Holiday Hook Up: (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 4)

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Holiday Hook Up: (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 4) Page 9

by Robyn Neeley

  “You only need to do it for an hour or so. When the clock strikes eight and the tykes head home with their parents, we’ve got some adult reindeer games planned.”

  Adam’s ears noticeably perked up. “Do tell, Mrs. Claus.”

  “The other tasting room in the back has been set up for Christmas cookie and spiked hot chocolate making.” She reached up and pinched Adam’s cheek. “No hocus pocus in there.”

  Adam chuckled. “You have my word.”

  Betty pointed at Bridget Reed standing in front of the welcome desk, clipboard in hand. “We’ve also got a sign-up sheet for peppermint massages in the winery spa for our Holiday Hook Ups.” Her exaggerated wink aimed directly at Adam. “Sugar, why don’t you come help me hang up some mistletoe? I need a tall fella.”

  Adam let Betty lead him away but turned. “LB, sign us up for those massages.”

  Bethany gulped and looked away, envisioning what it would be like to be nearly naked next to Adam with the delicious scent of peppermint circulating the air. She picked up her camera and walked over to Bridget. “Um . . . hey . . . let me see that clipboard.” She snatched it out of the librarian’s hands and scribbled her and Adam’s name for a one-hour time slot.

  Bridget shot her a smug smile. “Seems my brother-in-law has a new Holiday Hook Up tonight.”

  “No. Just filling in.” Bethany glanced over to the spa area. It was a popular spot for the women in Buttermilk Falls as the only place in town for a facial or massage. There were two masseuses on site, and from personal experience, she knew that it would be an enjoyable hour.

  That is if she could relax with Adam getting a rub down right next to her.

  But first they had a job to do. She adjusted her camera over her shoulder and headed into the merchandise room that normally was full of wine for sale. The bottle displays had been cleared out and two rows of rectangular tables had been set up with small chairs for the kids.

  And there had to be over twenty little ones already in the room, horsing around and starting their arts and crafts. When Bethany walked in, their eyes went wide and she realized it was because of her costume.

  Time to get her elf on.

  She scooted up to the front, stepped up onto the small stage that been placed there, and surveyed the scene. How were she and Adam going to entertain all these children?

  It only took a minute to realize she had nothing to worry about. Adam came barreling in, giving high fives and hugs and acting like his silly self.

  “Greetings.” He hopped onto the stage, taking off his hat and bowing to her. Twenty pairs of eyes were now glued to them.

  “So, should we spend some time with each child?” She pulled her camera off her shoulder. “Perhaps walk around the room, and I could take pictures and upload them to my website for their parents to download.”

  “Love that idea, but I was thinking we’d do some role-playing, too.” Adam winked while adjusting his hat. “A little improv. I know you’re good at thinking on your feet.”

  The children continued to stare at them. They needed to get this show on the road. “So, what do you have in mind?” she asked.

  “You’ll see S. Elf.”

  Bethany blinked. “S. Elf.”

  He grinned, leaned in, and whispered, “That’s code for Sexy Elf.”

  “Adam.” She playfully swatted him. “Don’t call me that. Bethany the Elf will work just fine.”

  He nodded his agreement. “Okay, follow my lead, Bethany the Elf.”

  She chuckled and motioned her hand to give him the floor. “By all means.”

  Adam turned to face the kids and clapped his hands. “Good evening, Elf Recruits. Welcome to the North Pole. I’m Adam the Elf and this is Bethany the Elf.”

  Bethany smiled and waved.

  “Do you know why you’re here?”

  The kids gave him the similar wide-eyed expression.

  “Because it’s Christmas!” a young boy with red hair, who looked around six or seven, yelled.

  “To make tree ornaments,” said a little blond girl behind him, holding up her red crayon.

  “You’re both right.” Adam jumped up in the air and spun around, causing all the kids to bust out in laughter. “It is Christmas and that makes this elf happy.” He hopped off the stage. “But you want to know a secret?” he whispered loudly.

  A resounding “Yes!” filled the room.

  “Do you promise you won’t tell another living elf? Cross your heart.”

  The image of them all crossing their hearts was simply precious. Bethany snapped a picture.

  Adam put his hand to his face so Bethany couldn’t see his lips. “I’m going to ask Bethany the Elf to marry me right now!”

  Holy night! Bethany moved the camera away from her face while Adam returned to the stage and got down on one green knee, grabbing her hand. “Bethany the Elf, will you make me the happiest elf in the entire North Pole and marry me this second?”

  She looked down at a grinning Adam, still holding her hand. Nowhere in her wildest fantasies concerning Adam was he ever proposing in a pointy yellow hat and green tights. “Oh, Adam the Elf, we can’t possibly get married tonight.” She held up four fingers and flashed them to their audience. “It’s four days before Christmas and there’s so much to do. We’ll never get it done in time if we get married right now, and Santa is counting on us.”

  Adam gave her a wink that he approved of her improv and continued, “But we have our new batch of recruits.” He motioned to the kids. “Look at all of them. Santa says they’re the best group he’s ever seen. They can help us.” He glanced at the kids. “Won’t you recruits?”

  A sea of tiny heads nodded in unison.

  “Well . . .” Bethany started. “Maybe it could work if they really concentrate on their assignment.”

  “Awesome! Okay, Bethany the Elf. What is the last thing on your list that we need to do?”

  Bethany looked down at her imaginary list, loving this little skit more and more. “We need to make Christmas cards for the residents at the senior center. Many of them could use some holiday cheer.”

  “Recruits, is that something you’d be willing to help us with?” he asked his question, and put his hands together in prayer.

  “Yes!” filled the room.

  “Then let’s do it! On your mark.” He jumped off the stage. “Get set. Go!”

  And with that, the kids began to make their cards. Several parents came over, sharing how much they appreciated Adam and Bethany getting fully into character, and joined in on the fun.

  Bethany stopped by each and every table, snapping several pictures, including many with Adam and the kids. She promised the parents she’d load them up to her website tonight so they could easily be downloaded.

  In no time, the kids had created colorful masterpieces.

  “That was a brilliant idea to make Christmas cards for the residents at the senior center.” Adam came up to her and patted her back.

  She reached up and straightened his hat. “You sure look like you’re having fun.”

  He gazed over to a table filled with kids and then turned to Bethany. “It’s funny. One minute I tell people like Caitlin that I’m ready to settle down and have children, and then the next, I flip-flop and freak out when I’m around my buddies, admitting I’m not ready.” He paused, adding, “It doesn’t feel so scary. I think I might be able to handle parenthood.”

  Bethany smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. She’d often wondered if she was ready to be a mom. “So I guess we should wrap up. I’ll collect the cards.” She started to move toward the tables, but Adam pulled her back.

  “Not so fast, Bethany the Elf. We’re not done.” He looped his arm into hers and brought her back on stage. “Okay, recruits, it’s time to bring up your cards. Once you do, I’ll show you the secret elf hand shake and you will be an official Santa’s elf.”

  That announcement got all the kids on their feet, and they raced up to the front, eager to give Bethany their
cards and shake Adam’s hand. She beamed down at the colorful artwork.

  “There’s one last thing,” Adam said, once all the kids had returned to their seats. He reached for her hand and got down on his knee again. “Bethany, will you now marry me?”

  Bethany glanced down at Adam, trying her best to keep her hand from shaking. He’d forgotten to add “the Elf” to her name.

  “Yes, I will marry you, Adam the Elf.” And that statement set off fireworks inside her.

  “She said, ‘yes!’” Adam stood and pulled her into an embrace as the kids and parents cheered and clapped.

  Bethany took in his spicy scent, hugging him back. Christmas spirit back on!

  At that moment, one kid shouted for Adam to kiss her, which led to giggles all around.

  Bethany smiled at the kids but shook her head. “Oh, I don’t think so.”

  “Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.” The kids chanted with obvious help from their parents who quickly joined in.

  Adam put both hands on her shoulders and lowered his head. “How about a quick one?”

  Bethany locked eyes with him. What was happening? Kissing Adam the Elf would certainly top off her perfect evening. She lowered her lids while reality simultaneously set in.

  Adam can’t kiss me!

  There was no way she could let him do it and risk that he might realize she was the mystery blonde he’d made out with at the Holiday Hook Up.

  Snap out of it now! Bethany turned her head, and Adam’s lips hit her cheek. She stepped back and looked away, not sure what to do. The man of her dreams had attempted to kiss her—not some pretty blonde stranger—but her, Bethany Wilson. “I . . . um . . . yeah,” she stammered.

  If Adam was even half as rattled as she was, he didn’t show it. “Thanks for being a good sport, LB,” he said, and tugged her ponytail before jumping off the stage.

  “Anytime,” Bethany called out, completely dumbfounded as she watched him play with the kids. Did Adam Reed just attempt to kiss her?

  * * *

  Adam tightened his white robe and followed the two massage therapists down the softly illuminated hall, adding a little saunter to his step. What a fun night. He’d really enjoyed getting into character and hamming it up with the kids.

  Although what insanity had taken ahold of him at the very end? To lean down and attempt to kiss Bethany like he did. What a dumb ass move.

  And she obviously thought so, too. Her tilting her head at the last minute was a huge signal that she hadn’t been down with it.

  He’d gotten way too carried away with their role-play. That was all.

  He stopped short of the closed door. Would everything be cool between them? The last thing he wanted to do was wreck their friendship, but attempting to kiss her may have done that. He turned to the two massage therapists who had introduced themselves as Jillian and Brooke. “Hey, ladies. Do you mind giving Bethany and me a few minutes alone?”

  They eyed one another.

  “Sure,” said Jillian, checking a clipboard she held in her hand. “Although, there is another couple after you both. It’s Pauline and Evan.”

  He put his hand on the door handle, not needing a vision of Pauline and Evan having side-by-side massages. “Five minutes. I’ll be quick.” He paused, realizing how bad that sounded given their wicked smirks. “I mean. We’re just talking. We’ll be on our separate tables face down and ready for you both.”

  Jillian and Brooke took a seat in the waiting area, promising to knock before they entered.

  They really had nothing to worry about. His temporary loss of sanity was over. He turned the handle and stepped in. There was no way his lips would ever land on Bethany Wilson ever again.


  Shit. Shit. Shit. His eyes were another matter. He immediately shut them, but not before catching a glimpse of Bethany’s curvy, naked backside. “Oh, my God, LB. I’m so sorry.” He kept his eyes closed, feeling for the door handle. “I’ll wait outside.”

  “It’s okay. You can look now.”

  He counted to five just to be safe before opening them. Bethany had moved onto a table, a white sheet fully covering her as she laid flat.

  “I’m sorry,” he repeated.

  “It’s fine.” She reached behind her and adjusted her long brown ponytail. “Where are Jillian and Brooke?”

  “They’re in the waiting area, giving us a few minutes to get into bed.” He moved over to his table, pulling the sheet back. “Er . . . I mean onto our massage table . . . um . . . separate tables. I’ll slide into this one right here.” Nice going, idiot. Keep stammering like a teenage boy.

  Bethany smiled and flipped her head to the side and away from him. “Go ahead. I won’t look.”

  For some reason, he was feeling like he wouldn’t actually mind if she did.

  Whoa! Rewind.

  First, he tried to kiss Bethany and now he wanted her to check him out? Where were these new feelings coming from? Did it have to do with the sexy black lingerie he caught her holding up earlier? He removed his robe and slid onto the table, pulling his sheet over his hips. “Okay, Adam the Elf is decent.”

  She laughed and turned her head to face him, tucking the sheet behind her. “Thank you for inviting me tonight. I had such a great time.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Maybe she wasn’t mad at his earlier stunt, after all. No need to bring it up now. “I had a total blast.” He rolled on his side, careful that his sheet stayed in place. “And I think being a six-foot-two elf suits me.”

  “Well, you did make a rather cute one. It’s a shame there isn’t a reason for you to wear the costume again.”

  Shame indeed. He’d love another night like tonight, especially if it involved spending time with his neighbor. She appreciated his goofy side, and he liked that. “We’ve got two more dates. Um . . .” He paused. “Um . . . I mean, two more days until Christmas. I could put on the outfit and stop by your store to greet customers if you wante—”

  Jillian and Brooke came in, interrupting his offer. So much for their knocking. He positioned his face down into the headrest, and Bethany did the same. In no time, Brooke’s magical hands were kneading into his back while he relaxed every one of his muscles, breathing in the peppermint scent swirling all around.

  And the massage was pretty fantastic. Though he and Bethany didn’t say a word, he stole a glance or two—okay, three—in her direction. She looked utterly relaxed with her eyes closed as Jillian worked on her scalp and then shoulders.

  He grinned. The cute freckles that dusted her nose that he remembered noticing the first time they’d met were still there. That freckled-face, fourteen-year-old girl, in the sparkly red sweater and matching red boots, had certainly grown into one beautiful woman.

  And she was smart and hilarious, too. He couldn’t remember a time he’d laughed so hard on a date.

  Date. He needed to stop saying that word. Tonight wasn’t a date. The only reason she agreed to join him was because Rachel—her best friend—couldn’t.

  He tilted his head as Brooke buried her fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp. And what about his ex? Funny how he hadn’t given one thought to his original Holiday Hook Up all evening. He’d call her tomorrow to make sure she was feeling better, but yeah, he was pretty sure the night wouldn’t have been half as fun if Rachel had been his date.

  Brooke completed his massage by giving his shoulders one final squeeze. Shortly after, she and Jillian exited the room.

  He stared up at the ceiling, not ready for the night to end. “Wow. That was . . .”

  “Amazing,” Bethany finished his sentence. “It sounds like you enjoyed your hour, yes?”

  “I liked it.” He flipped over to his side. Maybe she liked being here with him, too. She did call him cute. Albeit, a cute elf. “I think we should do this again soon.”

  “You mean dress up as elves and then escape for peppermint rubdowns the first chance we get?”

  “Sure. I’ve got no plans.” He watched her sit up, hold
ing the sheet to cover her front. He didn’t know why all of a sudden he wanted to get his flirt on with Bethany. Curb that urge, dude. He gave himself a mental swat. She is just a friend.

  “What about your quest to find your mystery blonde?”

  “Mystery blonde?” He sat up, flinging his legs off the bed.

  “From the Holiday Hook Up.”

  “Right . . . she was some woman all right . . .” His voice trailed off. Truth be told, he’d been having so much fun with Bethany, he’d not only forgotten about Rachel, but he hadn’t thought about the stranger he kissed either. Sure, he’d love to know who the blonde vixen was, but it wasn’t like he’d go knocking on cottage doors up and down Buttermilk Lake. For all he knew, she wasn’t even from this town.

  “I’m not going to lie. That woman seriously knocked my Christmas socks off, but maybe I was bitten that night by some holiday kissing bug and acted out with the first gal I saw. It probably wasn’t as big of a deal as I made it out to be the other day when I wanted to confiscate your camera to see if you had taken any photos of her.”

  He thought Bethany would laugh at that, but for some reason her familiar smile had disappeared.

  She pulled her hair out of her ponytail, bringing it to the side. “Well, if that’s how you feel, maybe it’s better to not know who she is.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking.” He sat up, making sure the sheet covered what it needed to. “Besides, what woman throws herself at a guy and then runs for the hills. She was probably only looking for a good time.”

  “Probably,” she said rather flatly, and twisted her hair back up.

  Why was she so irritated? It wasn’t like the mystery blonde was one of her friends. Or was she? Did Bethany know something he didn’t? “You don’t know who she is, do you?”

  “No, of course not.” She turned her body so that her back was to him, reaching for her robe. “It’s hard to keep track whom you’ve kissed these days.”

  What was she talking about? It had only been Pauline and the mystery blonde. Two women in two months didn’t make him Don Juan or even a horny Brandon Swift back in the day. Adam stared at her backside. Although, he did attempt his third kiss a little over an hour ago.


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