by Kate Sanborn
When I arrived late, discouraged and with a headache, at the picnic grounds, I found the assembled company sitting vapidly about among mosquitoes and beetles, already looking bored to death, and I soon perceived that it was expected of me to provide amusement and entertainment for the crowd. I tried to rally, therefore, and proposed a few games, which went off in a spiritless manner enough, and apparently in consequence I began to be assailed with questions and remarks of a reproachful character.
“Don’t you feel well to-day?” “Has anything happened?” “You don’t seem as lively as usual!” No one took the slightest notice of my explanations, until at last, goaded into desperation by one evil-minded old woman, who asked me if it were true that my husband was involved in the failure of Smith, Jones & Co., I launched out and became wildly and disgracefully silly. Nothing seemed too foolish, too senseless to say if it only answered the great purpose of keeping off the attack of personal questions.
Thus the wretched day wore on, until at last it was time to go home, and the first feeling approaching content was stealing into my weary bosom as I gathered up my basket and shawls, when it was rudely dashed by the following conversation, conducted by two ladies to whom I had been introduced that day. They were standing at a little distance from the rest of the company and from me, and evidently thought themselves far enough away to talk quite loud, so that these words were plainly borne to my ears:
“I hate to see people try to make themselves so conspicuous, don’t you?”
“Yes, indeed; and to try to be funny when they haven’t any fun in them.”
“I can’t imagine what Maria was thinking about to call her witty!”
“I know it. I should think such people had better keep quiet when they haven’t anything to say. I’m glad it’s time to go home. Picnics are such stupid things!”
What more was said I do not know, for I left the spot as quickly as possible, making an inward resolution to avoid all picnics in the future till I should arrive at my second childhood.
I cannot refrain from giving one other little instance of my sufferings from this cause. I was again invited out; this time to a lunch party, specially to meet the friend of a friend of mine. The very morning of the day it was to take place I received a telegram stating that my great-aunt had died suddenly in California. Now people don’t usually care much about their great-aunts. They can bear to be chastened in this direction very comfortably; but I did care about mine. She had been very kind to me, and though the width of a continent had separated us for the last ten years her memory was still dear to me.
I sat down immediately to write a note excusing myself from my friend’s lunch party, when, just as I took the paper, it occurred to me that it was rather a selfish thing to do. My friend’s guests were invited, and her arrangements all made; and as the visit of her friend was to be very short the opportunity of our meeting would probably be lost. So I wrote instead a note to the daughter of my great aunt, and when the time came I went to the lunch party with a heavy heart. I had no opportunity of telling my friend of the sad news I had received that morning, and I suppose I may have been quiet; perhaps I even seemed indifferent, though I tried not to be. I could not have been very successful, however, for I was just going up-stairs to put on my “things” to go home, when I heard this little conversation in the dressing-room:
“It’s too bad she wasn’t more interesting to-day, but you never can tell how it will be. She will do as she likes, and that’s the end of it.”
“Yes,” said another voice, “I think she is rather a moody person anyway; she won’t say a word if she doesn’t feel like it.”
“‘Sh—’sh—here she comes,” said another, with the tone and look that told me it was I of whom they were talking.
And so I adjure all youthful and hopeful persons, who have a tendency to be funny, to keep it a profound secret from the world. Indulge in your propensities to any extent in your family circle; keep your immediate relatives, if you like, in convulsions of inextinguishable laughter all the time; but when you mingle in society guard your secret with your life. Never make a joke, and, if necessary, never take one; and by so doing you shall peradventure escape that wrath to come to which I have fallen an innocent victim, and which I doubt not will bring me to an untimely end.—_The Independent._
And a few pages from Miss Murfree, who has shown such rare power in her short character sketches.
The pine-knots flamed and glistened under the great wash-kettle. A tree-toad was persistently calling for rain in the dry distance. The girl, gravely impassive, beat the clothes with the heavy paddle. Her mother shortly ceased to prod the white heaps in the boiling water, and presently took up the thread of her discourse.
“An’ ‘Vander hev got ter be a mighty suddint man. I hearn tell, when I war down ter M’ria’s house ter the quiltin’, ez how in that sorter fight an’ scrimmage they hed at the mill las’ month, he war powerful ill-conducted. Nobody hed thought of hevin’ much of a fight—thar hed been jes’ a few licks passed atwixt the men thar; but the fust finger ez war laid on this boy, he jes’ lit out, an’ fit like a catamount. Right an’ lef’ he lay about him with his fists, an’ he drawed his huntin’-knife on some of ‘em. The men at the mill war in no wise pleased with him.”
“‘Pears like ter me ez ‘Vander air a peaceable boy enough, ef he ain’t jawed at an’ air lef’ be,” drawled Cynthia.
Her mother was embarrassed for a moment. Then, with a look both sly and wise, she made an admission—a qualified admission. “Waal, wimmen—ef—ef—ef they air young an’ toler’ble hard-headed yit, air likely ter jaw some, ennyhow. An’ a gal oughtn’t ter marry a man ez hev sot his heart on bein’ lef’ in peace. He is apt ter be a mighty sour an’ disapp’inted critter.”
This sudden turn to the conversation invested all that had been said with new meaning, and revealed a subtle diplomatic intention. The girl seemed deliberately to review it as she paused in her work. Then, with a rising flush: “I ain’t studyin’ ‘bout marryin’ nobody,” she asserted staidly. “I hev laid off ter live single.”
Mrs. Ware had overshot the mark, but she retorted, gallantly reckless: “That’s what yer Aunt Malviny useter declar’ fur gospel sure, when she war a gal. An’ she hev got ten chil’ren, an’ hev buried two husbands; an’ ef all they say air true, she’s tollin’ in the third man now. She’s a mighty spry, good-featured woman, an’ a fust-rate manager, yer Aunt Malviny air, an’ both her husbands lef’ her suthin—cows, or wagons, or land. An’ they war quiet men when they war alive, an’ stays whar they air put now that they air dead; not like old Parson Hoodenpyle, what his wife hears stumpin’ round the house an’ preachin’ every night, though she air ez deef ez a post, an’ he hev been in glory twenty year—twenty year an’ better. Yer Aunt Malviny hed luck, so mebbe ‘tain’t no killin’ complaint fur a gal ter git ter talking like a fool about marryin’ an’ sech. Leastwise I ain’t minded ter sorrow.”
She looked at her daughter with a gay grin, which, distorted by her toothless gums and the wreathing steam from the kettle, enhanced her witch-like aspect and was spuriously malevolent. She did not notice the stir of an approach through the brambly tangles of the heights above until it was close at hand; as she turned, she thought only of the mountain cattle and to see the red cow’s picturesque head and crumpled horns thrust over the sassafras bushes, or to hear the brindle’s clanking bell. It was certainly less unexpected to Cynthia when a young mountaineer, clad in brown jean trousers and a checked homespun shirt, emerged upon the rocky slope. He still wore his blacksmith’s leather apron, and his powerful corded hammer-arm was bare beneath his tightly-rolled sleeve. He was tall and heavily built; his sunburned face was square, with a strong lower jaw, and his features were accented by fine lines of charcoal, as if the whole were a clever sketch.
His black eyes held fierce intimations, but there was mobility of expression ab
out them that suggested changing impulses, strong but fleeting. He was like his forge-fire; though the heat might be intense for a time, it fluctuated with the breath of the bellows. Just now he was meekly quailing before the old woman, whom he evidently had not thought to find here. It was as apt an illustration as might be, perhaps, of the inferiority of strength to finesse. She seemed an inconsiderable adversary, as, haggard, lean, and prematurely aged, she swayed on her prodding-stick about the huge kettle; but she was as a veritable David to this big young Goliath, though she, too, flung hardly more than a pebble at him.
“Laws-a-me!” she cried, in shrill, toothless glee; “ef hyar ain’t ‘Vander Price! What brung ye down hyar along o’ we-uns, ‘Vander?” she continued, with simulated anxiety. “Hev that thar red heifer o’ ourn lept over the fence agin, an’ got inter Pete’s corn? Waal, sir, ef she ain’t the headin’est heifer!”
“I hain’t seen none o’ yer heifer, ez I knows on,” replied the young blacksmith, with gruff, drawling deprecation. Then he tried to regain his natural manner. “I kem down hyar,” he remarked, in an off-hand way, “ter git a drink o’ water.” He glanced furtively at the girl, then looked quickly away at the gallant red-bird, still gayly parading among the leaves.
The old woman grinned with delight. “Now, ef that ain’t s’prisin’,” she declared. “Ef we hed knowed ez Lost Creek war a-goin’ dry over yander a-nigh the shop, so ye an’ Pete would hev ter kem hyar thirstin’ fur water, we-uns would hev brung suthin’ down hyar ter drink out’n. We-uns hain’t got no gourd hyar, hev we, Cynthy?”
“‘Thout it air the little gourd with the saft-soap in it,” said Cynthia, confused and blushing. Her mother broke into a high, loud laugh.
“Ye ain’t wantin’ ter gin ‘Vander the soap-gourd ter drink out’n, Cynthy! Leastwise, I ain’t goin’ ter gin it ter Pete. Fur I s’pose ef ye hev ter kem a haffen mile ter git a drink, ‘Vander, ez surely Pete’ll hev ter kem, too. Waal, waal, who would hev b’lieved ez Lost Creek would go dry nigh the shop, an’ yit be a-scuttlin’ along like that hyarabouts!” and she pointed with her bony finger at the swift flow of the water.
He was forced to abandon his clumsy pretence of thirst. “Lost Creek ain’t gone dry nowhar, ez I knows on,” he admitted, mechanically rolling the sleeve of his hammer-arm up and down as he talked.
From Miss Woolson’s story of “Anne,” I give the pen-portrait of the precise
“Codfish balls for breakfast on Sunday morning, of course,” said Miss Lois, “and fried hasty-pudding. On Wednesdays, a boiled dinner. Pies on Tuesdays and Saturdays.”
The pins stood in straight rows on her pincushion; three times each week every room in the house was swept, and the floors, as well as the furniture, dusted. Beans were baked in an iron pot on Saturday night, and sweet-cake was made on Thursday. Winter or summer, through scarcity or plenty, Miss Lois never varied her established routine, thereby setting an example, she said, to the idle and shiftless. And certainly she was a faithful guide-post, continually pointing out an industrious and systematic way, which, however, to the end of time, no French-blooded, French-hearted person will ever travel, unless dragged by force. The villagers preferred their lake trout to Miss Lois’s salt codfish, their tartines to her corn-meal puddings, and their eau-de-vie to her green tea; they loved their disorder and their comfort; her bar soap and scrubbing-brush were a horror to their eyes. They washed the household clothes two or three times a year. Was not that enough? Of what use the endless labor of this sharp-nosed woman, with glasses over her eyes, at the church-house? Were not, perhaps, the glasses the consequence of such toil? And her figure of a long leanness also?
The element of real heroism, however, came into Miss Lois’s life in her persistent effort to employ Indian servants. Through long years had she persisted, through long years would she continue to persist. A succession of Chippewa squaws broke, stole, and skirmished their way through her kitchen, with various degrees of success, generally in the end departing suddenly at night with whatever booty they could lay their hands on. It is but justice to add, however, that this was not much, a rigid system of keys and excellent locks prevailing in the well-watched household. Miss Lois’s conscience would not allow her to employ half-breeds, who were sometimes endurable servants; duty required, she said, that she should have full-blooded natives. And she had them. She always began to teach them the alphabet within three days after their arrival, and the spectacle of a tearful, freshly-caught Indian girl, very wretched in her calico dress and white apron, worn out with the ways of the kettles and the brasses, dejected over the fish-balls, and appalled by the pudding, standing confronted by a large alphabet on the well-scoured table, and Miss Lois by her side with a pointer, was frequent and even regular in its occurrence, the only change being in the personality of the learners. No one of them had ever gone through the letters, but Miss Lois was not discouraged.
I cannot truthfully say that it was a good show; it was somewhat dreary, now that I think of it quietly and without excitement. The creatures looked tired, and as if they had been on the road for a great many years. The animals were all old, and there was a shabby great elephant whose look of general discouragement went to my heart, for it seemed as if he were miserably conscious of a misspent life. He stood dejected and motionless at one side of the tent, and it was hard to believe that there was a spark of vitality left in him. A great number of the people had never seen an elephant before, and we heard a thin, little old man, who stood near us, say delightedly: “There’s the old creatur’, and no mistake, Ann ‘Liza. I wanted to see him most of anything. My sakes alive, ain’t he big!”
And Ann ‘Liza, who was stout and sleepy-looking, droned out: “Ye-es, there’s consider’ble of him; but he looks as if he ain’t got no animation.”
Kate and I turned away and laughed, while Mrs. Kew said, confidentially, as the couple moved away: “She needn’t be a reflectin’ on the poor beast. That’s Mis’ Seth Tanner, and there isn’t a woman in Deep Haven nor East Parish to be named the same day with her for laziness. I’m glad she didn’t catch sight of me; she’d have talked about nothing for a fortnight.” There was a picture of a huge snake in Deep Haven, and I was just wondering where he could be, or if there ever had been one, when we heard a boy ask the same question of the man whose thankless task it was to stir up the lions with a stick to make them roar. “The snake’s dead,” he answered, good-naturedly. “Didn’t you have to dig an awful long grave for him?” asked the boy; but the man said he reckoned they curled him up some, and smiled as he turned to his lions, that looked as if they needed a tonic. Everybody lingered longest before the monkeys, that seemed to be the only lively creatures in the whole collection….
Coming out of the great tent was disagreeable enough, and we seemed to have chosen the worst time, for the crowd pushed fiercely, though I suppose nobody was in the least hurry, and we were all severely jammed, while from somewhere underneath came the wails of a deserted dog. We had not meant to see the side shows; but when we came in sight of the picture of the Kentucky giantess, we noticed that Mrs. Kew looked at it wistfully, and we immediately asked if she cared anything about going to see the wonder, whereupon she confessed that she never heard of such a thing as a woman’s weighing six hundred and fifty pounds; so we all three went in. There were only two or three persons inside the tent, beside a little boy who played the hand-organ.
The Kentucky giantess sat in two chairs on a platform, and there was a large cage of monkeys just beyond, toward which Kate and I went at once. “Why, she isn’t more than two thirds as big as the picture,” said Mrs. Kew, in a regretful whisper; “but I guess she’s big enough; doesn’t she look discouraged, poor creatur’?” Kate and I felt ashamed of ourselves for being there. No matter if she had consented to be carried round for a show, it must have been horrible to be stared at and joked about day after day; and we gravely
looked at the monkeys, and in a few minutes turned to see if Mrs. Kew were not ready to come away, when, to our surprise, we saw that she was talking to the giantess with great interest, and we went nearer.
“I thought your face looked natural the minute I set foot inside the door,” said Mrs. Kew; “but you’ve altered some since I saw you, and I couldn’t place you till I heard you speak. Why, you used to be spare. I am amazed, Marilly! Where are your folks?”
“I don’t wonder you are surprised,” said the giantess. “I was a good ways from this when you knew me, wasn’t I? But father, he ran through with every cent he had before he died, and ‘he’ took to drink, and it killed him after a while; and then I begun to grow worse and worse, till I couldn’t do nothing to earn a dollar, and everybody was a-coming to see me, till at last I used to ask ‘em ten cents apiece, and I scratched along somehow till this man came round and heard of me; and he offered me my keep and good pay to go along with him. He had another giantess before me, but she had begun to fall away considerable, so he paid her off and let her go. This other giantess was an awful expense to him, she was such an eater; now, I don’t have no great of an appetite”—this was said plaintively—”and he’s raised my pay since I’ve been with him because we did so well.”…
“Have you been living in Kentucky long?” asked Mrs. Kew. “I saw it on the picture outside.”
“No,” said the giantess; “that was a picture the man bought cheap from another show that broke up last year. It says six hundred and fifty pounds, but I don’t weigh more than four hundred. I haven’t been weighed for some time past. Between you and me, I don’t weigh as much as that, but you mustn’t mention it, for it would spoil my reputation and might hinder my getting another engagement.”
Then they shook hands in a way that meant a great deal, and when Kate and I said good-afternoon, the giantess looked at us gratefully, and said: “I’m very much obliged to you for coming in, young ladies.”