The Brat and the Master - a BDSM Erotic Novel

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The Brat and the Master - a BDSM Erotic Novel Page 11

by Aishling Morgan

  ‘I thought you were going to stay at my flat, and then when you weren’t there I thought you’d abandoned me. I’ve only been gone just over a week!’

  ‘Of course I haven’t abandoned you, silly! I was lonely, that’s all, and Mark offered. I was staying with Henry at first, but Mark took me home after Dark Angels.’

  ‘So you slept with Cornfed and Steelhand?’

  ‘Yes,’ she answered, now sulky. ‘You promised not to try and control me, Adam, and you’ve been with Elaine and Caroline. I bet you fucked them, didn’t you?’

  ‘Only Caroline,’ Adam told her, after a moment’s hesitation, ‘and I’m not trying to control you – but Mark Langley will, take it from me.’

  ‘Then he’s got another think coming.’

  ‘Mark doesn’t think, he just knows, or he thinks he knows, and one of the things he thinks he knows is that every woman on the planet secretly wants to belong to him. What’s all this Girl Six business?’

  ‘Nothing much. Mark likes to play slave games, that’s all, and the girls all have numbers, so it’s like we’re completely unimportant except when it comes to sex. It’s a bit weird, but quite fun in a way. Please don’t be cross, Adam – or, if you must be cross, punish me.’

  ‘It’s not you I’m cross with. It’s Mark fucking Langley I’m cross with. Fine, play with him, and Cornfed, and anyone else you like, but I am not taking this crap about having to ask his permission. I mean, who the hell does he think he is?’

  ‘He says he’s the alpha male, so it’s only right that –’

  ‘Alpha male?’ Adam echoed, interrupting. ‘Humans don’t have alpha males, Jasmine. Even when applied to apes, it’s a ropy theory. Do you know about baboons?’

  ‘Baboons? Um … not really.’

  ‘They always used to say the females stayed with the dominant male, but it’s not true. The females hang out together and the dominant male keeps the other males away. The females don’t care, unless they want sex, and when they do, why, the dominant male is the only one around. That’s what Steelhand is, a great, big, rutting, dominant male baboon.’

  Jasmine giggled. Adam could already feel his anger starting to fade, and it seemed clear that whatever Steelhand might have said, she did not think of herself as one of his girls.

  ‘What does that make you?’ she asked, teasing.

  ‘A hunter – and you’re caught!’

  He ducked down as he spoke, to catch her up around her knees and haul her over his shoulder. She responded with a squeal of surprise and then with laughter, her feet kicking and her hands thumping on his back in mock protest as he carried her back the way he’d come. All she had on was a short, red summer dress which had ridden up as he’d put her across his shoulder, so as he reached the level of the pavement, she had her bare bottom presented to the world. Her cunt and a large area of her cheeks were visible beneath the hem, as Adam realised only when a woman walking her dogs gave him a look of sheer horror.

  ‘You haven’t got any panties on, have you?’ he asked her sternly, allowing a hand to stray between her legs to check even as he hastily put her down.

  ‘No,’ Jasmine giggled, ‘and did you see the look on that woman’s face? It was like you’d got me and you were going to add her to your collection as soon as you were done! Ooh, here comes a guy – pick me up … pick me up, Adam!’

  ‘Get into the car, you little slut!’ Adam ordered. ‘Aren’t you embarrassed?’

  ‘Yes, horribly. Come on, pick me up.’

  ‘You’ll get me arrested, Jasmine, and anyway, what are you doing running around with no knickers on in the middle of the day?’

  ‘Master doesn’t allow his girls to wear panties. I’m not even supposed to open the door.’

  ‘Master? Steelhand? Ha! And what girls? I’ll admit he gets through them, but I’ve never seen him with more than two at a time.’

  ‘Lucy and Della are in bed … Girls Four and One, I’m supposed to say. I don’t know about the others.’

  A stab of jealousy hit Adam at the thought of the hated Steelhand having three girls together in his bed, worst of all Jasmine. Lucy was petite and dark with a teasing manner and a full mouth that seemed to beg to have a cock stuck in it. The tall, bony Della did very little for him physically, but she always gave the impression that for her to so much as speak to any man except Steelhand was a privilege, which made the idea of spanking and humiliating her immensely appealing.

  As they spoke, he led Jasmine along the street by her hand and they soon reached the car, parked across the street from a pub outside which a crowd of drinkers were enjoying the sunshine.

  ‘Pick me up again, Adam,’ Jasmine pleaded. ‘Like you did before, so my bum shows – please?’

  ‘Pick you up?’ Adam retorted as he fumbled for his keys. ‘I’ll spank you in a minute.’

  ‘Yes, please! Please, please, please, please, please!’ Jasmine answered. ‘Over the bonnet, bare, in front of everyone. Go on, Adam, please? Don’t I deserve it, for going off with Mark? Come on, please, a good, hard, bare-bottom spanking in front of all these people – please!’

  ‘I have a car,’ Adam pointed out. ‘It has a number plate. Now get in.’

  ‘So? Punish me, Adam, right here, right now. Don’t you think my bottom should be given a public airing? Think how ashamed of myself I’ll be, when you pull up my dress and all these people see I’ve got no panties on. And then you’ll spank me and they’d all be looking at me and thinking what a naughty girl I am. A bad, bad, girl – so bad I need my bottom smacked in public.’

  ‘They’re more likely to be thinking what a bad, bad boy I am – so bad they need to call the police.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Jasmine admitted, ‘but wouldn’t it be worth it, to do me bare in public?’

  ‘No,’ Adam stated emphatically, ‘but believe me, I am going to do you once we’re in private. Hard.’

  Jasmine began to pout, and Adam was forced to push her head down to make her get into the car. A lot of people were already looking, and as she bent down, her dress came up, just enough to provide a brief flash of bare cunt, if the expressions on the faces of the people at the nearest tables were anything to go by. Adam gave them a smile and a shrug, then hurried to get in himself, full of anger and embarrassment and arousal all at once as he twisted the key in the ignition.

  ‘Hard,’ he repeated. ‘I’d do it with a fucking paddle, if I had one.’

  ‘Yes, please,’ she sighed. ‘Stop off and get one. You can try it out on me in the shop.’

  ‘A wooden spoon will do the trick just as well,’ Adam grated as he pulled out.

  ‘Even better,’ Jasmine sighed, leaning back into her seat. ‘In a sex shop they’d expect to a see a girl spanked occasionally, I imagine, but not in an ordinary shop. You can get wooden spoons in those pound shops, you know, and you could do me in front of the owner, and maybe let him have a go, maybe make me suck his cock when he’s spanked me, to pay for the spoon. One pound, Adam, you could make me give a blowjob for one pound, to show off what a worthless little tart I am.’

  ‘You’re not worthless, and …’ Adam began, then stopped as he saw the look of ecstasy on her face. ‘Just put your fucking seat belt on, will you?’

  ‘Yes, Master,’ she answered. ‘God you’re good, so angry, and so strong, much better than Mark. He never gets angry. But you should have spanked me, Adam, you should have spanked me bare in public.’

  ‘Believe me, I’m sorely tempted,’ he answered.

  ‘Just do it,’ she sighed.

  She closed her eyes and, to his alarm, he saw that she was fiddling the hem of her dress up to expose her pussy as her thighs came wide.

  ‘Jasmine! We’re in the middle of London … well, Acton, anyway. You can’t do that!’

  ‘Why not?’ she breathed. ‘If you’re not going to spank me, at least I can play with my pussy.’

  ‘You are the limit,’ he answered, ‘the real fucking limit.’

  ‘Then spank me. Tak
e me out of the car, Adam, and put me across your knee and spank my naughty bottom, just the way I used to be spanked at Foxdens, bare bottom over his knee. Oh, but he was so good. He used to spank me so hard, on my panties, or on my bare bottom if I was really naughty, but when he got horny he’d usually pull them down anyway. I used to love it when he told me my panties were coming down, and it hurt so much, and he used to play with my bottom …’

  Jasmine trailed off with a moan. She’d been playing with herself as she talked, her head to one side, her thighs spread wide and her fingers busy with her cunt. Adam turned into a smaller road as soon as he could, in a desperate effort not to be seen. It featured a double line of red suburban villas like the one Steelhand lived in, and its pavements were mercifully free of people. It was also a one-way street with a turn at the end, where a high, green bank marked the course of a railway. As he reached the junction he was struck by an idea, one which would hopefully not only calm his raging feelings but give him the edge over Steelhand when it came to Jasmine’s affections.

  The road went off to the right, but on the left, a spur ran a short distance alongside the railway embankment to terminate in a rusty fence, while the final house of the terrace showed a high, windowless wall to the sky, and to passing trains. Adam pulled up beneath the wall, on which a billboard showed a smiling farmer holding up a packet of butter, aimed at catching the attention of commuters and long-distance passengers on the railway lines opposite.

  ‘They’re going to get something better than butter today,’ Adam said as he climbed from the car. ‘Right, you – out.’

  Jasmine gave him a curious look, half-frightened, half-expectant, but did as she was told. Next to where he’d parked was the burnt-out wreck of some old- fashioned car, the tyres gone to leave the broad, flat bonnet a perfect seat for what he had in mind. He sat down, making a lap and patting his thigh as he spoke to her again.

  ‘OK, you little brat, if it’s a spanking you want, it’s a spanking you’re going to get, and believe me, it’s going to be public – or at least, you’re going to be seen by an awful lot of people.’

  ‘Here?’ Jasmine asked, her eyes now wide with apprehension.

  ‘Here,’ Adam confirmed, reaching out to take her by the hand, ‘next to the Great Western Railway, one of the busiest lines in the country, which, Jasmine, will ensure that your bare bottom gets a very good airing indeed, hopefully in full view of several hundred people, but with no risk. Clever, eh?’

  He pulled her close, so that she was standing beside him with her back to the railway, but next to his legs, ready to be put over his knee as she was scolded. She didn’t answer, but her eyes, full of fear and excitement, told him all he needed to know, while her lower lip was pushed out into a sulky pout and trembling badly. He met her gaze, waiting as a train clattered past before continuing his lecture.

  ‘Yes, Jasmine, you’re about to be spanked in public, and I know you’ll get off on it, but I also know that won’t mean you don’t feel thoroughly ashamed of yourself. And it’s going to hurt. Come on.’

  He pulled on her wrist, keeping his grip firm enough to make it very plain that he meant every word of what he was saying. Jasmine let it happen, shaking badly as her slender body was laid across his lap but plainly unable to resist. She even lifted her bottom and set her feet a little apart, ensuring that anybody who saw would get a view not merely of her naked bottom cheeks as she was smacked, but of her cunt.

  ‘Good girl,’ Adam told her. ‘That’s the way to present yourself. Right, skirt up, and as you don’t have any panties, that leaves you bare – although you can count on it that if you did have any panties on, they’d be coming down right now.’

  He bared her bottom, an act that felt almost impossibly indecent despite what he’d just said and his determination to go through with the punishment. Jasmine began to whimper as her rear view was exposed, but she held her position, now up on her toes to flaunt herself as openly as possible, with her wet, pink vagina spread wide to the railway and her tiny, pale anus twitching between her cheeks. He began to stroke them.

  ‘This is what you wanted, isn’t it?’ he asked her. ‘Having your bottom bare in public, having your bottom spanked in public? Well, here goes.’

  He began to spank her, at which her whimpering broke to deep, urgent sobs and little cries of shame and indignation for the position she was in and what was being done to her. Adam merely spanked harder, not understanding how she could hate what was being done to her and yet love it at the same time, but fully appreciative of what it was doing to him. Just to see her bottom bare in such a public place was sending blood pumping to his cock, for all his misgivings, while the soft feel of her cheeks under his palm and her agonised, emotional reaction spoke directly to the sadist within him.

  All he needed for the situation to be perfect was another passing train, and Jasmine’s bottom had only just begun to pink up properly when he got it – not an express, but a slow train, on the nearest line, packed with goggled-eyed commuters. Jasmine heard it and twisted around, her mouth wide and shock written all over her face as she met the staring eyes of all the men and women, every single one with a clear view of her bare, smacked bottom, her exposed cunt and her arse. A cry broke from her lips, something close to orgasm but also full of despair and humiliation, and as Adam went back to spanking her, she burst into tears. She began to talk, sobbing out her words between the smacks of his hand across her cheeks and her own little cries of pain.

  ‘They saw me … they saw me being spanked! Oh God … oh hell … they saw me being spanked, Adam … they saw my pussy … they saw my bumhole – everything! Don’t stop, Adam … spank me … spank me harder … I’m going to come!’

  Her final word was a wail of ecstasy and horror, appalled by her own reaction even as her muscles began to tense in orgasm. Adam tightened the grip he’d taken around her waist and laid into her bottom with all his strength, spanking her as hard as her could, directly over her cunt. She screamed, then screamed again, her legs kicking furiously as she went into a painfully hard climax, all the while bawling her eyes out as her scarlet rear cheeks bounced and quivered to the smacks of his hand.

  The train was gone but another appeared, rushing west with the faces of the passengers no more than brief blurs beyond the windows, so that even those who were looking got no more than a momentary glimpse of Jasmine’s spanking. She was done anyway, hanging limp across his lap with the tears streaming down her face, seemingly too far gone even to care for the show she was making of herself from behind. Adam stopped spanking her but he was far from finished, with his erection fit to burst for all that he was imagining outraged commuters already speaking into their mobile phones with tales of gross indecency and appalling abuse.

  It had to be done, but quickly. Snatching Jasmine by the hair, he pulled her back even as he unzipped himself, heedless of who might see. She gave a squeal of surprise and alarm, quickly stifled as he filled her mouth with cock. Her eyes popped and her cheeks bulged as he jammed himself in deep and twisted his hand hard into her hair to make sure there was no escape. She didn’t need to be forced, moving naturally into a kneeling position and doing her best to help as he fucked her throat, her lips pouted out to make a cunt as he thrust in and out. Her smacked behind was still bare and tilted upwards, a sight that tipped him over the edge as he released the full contents of his balls down her throat.

  ‘You spanked me and made me suck you off in the street,’ Jasmine sighed. ‘You bastard, Adam.’

  Adam didn’t bother to answer, knowing she was talking to herself as much as to him, while his cock was once again so tender that he was reluctant to respond to her arousal. She was in the red dress she’d had on during her public spanking – a favourite because wearing it meant a risk of her bottom being exposed by the slightest puff of wind, or if she bent down more than a fraction. Now, however, she wore white panties underneath it, down which she stuck a hand as she stretched herself out in the chair.

p; Ever since he’d retrieved her from Steelhand’s flat two days earlier, she’d been in a state of barely suppressed ecstasy, her mercurial thoughts flitting between the details of what had happened to keep her in almost constant need of sex.

  Adam had done his best to accommodate her, fucking her until his cock was sore and his balls ached. A trip to Cornfed’s to collect the machine had promised him a welcome break, only for Jasmine to insist on being put on it then and there, with the dildo working in her cunt while she took Henry in her mouth. Adam had declined that privilege, but once they’d got back to his flat and assembled the thing in the spare room, she’d demanded another go. He’d beaten her as she rode the machine, then left her in the straps with the vibrator on for the sake of a moment’s peace, but this only succeeded in turning her on even more.

  That had been the previous day, and he’d woken to the feel of her hand on his balls and her lips on his cock as she burrowed down the bed to play with his involuntary morning erection. He’d done his best to service her, pulling her on top of him, head to toe, so that he could spank her and lick her cunt while she sucked him, but she was already eager for more, stroking herself as she went over what had happened between them.

  ‘You spanked me …’ she repeated, her fingers now working beneath the white cotton of her panties. ‘Who’s that, do you think?’

  The door buzzer had sounded and Adam got to his feet with more than a little apprehension.

  ‘Elaine, I hope. Or Caroline. Anybody but Mark bloody Langley.’

  He pressed the button to allow his visitor to come up, unwilling to hide behind the security of the exterior door even if it was Steelhand. And, sure enough, as he opened the door to the flat, his worst fears were confirmed by the sight of Mark striding up the stairs, his leather longcoat flapping behind him. Adam’s intention had been to give a polite greeting, but at the sight of the man he set it aside in irritation.

  ‘What do you want?’ he asked.

  ‘I’ve come to collect my property,’ Steelhand announced.


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