Taken by Storm

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Taken by Storm Page 4

by Valerie Twombly

  With a growl, he surged across the courtyard in search of the prince. The secrets of Oshivana would have to wait until later to be revealed.

  He followed the path that wound away from the palace and moved past the stone homes abandoned long ago, surrounding the place. When he had been here before, he and Greydon had conducted a search of these very dwellings, and he recalled how eerie it had been. Time had stood still. Clay dishes still sat on the table and bowls of fruit on the counter. Nothing had changed and nothing had been touched. It was as if the people had fled only yesterday.

  Zander’s scent was still weak, which meant he was farther ahead. Fang picked up the pace and headed to the outskirts of the city. He stopped where the last house stood and looked around.

  “Zander! Son of a bitch, I don't have time for this shit.”

  “Fang?” Zander stepped out of from behind a tree.

  “What the hell?” Fang strode toward the prince. “Why are you here, and what are you doing?”

  Zander’s brow shot up. “I might ask you the same thing.”

  “I need you to go on a mission with me.”

  “I see. What mission would that be?”

  “We are to go to Zolar’s realm and rescue my mate. My father is there as well and possibly several more,” he stated.

  “Damn. Just you and me?” Zander shifted his stance.

  “Yes. Greydon wanted to go, but I suggested you take his place. We can’t have the King placing himself in danger.” Fang noticed Zander fidgeted with something shiny. “What’s that?”

  The prince glanced down and twisted the silver bracelet in his hand. “I’m not sure, but considering where I found it, my gut tells me I should take it back to the queen.”

  “You think it’s one of the artifacts Uuna laced with her magic?” Fang held out his hand, and Zander dropped the trinket into his palm. He examined the bracelet, which held two round opals at opposite ends of diamond-shaped strips of silver. “I feel the magic. Where did you find it?”

  Zander pointed behind him. “Tucked in the tree, but I was led here by a map I found in the Oracle’s home.”

  Fang handed it back. “Fine. We’ll take it back so the queen can inspect it, but then we are on our way!” If he was delayed again, he was seriously going to take someone’s head.

  Chapter 4

  Bethany continued to stare at the god and tried to determine his reaction to her statement. However, he was a better actor than her. How she was ever going to outsmart someone who had been around for as long as him––not that she knew exactly how long he’d been around—was a question she didn't have an answer to.

  “Be careful what you wish for. I might decide to take you up on your offer.” He leaned in closer, and it was all she could do not to back away.

  “You might make a fitting bride for one of my men. I could alter your human DNA to match theirs, but you would have to prove yourself worthy.”

  Great. This put a whole new spin on the Bride of Frankenstein. She cocked her head slightly. “And just what exactly would you deem as worthy?”

  Remember to breathe. If the bastard got any closer, she didn't think she would be able to stop herself from backing up. Her stomach rolled and she wanted to retch. Instead, she swallowed hard and kept her feet planted. It was a game of resolve.

  He stood silent for a moment before he finally laughed and took a step back. “Let me show you to your new quarters, and I'll consider your proposal. But first you need to carry that child to term.”

  Something told her that wouldn’t be a problem. Two consenting adults––even though they were not the same species––had sex and created a child. Add to that, it had happened in a place full of magic and mystery that many believed didn’t exist. Then there was the connection she had felt with Fang. She tried to shake it off and chalk it up to her deep desire to be wanted, but she had to consider that maybe it was real. Perhaps this child was meant to be. Her gut said there were bigger things at work here. She just wished the universe would let her in on the big secret. Was she crazy for being attracted to a demon or was it fate? Aimee and Greydon had seemed to be nurturing a relationship. Maybe, just maybe, she and Fang could too.

  Zolar led her the rest of the way down the path until it opened into a large courtyard. Identical armored demons, as she'd seen earlier on the grounds, stood around the courtyard. She wondered if one of them would become a prospective husband.

  “Tell me. Your army, are they human-looking under their suits of metal?”

  “Why? Wondering what your new husband will look like?”

  Yes. Yes she was. Not that she intended to stick around long enough. “Well, one that looks human would be preferred.”

  He raised a brow. “Perhaps you’d like to make a list of requirements?”

  Of course his tone indicated sarcasm, but she couldn’t help herself. “I will. Thank you.”

  They stopped in front of a fountain where water flowed over a large, oval stone. The stone was a color she had seen before, and Bethany searched her memory to try and recall where. Suddenly it dawned on her. It was the same brilliant blue as the stone Greydon had used to gain access to Atlantis. She started toward it.

  “It's beautiful. What is it?”

  Zolar stepped next to her and placed his hand under the cascading water. “It is a larimar. Here, hold your hand under the water and tell me what you feel.”

  She hesitated for a moment, and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, before reaching out and lightly touching the water with her fingertips. Not sure what to expect, it certainly wasn’t the trickle of water as it ran over her fingers. A burst of energy or even a jolt of pain seemed more fitting of the hell she was in. Instead, it was pleasurable, and she pushed in her hand until the water fell over her palm. This time a light tingle started in the center of her hand then spread to her fingertips. It didn't hurt, but it was an odd sensation. She found it difficult to pull away. Through sheer determination, she jerked free of its magical grip and backed away.

  “What is in that stuff?”

  He laughed. “It's what your people would consider a drug. When you touch the water, it opens up your pleasure sensors. It becomes even more powerful when you drink it.”

  She took an even bigger step back. “I don't think doing drugs in my condition would be a very smart thing to do.”

  “It won't hurt you, but it can become rather addictive. For a human... a weakling, you'd likely spend your days lounging about feeling giddy.” His gaze became lust-filled. “For many it acts as an aphrodisiac.”

  Bethany’s throat went instantly dry and her hands clammy. Great. Please tell me I’m not going to witness a demon orgy. “I’m feeling rather tired.” She rubbed her temple for impact. He seemed to take notice.

  “Yes. You should get some rest. Your room is just over there.” Of course, he pointed to a door across the courtyard where guards stood on either side. “You go along. You’ll find everything you need, but if there is something missing, simply tell one of the guards.”

  All she could do was nod her head and bite her lip to keep from saying what she really wanted was to go home, but she would have to remember to keep that to herself. She was putting on the biggest stage show of her life and one little slip could prove fatal for her.

  Fang and Zander arrived back at the home where Greydon and Aimee resided. Fang was anxious as hell, and even slightly cranky. Oh hell, who am I kidding? I'm cranky as shit. All he could think about was Bethany and getting to her, even though he still didn't have a solid plan on how he was going to make it happen. Didn't matter though. He would find a way.

  “What are you two doing back here?” Greydon asked as Aimee slid in next to him. “You couldn't have succeeded in your mission already. Hell, you couldn't have even gone on your mission.”

  Zander reached into his backpack and pulled out the piece he had found. He carefully unfolded the cloth he’d placed around it.

  “I found this in Oshivana and think it mig
ht be important.” Zander held out the bracelet.

  “That's stunning.” Aimee pushed out her hand, and Zander would have placed it in her palm except Greydon snatched it away.

  “Where did this come from?” He turned to Aimee. “And don't ever do that again.” The scowl on his face indicated he wasn't pleased.

  “He found it in Oshivana. It definitely has some magic, but we have no idea what it will do,” Fang responded.

  Greydon turned it over in his hand as Aimee admired it. “Which is precisely why you don't hand anything to my wife that could even be remotely unsafe.” He raised a brow. “Aimee is still your queen even though the legalities haven't been taken care of yet.”

  “Just give me the damn thing,” Aimee demanded, pulling the piece straight from her mate’s hand.

  Fang chuckled. “Win many arguments, do you?” Their new queen was certainly going to keep the king on his toes.

  Greydon looked at him and sighed. “Just you wait.”

  Before anyone could say a word or stop her, Aimee slipped the bracelet onto her wrist. “All three of you need to stop treating me like a child. I have a duty just as the rest of you do.” She lifted her eyes from her new prize and glared at all three of them. “So get over yourselves.”

  “Greydon is right though. We need to make sure you're safe at all times,” Zander said.

  She rolled her eyes and went back to admiring her new trinket.

  “I really wish you’d take that off, love.” Greydon reached for her wrist but she jerked away.

  “We need to figure out what it does. Maybe it’s something we can use to aid in the rescue once we get into Zolar’s realm.” Aimee’s eyes widened as all three men descended on her.

  “You are not going with and that is final,” the king’s tone had turned firm, indicating he wasn't asking. Just as he went to touch her, an arc of blue light shot from the bracelet and knocked Greydon several feet.

  “What the hell?” he spat as Fang helped him back up. Aimee’s mouth dropped open.

  “Oh, no. Are you okay?” she asked, running toward him.

  “I’d stay away from him until you know what that thing can do,” Zander urged.

  Aimee came to a halt and looked at the innocent silver and opal jewelry. A wicked grin formed on her mouth as she turned to Zander. “Touch me.”

  The prince looked to his brother then back at her. “Umm, not sure I want to.”

  “Oh, stop being a chicken shit and do it,” she urged.

  “Careful, brother. My wife has suddenly turned wicked,” Greydon cautioned.

  Zander pulled his shoulders back and stretched his neck before he reached out. He didn’t even get close, when he too was tossed across the room like a rag doll.

  She slapped her hand over her mouth. “You’re not hurt, I hope.”

  He passed his sister in-law a somewhat dirty look. “Only my pride and maybe my ass.” He stood rubbing his backside. “You’re right, Grey. Seems your wife is a bit on the sadistic side.”

  “It looks like the bracelet responds to my emotions. If I don’t want to be touched then the toucher gets zapped.” To prove her point, she walked up to Greydon and placed her hand on his cheek. “See? Nothing.”

  “Interesting,” Fang said. “But demons also have things like daggers, swords, magical nets, and nasty magic that can touch you from afar. We can’t know if you’re protected from that as well.”

  She shrugged. “Then throw something at me.”

  “Enough. I’m not about to start launching blades at you. Ow!” Greydon glared at her.

  “Then stop pissing me off. I’m part of this team and intend to do my share. I’m not about to sit around and be coddled, when I have the tools that will allow me to help.”

  “So you suggest I try and stab you?” Greydon asked.

  Zander looked at Fang and shrugged. Something had to give here, and Fang was at his wits end. “I don’t mean to interrupt this love spat, but I have a mission to rescue my mate. Come or stay, but I’m leaving.”

  Bethany hated to admit that if it weren't for the demons outside her door, she would never suspect she was a prisoner. Her room—or as some would call it her suite—was bigger than her apartment back home and tastefully decorated. A full-size kitchen with stainless steel appliances and dark granite counters were stocked to the hilt with fresh fruits, vegetables, and other various healthy foods. Then there was the not so healthy stuff. The kind of things most any pregnant woman would crave such as chocolate, ice cream, and other sweets.

  The bathroom had a polished black and gold marble floor that led into a shower large enough for four. Attached was the master bedroom with a four-poster, king-sized bed and on the other side of that a small library. After stuffing herself on a turkey sandwich, she sat in the leather chair and stared at the wall of books, wondering if there was anything of use in one of them. Finally, she forced herself to stand and walk over to a shelf, reading the titles in hope something might jump out at her. When nothing did, she pulled out a black leather bound book and opened it up.

  “Freaking great. Of course it's in a language I can't read.” She slammed it shut in exasperation and decided she needed to go for a walk. Zolar had assured her that she could leave her quarters anytime she desired. She wondered if that meant the two guards outside of her door were also going to follow her every place she went.

  “Well, one way to find out.” She opened the door and stepped outside. The fountain, the one with the drug-inducing water, still bubbled in the middle of the courtyard. Thankfully, there was no one around it. The thought of a peep show made her cringe. The two guards looked at her but neither spoke. She gave a heavy sigh.

  “So, do either of you speak English?”

  Their heavy breathing through the metal mask they wore was the only response she received.

  “Wonderful.” She decided to head across the courtyard in the opposite direction she and Zolar had come in. With the full expectation her two goons would follow, she was surprised when they remained at their posts.


  Rather than dally too long in one place and chance them changing their mind, she continued on her walk down a stone path, very similar to the one she had been brought in on. When she came to a Y and had to choose right or left, she stopped and listened. Sounds filtered up from the path to her left, and she knew it was probably a stupid choice but took it anyway. Curiosity and a burning need to find a way out sent her into the unknown. The farther she walked, the louder the noise became, until she was finally able to distinguish muffled voices intermingled with a loud, clanging noise. The air grew hotter and more stifling, yet she wasn’t deterred until finally she reached a set of stairs.

  Bethany found herself on a landing that looked over a vast pit. More of the same demon guards stood along the edge and watched while others dug holes, picked at rocks, and carried buckets filled with something shiny. She squinted, trying to make out if they were human but was still too far away to get a good look.

  “Well, time to see what's going on.” She figured the worst that could happen was someone escorted her back to her prison. Bethany was confident she would remain unharmed as long as she carried the child inside her. She rubbed her belly. “You, my little one, are going to be our ticket out of this place.”

  She descended the stairs, careful to hold on to the railing even though the stairs were wide and the surface rough. No one seemed to pay any attention to her as she made her way down the spiral staircase. It seemed to take forever, but when she finally reached the bottom, a guard looked up at her causing her to pause

  She swallowed. This would be the test. Would they allow her to pass or send her back? When she took the next step, she was surprised when the demon guard held out his hand and spoke in a burly voice.

  “My lady, allow me.”

  My lady?

  She hesitated only for a moment then slipped her hand into his armored one. She momentarily feared he might curl his fingers around
hers and crush every bone in her hand. Instead, he gently guided her down the remaining steps. When both feet were planted firmly, he released her and went back to staring at the workers.

  I’ll be damned. She made her way closer, so she could see what was going on, yet still kept enough distance to stay out of harm’s way. The workers in the pit appeared human so she wondered if they were Greydon’s people. From the looks of it, she would guess them to be slave labor working in some kind of mine, but she had no clue what they were digging for. As she picked her way along the edge, she noticed another corridor and decided to investigate. This one was darker and moisture clung to the stone walls. Water dripped in the distance, and a rank smell assaulted her nose. She thought about turning back, but curiosity kept her moving forward. Something nagged at her and said she needed to see what was hidden away here.

  As she rounded a bend, she came to an abrupt halt. A cell with thick bars stood to her right. She thought for a moment it was empty until something moved on the small cot. Rather than taking a step back, she moved closer.


  The shadow shifted and rose from its slumber to come to the bars. She swallowed raw fear until a man came to stand in front of her. His hair was long and tangled and his skin filthy. He wore no shirt and his ribs showed from lack of nutrition. Her heart sank.

  “You are her.” His voice was so low she barely heard him.

  “Who?” Was he referring to Zolar’s surrogate? Then yes, she was the one.

  “The one my son seeks to rescue.”

  She gasped. “Who are you?” Her hands trembled, waiting for confirmation.

  “I am the father of Fang.”

  She clutched the bars. “Oh my god! Wait. How do you know he’s looking for me?”

  He placed his bony fingers on hers. “I’ve communicated with him telepathically. He is strong, my son.” His eyes suddenly widened. “You carry his child.”


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