Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3)

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Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3) Page 16

by Karen Swart

  “Vale Nina,” I greeted her and shifted to my group of hellhounds.

  Chax was there talking to Zurita and Max.

  “Kasadya, where have you been?” he asked not looking too pleased with me.

  “I just had to make a few stops to get my jacket and stuff,” I lied to him.

  His frown didn't ease, but he nodded. “Are you ready?” he asked me instead.

  I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. He stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. He brought his lips to mine and kissed me. I kissed him back with all the love I had for him, but also with a silent good bye and sorry. Breaking away, he leaned his head against mine.

  “You stay alive now,” he ordered me.

  I smiled at that. Always the bossy one.

  “I will, and you too.” With a final kiss, he let go of me and started to walk to the others.

  My heart was beating hard against my ribs at the sight of him walking away. Would this be the last time I would ever see him? I shifted in front of him and grabbed him.

  “I love you,” I breathed and kissed him.

  Shocked at my declaration, he didn't respond at first, but soon our kiss was filled with passion and love. Releasing him I stepped back.

  “Beyond this life and the next,” Chax broadcast his own declaration.

  A tear slid down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

  “You take care of yourself,” I said.

  He nodded and with that, I returned his nod and shifted back to my hellhounds.

  I saw them all looking at me.

  “You guys ready to kick some demon butt?” I asked them.

  They broke out in laughter, but nodded their agreement. I turned to face the wall, where the fourth relic was about to breach.

  Chapter 17

  “Max, I need you guys to promise me something,” I said, my back turned to them.

  They didn't reply.

  “If something happens to me, I need all of you to take care of Chax. Make sure that he gets over me and continues with the fight. The Fallen need him; he has always been their pillar, their beacon.” My heart was breaking.

  “Kas, there will be no talking like this,” Max said angrily.

  I turned and looked at him.

  “Promise me!” He had always had a way of pissing me off.

  With angry eyes he nodded. Zurita and Lada both nodded as well. I smiled at the grim expression they had on their faces.

  “And you guys keep on going too. Max don't drive Nanini insane, okay?” I wanted to say goodbye, but I knew that they would catch on to my secret.

  “Drive her insane? I'm afraid it’s the other way around. That girl is going to be the end of me.” He looked back at Nanini who was flying over the others.

  His face and words didn't mean the same thing. His eyes showed love and admiration. It made it a little easier; knowing that Max and everyone else had someone to love them, and who they love in return. My eyes found Chax, standing in the front, listening to Don and Vulcan. Everyone had someone to keep them grounded, except for Chax that is. Would he be alright? I felt tears welling up and blinked them away. My dad came to stand before me.

  “Do you know how proud we are of you? Look at our baby girl and what she has become. We love you honey, and we will win this. I promise you.” Dad grabbed me in a hug and squashed me to him.

  A few tears fell, and I bit back a sob.

  Oh daddy, if you only knew.

  “I love you dad,” I whispered to him, my voice breaking on the final word.

  He released me and I stepped back. I was suddenly grabbed in another hug, my mother’s jasmine scent engulfing me.

  “I love you Kas. I... I love you so much,” her voice broke.

  “I love you too mom. Now, get back to the others, the wall is about to break,” I said quickly before my false bravoda failed me, and I let them down.

  She nodded and with tears, shifted back to the others. I turned around, blinking away the tears. That was really difficult. The wall began to flicker into view. A huge wall, resembling white water, was now visible to us all. Between the relics the water was rippling, like waves running towards each other.

  I turned back to look at the fallen behind me. Chax’s eyes met my own. Chax nodded to me and turned towards the Fallen.

  “We have fought many battles. Some were over quickly, others spanned many years. But one thing remained. We are still here. The Fallen have protected mankind for many years. It is our responsibility, not just to our Sire, but to every soul out there to protect it for another thousand years. We will not yield, we will not accept evil. Together we stand and fight for the one thing our Sire gave us. We fight for love. If not for our own loved ones, then for His and the ones he loves. But, we will fight with every ounce of love we still have in us. Brothers and Sisters, today we protect earth not because we try to make amends for our mistakes. We fight today to tell every evil out there, we are here!” The Fallen roared.

  Talk about déjà vu.

  Then Chax turned back towards me and nodded once more. I looked at the hellhounds around me. It was time for my own speech, I hoped I did it right.

  “We were created to destroy; within us is something no other can comprehend but we who live with them. They were made unique because they are unique. Today we will unleash God's wrath upon evil and show them why we were created!” My hellhounds roared to my creed.

  My heart skipped a few beats, my vision was about to become reality. I took a final look at everyone, all charged for war. Turning around, I transformed to my hellhound born form, and with it I felt an instant connection to all the other hellhounds. We were ten hellhounds in total. Not that many at all. I hoped we were enough to give the first line of defense an edge. There was a sudden shift in the ground and then a light spilled onto the battle field. Slowly, the wall started to break open, revealing millions of demons behind it. And so it began, my nightmare became a reality. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, shutting down all bonds with the hellhounds, and releasing the born that was hidden within us.

  Strength poured into my body, filling every muscle. I stretched my wings and lifted them up. Letting them feel the wind around us. My eyes snapped open, resolved and at peace with what was about to take place. I looked at the demons in front of me.

  “Flyers!” Chax yelled.

  I looked up and watched fae and harpies flying above us. Their eyes fixed on the horde of demons marching towards us. And then boom, the first set of traps exploded and demons started flying everywhere. The humans had done a fantastic job. More and more bombs went off and demons flew into the air. Pieces of demon where raining down on the battle ground. When the wind blew the smoke away from the entrance I could see Ballen's shocked expression.

  You should be scared, you should be really scared. In a few moments my face will be the last thing that you


  The ground shook as more bombs were detonated. Soon the battleground was covered in smoke. But even after all that firepower, the forms of demons coming towards us could be still seen through the smoke. As the wind took a hold of the smoke, the battlefield cleared and we watched as demons marched over the corpses of their fallen brethren. I looked up at the flying Fallen, knowing what was about to follow. They were already reaching for the balls strapped around them. I could see that they were armed with more balls than us. Good, they were going to make one hell of an impact with the second assault. Demons marched closer, their eyes fixed on the small numbers of Fallen gathered before them.

  I could see the victory they believed they were about to obtain. Such a small force against thousands, if not millions, of demons? To them we were already dead. Behind them an awful noise ripped through the opening and rumbled through the battle ground. Raising enough wind to whip our hair and wings.

  What the hell was that?

  I looked past them towards the wall, my breath leaving me when I spotted a huge dark form behind the wall. Red, evil eyes were all I cou
ld make out.

  Is that... Oh my freaking soul! It’s him.

  Those where the eyes I saw when Chax’s brother showed me what had happened to him. Those same eyes and dark form were responsible for beating him before casting him out.

  The devil just came out to play.

  I looked back at Chax and found his gaze locked onto the same thing. He knew that if that thing got through the wall, we were all screwed. Hearing the snort of a demon, I looked back and saw them just a few feet from us.

  “Release!” Chax yelled behind me and the fae and harpies let balls rain down upon them.

  Again, the ground shook with the force of the bombs, sending waves through our bodies. The demons that escaped the bombs, were attacking towards us.

  Right, our turn.

  “Now!” I yelled at my hellhound while grabbing balls from my strap.

  I was so glad for all that baseball practice they had made us do at school, because it worked like a charm. Throwing ball after ball, I watched as the demons flew around, their pieces scattering to the ground.

  I grabbed the last of my balls and after throwing it, I drew my swords and prepared to unleash myself and the other hellhounds. I watched in amusement as demons left with only half a body or leg were still making their way towards us.

  Well, let’s give them points for their determination.

  And then the moment had finally arrived, and using my new gift from the divinity, I release the born within myself and every other hellhound around me. Their charms wouldn’t be able to reach them, my divinity blocking them from interfering. With a roar, we stormed forward into the demons. I sliced, pounced, grabbed and ripped. We fought like berserkers; unable to control the fury inside us we delivered death. Grabbing a chicken demon, I used him to block a few swords heading towards me. They sliced him open, leaving me without a shield. Reacting instinctively, I raised an arm, trying to block out two swords aimed at my torso.

  A felt a slight pain, and wondered what the hell happened to the rest of it. Slicing off two heads I looked back at the arm which blocked the blow.

  Hello! What do we have here?

  Running down the length of my forearm, were sharp, jagged bones that resembled some kind of dinosaur. I pulled my arm back and took their swords from them. Stunned, they stood still for me to take their heads with ease. I looked at both my arms and smiled.

  Weird, but freaking cool.

  I used my link to my hellhounds and watched as Max and Zurita beside me, discovered their own jagged arms.

  Hell! Who knew!

  Now I had two more weapons to kill with. I swiped again, and now using my arms, I could slice open demons before taking their heads.

  “Come on!” I yelled at the demons.

  New strength poured through my muscles and I gave them all I had. With g-force punches I sent them flying back. My wings were snapping and closing with lighting speed, keeping demons off my back and side. Max threw a demon towards me and leaping in the air I sliced it in half. When I landed, I roared and the demons in front of me stopped in fear. The born’s were loose and wreaking havoc. Zurita roared next to me and stormed the demons in front of her. It looked like something out of the movies. As she swiped, blood spouted up into the air, spraying everything around it. Demons flew into the air, like pins being knocked by a ball. Lada was using her wings to flap over a few demons and sliced their heads off while doing so. We were on a roll.

  That awful noise sounded again from the hole, wind gusted into our faces. Looking up, I choked on my smile.

  Holy Crap!

  Two huge claws were grabbing the sides of the hole. The devil was trying to get through, but was having trouble fitting through.

  Oh no! That’s not good.

  He was going to figure out a way to get through. I looked around, trying to determine our stance on the battlefield. Demons were everywhere, but as I looked, they also fell everywhere. The Fallen were doing some real damage to the horde that was storming us.

  “Hellhound!” Someone yelled in front of me.

  My eyes found Ballen, now on the battlefield making his way towards me. And here comes the death that I wouldn’t allow to happen.

  I looked around searching for Nina, but with all the chaos, I couldn't find her.

  “It’s time,” I told myself.

  There was no way around it. Ballen was already on the battlefield and following on his heels was the biggest, baddest one of them all. I couldn’t allow that to happen.

  No! I will make sure that doesn't happen!

  I made quick work of the demons on and around me. Then, with the deepest breath I could muster, I screamed, “Nina!”

  I looked around, my arms mechanically cutting down demons, my wings still snapping and closing. There, finally, a werewolf was flying through the air. I watched as she reached the front of our lines. Keeping my eyes on her and making my way out of the line she was about to block, I stormed forward. Demons flew back with the punches I sent out. I saw her throwing the balls, and heard some of the Fallen yelling at her. Finally, I reached the frontline, making sure I was out of area that she was about to trap in.

  Nina came running past me, just as I stepped out. I turned back and looked at shocked faces. They could not advance with me. Max’s face was enraged while staring at me.

  “Kasadya what are you doing?!” he roared at me.

  I kept the demons away from me, and ignored him. Searching, I found Nina at the end of the line, flinging the last balls she had. My eyes came back and I found Max pounding on the invisible net. He was pissed off. Ignoring his attempts, my eyes traveled to the one person I knew I had to find. He was standing still, shocked and hurt, as he looked at me.

  Chapter 18

  “Kasadya, don't do this to me,” Chax spoke, using corra.

  I stopped completely and looked at him. Reaching for my necklace, I held it.

  “I am so sorry Chax. This is the only way; we can’t win any other way. I know, I have seen the end too many times,” I replied.

  His face fell even more and he looked around searching for a way out.

  “I want to thank you... for being there for me. For searching for me when I went missing. For enduring all of my crap. I am sorry I messed up so many times. But not this time, this I promise. But most of all, thank you for loving me.” Even my mental voice broke down on the last part.

  Chax started to scream and pound at the invisible wall, while others joined him. I looked at Nanini, shocked that she couldn’t get out.

  “Take care of Max for me,” I sent to her.

  Tears formed and ran down her cheeks, but she nodded.

  “Kas, let us help you!” Lotan yelled. My friends, my family were still trying to save me. Tears ran down my own face now.

  “I love all of you, thank you for always being there for me.” Finally my mental voice began to a sob.

  I turned away, afraid that the sight of them would stop me.

  “Kasadya! Don’t do this to me. I beg you!” Chax yelled at me.

  Demons were closing in around me, but my heart was so broken I just let the tears and heartache spill out of me.

  “I am so sorry, Chax. Forgive me,” and with that I stormed forward.

  I used my g-force punches to clear the masses out of my way. When that stopped working, I started shifting. Demons grabbed at me and some got in a slice or two. But I wasn't stopping.

  I saw Ballen trying to flee from me. He thought I was heading for him. Good. I needed him on the other side when I blew it up. Using my wings for momentum, I sent a massive g-force punch into the horde that remained between me and my target. They flew backwards, clearing the way for me to advance. I swiped at a few too close and took their heads. Blood sprayed all over me. Searching for the hole to make sure I was heading in the right direction, I saw the shoulders and arms of something freaking big, already beginning to breach.

  I need to move faster!

  I lifted up with my wings. They were tired, but I had no o
ther option. Now I had the flying demons to contend with. We fought and sliced and I sent a few down to earth without a head. At last, I was advancing on the hole. Pain shot through my left wing and I tumbled to the ground, hitting hard. At the last moment I made sure that the front of my body hit the ground and not the back. Demons jumped me all at once. Ballen was yelling at them to stop me. I used everything I had left and flung out with my wings and arms. They went flying and just in front of me was the hole with the devil stuck in it. Ballen was standing at the entrance watching me, his face a mask of shock.

  With a deep breath, I reached for the pouch and took hold of the balls. Now armed and ready, I just had a few feet to go. I stormed through the demons, not caring if they sliced me open. I wasn't stopping for a fight anymore. I held the balls to my chest sealing them from any other impact. Then finally, I was at the entrance of the hole and with the last of my strength, I leaped into the air and went flying straight for it.

  There were many things that go through your mind that moment before you die. I remembered my first step into Exsilium. Meeting Lada and Nanini. Meeting Chax and hating my first day. I remembered our fun at the beach, the Hellhouse and the grub spot. Seeing Lada and Lotan kissing for the first time. Meeting Max and Ryan, and then all of the rest. My heart no longer troubled by Kali or Seth or all the others that had betrayed me. I remembered finding Chax and the Fallen again. Seeing my parents again. So many memories bombarded me at that last moment. I remembered my day and night with Chax, and how it felt to be loved.

  “I love you,” I sent a final message to him.

  He was still screaming my name, begging for me to stop.

  I remembered why I was doing this. For them I gave my heart, my life. Ballen's shocked face was in front of me, right in my path. Just when I reached him, I dropped the balls and slammed into him.


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