Love on the Free Side

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Love on the Free Side Page 17

by Mariah Ankenman

  “Sweetheart, I love everything you did. Everything we did.”

  His hands grasped the back of her arms, pulling her to him. Running the tip of his nose along her cheekbone, he feathered light kisses along her jaw. Chills raced up and down her spine. Heat gathered in her core.

  “I can’t stop thinking about how soft your skin feels or the sweet little moans you make when I’m inside you.”

  Her knees wobbled, and she was thankful he held her or she’d be a puddle on the floor right now.

  “Not that I’m not thrilled you didn’t sleep with Professor Asshole, but why did he seem to think you had issues with sex?”

  “I don’t know.” She moaned when his lips hit the special spot right below her ear. “We only dated for four months, and it was casual, exclusive, or so I thought, but causal.”

  “No casual sex for you, huh?”

  The man kept doing deliciously hazardous things to her body. His hand moved down to cup her backside, squeezing and tugging her closer until he could grind a very hard part of his anatomy against her.

  Brain shutting down, her mouth opened and the truth popped out. “No sex at all for me.”

  The grinding stopped, kisses, too. Why? She liked the kisses.


  Pulling back, she intended to ask why he stopped, but one glimpse at the shock on Tony’s face and she immediately wished she could take back her confession.

  “What do you mean no sex?”

  Mood broken, she stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest. Her nipples were hard, poking against her wrists. Even that slight contact made her groan with need and disappointment.

  “Look, it’s not a big deal. Yes, technically until the other night I was a…virgin, but I’m not anymore. Big whoop.”

  His mouth hung open like a codfish caught on a line. “But…but how? Why?”

  Mortified, angry, and frustrated, she threw her hands up into the air. “Contrary to what the news says, not everyone in our generation has endless amounts of sex. There’s more to life than intercourse.”

  A suspicious gleam reminiscent of guilt lit his eyes. Oh great, now he thought she’d remained celibate all these years because he dumped her.

  Men and their egos.

  She sighed, shaking her head. “I know I’m a bit…older than most women when they start exploring their sexuality, but I’ve been busy. First there was school, then my internship. There wasn’t any time or anyone who interested me enough.”

  She left out the fact that he had interested her enough before he dumped her like a sack of potatoes.

  “So, it didn’t have to do with…”

  Yup, she’d guessed right. “Please, Tony. Don’t flatter yourself. Okay, yes, at first I may have been a little gun shy on the matter.” Who wouldn’t be after offering their virginity and instead getting a break up? “But in all honesty, I’ve never had the time or desire to have sex. No one has been tempting enough.”

  A strange, calculating glance passed over his face, but before she could remark on it, it vanished. Then he stepped forward, lips curling in a devilish grin, dimples peeking out of those sharp cheeks.

  “Are you saying I tempt you, bonita?”

  Did he ever! The man tempted her more than all the cupcakes in Maggie’s shop. He was chocolate, a good ride on a beautiful horse, and Christmas all wrapped into one sexy, orgasm-inducing package.

  Not wanting to inflate his—well-deserved—ego in that area, she shrugged. “I think it was more a matter of timing. Right place, right time type thing.”

  He arched one dark brow. “Oh really?”

  Before she could respond, his lips came crashing down on hers. He took her mouth with the skill of Casanova. Washed away on a sea of pleasure, she clung to him, desperate to feel every inch of what he offered, to take everything until she was unconscious with release.

  When he pulled away, she noticed his harsh breaths matched her own. The delicious smell of the coffee wafted from his lips, tickling her nostrils as he pressed his forehead to hers.

  “You tempt me, Jamie. More than anyone ever has.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She would not fall for him again, but dang it, he made it so hard when he said things like that.

  Needing to get things away from the emotional and back to the physical, she ran her hand down his chest, down, down until she cupped his hard length in her hand. Giving a slight squeeze, she smiled. “Well then, let’s go upstairs and see what else I can do to you.”

  He grinned, dimples winking out in full force. “Lead the way.”

  She turned and raced up the stairs. The crazy whirlwind of recent events bounced around in her brain, but she pushed them all down and focused on the one thing she wanted more than anything else at the moment.


  Chapter 25

  Tony stalked Jamie up the stairs like a tiger after his prey. He felt like a beast at the moment: powerful, hungry. It shouldn’t matter she’d never been with anyone before, that only he had enjoyed the sweet pleasure of her release. But damn him, it did.

  At first, a wave of guilt engulfed him at her confession. So many accusations fought for dominancy in his brain. If he would have known it had been her first time the other night, he would have made damn sure to make it special…flowers, candles, romantic music. Jamie deserved that much. Hell, she deserved a lot more. She deserved everything.

  A sickening panic hit him next when he suspected he’d been the reason for her lack of intimacy. He knew his breaking up with her hurt—it gutted him—but to think she’d be so wounded she’d forgone sex completely made him want to kick his own ass. Her assurance that it wasn’t a decision based solely on him relieved the guilt…slightly.

  No matter how much she denied it, Tony knew Jamie still harbored anger for him. His goal now: break down the wall of pain around her heart and rebuild the love they once shared.

  And the first order of business was to make her more satisfied than any woman in the history of lovemaking.

  The past two nights had simply been warm-ups. Tonight, he planned to worship her body until she couldn’t see straight.

  “Hey, slowpoke. You coming?”

  He glanced up just in time to catch her T-shirt with his face. The soft material smelled of her, and he inhaled deeply before tugging the garment off and throwing it to the side. She stood on the landing at the top of the stairs, white and pink polka dot bra and a pair of jean shorts reveling the sexiest pair of legs he’d ever had the privilege of laying his eyes on.

  “Not yet, but why don’t you take off some more clothes and I’m sure I can get there.”

  She chuckled, beckoning him forward with the crook of her finger. Never one to refuse a lady, he bolted up the last few steps, wrapped one arm around her waist, and pulled her into him.

  Soft, delicate hands landed on his chest. “Mmmm.” She ran her nose along his neck. “You smell yummy.”

  His heartbeat pounded in his ears, blood rushing south. When her sweet, little tongue snaked out to lave over the pulse point at the base of his neck, he almost lost it.

  An involuntary growl rose from his chest. “Bedroom. Now.”

  She smiled, not budging an inch. “Feeling a little demanding?”

  No, he was feeling a lot desperate. Desperate for this woman who’d held his heart since he was nineteen. The only woman who’d ever meant something to him beyond sex. He’d had other lovers over the years, but none of them came even close to a fraction of what his heart held for Jamie. She might insist they were having a physical only affair, but he knew better.

  A person didn’t wait nearly three decades then have sex just for fun. This meant something. He prayed it meant something to her, because it held a world of importance to him.

  “Bedroom.” The only answer he could give at the moment.

  Thankfully, she accepted it, giving him a cheeky grin before turning and running down the hall. Feeling primal, he gave chase.


bsp; She squealed as he caught her around her waist, pulling her back against his front. His lips latched onto the sensitive area between her neck and shoulder. Her head fell back on a groan, granting him better access, to which he took full advantage. He moved his hand, grasping her waist forward, flipping open the button on her shorts and pulling the zipper down. He slid his fingers into the opening, rubbing through her soft, cotton panties.

  “Oh my.”

  Such a Jamie thing to say. He laughed softly against her throat. The woman couldn’t even curse in the throes of passion. She was one of a kind, for sure.

  Bringing his free hand up, he cupped one breast, rolling her stiff nipple with his thumb and forefinger through her bra. She pushed her backside against him, and he answered by grinding his hard cock against her.


  What he wouldn’t give to rip their clothes off and bend her over the bed, take her hard and fast from behind. The visceral image so clear in his mind, he had to pause in his ministrations for fear of embarrassing himself. Jamie tested his control like no other.

  “What’s wrong?” She turned her head to glance at him over her shoulder. “Why’d you stop?”

  Not wanting to admit how close he was to losing it, he brought his hands around to her back, flicking open the latch on her bra.

  “Not stopping. Just pausing to unwrap my present.”

  One eyebrow arched. “Are you calling me a present?”

  “You’re a gift from the heavens, bonita.”

  Warm, brown eyes softened, a smile lighting her face. “You always were good with pretty words, Tony.”

  Only around her. Because she brought it out in him, like some damned lovesick poet.

  “Let’s get naked, and I’ll show you what else I’m good at.” He took pleasure in the sight of her eyes widening.

  “You mean there’s more? More than…what we’ve done the past two nights?”

  So much more. His body ached to show her all the wonders and pleasure they could experience together. Now that he knew how truly inexperienced she was, he planned to show her everything.

  “Oh, Jamie, you have no idea.” But she would…soon.

  She stood there in shocked silence as he pealed her bra down her arms, tossing it aside. Bending his head, he brushed a soft kiss against her lips. So sweet, his Jamie. How could a woman taste so damn sweet all the time?

  He gently placed his hands on her bare breasts, caressing them with reverent care. The hard peaks of her nipples rasped against the tips of his fingers as he gently brushed back and forth over them. A moan escaped her lips, but he swallowed it down, parting them with his tongue.

  Never one to shy away, Jamie met him with eagerness. Their mouths fused, making love in the way their bodies soon would.

  After spending a fair number of minutes learning the intricacies of her breasts with his hands, he traveled downward. The round curve of her belly delighted him. So soft and feminine. He didn’t care what the media said, women’s bodies were works of art. Big, small, thin, curvy, didn’t matter the size or shape, every woman was amazing.

  But Jamie surpassed them all. She was a goddess, and he planned to worship accordingly.

  He moved his touch along every dip and curve, continuing his southbound journey. When he reached her hips, he hooked a finger in the waistband of her jeans, shoving them off along with her panties. He cupped one hand over the heat of her, reveling in her soft mewling noises.

  “Tony,” she panted, pulling away from his lips. “You…oh, yes…your clothes.”

  “Not yet.” He’d never give her what she deserved if he got naked right now. She needed at least two orgasms before he took one thread of clothing off.

  “But I—oh!”

  She cried out as he inserted two fingers, twisting the digits to hit that special spot inside. Her hands flew to his shoulders, nails digging it. He didn’t mind the small sting. His ego roared at the knowledge of how out of control she was. He pumped his fingers, using his thumb to rub against the small bundle of nerves ensured to drive her wild.

  It worked.

  Soon, she came apart in his arms, crying out her release. A smile curled his lips, but he wasn’t done with her yet. Walking her backward—not hard to do since she was very pliant in his arms—he backed her up until her knees hit the bed. With a soft kiss to her lips, he laid her down, going to his knees on the floor in front of her.

  “What are you—”

  He didn’t let her finish her question. It ended on a cry of pleasure as his mouth latched onto the spot his fingers had just been enjoying. Her hands grasped his head, fingers digging into his hair. His scalp burned with the sharp bite of her pleasure as she pulled on the short strands. Damn, he loved how wild she was in bed. Such a contrast to her sweet demeanor otherwise.

  “Yes, Tony. Yes, right there!”

  Following her calls and the signals of her body, he once again brought her over the edge. His heart pounded in his chest, body tense and hurting with need. He glanced up into her relaxed face.

  A small smile played on her lips as a long, delicate finger beckoned again. “I don’t know how much more I can take. I need you, Tony. Now.”

  And he needed her. More than his restaurants, more than prestige, more than life itself.

  Standing up, he quickly rid himself of every piece of clothing covering his body. He grabbed a condom from the bedside table where he’d put them last night. No one’s fool, he’d had the good sense to go to the drug store when they were in town yesterday and grab a box. A very large box.

  Rolling the condom over his swollen erection hurt. He needed to be inside Jamie in the next ten seconds or he would expire from need.

  “Come here.” Her arms opened wide, welcoming him to her.

  A sharp stab of pain hit him right in the chest. Her words called to him on every level. He didn’t just want a physical relationship with her. He wanted everything. But he knew that wasn’t where they were yet. He had to earn back her trust, and he intended to. No matter what he had to do.

  Coming down over her, he laid between her spread legs, grabbing her right thigh and hooking her leg over his hip. She proceeded to do the same with the other, opening herself to him. With a soft kiss to her sweet lips he positioned himself at her entrance and pushed in. Slowly, torturously slow. He moved at a snail’s pace, wanting to feel every inch of her, wanting to imprint himself on her psyche.

  Sweat poured off his body as he held himself back. He needed to make this last, needed it to be amazing. For her, so she would know how much he—

  “Oh shit, Tony. Move!”

  Thrown by her use of an actual curse word, he gazed into her flushed face. She had the appearance of a woman held on the edge, in need of a hard and fast release. Since his body demanded the same thing, he gave into her request.

  Coming up on his knees, he hooked his arms into the crook of her legs. The angle made for a deep penetration. He thrust, hard and fast, encouraged by the loud cries of her begging him to continue. It didn’t take long before her body tightened around him, a scream ripping from her throat.

  His entire being tensed as he followed her into a bliss unlike anything he had ever known.


  “What the hell?”

  The cool night air laughed in the face of his red-hot temper. He tugged his hands through his hair, nails digging into his scalp, the pain a welcome distraction.

  His plan hadn’t worked.

  The vandalism, the ugly words, they were supposed to scare her. Or at least make her dejected enough to give up and head out of town. But she hadn’t left; she was still inside the house.

  With him.

  Yeah, he’d noticed the pretty boy was still around. Did the guy ever leave? What was his deal anyway? Jamie never mentioned anyone from her hometown before. Not in a romantic way. This guy sure seemed to fit the bill.

  He wasn’t an idiot. When a dude left his truck sitting in a woman’s driveway all night, and the only light on in the ho
use came from one bedroom, it wasn’t hard to guess what was going on behind closed curtains.

  “You really are a slut, aren’t you, Jamie?”

  Cold anger sank in his gut like a stone. No, this wasn’t her. Jamie didn’t act like this. She was sweet and pure. One of the reasons he knew they belonged together. They fit so well, why couldn’t she see that? Why did she have to go and sully herself with this cowboy trash?

  Maybe he was going about this the wrong way.

  Jamie wasn’t leaving because every obstacle he’d put in her path had been solved…by the lover? Curling his lips in a snarl, he spat on the patchy grass-covered dirt, wishing he were spitting on the asshole instead. Of course she wouldn’t abandon her precious camp if someone was there helping her fix all her problems.

  But it’s supposed to be me!

  He should be the one helping her, solving her troubles. Then again, if it wasn’t for him she wouldn’t have any, but that was her fault, too. If she’d come back to him everything would be fine. He needed her.

  And you need me, Jamie.

  Subtlety didn’t work; an outright attack hadn’t worked. Nothing would until he eliminated the boy-toy.

  Okay, new plan. Get rid of Prince-Fucking-Charming and she’d have no one to help her. Once the jerk was out of the picture, she would come crawling back, on her hands and knees.

  His body tightened with an image of Jamie on her knees in front of him. Yes, he’d get rid of the competition, and then it would just be him and her as it should be.


  Chapter 26

  Tony dropped Jamie off at Pete’s Auto Body. Pete handed her the keys, informing her the truck’s coil wire had been missing. She had no idea what a coil wire was, but apparently, her truck couldn’t run without it, and the dang thing was gone.

  Not broken or worn down. Flat out missing.

  A shiver ran down her spine.

  First the truck and then the house. Could someone really be out to get her?


  For the life of her, she couldn’t imagine why someone would harbor such ill will toward her.

  On top of all the anxiety over a potential threat to her safety, her nerves were running a million miles an hour over the current threat to her heart.


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