment, she shook her head. “But I knew you were still hot for him and I kissed him anyway. A friend shouldn't do that.”

  “I knew you were hot for him, too. That's why I left you two alone. So you could do what comes naturally.” Britt grinned. “You don't think I always take that long in the bathroom do you? I wanted you two to get comfortable with each other, which you obviously did. And that brings me back to my original question—devastating kisser, huh?”

  Shawna chewed on her lower lip, clearly still fretting about what had happened. Finally, she leaned over and hugged Britt. “You're the best friend a girl could ever have. And yes, Clay can really kiss.”

  “Told you he had a talented tongue.” Britt gave her a wink. “Wait until you feel what it's like between your legs later.”

  Shawna shook her head again, a blush coloring her face. “Just because I agreed you're the greatest friend ever, that doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with Clay. He's still your man, as far as I'm concerned. That means he's off limits.”

  Britt sighed. “Okay, I can see this is an argument that could last all night. Why don't we let Clay be the one who decides who sleeps with him tonight. Until then, we can both just enjoy ourselves. Agreed?”

  Shawna went back to nibbling on her lip. “So, you won't get jealous or upset if I kiss him again?”

  “Hell, no.” Britt smiled. “As long as you don't get jealous or upset if I kiss him, too.”

  Britt didn't intend to kiss him—not while she was trying to hook him up with Shawna—but she knew it would make her friend happy if she said it.

  Shawna grinned. “Deal.”

  They were still discussing how much Shawna enjoyed kissing Clay, not to mention the other naughty things she'd been doing—like groping the tree branch hidden in his jeans—when the man himself appeared in front of the table.

  “If you two are finished talking, how about we dance some more?”

  Britt held out her hand. “Lead the way.”

  Shawna was smiling from ear to ear as Clay led them onto the dance floor. Now that her friend was more relaxed than she'd been during their first three-way dance, they could have some real fun. Unfortunately, the band decided to choose that exact moment to change from a banging rockabilly beat to a traditional western tune better suited to a two-step.

  Clay grabbed Shawna and settled her against his left thigh. Britt had no doubt his muscular leg was rubbing up against her friend in the most interesting way. Then without missing a beat, he grabbed Britt, too, yanking her against his right thigh. Yeah, she'd been right. That did feel good.

  But while the position was definitely entertaining, it wasn’t going to work for dancing.

  “Clay, you can't Texas two-step with both of us.”

  Britt couldn’t resist grinding against his thigh as she spoke. She might as well have some fun before he decided she was right.

  But Clay wasn't ready to admit defeat yet. “Woman, don't ever doubt a bull rider. There's nothing we can't do.”

  He went on to prove himself correct, guiding them all in a two-step that was pretty damn smooth considering there were three pairs of legs within inches of each other. When he spun them through a complicated twirl step as he moved them around one of the corners of the floor, the other couples around them cheered, whooped and hollered.

  “You're good at moving with two women in your arms,” Shawna said breathlessly.

  He chuckled and spun them around again. “Woman, you have no idea.”

  The comment went completely over Shawna's head, but Britt picked up on it. She raised an eyebrow at him, but he only laughed again, pulling them both in close and letting his hands cup their asses as the music slowed down to a sweet country ballad. Clay had big hands to go with those other big parts of his.

  Britt didn't have time to think too much about Clay's comment. Slow dancing with two people at once took a lot more concentration then two-stepping did—who knew? Or maybe the way Clay’s hand moved over her ass was simply wreaking havoc on her ability to focus. That must be it. Because slow dancing as a threesome mostly involved moving and grinding against each other more than it did any actual footwork.

  Not that she was complaining. It was fun to play at being a three-way couple out on the dance floor, despite the strange looks they got. On the upside, they got a lot of jealous ones, too.

  Shawna seemed to enjoy it as much as Britt did. Her normally reserved friend was putting as much wiggle into her booty as Britt was. She clearly liked Clay’s hand on her ass, that was for sure.

  This time, Clay was the one who dragged them back to the booth for a break and another drink. This time, though, they didn't simply sit there, sipping their beers and talking about computers and rodeos. The tone had changed drastically during their last foray onto the dance floor. Britt knew for certain when Clay took her beer out of her hand and matter-of-factly pulled her in for a kiss. Not a tepid, peck-on-the-cheek thing, either. He planted one hand on her jaw line and buried the other in her hair, then laid a knee-quaking smackaroo on her—tongue and all. She almost fell over right into his lap.

  Or she would have if Clay hadn’t sat her back in the booth, and then just as matter-of-factly turned and given Shawna the same serious-ass kiss.

  And Shawna kissed him right back.

  Britt had never watched a couple kiss this close up before—and she’d definitely never watched a guy kiss a woman seconds after doing the same to her. If one even tried, he probably would have gotten his face slapped.

  That wasn't what she felt like doing at that exact moment, however. Instead, she felt like sitting back and enjoying the view.

  Okay, that was different.

  Sure, she'd already decided she wanted Shawna and Clay to hook up tonight. But still, why would seeing them kiss be so erotic?

/>   Britt was still trying to come up with an answer when Shawna pulled away from Clay and gave her an apologetic look. “Sorry. I was hogging him.”

  Britt didn't think—not as much as she should have if she truly intended this night to end with Shawna and Clay in bed together. Instead, she simply reacted.

  “Let me catch up then.”

  Getting to her feet, she leaned over Clay and kissed him hard. Out of the corner of her eye, Britt could see Shawna watching. She was near enough to make Britt's previous close-up view of a kiss seem like long distance.

  Crap, what was she doing? Shawna wasn't the type of girl who dealt well with this kind of in-your-face sexuality. She was going to end up scaring her friend right out of the club.

  But as Britt’s lips moved over Clay's of their own accord, Shawna didn't even flinch. If anything, she moved a little closer.

  That was when Britt realized she liked Shawna watching her and Clay make out as much as she’d liked watching them before. The discovery shocked her so much she stepped back and just about tripped over herself. She sat down hard in the booth with a little grunt and stared at Shawna.

  Her friend smiled. “Yeah, I reckon that puts us about even.”

  Then, as if the two of them hadn’t both kissed Clay a minute ago, Shawna asked Clay where he'd learned to dance like that.

  “My mom insisted I take ballroom dancing lesson when I was a teenager.” He grinned. “It was the only way she’d let me compete at the junior rodeo level.”

  Like that explained where he'd learned to slow dance with two women at once.

  Britt grabbed her beer and took a swallow. Okay, so she'd been cool with Shawna kissing Clay right in front of her—had even liked watching it maybe. Nothing wrong with that. It just meant her inner voyeur was slipping out. On the flipside, Shawna had liked watching her and Clay smooch, too. But the serious trip—the thing that really had Britt's heart beating fast—was that she’d liked the idea of Shawna watching while she tangled tongues with Clay. Now, that was taking a major off-ramp into kinky-land, wasn't it?

  Until tonight, Britt had never felt even the slightest inclination toward exhibitionism. She might kiss a guy in a crowded bar, maybe even take part in a little hand groping under the table. But only because it was likely no one was paying attention, and she'd never thought about it one way or another.

  She was sure as hell thinking about it now. Shawna had been inches away from her while Britt kissed Clay. Her best friend had probably been able to see every exquisite detail as his lips had moved over her lips, as his tongue had moved in and out of her mouth.

  The thought made her pussy purr between her legs.

  Without consciously deciding to go there, another image popped into her head, this one even naughtier than before. She was lying back in the booth naked, one of her legs thrown over the back of the seat while the other was spread wide and resting on the edge of the table. Clay was between her spread legs feasting on her pussy. And Shawna was perched on the back of the booth, leaning over so she could get a perfect view of what he was doing.

  Britt squeezed her thighs together to ease the ache there. Oh, man. To say she seriously regretted giving Shawna free reign with Clay was an understatement. She had a sudden urge to drag him back to her hotel room and put that mouth of his back to work. But she couldn’t do that to Shawna.

  “Hey, earth to Britt.”

  She gave herself a mental shake. Clay was looking at her curiously. Crap, how many times had he called her name?


  “I’m going to grab some more beers. Want one?”

  “Oh. Um, sure. I could use another.”

  She wasn't really thirsty at the moment, at least not for beer. But what else was she going to say? No thanks, I'd rather make out with you while my girlfriend watches.

  Shawna took Clay's trip to the bar as an opportunity to slide over and sit beside Britt.

  “I can't believe we were both kissing Clay like that right here in front of all these people.” Shawna caught her lower lip between her teeth. “Are you really sure you don't mind me being here with you and Clay?”

  “Of course not.” Britt forced a smile to her lips. “If two friends can't share a guy, what kind of friends are they?”

  Britt cringed inwardly. Had she just said that out loud? That image of Shawna watching her get licked morphed into a totally different scene—one in which Shawna was doing more than just watching.

  But her friend must have totally missed the double entendre lying within her words because she laughed. “Exactly. We were just kissing him, after all. Not that big a deal, right?”

  Britt lifted a brow. “I don't know. That seemed like a pretty serious kiss Clay laid on you. You saying you're not the least bit hot and bothered from it?”

  She wasn't sure why she’d asked the question. Maybe the bad girl in her wanted to know if her friend was as affected by all this kinkiness as she was.

  Shawna nibbled on her lip again. “Yeah, okay, I admit it. Clay is a damn good kisser. The whole time we were smooching, I was thinking about what you said—about having that talented mouth of his between my legs. That's why the kiss went on so long. I was in serious fantasy land.”

  Well, there you go. Shawna was definitely getting turned on, too. Maybe not for the same reason, but still…

  “So…” Shawna started, then hesitated.

  “What?” Britt prompted.

  “I was just going to ask if you…got sort of turned on, too. By kissing Clay out in public like this?”

  Of course Britt got turned on by kissing Clay, but it wasn't doing it in public that had made her hot. Not that she could admit it to her best friend.

  She nodded. “Yeah, I did.”

  Shawna exhaled. “Good. I didn't want to be the only one.”

  Britt absently rubbed the label on the beer bottle with her thumb. “So, what are we going to do about it?”

  Shawna didn't get a chance to answer because Clay returned, three bottles of beer in hand.

  “Do about what?” he asked as he set down the bottles.

  Britt glanced at Shawna. Her friend shrugged, then smiled. “We were talking about what we wanted to do next.”

  Clay looked from Shawna to Britt and back again. “You mean, like more dancing?”

  Shawna went back to chewing on her lip again.

  “Or…whatever,” Britt said.

  She got the feeling Clay wasn’t interested in dancing anymore tonight—at least not the vertical kind.

  He took a long pull on his beer before answering. “Now that you mention it, it is getting late.”

  Shawna’s face fell. “It is?”

  Britt couldn't blame her. She didn't want the night to be over with herself. And if the way Clay was looking at her and Shawna, that was his way of saying he didn’t want it to end, either. She knew him well enough to know that making out with them had gotten him horny as hell. He was probably sitting there right now trying to figure out how to ask one of them to go back to his place without pissing off the other. Poor guy. He probably figured he was screwed no matter what he said. But while Britt desperately wanted to have sex with Clay again, she knew Shawna would be heartbroken if she didn't get her shot at the stud. It looked as if it was going to be her job to step in and make sure things worked out that way.

  “Yeah, it is late. Time for us cowgirls to be getting to bed.” Britt picked up her beer. “So, I’m going to say good night and grab a cab.”

  Shawna and Clay both stared at her.

  “A cab?” Clay echoed. “But I thought—“

  “That we’d spend the night together. I know.” Britt gave him a rueful smile. “We were both a little beat-up the last time we got together—me maybe a bit more than you. And I'd surely like a re-ride to see if we could be even better than we were that first time. But that isn't going to happen. A least, not tonight.”

  Shawna frowned. “Britt, what are you doing?”

  “I'm taking care of
my best friend in the whole wide world. I've had my shot at Clay, and friends don't hog.”

  Clay opened his mouth, but Shawna shushed him.

  “That’s crazy. And I'm not putting up with it,” she told Britt. “We talked about this. I'm not stealing your man and leaving you high and dry. I won't do it.”

  Britt shook her head. “You're not leaving me high and dry. Being best friends sometimes means giving up the guy.”

  No matter how badly she wanted him right then.

  “Exactly!” Shawna crossed her arms over her chest and sat back, her blue eyes flashing. “Which is why you're going home with Clay tonight and I’m getting the cab.”

  Britt clenched her teeth. Dammit, what did she have to say to get through her friend's thick head? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

  “Or,” Clay said in his silky smooth voice when Britt opened her mouth to set her friend straight once and for all. “I could just sleep with the both of you—at the same time.”

  Britt didn’t know how long she stared at Clay before his words finally sunk in. Holy crap! Had he just say what she thought he'd said?

  Given the fact that Shawna's mouth was hanging open, she figured she must’ve heard right.

  Clay wanted to sleep with the both of them—together?

  She opened her mouth to tell him there was no way that was going to happen, but something stopped her. A minute ago she’d fantasized about Clay going down on her while Shawna watched.

  “Are you serious?” Britt finally asked.

  “Hell, yeah.” Clay frowned. “What did you think was going on tonight? I was kissing both of you, for Pete’s sake.”

  It was Shawna who answered. “I thought you were hedging your bets until you could figure out which one of us you could get into bed.”


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