Taken by Storm

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Taken by Storm Page 12

by Valerie Twombly

  Fang placed his hand on her arm. “Giving birth is a lot of work. Take a nap, we’ll be here when you wake.” He knew her death was close but didn’t wish to point it out. It was best if Bethany thought it was simply rest she needed. After giving him a smile, she closed her eyes. Her breathing slowed as did her heart rate. A hand touched his shoulder.

  “Try not to worry. She will come out of this healthy and strong,” his father reassured.

  “Easy for you to say. Any idea how long this will take?” Fang brushed a strand of hair from her cheek.

  “No. I wish I had more information for you.”

  “What about the man who stabbed her?” The thought of how much pain and fear Bethany had gone through during that ordeal made him see red. Not to mention the fact a few more inches to the left and his son could have taken the brunt of the blade.

  “There was enough DNA left on Bethany to locate him. He is currently being interrogated by Greydon and Zander.”

  “Good.” Fang knew the king and prince would use every measure at their disposal to gain information. When they were done, he would take immense pleasure in torturing anything that was left of the bastard.

  Bethany drew in her last breath. Her heart stopped and she looked at peace. Tanlor closed his eyes, and Fang felt a tiny burst of power come from his son. He placed both hands on the child, and in turn, his father placed his hands on Fang’s shoulders. The room filled with magic as they channeled everything they had into Bethany’s body.

  Now, only time would tell if the legends were true.

  Chapter 14

  Bethany stared down at herself. It was odd being a spectator and seeing one’s own body looking as if it were in a deep sleep. Even more disturbing was sitting cross-legged and floating in mid-air. Most normal people would be hysterical about now, but she was as calm as ever. Proof she was far from normal.

  She detected another presence before a flash of light gleamed in the corner of her eye. When she turned to face it, she was stunned to find a man with short, thick, white hair and a matching beard staring at her from behind silver eyes. He wore a silk robe of black lined with deep red. He looked much like the statue below.

  “Don’t be frightened.” His baritone voice carried across the room, and she looked to see if the others had heard it too. No, they were still standing over her.

  “I really am dead then?” She had to be if she was in the presence of a deceased god. Yet, his form looked no different from her own. There was nothing transparent about either of them. So much for ghosts as they were often depicted.

  His laughter filled the room. “The soul looks exactly like the shell that holds it. And yes, you are in fact dead.” He reached out and placed a large hand on her arm and warmth filled her. “But you shall not be for long. You will be the first human to fully transform.”

  She was still stunned and having difficulty finding her tongue. “You look a lot like the statue below.” She pointed at the proud man made of marble.

  “Because I am Thundohn, protector of life. I’m here to hold your soul to this plane while the transformation takes place. When it is time for you to go back, I will guide you.”

  Her mouth fell open. “It’s true then. Your spirit is still here watching over this place.”

  “Yes, and I am overjoyed to finally see this day come. The city is starting to come back to life, and with the protection of the Daldara, life will once again flourish here.” Sadness filled his eyes. “And hopefully my daughter will finally be free of her self-imposed prison.”

  “Why can’t you simply kill Zolar? He deserves it you know.”

  “I wish it were that simple. I now exist in another plane and no longer have power outside of this temple.”

  She crossed her arms. “So, my friend Aimee really will have to kill him? I don’t like that one bit.”

  “I’m afraid so, but that is where you come in. You will become the Queen’s protector.” He must have noticed the panic on her face because he continued, “You will be reborn with the knowledge and power of a Daldara. Your family will be safe from Zolar as will the city.”

  Well, that was a relief.

  “It’s time for you to go back.”

  She glanced at her body. “Already? I was enjoying talking to you.”

  He chuckled. “Come here and speak to me any time you wish. I will hear you. Now, come along.” He grabbed her hand and gave a tug. “It’s time to be reborn.”

  For some crazy reason, she was nervous but excited to hold her son again. It was still hard to believe she had been part of creating such a beautiful boy. The god bent and brought his mouth to her ear and whispered something she didn’t understand then the room went black.

  Zander gripped the doctor’s arm tighter than he probably should have, and she scowled at him.

  “You take great joy in hurting me,” she snapped.

  “I’m no different than you then, am I?” He glared at her before he jerked her down the corridor. The woman got under his skin, which pissed him off even more. “You don’t belong here. My home is not for your eyes.”

  She tried to pull free, but he held tight. “Where do I belong then? Tied to your bed? You truly are no different than Zolar.” Her words were full of hatred, but he brushed them off.

  “I am much different than that bastard of a god. I didn’t kill my father in-law then try to kill my wife. I haven’t enslaved an entire species in order to gain control of a city, nor have I kidnapped humans and forced unwanted pregnancies on them.” He stopped so he could glare at her. “I’ve only taken you as my hostage because you have information I want. At the moment, I’ve done nothing worse than tie you to a bed.”

  Her eyes darkened, indicating her anger was on the rise. “You’ve threatened my life, and in my book, that makes you no better. I gave you information. What more do you want?”

  His temper rose and he jerked her so close their faces were only inches apart. “I want everything. I’ve heard how you treated the women in your care. Oh sure, you pretend to crack open that thing you call a heart, but in the end you are one cold-blooded bitch. If you think you deserve my mercy, then you are fucking mistaken.”

  Her mouth fell open briefly before she slammed it shut and pursed her lips into a thin line.

  “Truth stings like a motherfucker, doesn't it?”

  Her only response was to glare. He’d struck a nerve. Hell, he’d plucked that sucker out and stomped all over it. Did he feel good about it? Not really, but damn the woman drove him to the edge of his patience.

  “Where are you going?”

  The death stare they had on each other was broken by Aimee.

  “I’m taking her back. She’s a prisoner of war with information about our people.”

  Aimee stepped next to him. “So you think tying her to a bed will help your cause? She did give you information that led to a rescue.”

  “It won’t hurt any, and there is still more she hasn’t given up.”

  “Zander, I never thought you were the type.”

  Neither did he, but he was as desperate to find his missing brother as was Greydon. They also had to find out what this magical netting was. It had become their weakness. “There are many things you need to learn about me.” He bowed his head in respect. “Now, if you will excuse me.” He started to walk away, but Aimee laid a hand on his arm. “I understand but please remember. She did show some kindness to both myself and Bethany.”

  “I will keep that in mind.”

  Fang fought to remain calm, but the longer Bethany lay there lifeless, the more concerned he grew. He had the urge to rip something apart, and if not for his son, he would have laid waste to the room where he stood.

  Her chest rose and he detected a faint heartbeat.

  “She’s back.” His father stated as if he’d known all along she would wake up.

  Fang lifted Tanlor into his arms, and the boy cooed at him. Apparently, even he knew things would work out fine. Fang, however, still needed convincin
g. It would take Bethany opening her eyes and speaking to him before he would be reassured she was indeed well. He lowered his head closer to hers.


  Her lashes fluttered and deep blue eyes met his. He swore he had never seen them so vibrant and clear. She smiled at him and his heart melted.

  “How do you feel?”

  She sat up, clutching the blanket to her chest and looked down at herself in disbelief. “Invigorated. Surprised... I guess I thought I might look different.” She ran her tongue across her teeth. “I don’t feel any fangs.”

  “You look slightly disappointed, but don’t fear, they will reveal themselves when needed.” He could hardly wait.

  Her smile returned. “You two look good together.”

  “Huh?” He leaned back.

  “Things seem well here, so I’m going to slip out. Bring that grandson of mine to visit later,” Bli said before he disappeared.

  “You and Tanlor. You’re even more handsome holding your son,” she said.

  Fang loved holding the boy, but now that his mate was back there were things needing his attention. One being to finally cut the cord. He placed Tanlor in Bethany’s arms. “You hold him while I finish up, then we can leave.” After Tanlor was secure in his mother’s arms, Fang wrapped his fingers around the cord a few inches apart and channeled magic to stem the blood flow. Once he was satisfied that was complete, he drew his dagger from his thigh and made the cut. A few minutes later, he had the place looking like new again; mother wearing a robe and son wrapped in a blanket. He helped Bethany stand even though she protested she was fine.

  “I’ll take us directly to our new quarters.” Before she could even respond, Fang flashed them to the largest single dwelling, which overlooked the meadow where they had picnicked on their wedding day. He was a bit nervous, hoping she would approve.

  “This is the best home here.” They stood in the living area. “You can change anything you want. Take a look around and you’ll find several balconies looking over the meadow.”

  Bethany smiled and handed Tanlor to Fang. “Hold your son while I explore.” Her mate was so adorable, all worried whether or not she would love their new home. Already she felt warm and welcomed.

  The main living area had been modernized, no doubt at Fang’s hand. Two dark chocolate couches sat facing each other with a heavy oak table in the middle. A large hearth stood at one end, and the rest of the room opened into a bright kitchen. Stainless and granite made the room sparkle. As promised, there was a view of the meadow through large french doors.

  Moving on, she discovered the nursery already filled with baby essentials. The crib looked as if it was hand carved and had a warm, honey color. She loved it. Next door was the master suite. Two sets of double french doors led to a stone patio, which also looked out over the meadow. She could imagine Tanlor running through the grass on a sunny day. When she turned, Fang was standing in the doorway.

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it. It’s a beautiful home and I couldn’t ask for more.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “I can hardly believe all of this is real. This place, you, our son.”

  Fang lay down next to her and placed Tanlor between them. “A lot has happened in a short amount of time.”

  He rubbed the baby’s belly and her heart melted. He was going to be such a wonderful father. Never would she have imagined that day in Aimee’s kitchen when a handsome stranger entered, and she planted a knife in his back, it would all lead to this. It had to be a dream because there was no way she had given birth, died, and been reborn as another species. If not for the fact she knew things: how to flash herself from one place to another, create a shield to protect herself, and holy shit. She knew how to shift. It was both a freaky and awesome thing to think about.

  “Yes, a lot has happened but all of it good. I met Thundohn.”

  Fang’s gaze lifted to meet hers. “What?”

  “I met the god while I was watching you. He said he was there to keep my soul in place until I was reborn.”

  Fang bolted from his lazy position. “Then it’s true. He does watch over the temple.”

  She nodded. “He does, but he’s not in a position to kill Zolar. He confirmed that Aimee would be the one to do it. He also said I would become her protector.” She watched his expression for any sign he would try to talk her out of it.

  He cupped her cheek. “I always knew it was your destiny. Once you prove to me you are capable, then I will allow it.” He drew closer. “It doesn’t mean I won’t worry for your safety.”

  She leaned in and kissed him. “I know, and I can’t even begin to explain how I know things. It’s like the knowledge has been a part of me my entire life.” She leaned back and focused on the candles that stood on the table in the corner. Suddenly, flames licked the wicks and did a little dance.

  Fang gave a smile. “Lighting candles is one thing, protecting yourself from an enemy is another.”

  “Maybe later I can practice, but right now I need a shower.”

  “Go. I’ll put Tanlor in his crib and then I need to take care of something.”

  “You’re going to see the prisoner, the guy who stabbed me. What do you plan to do to him?” She had a feeling it wouldn’t be nice. Frankly, after the fear she just endured, she really didn’t care.

  He hopped up and kissed her on the head before lifting a soundly sleeping Tanlor from the bed. “It’s best you never know the destruction I can cause.”

  “I thought I was capable of everything you were?”

  “You are, my hauracha aera. However, unlike me, you will not battle in war, nor is it likely you will be faced with the decision to kill. Your heart is that of a nurturer. You will protect those in danger using your power and the ability to flee. Only if left with no alternative will you ever take a life. Should it come to that, I don’t doubt you will be merciful.” With that, he left the room.

  Chapter 15

  Fang kissed Tanlor on the cheek then placed the boy in his crib. Pride coursed through him and he couldn’t be happier. His son was perfect, and his mate was now a Daldara. His life couldn’t get any better except to end this war. No matter how strong his family was, he would worry until Zolar was gone.

  He exited the room and flashed himself back to the main palace where he found his father talking with Greydon.

  “What happened at the compound?” Fang had left in such a hurry with Greydon on his tail, he almost forgot about the battle the others must have faced.

  “With their leader dead”––Bli tipped his head toward Fang––”thanks to you, several of the demons surrendered.”

  “Ten females were rescued, a few of them mates to the men here now. Also, Talon was found hidden away in a private cell.” Greydon’s smile was so wide, Fang thought his face might crack.

  “Yes, I almost missed him, but with his scent so strong, I knew he had to be there someplace. It was only a matter of finding the right demon to torture,” Bli replied.

  “This is excellent news!” Fang’s day was only getting better. Talon was an exceptional warrior in the king’s guard, and it would be good to have him back. “How is his health?”

  “Good, considering what he must have gone through at the hands of Silor. He’s not talking about it but is busy helping the queen get the women settled and making sure things are secure,” Greydon said. “You know, Zander has taken the doctor back to the cave and secured her as his prisoner. He says she knows where Orien is.”

  Fang rubbed his chin. “And the queen allowed this? I thought the doctor had helped her and from what I hear, Bethany too.”

  Greydon folded his arms over his chest. “I think she realizes we are at war, and until our people are all back here safe, everyone is a potential enemy.”

  “I am glad to hear such good news. I’m on my way to see the man who stabbed my mate and make sure he feels his death. I assume all information has been gained from him?” Fang asked.

  Bli nodded. “Yes. H
e is with the others we brought back from the compound. They are in the dungeons. How are my grandson and daughter doing?”

  “One sleeps while the other showers. They are both well.”

  “It’s past time my mate was officially made Queen. Tonight we will hold her coronation in the same location as we held mine.”

  Fang and Bli both bowed their heads. “As you wish, my King.” Fang left the room and headed to the dungeons. It was hard to believe such a beautiful and peaceful place held implements of torture tucked in her bowels. However, even when the city was at her prime, Atlantis had its enemies and knew how to deal with them. As he descended the stairs with visions of torture racing through his head, he met Talon.

  “Warrior, I am glad to see you alive.”

  Talon chuckled. “It’s going to take more than a prison and a few Concosa to do me in.”

  “That’s good to hear. We can certainly use you here.”

  “We need to figure out how we were taken by surprise.” Talon stepped closer. “I don’t believe all of our people are prisoners. I think some escaped and have gone into hiding.”

  Fang stiffened. “What makes you think that, and have you told the king?”

  Talon’s blue eyes narrowed. “I overheard guards talking when they thought me too weak to pay any attention. They spoke about trying to locate the ones who got away and were hiding in the human world.” He shook his head. “I have only told you so far as I don’t want to raise the king’s hopes.”

  Fang thought for a moment before replying. “I can believe some did escape, but it’s going to be difficult to reach them. I don’t have to tell you that our species is adept at blending into the human world. They could be scattered anywhere among the mortal population. I’m not condoning hiding the truth from the king. However, we should be certain of our information before we raise his hopes. Perhaps Zander’s prisoner will prove useful in this area.”

  Talon broke into an evil grin. “I will seek out the Prince.”


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