The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1) Page 30

by Tyler, Paige

  Britt moaned softly as Clay's fingertip traced back and forth across her back door.

  He didn't rush, but instead took his time making little circles with his finger. Sometimes, he slipped the tip into her opening, but mostly he focused on the outer ring of muscles.

  While she knew next to nothing about anal sex, Shawna recognized she was in the presence of a master. Even though he had a hard-on that was stiff enough to chisel granite, Clay didn't shove his finger up Britt's ass like he was plugging a hole in the wall. On the contrary, he played with her derriere, wooing it and making her want him to do more.

  On the bed, Britt visibly relaxed. Suddenly, her body had that melty look you get after an exceptionally good massage at the spa.

  Only then did Clay start working his middle finger into her ass. Even though he had some pretty big fingers—not anything like his cock of course, but big enough—Britt didn’t tense at all. She simply moaned more as that single finger moved in and out of her, initially up to the first knuckle, then to the second, and then all the way in. As he worked his finger in and out, he slowly added more lube, dribbling the liquid on his finger and letting it find its way naturally into her ass.

  Britt moaned, panted and pushed her bottom back, begging for more.

  Clay gave her more. Smooth as silk, he added his ring finger to the equation, making circular motions with it before sliding it into her bottom alongside the first.

  Shawna was so caught up in what he was doing, she almost didn’t realize she’d started playing with herself again. God, she was soaking wet. How could she be this excited after the night she'd already had? Because she was watching her friend get her ass played with by a pro like Clay. Her clit was tingling so much she had to back off again for fear of making herself come before the ass fucking even started.

  So, she leaned back and watched Clay play with Britt’s bottom. Shawna had never really thought much about how sexy a woman's anus could look. She'd never had the opportunity to get a close look at one—hers or any other woman's. But now that she was sitting right beside Britt, she could understand why men in general—and Clay in particular—were gaga about that part of a woman's anatomy. There was no other word to describe it—Britt had a beautiful anus.

  Shawna stifled a groan. After tonight she was going to have a serious conversation with herself because she was having thoughts she’d never dreamed of having, especially about her best friend. But that was later. Right now, she was just going to enjoy the moment.

  Clay slipped a third finger into Britt's anus. Her friend let out an animalistic sound somewhere between a cry and a moan that could mean either pleasure or pain.

  Shawna immediately stopped touching herself and scooted closer to Britt. “You okay? Does it hurt too much? Should Clay stop?”

  Britt's cry-slash-moan turned into a husky laugh. “God, no. It feels amazing. It just takes a little getting used to.” She looked over her shoulder at Shawna, her face wanton. “Even if you don't ever let Clay slide his cock in your ass, you have to try out his fingers. They’re magical.” Britt’s eyes slowly drifted closed, a smile crossing her face. “Oh damn, that's good. Keep working me, babe. I'm almost ready.”

  Shawna sat back on her heels, amazed, but eager to watch Clay do his thing to Britt’s ass.

  Chapter Eight

  Clay now had three lube-covered fingers carefully stretching out Britt's anus. Wondering how much more work he’d need to do, Shawna lowered her gaze to the throbbing hard-on between his well-muscled legs. A quick comparison between Britt's relaxed ass and his thick cock made her think her friend would never be able to take him back there. Three fingers, tightly pinched together, simply didn't compare to that big shaft. They might need to have a back-up plan.

  Apparently Clay didn't think so. “Hey, Shawna. You mind rolling the condom down my cock while I keep playing with Britt? I don't want her sweet, little ass to get lonesome.”

  What he really meant was that he didn't want Britt’s ass tightening up again, but Shawna didn't call him on it. Especially since she’d get to practice her cock-wrapping skills again.

  She scrabbled around on the bed until she found the condom packet she’d tossed there earlier. Ripping it open, she pulled out the little piece of rubber, then quickly figured which side was right side out—thank goodness Britt had taught her that trick. Wiggling over to Clay, she grabbed his erection. She almost smiled at how easy it was to get the condom in place and rolled down. Her friend was a damn good teacher.

  After he was all suited up, she gave his cock a little rub, then smiled up at him. “Okay, big boy. You're all ready.”

  “Mind lubing him up a bit for me?”

  Shawna laughed. “You're so bad. You just love having two women at your beck and call, don’t you?”

  He chuckled as she dribbled a generous amount of lube into her outstretched palm. “Now that you mention it, it is kind of nice. Something a man like me could get used to.”

  She didn't tell him it was something she could get used to as well. Instead, she grabbed his cock and slathered the lube all over its length.

  “More up around the head.” He instructed. “That's where she's really going to need it.”

  Shawna silently complied with his request, but wondered if he really needed the extra lube, or whether he simply liked the hand job she was giving him.

  “Perfect.” He carefully slid his fingers from Britt's bottom. “You ready, girl?”

  “Cowboy, I was born ready.” Britt pushed her ass back toward him invitingly. “Get that thing in there.”

  Clay placed one hand on Britt's hip to steady her, then grabbed the base of his cock with the other. But then he hesitated before turning to look at Shawna.

  “This might sound like a strange request, but…”

  “What?” Shawna prompted when he hesitated.

  “Would you mind helping me out and spreading Britt's cheeks so I can slide in easier?”

  Shawna hoped her jaw didn't actually drop, but it sure as heck felt like it. Clay was asking her to grab Britt's cheeks and spread them nice and wide so he would have an easier time getting his cock up her ass? For the second time that night, her face flamed as scarlet as Britt's ass.

  She quickly looked over her shoulder at her friend, wondering what Britt thought of the idea. But her friend’s eyes were closed, a blissful smile curving her lips. She was obviously lost in la-la land waiting for the big moment.

  Shawna’s gaze went to the rosy-red globes in front of Clay's cock. She supposed she could understand why he might need her help. Though she’d obviously never had to deal with the issue herself, she imagined having a woman's cheeks spread apart would make it easier for a guy to get his penis lined up with the intended aim point. As gooey as Britt's ass was right then, a poorly aimed cock could end up going in the wrong place—and while that would still be fun, it wasn’t the plan. And Clay's hands were presently full—one hand steadying Britt's hip and the other hand gripping his shaft. So, when she thought about, she guessed Clay's strange request made sense.

  But could she do it? Even after all the naughty thoughts she'd had about her friend, and as turned on as she was at the moment, could she put her hands on Britt's ass and spread her wide while Clay did something so incredibly intimate?

  “I completely understand if you can't…” Clay said softly. “Friends and all—no big deal. I can handle this.”

  Realizing a unique opportunity was about to pass her by, Shawna took a deep breath and acted—in an impulsive way that would have never been possible before tonight. In a fraction of a second, she reached out and placed her hands on each of Britt’s ass cheeks.

  “I'm the one who’s going to handle this,” she whispered so softly she wasn't sure Clay even heard.

  The second her palms touched skin, a shock ran through her. For the first time in her life, she was touching another woman in an intimate way. Not just any woman, either, but her best friend. When she’d caressed Britt's ass right after Cla
y had spanked her earlier, there’d been an inkling of sexual curiosity. But it had been just that—curiosity. She hadn’t intended to do anything. Now she was about to take a serious role in the process of Britt getting fucked in the ass. She was going to be so up close and personal with the act she might as well be doing it herself. That was definitely next level.

  The feeling was…momentous.

  Did Britt know what Shawna was doing? She had to. Her friend might be nearly comatose with lust, but she still had to realize there was no way Clay could be holding her ass in this direction. The knowledge that Britt, the consummate sexual spitfire, would know that her normally reserved friend was doing something so taboo was arousing all on its own.

  “That's right,” Clay murmured. “Spread her ass just like that.”

  Shawna hadn't even realized she’d already started pulling Britt's cheeks apart. She guessed the move simply came naturally. But now that she was aware of it, she focused on what she was supposed to be doing. She spread her fingers wide, repositioned them a bit, then urged Britt's sexy globes even further apart. God, what a view. It was enough to make her almost hyperventilate.

  Britt moaned, and Shawna wondered what she was doing that was moanworthy. Maybe just having her freshly spanked ass squeezed was enough.

  Shawna glanced up at Clay. “Like that?”


  He moved forward until the tip of his cockhead was touching the suddenly tight crimp of muscles.

  “Just relax and breathe,” he said.


  It wasn’t until Shawna answered that she realized he’d probably been talking to Britt. But Clay didn't call her on it. He only tightened his grip on Britt's hip and held her steady as he pressed his cockhead against her anus.

  Despite Clay’s command, Shawna held her breath anyway. She wasn't sure what to expect. She didn't think Clay would try and shove his cock up there, but that particular approach had been tried once with her—with negative results. But of course, Clay wasn't that impatient. She’d forgotten he was the ass master. He gently pressed his cock against Britt's tight, little sphincter and waited…and waited…and waited a bit more.

  Shawna wondered if he was waiting for some guy to pull a rope for the ride to start when she felt movement. Actually, it wasn't really a movement. It was Britt's ass cheeks relaxing under her hands. Shawna hadn't even been aware her friend had been tensed up until she felt the muscles soften. Britt's tight anus relaxed, too. Clay’s cock immediately slid in. Not like inches or anything. But the tip of the head slipped in.

  As Britt's rosebud widened to accept him, Shawna squeezed her friend’s ass a little. If she distracted her, maybe Britt wouldn't notice the monster cock trying to slowly burrow its way into her behind.

  Never having fondled a girl's butt, she was a little tentative at first. How did Britt like a guy to touch her there? Since she wasn’t sure, Shawna finally decided to do it the way she’d like—firm and slow. At the same time she massaged, she carefully pulled Britt's cheeks apart the slightest smidgen more.

  Britt groaned like a drug-addled minx and Clay's cock slipped in almost to the crest of his cockhead.

  Almost immediately, however, Britt tightened up again, making Clay suck in a breath and wince.

  Okay, not what they were going for here.

  Shawna pressed her fingers into Britt's cheeks even harder, digging into the muscles in an effort to help her friend relax again. If Clay could slide in just a little more, the hard work would be over. She slid her fingers down into Britt’s crack, brushing the sides of Clay cock as she manipulated the ring of super-tight muscles trying to hold the monster at bay.

  “Mmm,” Britt breathed. “That feels so good.”

  The tenseness once again melted out of her friend's body. Clay's cock slipped at least an inch inside. This time, Britt didn't tighten up at all. She merely growled softly and asked Clay for more.

  “Please,” she begged as she buried her face in the blanket.

  Clay chuckled. “Not yet, darlin’. You think you're ready, but you're not. We've just started. You just lie there and relax. Let Shawna and me handle this.”

  A ridiculous surge of excitement coursed through Shawna at being included. “That's right, Britt. Now hush. Clay and I are working back here.”

  Britt didn't complain, but that was likely because Clay took mercy on her and gave her another inch of his shaft.

  Shawna couldn't believe Britt was taking him in so easily. At least it seemed easy to her. Of course, all Clay's prep work and patience was probably why. But still, that was a lot of cock stretching her friend's bottom wide. And it was beautiful.

  Britt bucked back, desperately trying to get even more in her. Shawna didn’t know why she did it, but she lifted her hand and smacked her friend on the ass—hard. She wasn't sure what shocked her more—that she’d done it, or that Britt let out a long, low moan of pleasure. And yet she couldn't let the moment pass without saying something.

  “Stop that, Britt,” she scolded. “It’s Clay's job to do the fucking. It's your job is to kneel there and take it.”

  She didn't expect a response, so she was surprised when Britt spoke. “I’ll try. But I'm going crazy down here. My whole ass is tingling like I’m sitting on an electric fence.”

  Shawna looked up to see Clay regarding her with an extremely interested expression on his face. No doubt he was thinking that if he let this go on long enough, there was a chance their stand on no girl-on-girl action might just change. Shawna wasn't so sure he'd be wrong. She was getting wildly turned on touching Britt like this, and smacking her ass had only made it worse. She wasn't sure where it might go given the chance.

  It would probably be better not to find out—for the sake of their friendship.

  Time to get Clay's attention focused on a different subject.

  “I think Britt wants you to start,” she said softly. “She really seems to need you inside her.”

  That wasn’t a lie. Britt was wiggling around like a cat on a hot tin roof, doing anything to get more of Clay's cock in her ass.

  “Maybe,” Clay agreed, his expression still thoughtful. “Let's start slow and we'll see how she handles it.”

  He transferred the hand that had been holding his shaft to Britt's other hip, getting a firm hold. “Keep massaging her ass. I think it relaxes her.”

  Shawna had no problem with that. As Clay pulled Britt back on his cock, she obediently caressed her friend’s silky smooth skin. Britt moaned into the bed covers. This time, Shawna didn't have to ask if the sound was one of pleasure—the answer was obvious.

  Clay reversed course, pulling out a few inches, then sliding back in, letting his penis go even deeper.

  Shawna watched, completely mesmerized. For some reason, the visual was fascinating.

  Clay continued his slow-motion fucking of Britt's ass, pumping in and out in a purposeful fashion that was almost assuredly meant to drive her girlfriend even more insane.

  Shawna tightened her hold on Britt’s ass, automatically rocking her friend back and forth in time with Clay's thrusts. The rocking rhythm was hypnotic beyond belief. The sight of Clay's thick cock—the one she’d been sure was too big to ever fit in anyone's bottom—moving in and out of Britt’s ass was making her dizzy with its raw sexuality.

  She looked up at Clay in awe. As if he understood what she was thinking, he leaned forward and kissed her.

  It turned out they were both exceptionally good at multi-tasking—Clay at kissing her while fucking Britt's ass; Shawna at kissing him while caressing her girlfriend’s bottom. Even the kissing became rhythmic, their tongues moving in and out of each other's mouths in time with the fucking.

  As much as she wanted to keep both hands on Britt’s beautiful ass, the throbbing between Shawna’s thighs got to be too much, and she dropped one down to her pussy to make rapid circles on her clit. She didn't care that Clay could see everything she was doing—they were so far beyond that now.

nbsp; Clay ended the kiss long before she wanted him to, but she knew he had to if he was going to focus on his primary task—fucking Britt silly. Shawna could forgive him. Besides, now she could focus on masturbating. And touching herself while watching a hot cowboy like Clay fuck her sexy girlfriend made the whole thing even hotter.

  He wasn't pounding Britt's ass as hard as he had Shawna's pussy, of course. He must have thought that would be too much for her. Even so, Britt clutched the blankets as she made a sound that was half moan, half cry. She looked as if she was about to explode in some out-of-this-world anal orgasm Shawna had never been fortunate enough to experience.

  And it was no more than she deserved. If anything, it wasn’t enough.

  Britt was the reason this whole amazing night had happened in the first place. Without her friend there to figuratively hold her hand, Shawna would have never been gutsy enough to try even half the stuff they’d done. And that would have been a complete shame, because this was a night Shawna was never going to forget. She owed Britt a debt of gratitude that was going to be tough to pay back. How could she possibly show Britt her appreciation for everything her friend had done.

  No sooner had she asked the question, then an answer popped into her head. The only problem was that it was so out there, so completely un-Shawna-like, that she immediately dismissed it. But then she stopped herself. Why was she stifling the urge to do something she knew would be the perfect cherry on top of this night’s sexual dessert buffet?

  The only thing stopping her were her own inhibitions. But after the night she’d had, were those inhibitions really even there anymore? Were there lines she still wouldn’t cross when it came to thanking Britt in the one way that would honestly and sincerely convey her true feelings?

  If there were any lines left, she was about to erase them right now. Taking a deep breath, Shawna took her hand away from her own clit and reached between her friend’s legs to place her fingers on Britt's. She had no problem finding it—the little nub was plump and begging for attention.


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