A Delicate Flower

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A Delicate Flower Page 15

by Chelsea Girard

  Winnie and Kate stared at me as if they had never seen me smile. I knew this plan would work, it had too.

  “Rose, it’s a great plan but i’m terrified to go back into a place like that. I was raped everyday and it was disgusting and” Winnie started to sob.

  “No no, Winnie nothing will happen to you I promise! We will get to Davis before they will even make us apart of their shameless ways. I promise, nothing will happen to you like that ever again.” I held her hands in mine and stared into her eyes. I felt like Winnie was the only friend I had ever had and I would do anything to make sure she was safe.

  “The only problem is, we don’t know where they are.” I said, glaring at the letter on the table from my mom.

  “I may have an idea.” Kate said as she picked at her already chewed on nails.

  “You knew this entire time?” I said angrily.

  “No, I mean I don’t if they are truly there but I do know Davis has friends in high places and they would have loved to work with him. I can see if I can find out where he is but I can’t go with you girls.” she said shyly.

  “What why?” Winnie chimed in.

  “If they send a letter, asking back for a response or send someone here to check on us and we’re gone?” she said, questioning the plan.

  “Oh yeah, got it.” Winnie replied with a disheartened look on her face.

  “You won’t lose me again, I promise.” Kate hugged Winnie tightly and let go with a smile.

  “Well ladies, we have a mission to plan!” I announced.

  As soon as we finished our discussion, we each ran in the opposite directions and started working on getting everything together. Kate took a look at a couple past letters to see if Davis left any clues behind to find where they could be. Winnie started packing our bags and I started packing some food.

  We were going on a trip and we didn’t know where.



  It had been a couple days since Davis and I slept in the same bed or saw much of each other at all. He had been working the night shifts while I had taken the days in order to avoid him entirely. I absolutely hated being told what to do by a group of men who didn’t know me or what I’ve been through but to say the least, it was nice to feel safe.

  I worked a couple watch shifts during the day and the girls looked pitiful and full of sadness as they had to clean off the blood and scratches from the previous nights before. Some had breakdowns as they woke up screaming during the day and the nightmares turned into their realities everyday. Davis hated taking them to the bathroom too, even though that was one of his only jobs, he hated not yelling or being able to handle the girls like he use to while at the Capri. He gave a girl one smack for speaking up while going to the washroom and was reprimanded with a smack back from one of the hosts of the Breach.

  I couldn’t help but hate that I couldn’t see him or even feel his touch. When I laid in bed, wide awake at night, I stared at the photo of him and Kate for hours. Why did he never tell me about her, I would have been less mad and since we’ve been through so much together I never thought he would hide it from me. Today, that will all change.

  I went downstairs to grab some food before my shift and ran into Davis and one of the hosts as they were talking away at the coffee machine. I walked up to them and bumped into him as a flirty way of joking.

  “Hello, beautiful.” he said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to kiss my forehead. He smiled at me and continued making his coffee.

  “Can we talk?” I asked him in a shy voice. He asked the host to leave us for a minute and he walked away willingly.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked concerningly.

  “So, I found a picture in your car and it made me feel

  very uncomfortable.” I said as I fixed my coffee w ith many scoops of sugar.

  “What do you mean? What photo?” he asked


  “I found a picture of you and Kate.” I said awkwardly.

  “Who’s Kate?” he said uncomfortably.

  “Oh cut the crap. I’m not stupid.” I snapped back.

  “Okay okay, calm down. I didn’t tell you about her for

  obvious reasons.”

  “What obvious reasons? The fact that you loved her and never told me about her?” I stepped towards him in an angry way.

  “We had a child together. Before I even met you.” he


  “What, a child?” I said, stumbling over my words.“Yes, and you’re going to hate me even more when I tell you who it is.” Davis hesitated and paced back and forth in front of me. “It’s Winnie.”

  I stood there shocked. My throat was in my stomach and my legs felt as if they were filled with a jelly filling.

  “I know what you’re thinking but that’s why Kate left.

  She took care of Winnie until she

  was around 1 and then we shipped her off to live with Raven’s family so she could have a normal life until we were ready for her. We didn’t know what to do, Joyce.” he said, struggling with every word.

  “I, I just can’t believe it. Did you not think I would find out?” I asked as I stepped back from the monster who stood before me.

  “I love you, Joyce and I never wanted to hurt you. It was before we met so I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

  “Of course it’s a big deal! You had a kid with her and it’s Winnie! That means you have a child with a woman that you’ve been hiding for years! Even worse, you sent both of your children away!” I was furious. I walked away angry and full of anxiety. I knew something was wrong but I never thought things would be this bad.

  I walked over to my shift position and stood against the wall in an angry stance. I couldn’t

  believe my eyes as I couldn’t imagine him being with someone else. He tore apart at my heart with every stab he took with his words. Davis, a father to two young girls who both never lived with their real parents.

  With that, there was a knock at one of the cell doors. I unlocked the door to see four young girls standing before me, asking to go to the bathroom. As they walked in a single file line down the hall, their tiny whispers of prayer and cries echoed within the hollow walls.

  Their breathless tears hit the floor as they took their showered and stood under the lukewarm water. They were under a time limit while under the supervision of the other guards but I gave them as much time as they wanted. I knew what these girls went through and if I couldn’t help them break free, I was going to help them in anyway I could.

  A half hour later, I brought the girls back to their rooms and continued to stand against the wall for the remainder of my shift. All I could think about was Rose and how she was doing without me. I was a horrible mother, I could live with knowing that but what I can’t live with is that my daughter is living with the woman who had a kid with my husband.

  After a few days passed, Davis and I had minimal conversations with each other after our fight. I wasn’t in love anymore but that definitely didn’t change that my face was on the wanted billboard signs. I couldn’t just get up and leave but I really wish that I didn’t choose to stay with someone who wasn’t honest with me.

  “We’re having a meeting in five.” Davis came in and gave me a smug look before shutting the door behind him.

  I walked down the hall alone to the grand hall where the meeting was being held and walked into a room full of men surrounding a huge circle table. I was the only woman in the room and all eyes were on me as the door slammed shut behind me loudly.

  “Now that we’re all here, I wanted to bring to everyone’s attention that we will be sending out a couple of you to do some more captures for the summer season coming up. We are getting bigger and we need more girls to provide onlonger trips.” Everyone looked around the room at who would be chosen to represent the Breach. “I will be sending out some of the newer people but most of you will be staying behind.”

  As the host continued to list off names
, Davis and my own name wasn’t called, obviously for the reason that when we did this same thing, all hell broke loose. I wanted nothing more to be rid of this fowl place as the men groaned at the thought of being able to kidnap young girls. It was like there life long aspirations were being met, disgusting.

  After the meeting was finished, everyone was sent back to their rooms, including Davis and I. Sitting in the same room as this monster made my arm hair stand on the edge as it felt like the cold breeze just wouldn’t leave me alone. He continued to write letters to Kate and the girls but we never heard back but honestly, I wouldn’t reply back to me either. Maybe they hated us, I wouldn’t blame them, I would hate me too.

  “Can I write one?” I asked Davis as he continued to write the letter in a blue pen.

  “I guess.” he replied, hesitant to make eye contact.

  “Rose is my daughter too, Davis.” I snapped at him.

  “Believe me, I’m aware.” he responded with an eye roll as he continued to write.

  “What are you even writing? You’ve been sitting in that spot for over 20 minutes.” I asked.

  “Why does it matter to you what I do?” he said under his breath.

  “Don’t snap at me, I asked you a simple question. You don’t need to act like a freaking psycho.” I snapped back at him. He stood up and pushed the chair to the ground as it made a loud bang sound when it hit the hardwood floor.

  Davis had always had a short temper but he hadn’t shown much of it until now. I fell onto the floor from the sudden outburst that shocked me from the inside out. With my hands behind me and the cold floor capturing the warmth of my legs, I sat staring at Davis who had his head in his hands at the edge of the bed.

  “I just don’t want my family in danger anymore.” he said as he let out a loud sob. “It’s all my fault. Everything is! I wanted to keep everyone safe and all i’ve done is do the exact opposite.” he yelled furiously. He stared at the floor intensely as the tears trickled down cheeks.

  I sat beside him on the floor and cried into his shoulder as I comforted him in this time ofneed. I couldn’t change the past but I couldn’t help that I was worrying about our future together.

  “Guys, get downstairs now!” yelled a man who barged into the room.

  “Why, what’s wrong?” I stood up confused.

  “We found a couple woman by the outside of the building and they tried breaking in!” he snapped back.

  “What does that have to do with us?” Dave asked.

  “They are asking for you.”



  After days of searching through old letters from Davis, Kate finally found out that Joyce and Davis were closer than we thought. Within 600 miles, there was another sex trafficking building called The Breach where Davis met his first friends in the business. Kate had no problem with finding the place as well, it was the only huge building in the middle of a forest, coincidence?

  We travelled on foot for five days, only stopping to take a washroom break or sleep. With our bags full of canned food and some extra clothes, we had walked until our feets bled and Winnie collapsed from exhaustion multiple times. The musky hot breeze only tore us down further as the sun rays laid down on us most of the time where we were at the peak of our energy. Kate was positive the entire time, she said things like “we’ve got this”, “only a few more days girls”. At the point, it wasn’t just about my revenge but the redemption for Winnie and Kate.

  We finally saw a huge cathedral building in the distance and we started to run with smiles on our faces. We had a silent travelling time but at this point, you would have thought we just started by our burst of energy. It was a curvy road with many hills to trail over but we managed just fine with a few tears in between. We were a group of woman on a mission and we weren’t stopping until he was dead.

  Kate grabbed my arm as I tried running past her and placed her index finger over her lips and whispered for me to be quiet.

  “We’re in their territory now, we need a plan.” Kate said as her steel blue eyes stared into my soul. She was ready and she wanted her revenge now. “We go up to the gates together and demand to speak with Davis and Joyce and no matter what, we don’t break up. No matter what.” she said as she grabbed our hands together and kissed both mine and Winnie’s foreheads.

  We tipped down towards the gates as our feet rustled the broken branches below our feet. My heart started to beat outside of my chest as my ears began to ring and my mind went blank. I never would have thought we would get this far, let alone be to another building that could easily capture us and make us into the latest attraction.

  “Help!” yelled Winnie from behind me. A large men grabbed her by her hair as she tried to run away but his grip pulled her right back.

  I ran along the gates to my right, away from the guards who were gaining on me from behind. I tried to weave in and out of the trees but there were to many of them. As two more guards came running in my direction I stopped in my tracks and sat on the ground with a knife from my pocket. They surrounded me from each side and closed in on me.

  “I wish to speak to Davis!” I yelled over and over again. The men looked at eachother confusingly and stepped closer to me. I pointed my small knife at one of the guards as he moved his hands in front of him in a sincere attempt to calm me down.

  “Take me to see Davis, now!” I yelled again, looking in every direction of the men who closed in on me. One man grabbed my shoulder from behind and pulled me to the ground. One jumped on top of me and threw the knife away from my grasp. As tears trickled down my face, I remember repeating the same 6 words, over and over again. “Take me to see my dad. Take me to see my dad.” I woke up in a cell, surprisingly surrounded by Kate

  and Winnie who were hovering over my lifeless body. “Oh my god, Rose. Are you okay?” Kate said as she

  grabbed my hand and rocked back and forth.

  “Is-is everyone okay?” I said as I flickered my eyes

  back and forth to try and wake up my brain to see what was

  before me.

  “Yes, we’re fine.” Winnie jumped in and placed her

  hand on my forehead.

  “Where is Davis?” I tried to lift my body to sit up. “Oh no, you need to relax for a few minutes before

  doing any moving.” Kate said as she pushed my body back

  to the ground. “Nobody has spoken to us yet but they keep

  talking outside the door, asking how we know Davis.

  Everything will be okay.” said Kate as she stroked back my

  hair from in front of my face.

  We sat in the cell for what seemed to be hours, in

  silence. We never planned to get caught but with the look on

  Winnie’s face, she never wanted to be back in a place like

  this again. I couldn’t blame her but I had it in my head since

  day one that I would never let anything happen to her like

  that again.

  The cell door swung one and 2 men walked in and

  stood next to the door. With the door wide open, Davis

  walked in, ashamed. He looked both disappointed and angry

  as if we just ruined all his plans. For our sake, I hope we did. “What are you doing here?” he whispered to me as he

  knelt down in front of me.

  “The better question is what are you doing here?” I

  snapped at him with the attitude of the teenager I was. “Kate you were suppose to keep them safe, how

  could you let this happen?” he looked to her for some sort of

  help to the situation.

  “They would be safe if it wasn’t for you, we all would

  be.” she said with a straight face.

  “I don’t understand, how did you find me? How did

  you find this place?” he asked her.

  “You and Tommy use to talk about this place all the

  time, you first started here so I figured they were the o

  people who would have taken youback with open arms.”

  she said unimpressed with all his questions.

  “You know I can’t save you now.” he said with tears in

  his eyes as he placed his hand on the side of my cheek. “You couldn’t save yourself, even if you tried. I never

  needed you.” I said to him as I spit in his face. “You’re lucky

  you have friends in high places or your ass would be in the

  ground right now.” I said aggressively. His face went pale

  and his eyes widened as he couldn’t believe what just came

  out of my mouth.

  “Rose, why are you being like this?” he asked


  “You ruined not only my life but the two beautiful

  woman who are also in the cell and let’s just say their not

  here because of me. I hope mom finds out the monster that

  you truly are.”

  “Don’t worry, Rose. She already knows.” Joyce stood

  in the frame of the door to our cell. With her hands on her

  hips and tear marks streaming down her face, everyone

  could tell she wasn’t happy.

  “Mom? Are you okay?” I asked as I poked my head

  around Davis’ that was blocking my v iew of the doors. “I’m fine sweetie but I need to get your girls out of

  here.” she said quietly.

  “They aren’t going anywhere Joyce.” Davis said as

  she stood up.

  “You’re right, but not about them. You’re the one

  staying.” she said assertively as she smiled and reached out

  for my hand.

  “What are you talking about?” he said as he raised his


  “When the guard came into the room to tell us that

  someone was here to see you, I knew it was Rose. I was the

  one who told them where we were.”

  “But Kate said”


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