“That one, Master.” He pointed discreetly.
* * * *
Dane found the woman Merlin had chosen. She was full-bodied with hips and breasts. The two next to her looked like stick figures in comparison. The air around her seemed to shimmer. He could see that she was new to this and scared to be so exposed even though she was fully covered. Why had she agreed to this?
When she dropped her gaze to look over the crowd, and her eyes met his, Dane felt like someone had kicked him in the guts. He’d never had such a connection to anyone but Merlin. His heart contracted and filled with a spring-like warmth. His cock, the cock that he thought Merlin had tamed less than an hour before, slammed to attention. He watched as color filled pretty cheeks that only moments before had appeared deathly pale.
Dane kissed his lover’s temple while holding her gaze. “Mmm, very pretty. I’m sure we’ll have a good time with that one. A good choice, pet. A very good choice.”
Chapter 2
Sloan wondered if anyone would notice if she just quietly passed out. The nerves that buzzed as they’d descended in the elevator had blossomed into fear when a mean looking woman dressed in black latex took her arm and pulled her away from Antony and Jenna. Without a word, she hustled Sloan across the room and up a set of stairs to the darkened stage area. She’d stopped at the far side of the platform and picked up handcuffs that were attached to the floor by a chain. In seconds, Sloan found herself cuffed securely in place.
As her vision grew accustomed to the dimmer light, she looked around. Six other people were also chained to the stage. They didn’t look around. Instead they stood with arms at their sides as they stared out into the room. They remained still as statues. She studied their stance and mimicked it before turning to look out over the crowd, as well.
When the lights came up onstage, she blinked, and her fear expanded at the same time her nipples grew hard and her cunt lips dampened. She focused on the far wall instead of studying the people. She wasn’t sure she wanted to see who was in the crowd that gathered in front of the stage.
All at once, it felt as if someone ran warm hands over her skin. Her nipples tightened until they ached to be touched. Her clit puffed up, and her juices gathered and spread along her lower lips. Dropping her gaze from the back wall, she looked around without moving her head. No one stood anywhere near her. Glancing over the crowd, she met the assessing gaze of one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen outside a magazine.
He was a dark angel with military-cut short black hair styled to stand straight up, adding another inch to his impressively tall height. His eyes were pale though she couldn’t tell if they were blue or gray. His face was strong, clean shaven, and sharp angled which only added to his masculine beauty.
His eyes darkened when she didn’t look away at once. Finally, she dropped her gaze to his body and fought back a gasp. He was huge all over. Broad shoulders led her gaze to a body with more muscles than should be legal. It wasn’t the overly muscular body of a bodybuilder but a man who was well toned and beautiful. An open, black leather vest was all that covered his chest.
Her gaze dropped further. He wore black leather pants and boots. So, he was a Dom. Raising her gaze back up his long, thick legs, she noted the growing bulge at his crotch. If a hard-on was any indication, he was interested. Would he place a bid? Would he buy her for the weekend? Would he be the loving Dom Jenna had promised?
She felt her cheeks grow hot. Then she noticed he had one arm wrapped around another person, a man almost as big as he was. This one was blond with dark eyes and a body that was leaner, but just as muscular, just as beautiful. The smaller man wore only black leather pants and a black collar around his neck. No vest. Bare feet. The big and beautiful Dom already had a submissive. A male submissive.
So why was he looking at her like he couldn’t wait to get her alone?
Sloan lifted her gaze to the back of the room but watched them out in the periphery of her vision. The big man kissed the blond one’s temple and then said something to him. The blond nodded in response and settled even closer into his master’s side. It was an intimate moment between lovers, one that she’d dreamt of all week. She wanted a man to hold her close, to kiss her and murmur to her with that kind of intimacy. She wanted a man to love and to love her. Was she crazy to try and find that in a BDSM club?
Before she could panic and demand release, Jenna walked onstage with the mean looking Domme following her. When Jenna met her eyes and smiled, her panic melted away. Okay, she was fine. She could do this. It would be an adventure she’d remember for the rest of her life, even if she didn’t decide to continue beyond Sunday.
Jenna stepped behind the podium. The other Domme stopped two steps back and to her right. They waited until the room grew silent.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for coming to Esoteria’s first annual sub/slave auction to raise money to help build a new women’s shelter,” Jenna began. “Tonight we have seven offerings. Three slaves offering services and four subs, including a virgin sub who is in need of a firm, kindhearted Dom to introduce her to the joys of submissive loving.”
Sloan tried not to blush at the description, but her cheeks burned anyway. Staring hard at the far wall, she listened as the mean-eyed Domme paraded each of the others around the stage. They turned circles at each corner and then were brought to stand in front of the podium. After a description of their wants, needs, and talents, the bidding began.
Too soon, Sloan stood alone on the stage.
The Domme unhooked her from the floor and led her across the stage as she had the others. The crowd murmured as Jenna introduced her as the virgin submissive and offered her body to the crowd for a forty-eight hour period. She followed as the Domme led her to stand next to the podium.
The Domme holding her chain jerked on it and spoke out of the side of her mouth, “Drop your eyes, girl. You’re supposed to be submitting to these folks, not challenging them.”
Sloan dropped her chin and stared at her bare feet. Now she understood why Jenna demanded she have a pedicure in addition to the manicure, waxing, haircut, and massage. Her cousin had dropped a bundle so she could look good and bring a higher price.
When Jenna finished her sales pitch, silence descended over the room. That few seconds felt like a lifetime to Sloan. Didn’t anyone want her? Would her worst fear come to pass and she’d be left here, alone and rejected by the crowd that Antony had assured her would go nuts for her? Then she remembered that Jenna hadn’t opened the bidding yet. Maybe she wasn’t completely hopeless yet.
“Because this is a beautiful virgin sub, a woman who I personally know has a warm heart and loving spirit, I’m going to open the bidding at five thousand dollars.”
“Five thousand.”
The three bids came so quickly Sloan lifted her head to see who was bidding on her.
“Ten,” came from an older man who looked hard and mean.
“Twelve,” someone from the back of the crowd offered.
“Twenty-five thousand dollars.”
Stunned silence dropped over the room like a bomb. Sloan looked at the bidder with wide eyes. It was the dark angel Dom.
Sloan stared at him then his partner who looked nearly as stunned as she felt.
Jenna cleared her throat and swallowed hard before continuing. “I have a bid of twenty-five thousand dollars. Anyone else wish to make an offer? Going once, going twice, sold to Master Dane for twenty-five thousand dollars.” With that, Jenna dropped the gavel one last time as the crowd applauded. “Thank you all for your enthusiastic response to our first auction and for your generous support of the women’s shelter. Enjoy your evening.”
At that, the bright lights dimmed on stage, and the crowd slowly dispersed. Jenna took Sloan’s chain from the Domme. “You didn’t sign on for two men. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
Sloan didn’t look at her cousin.
She focused on the pair of leather-clad men crossing the stage. “You once told me that two men were three times the fun. Since this is a weekend adventure, why not go all the way and live out all my fantasies at once?” Then she looked her cousin in the eye. “It will be okay, Jenna. I’ll be fine.”
Jenna studied her for a moment before nodding. Then she turned to the two men. “Dane, you really are a crazy son of a bitch, aren’t you?”
The Dom shrugged. “It’s Merlin’s birthday. I wanted to get him something really special.”
Jenna laughed. “Well, I think you did. This is Sloan. Sloan, this is Master Dane and his partner slash submissive, Merlin.”
Sloan went to offer her hand but forgot about the cuffs. They rattled, and her arms fought one another before she gave up. A small smile and nod would have to do.
“Master?” the blond said softly.
The Dom didn’t glance at him. “Jenna, remove the handcuffs, please.” Sloan watched as he pulled a pair of leather cuffs from his belt and handed them to the other man.
As soon as the handcuff was taken off her left wrist, Merlin took possession of that hand. He held her arm steady while he rubbed at her wrist where the metal cuff had chafed her skin. After a moment, he wrapped one of the wide leather bands around her wrist. He repeated the action with the other wrist. Once both bands were in place, he hooked them together.
Sloan looked up and met his chocolate brown eyes as he threaded the fingers of his left hand with the fingers of her right. Then he smiled down at her. The fear tightening her throat in a chokehold eased until she could swallow, though her mouth was still as dry as the desert.
“Relax. We’ll take good care of you,” he whispered, squeezing her hand.
Sloan nodded, and the knots in her belly loosened. Taking a deep breath and releasing it in a rush of air, she felt her shoulders relax as well.
Dane watched and nodded his approval. “Very good, pet. Let’s have a drink and get better acquainted before we head upstairs.”
“Yes, Master,” Merlin said
Sloan remained silent, not sure what her response should be. She was a birthday present for a submissive. That placed her even lower than the submissive, didn’t it? A sub’s submissive? In all her research about BDSM, she’d never heard of such a thing.
After one last smile to reassure Jenna, Sloan followed Merlin who followed Master Dane through the crowd toward a small table tucked away in a corner. While Master sat at the table, Merlin guided her to sit on a large pillow next to the Master’s leg. Then she watched as he walked away.
Chapter 3
While Sloan was new to BDSM, she’d read enough to know that, as a submissive, she needed to keep her head down and mouth shut. Looking at Master Dane without permission was taboo. Asking any of the dozen or more questions fighting for release would earn her punishment of some sort.
Fear began to coil around her again, tightening her muscles and knotting her stomach. All at once, a sadness welled up, and she blinked fast to hold back the sudden tears pressing against her eyelids. What was she doing here? She should be home, trying to figure out how to make the ends meet that were slipping further and further apart.
She jumped when a large, warm hand curled around the back of her neck. Master Dane. She took a deep breath and tried to relax, though she wasn’t sure it was possible to be at ease now. Lifting her hands from her lap, she wiped her face, trying to erase the worries, the sadness, before Dane, no Master Dane, could see. For this weekend, she would not think about the future or bills or how she could earn more money. For the next forty-eight hours, she would focus on experiencing.
* * * *
Dane could feel emotion rolling off the pretty little virgin in waves. It wasn’t fear, but sadness. Had she been forced to offer herself? Or was something else bothering her? Wanting to make a connection to this woman who seemed to affect Merlin as strongly as she had him, he wrapped a hand around the back of her neck.
She jumped at his touch then took a deep breath. He frowned when she lifted her hands and wiped at her eyes. Was she scared? Of him? Or of this situation?
“Look at me, little one,” he said as his hand shifted to her shoulder. Once she’d lifted her chin and her sage green eyes met his, he smiled. “Don’t look so worried. I won’t bite, too much. We won’t demand high protocol this weekend. You’ve got too much to learn before we deal with that. Right now, we’re going to talk and get to know each other. We need to know what your limits are, and you need to know who we are. We need to start building trust.”
Before Sloan could ask what high protocol was, Merlin returned with two bottles of water and something golden and bubbly in a tall glass. After placing the drinks on the table, he sank to his knees in front of Dane. His attention focused solely on the man in the chair.
“Pet, I was just trying to assure our new plaything that we’re not monsters that are going to attack her here and now. Give her a kiss to help her relax. Then we’re going to talk.”
He watched Merlin nod then turn to look at Sloan. Leaning up to reach her, he touched his lips to hers in a gentle, closed-mouth kiss. He backed away an inch before leaning in again and tracing the seal of her lips with the tip of his tongue.
* * * *
Sloan’s fear evaporated like smoke in the wind. A shivery thrill raced through her, igniting a sexual fire she’d never felt before. Her nipples knotted, her lower belly heated, and her cunt grew so wet she felt her thighs grow damp. All thoughts of money and bills and life beyond these two men fled. She was left with a need to kiss this man and more. Much more. Much, much more.
She parted her lips and leaned forward, following when Merlin tried to pull back. Then his tongue was between her lips, brushing across her teeth, seeking entrance. With a soft sigh, she mentally prepared for his invasion as she dropped her jaw.
In the past, French kisses always tasted like beer and pizza and bad breath and were sloppy. She always ended up fighting off hands that were touching her in all the wrong places at the same time she choked and fought to breathe.
Merlin’s kiss was gentle and exploratory. He tasted of mint and male. She enjoyed his tongue exploring her mouth thoroughly in a slow, easy, relaxed mating. When he retreated and invited her in to explore his mouth, she followed easily. By the time he gave her one last gentle lip-to-lip brushing before pulling away, all Sloan could do was wonder what else she could do with that mouth.
“Wow,” she breathed. Was it possible to achieve an orgasm just from a kiss like that?
“Wow, indeed,” a deep voice rumbled softly above them. “I’m not sure I can handle much more of that kind of display.”
Sloan looked up, worried that Master Dane would be offended. He was smiling down at them, but his jaw seemed tight. Was he as turned on from the watching as she was from the doing?
“Come up here, little one. We need to talk. Pet, you may find yourself a chair.”
While Merlin moved an empty chair around the table to be closer to Master Dane, Sloan stood. She didn’t understand what he meant until he pulled her into his lap. She wanted to argue that she was too big, too heavy, but held her tongue as he settled her across his thighs. He’d learn soon enough.
Her eyes widened when he tilted her head back and threaded the fingers of one hand through her short hair. Was he going to kiss her, too?
Before she could finish the thought, he lowered his head and kissed her. When his tongue entered her mouth and began to duel with hers, she marveled at how two men could kiss so well and yet so differently. Merlin’s kiss was gentle, almost playful, as he explored her. Dane’s was masterful, demanding, and controlled. Even in something as simple as this, he was in charge. His tongue swept through her mouth, an invader who thoroughly explored her mouth then sucked her tongue into his, demanding she do the same to him.
Sloan wanted to touch him, but his hand lay on the links connecting her wristbands, holding them trapped in her lap. When he finally released her lips, she was close to
something explosive but wasn’t exactly sure what. She was surprised to hear herself whimper as he pushed her head down to rest against his chest.
“Breathe, little one, slow, deep breaths. Control is essential, both in a Dom as well as a sub. You must learn to hold onto control in any way you can until you are given permission to let go. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Very good. Because this is an unusual situation, we have a name challenge. I would not normally do this as I have yet to earn your trust, but during our time together, you will call me Master, and you will call Merlin Sir. Otherwise it will get too confusing. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Pet? Do you understand? You will be Sir for the next two days.”
“Yes, Master, I understand.”
“But what shall we call you?” Master Dane looked down at her with eyes that had darkened to cobalt blue.
Sloan knew it wasn’t a question she was supposed to answer, so she remained silent. She liked it when he’d called her little one, but was afraid that if she said so, he would change her name to shit or bitch or something equally unsavory.
“Pet? Do you have a preference?”
Sloan looked to Sir and found him studying her with eyes that had darkened to bittersweet chocolate. He looked so serious and so gorgeous.
“She looks like an angel sitting there on your lap. I also liked when you called her little one. Baby would also be appropriate since she’s a baby sub. Whichever you prefer, Master Dane.”
“Angel, eh? Yes, I like that. All right, Sloan, for the next forty-eight hours you are our angel.”
“Yes, Master.”
Sloan shifted as the air conditioner kicked on and cool air blew down on her bare shoulders. Dane tightened his arms around her then began rubbing one hand up and down her bare arm.
Merlin picked up one of the bottles of water and unscrewed the cap. Then he offered it to her. She wrapped both hands around it, smiling her thanks. He nodded then opened the second bottle and began to drink. Sloan, suddenly feeling parched, lifted the bottle and drank deep.
His Sub's Submissive Page 2