The Pleasure of Pain

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The Pleasure of Pain Page 13

by Shameek Speight

  “He knew I was still keeping something from him and I was going to tell him.” Tess said.

  “Tell him what,” Iris replied.

  “That I’m three months pregnant with Bless’ baby.” It happened the day they had the threesome around when Bless first came out of jail.

  Iris thought to herself, ‘Guess that jail dick was stronger than we thought,’ as she looked down at her own stomach and rubbed it.

  Damou’s Time

  Chapter 34

  Ricardo sat on his bed getting head by Marilyn. He was on top of the world. The family’s drug business belonged to him now and he even had Jose’s wife, Marilyn. “Yeah, suck, suck that dick,” he ordered Marilyn while grabbing the back of her head and pushing his dick all the way in her mouth. He began to move it in and out of her mouth fucking it hard like he was fucking some pussy until he came in her mouth.

  Marilyn swallowed it and then licked her lips, “Mmm, that tastes so good.” Ricardo’s eyes never left her hazel eyes.

  When he looked up, fear hit his face. Carlos was standing in front of him with a sawed off shot gun aiming it at his head, “What the fuck? Carlos, what are you doing here?”

  “Don’t play stupid puto. I know you killed Jose, but why?”

  The whole time Carlos was talking Ricardo was slowly reaching for his 44 revolver up under his pillow. Ricardo pulled the gun out and pointed at Carlos. Marilyn was now on the floor next to the bed.

  “Yeah, I killed him and I had Hector killed too and I’m going to kill you too! You want to know why because I’m taking over the family business. I’m taking the spot that should have been mines to begin with.” Ricardo pulled the trigger of his gun hoping to catch Carlos off guard and kill him first. Click, click, click, and click. “What the fuck,” Ricardo yelled as he looked down at his gun and noticed there were no bullets in it.

  Just then Marilyn stood up with a smile and stood next to Carlos. “So, you thought no one would find your Washington Heights house and now you see that Marilyn took the bullets out of your gun and told me where to find you. Don’t you remember the rules Jose taught us.” The sawed off shot gun roared blowing a hole in Ricardo’s chest. Carlos walked up to him and pulled the trigger again making the shotgun roar once more blowing half of Ricardo’s face off. Carlos reloaded the shotgun and aimed it at Marilyn.

  “What are you doing,” she yelled.

  “I’m following the rules.” Boom! The shot sent her body back into the wall where she slumped over dead. As Carlos left the house, he thought of what Jose taught him, never let anyone know where you live, no woman that’s not your wife, and kill all witnesses, even women.

  Damou hadn’t heard from Tess or Iris after that day. Damou watched Carlos come out the front door just as Bless planned. Damou followed him and knew he’d kill Ricardo. Damou was thinking how his role model could be dead. Bless always planned for everything even this. A tear rolled down Damou’s face because he never told Bless that he was his younger brother, that they had the same crack head ass father. He didn’t know how to tell Bless this because Bless disowned his father for leaving him so many years back and Damou didn’t want Bless to disown him. So, he was scared to tell him. So, he told himself he would prove himself worthy and then tell him he was his little brother. Now it was too late.

  Carlos was walking down the stairs of Ricardo’s house. He never saw the man across the street on the motorcycle. Damou pulled the trigger of the Uzi and the hollow point rounds ripped through Carlos’ face and body killing Carlos instantly. Damou put the Ducati motorcycle in gear and popped up in the air and he held it up for a while and headed back to Brooklyn. The whole ride back he thought, ‘I will put Brooklyn back on the map. I’ll finish what Tess and my brother started.’


  Chapter 35

  All Danilo remembered was sleeping in his Atlanta, Georgia house and was awakened by a sharp pain to his neck. It felt as if someone put a needle in his neck and his world went black. “Umm,” Danilo moaned. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was in his living room duck taped to a chair and felt very weak. Danilo looked up and saw three beautiful women standing in front of him. “W…what the fuck is this?” The women smiled at him. “What the fuck you want? The money is in the bedroom.”

  “Oh Danilo, this ain’t about no money,” the dark skinned one said.

  Danilo looked at her closely and it came racing back to him. This was one of his targets that Ricardo had paid him to kill, but was only able to kill two of them. “Fuck you, go ahead and kill me you bitch.”

  “Oh Danilo, we’re going to kill you, but it won’t be fast,” Tess said. Just then Vanessa pulled out a blow torch and lit it up. Danilo’s heart began to race. Vanessa got down on her knees in front of him. Danilo noticed how much she looked like the girl he killed in Brooklyn, but with light skin. Danilo also realized he was naked. As the blowtorch made its way between his thighs, Danilo screamed, “AAHHH!”

  “This is for my sister,” Vanessa said as she burned his dick and the rest of his body went up in flames. Tess set the rest of Danilo’s house on fire and the three women left. They hopped into a black Porsche Cayenne. “Drive Layla,” Tess ordered and with that they were gone.


  In Bellevue hospital, two doctors compared notes about the patient they worked on. “Doctor James, I don’t really know how he survived the surgery,” Doctor Henry stated.

  “Yeah, me either with all the holes in his head and all, but the operation had little complications and went smoothly,” Doctor James replied.

  “But he’s in a coma and there’s no telling if he’ll ever wake up. We’re just going to have to wait and see and keep him on the respirator for the time being. Did he have ID on him? Is there any way we can locate his family,” Doctor Henry asked.

  “He was found with nothing on him. So, he’s a John Doe, but he did have a chain on his neck that had the word “Bless” on it!”

  “Yes, he must truly be blessed to live through what he did.”




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