Scion's Destiny

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Scion's Destiny Page 5

by Traci Douglass

  “No.” He stepped closer, shielding her from the snow, his broad build making her feel small. “I have disappeared before.”

  She tipped her head back to see into his eyes. “What happened?”

  “I was assisting our commander, Xander, on a Seal related mission and was taken prisoner by Lucifer. He imprisoned me in Hell for nearly three hundred years, tempting me to abandon my Scion vows and join his minion ranks.” He walked to the edge of the roof and stared into the distance. “I proved my courage and honor by not giving in. He eventually sent me back to Divinity. But my other Scion brethren have chosen to pass their years in the arms of the mortal women they loved. Our habit of watching humans can make celibacy difficult, if not impossible.”

  He looked back at her over his shoulder, his gaze drifting over her slowly. She felt it like a physical caress.

  “Sex is allowed then? With mortals?” she asked quietly as she walked over to him.

  He chuckled, the fire in his gaze brighter, threatening to consume her if she stepped too close. Kagan reached out to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. “As I told you before, we are Scion, not saints.”

  “Right.” She watched his lips, imagining what it would be like to kiss him, to have his mouth on her neck, her breasts, lower still…

  “Some of the Scion serve their duties from Heaven, as I have done, while others choose to remain on Earth. Both require great sacrifice.” The backs of his fingers grazed her cheek. “Today has been hard for you. I will let you rest and return tomorrow.”

  “Where will you go? Are there other Scion here in the city?”


  He was strong, so much stronger than her and she didn’t doubt for one second he could destroy any foe if he put his mind to it, but he didn’t scare her. He’d given her no reason to fear him, only to trust him and feel safe around him, and more time they spent together, the more she felt that way.

  Decision made, Mira smiled. “Stay here, with me.”

  He raised a brow at her suggestion.

  She rushed to clarify. “On the couch, I mean. I have blankets, pillows, whatever you need. I’d offer the guest room, but it’s full of stuff right now.” She stopped her nervous babbling. “It’s better than being alone, right?”

  His gaze raked over her again, giving her the impression he was thinking of sleeping somewhere other than the couch. Then his passion melted away, revealing something darker, sadder. She placed her hand on his forearm and he covered it with his, the skin-to-skin contact increasing their bond and allowing her a peek inside his warrior’s heart.


  He was lonely.

  A pang of yearning stabbed through her.

  “The couch sounds good.” He lowered his head. “I have not slept in a long time.”

  “You don’t sleep in Heaven?” She led him over to the stairwell and down into her apartment. The place was dark, she’d forgotten to leave a light on. Her leg bumped into the old wooden kitchen table on her way to the light switch and she cursed softly, rubbing the area. That would leave a bruise tomorrow. Kagan remained near the door, taking in her surroundings with a clinical eye. She’d noticed him doing that earlier when they’d been here, as if he was always searching for a threat. Given his Scion calling, it was probably an occupational hazard. She looked around her kitchen and dining room, trying to see it through his eyes. It wasn’t much. The white walls needed a new coat of paint to make them vibrant again and there was a stack of dirty dishes in the sink waiting to be washed. All her books were stuffed into shelves lining the walls, overcrowded and crooked.

  “My duties come first,” he said at last. “I sleep only when Divinity gives me leave to do so.” Kagan stepped into her tiny dining room, dwarfing the space. Mira crossed into the living room. “The last time I slept was in Hell. It was my only solace during the torture.”

  Compassion burst like fireworks inside her, but she turned away toward the closet. If she touched him now, held him, she might never let go. “Let me get you some clean bedding and blankets.”

  Mire felt his gaze on her as she gathered the items then carried them to her threadbare sofa. The door to her bedroom was to the right of the television, directly in front of the couch. If she left it open, she would be able to see him while he slept. She tucked the sheet over the cushions then grabbed one of the pillows from her double bed and a dark red blanket from the bottom of her wooden wardrobe.

  Kagan sat on the couch when she returned. She handed him the pillow and blanket and he gave her a grateful smile.

  “Um, I tend to get up early. I’ll try to be quiet if you’re sleeping.” She lingered near the other side of the coffee table in front of the couch.

  “Thank you.” Kagan nodded. “Goodnight, Mira.”

  She loved the sound of her name on his tongue, warm and sexy. “Goodnight, Kagan.”

  Mira wandered into her bedroom and shut the door behind her, pressing her back against it and closing her eyes. Sleeping with him in the next room would be impossible.


  After several hours of tossing and turning, Mira got up and opened her bedroom door a crack. The lights in the living room were off but moonlight slanted through the windows, highlighting Kagan’s sleeping form.

  His soft snores filled the air, making her bolder. She slipped out of the room, wanting to get a better look at him. Mira tiptoed down the short hall and stared at the man snoozing on her sofa. He lay with his head nearest to the kitchen, his feet dangling over the other end near the windows. His height made it look uncomfortable. He was far too tall for her couch. On second thought, she probably should have given him her bed and slept out here herself.

  Mira snuck farther into the room, wincing with each step, in case it made a noise. She didn’t want to wake him, especially since she’d slept in her red silk slip tonight. No time to do laundry. She stopped a few feet from him, on the other side of the coffee table.

  Lord, he was beautiful.

  Beautiful and sexy.

  His bare chest rose and fell steadily, the sheets slipping precariously low around his hips, revealing the Scion sigil on his lower abdomen. The red blanket rode even lower, in danger of falling off completely. Her mouth dried as her gaze wandered to her heart’s content. He had one hand tucked behind his head and the other rested near his hip, fingers relaxed and curled slightly inward toward his palm. Her eyes were drawn to the line of dark hair leading downward from his taut abs to disappear below the white sheet.

  She’d always believed there was a higher power but never thought she’d end up with one of Heaven’s warriors sleeping naked on her couch.

  He’d lived an eternity already.

  He was immortal.

  A very handsome immortal.

  His face looked peaceful in slumber, his short dark hair rumpled. He stirred, and Mira hurried back to her bedroom, diving under the covers and pretending to be asleep. Her heart thundered loud in her ears and blood rushed through her head, heating her cheeks as she listened for a sign she’d woken him. For a silent moment, she didn’t think she had.

  Then her bedroom light clicked on.

  Mira sat up, clutching the covers to her chest, her eyes wide as she stared at his naked glory.

  “Oh God!” She covered her face with her hands, head spinning. “Put on some pants!”

  Like that would help.

  The image of him nude in her doorway was already seared into her mind forever.

  “You seemed rather interested a moment ago.” His tone dripped with amusement.

  Her whole body cringed with embarrassment. “I was...not.”

  Footsteps retreated from her door then returned moments later. “Fine. You may look now.”

  She peeked through her fingers to make sure it wasn’t a trick.

  He’d said the other Scion had no qualms about sleeping with mortal women. Then again, she had her own hang-ups where he was concerned. She couldn’t get past the fact he was a divine warrior. Divine beings
didn’t do that sort of thing, right?

  Except every inch of Kagan seemed built for debauchery.

  He exuded an effortless aura of power and sensuality, his movements lethally graceful and his smile wicked. She wanted him more than she wanted her next breath and if he hadn’t covered himself just then, Mira likely would’ve taken what she desired, for once in her life.

  Her gaze snagged on the red blanket he’d slung around his hips.

  “Better?” Kagan walked over and sat on the edge of her bed, turning slightly to face her. “Were you having trouble sleeping?”

  “No.” Yes.

  Truth was, her body was still humming from their provocative dance at the club.

  She brought her knees up under the covers and wrapped her arms around them like a shield. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, with any of this. Revenge really isn’t my style.”

  He seemed to consider that a moment. “Then let it be my revenge.”

  Mira frowned. “Why?”

  Kagan sighed and threaded his fingers through her wild curls. “Because I have seen what the first Seal’s power can do to its host when used improperly and I don’t want that to happen to you. Because I felt your suffering after what this bastard Argus did to you and I want him to feel that agony as well. I want to repay him for hurting you so deeply.”

  She blinked at him, stunned. He was like her own guardian angel. He’d seen her pain and heard her call. He’d come to ease her pain and protect her against all foes.

  Mira didn’t know what to say. She was touched that he cared so much for her well-being, cared enough to take the burden of her revenge upon himself to spare her the consequences. But she still wasn’t sure about this whole Seal thing he kept bringing up. That strange power still flickered inside her, dark and disturbing. Still, she was beyond thankful for his offer and leaned forward to kiss his cheek before she thought better of it. “Thank you.”

  Once there, so close to him, she hesitated, her lips mere centimeters from his.

  He turned and kissed her, his mouth brushing hers once, twice, before settling. She gasped, and he took advantage, his tongue slipping inside to tangle with hers. He tasted of mint from her toothpaste and spice from her cinnamon mouthwash. Before she could reconsider, Mira pulled him closer, her hands sliding over his shoulders to twine around his neck, ripples of pleasure running through her. He climbed fully onto the bed, one of hand around her waist to haul her against him, while his other hand cradled the back of her head as he deepened his kiss. She relaxed into the pillows and his chest pressed against her through the sheets, his heat and weight delicious. Kagan groaned low, making her tremble with need. Mira closed her eyes, lost in sensation, lost in the moment, lost in the fact she was finally kissing her Scion.

  She nearly melted as his fingers glided up her sides, lifting her satin slip on their way toward her breasts. Reality struck again when his thumbs grazed her stiff nipples. “Kagan, wait.”

  He pulled back slightly, leaning over her, his breath warm and his tanned cheeks flushed.

  “Why?” His blue eyes sparkled with need. “I want this.” He dipped his head and kissed her again. “You want this too.”

  Mira shivered, arching beneath him as he gently kneaded her breasts, her words little more than a wanton whisper. “I don’t want to get you into trouble.”

  “I won’t. My Scion brothers have been doing this for centuries.” He nipped the pulse point at base of her throat and her resistance melted a little more. “You drive me crazy, Mira. I need you, as I’ve never needed another woman. Being close to you tonight, seeing you laughing, smiling, happy... This is no longer make believe. For me, it’s real.”

  He smoothed her curls across the pillow, his eyes warm and his expression sincere. She felt the truth of his words in her heart, through their amazing connection. She couldn’t deny her attraction to him or the way he made her feel.

  “Tell me this is real for you too,” he said, his gaze earnest. “Please.”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice. “It’s just... I know you’re a Scion... and I—”

  “Hush.” Kagan pressed a finger to her lips. “Forget what you’ve read, all your research. I live to serve you, protect you. Whatever you want of me, you shall have, but please don’t ask me to resist my desire for you any longer, because that is impossible.”

  She’d tried. Really, she had, but Kagan had made her happy tonight when she’d thought she’d never be happy again. Even if it meant she’d have to lose him again once her mission for vengeance was over and he’d fulfilled her vengeance. He was here, now, and that would have to be enough.

  Mira traced his pecs, down his abs, following that line of dark hair she’d seen earlier, then stopped when she reached his Scion mark, his skin warm and soft beneath her fingertips. “Does this hurt?”

  “No.” He looked down at her hand then into her eyes. “I’ve had it since my creation. Divinity marked all the Scion as such and uses it to summon us in times of need.”

  “I see.” Mira filed the information away for later, more interested now in the chiseled line of his jaw, the stubble shadowing his skin just below the surface, the insistent weight of his hard cock pressing against her belly, the stroke of his fingers beneath the edges of her slip, nearing her breasts once more. She allowed him to tug it off, over her head, leaving her naked except for her panties.

  Kagan groaned at the sight of her body, his gaze dark with blatant desire. She leaned in for another hungry kiss, letting go of her doubts, her inhibitions, everything except this man, this moment, how good it felt to be in his arms. Tonight, she would be brave enough to take what she wanted, the consequences be damned. It was worth it to have him.

  His tongue brushed hers again and she moaned, digging her nails into his shoulders, needing him closer. His chest covered hers again, his hands caressing her upper arms. He kissed his way down her jaw and neck to her collarbone and chest.

  “You taste so good,” Kagan murmured against her skin, drawing the covers away to reveal her taut nipples. He lowered his head to her right breast, kissing and licking and nipping gently, sending sparks of sensation through her bloodstream. She couldn’t look away as he toyed with her other nipple with his thumb and forefinger, making her writhe beneath him. “So good.”

  Mira’s whole body buzzed with need. Moisture gathered between her legs, her slick folds throbbing and aching for his attention. She wanted to touch him too, to stroke and kiss and taste his skin. She wanted to lick every inch of him until he moaned her name and begged for mercy.

  Taking charge, she rolled him over onto his back and straddled his hips, running her hands over his biceps, delighting in the lines of his strong muscles. Just the sight of him made her hot and bothered, filling her with a desperate urge to bend him to her will, to conquer his desire and make him scream her name as he came hard. Desire flared within her, raw and feral. They could make love later. Now she wanted him hard and rough, a coupling that would leave her knees weak and her body trembling.

  Kagan levered himself up on his elbows to take her nipples into his mouth again, but she scooted back to kneel between his legs, raking her nails down his chest and abdomen. Mira pulled the blanket away from his hips, needing to see him, needing to feel his arousal, needing him under her control.

  Kagan allowed her to drink in her fill of his gorgeous body, and boy was she thirsty. She stared at his hard cock, a pearl of moisture glistening at its tip. He watched her, his gaze hungry and dark and burning with passion. For the first time ever, she felt powerful and sexy.

  Licking her lips, Mira leaned forward and swiped her tongue over the broad pink head of his erection, capturing his flavor—salty, slightly astringent, not at all unpleasant. He groaned, his words a rough snarl. “Do it again.”

  “Do what again?” she asked, being deliberately coy. She wrapped her fingers around him, stroking slowly from base to tip, loving the solid weight of him against her palm. “Tell me what you want.”

  He moaned, his cock twitching. “Put your mouth on me again.”

  “Put your mouth on me again, what?” She quirked a brow.

  “Please.” Kagan growled. “Please put your mouth on my cock again.”

  “Better.” She did as he asked, engulfing his length between her lips, loving the sounds he made, the way his body tensed, and his toes curled, knowing she was making him feel that way. She licked and sucked, nuzzled and kissed, taking him deep into her throat before pulling off completely to fondle his balls. She wanted to wrap her lips around every hard inch of him and suck him until he was crying her name to the heavens.

  “How long has it been since you’ve had a woman?” she whispered, wanting to hear the truth.

  “Too long.” His hands tangled in her hair as he stared down at her between his thighs. “Many centuries. The only mortal woman I have ever wanted was you.”

  Her heart slammed against her ribcage. Right answer.

  Mira took his cock back into her mouth and Kagan groaned. She held him tight at the base and flicked her tongue behind the sensitive head. His breath hitched. He bucked hard, trying to thrust into her mouth, but couldn’t. She was in control now.

  Or so she thought.

  Before she knew what was happening, Kagan pulled her up and flipped her over, so she was beneath him on the bed. Without pretense, he buried his head between her thighs, licking and kissing her slick folds, sending shockwaves of sensation through her. He hooked her ankles over his shoulders and raised her bottom, positioning her where he wanted her.

  Mira moaned beneath his talented caresses, clutching the sheets and begging for more. It had never been like this with Argus, never been like with anyone else before. She needed to come, felt like she would die soon if she couldn’t. He sucked her clit and hot tingles of sensation swept through her core. She arched, unable to stop, desperate for more, desperate to go over the edge.


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