Demolition: Twisted Mayhem, Book Three

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Demolition: Twisted Mayhem, Book Three Page 15

by Cat Mason

  “What the fuck, man?” he barks, shooting a look my way. “You deaf?”

  “Whatever,” I shrug, heading for the pizza box on the table. Flipping open the box, I snag the last two slices and drop into the chair. “Beat it,” I tell her, jerking my chin toward the door. “Club business.”

  Debbie sits back on her bright green heels, her eyes shooting between Jinks and me. “Hey, Colt.” She arches a brow. “How ‘bout a twofer?” she asks, pouting her lips. “Let me ease that tension.”

  “Not interested,” I say around a bite of pizza. “I’ve got all I need downstairs waitin’ for me.”

  “He said beat it, D,” Jinks snaps, yanking her to her feet. Pulling her against him, he slams his mouth to hers. She wobbles unsteadily on her feet. Breaking the kiss, he releases her quickly and slaps her hard on the ass. “Come back in thirty with food and lube. That ass is all mine tonight.”

  “What’s the chances this pizza isn’t a week old and about to give me food poisoning?” I ask, once Debbie shuts the door behind her.

  Shoving himself back in his jeans, Jinks shrugs. “Shy brought it with the laundry yesterday, I think. Three to one odds you won’t spend the night prayin’ to the porcelain God.”

  “I can live with that,” I say, shoveling the slices into my mouth. “Jace said you were lookin’ for me. Guess you got lost in D’s mouth.”

  “Hard not to,” he grunts, dropping into his chair. “She’s got a mouth like a goddamn shop vac.”

  “That all you got for me, shithead?” Finishing off the pizza, I snatch up my beer. “I know I didn’t come in here to hear your Yelp review on how well Double D gives head.”

  “That’s just a bonus,” he fires back, spinning to face his wall of computer screens. “Thought you’d like to know the insurance claims on that bar you torched were filed into public record.”

  “Insurance?” I blurt. “Since when do you insure a place like that?”

  “I didn’t say it would pay anything,” he argues, clicking a few buttons. “What it gives us is a paper trail on who killed Huck.”

  “You got me a name?” I ask, pushing to my feet, ready to ride right fucking now.

  “I’ve got a lot more than a company name.”

  “Good. I’m ready to end this.”

  “Trio Properties is the management company that opened and applied for the policy. That was easy to find. Greedy bastards own dozens of places in Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Virginia. Digging into their board of suits took a little more finesse.”

  “Goddammit Jinks, spit it the fuck out.”

  “Right,” he huffs, focusing on the screen again. “I’ve been combing through courthouse and city zoning records, and well I’m sure you know where this is goin’.” When I nod, he continues with his endless monologue. “Sitting on the board of directors as a silent partner, who also happens to own controlling interest at this very moment, is none other than Senator Dan Hammon.”

  “Sonuvabitch,” I growl, gripping the bottle so tight it breaks in my hand. Tossing what didn’t fall from my hand into the trashcan, I scan the screen, needing to see his name myself. “Fuckin’ Hammon. I’ll kill the bastard with my bare hands. For Huck and for Henley.”

  Jinks clears his throat. “There’s more,” he says, pulling up another set of documents on the center screen. “Six months ago, Trio entered into a proposed land agreement deal with Freddie Coleman.” Turning to me, he arches a brow. “Looks like Merc stands to make three hundred and fifty grand on that deal when it closes. With another fifty grand a year in mineral rights on the land the Road Warrior clubhhouse sits on. All payable to him.”

  “Fuck.” Shaking my head, I try to wrap my head around why the hell Mercury would be involved with this shit. Then it hits me. It’s all about the goddamn money. “Where the hell’s Stone?”

  “Up at the house with Ro, I think,” Jinks says, pulling up the exterior cameras. “His bike isn’t out front.”

  “We’ve been sharin’ info with the bastard this whole time,” I growl, punching the wall. “He’s been feedin’ every drop to the enemy.”

  Fishing my phone from my pocket, I scroll and hit send. “Yeah,” Stone’s says after the second ring.

  “Need you down here.” Flexing my sore hand, I stare at the names on the screen. “We’ve got a fuckin’ problem.”

  “On my way.”

  Hanging up, I shove my phone back into my pocket, already heading for the door. “We at the table?” Jinks asks.

  “Yeah. Be ready to lay this shit out. I want the vote to put the piece of shit in the goddamn ground before I do the same with Hammon.”

  With every step I take toward the front doors of the clubhouse, my rage gives way to clarity. My thoughts clear and focused on what has to be done. There was a time when I would say that what I am going to be putting out for a vote is stupid and reckless. A plan, that if it belonged to anyone else, I’d be doing my goddamned best to talk them down.

  That won’t be happening today.



  The headboard slaps the wall with every powerful thrust of Colt’s hips. Gripping my waist, he yanks me down the mattress so that my ass hangs off the bed. Wrapping my legs around his hips, I arch my back, wanting more. Needing him deeper.

  “Love how greedy you get for my cock,” he grunts, sliding a hand down to cup my pussy. Slowing his hips, he teases my clit with his fingers. My hips jolt, legs tightening around him as warmth and need spread throughout my body.

  “I need more,” I pant, grabbing onto his wrist. “I’m so close.”

  Rolling his hips, he pushes inside me again. His movements so deliciously slow it makes my toes curl. “Harder?” he asks, his fingers moving faster.

  Biting my lip, I nod. “Please?”

  Rocking into me again, a low growl rumbles from deep in his chest. “So fuckin’ pretty when you beg me, baby.”

  Sliding his hands up my body, Colt squeezes my breasts. His eyes dark with desire, but there is a softness is his features as he stares down at me. Appreciation. Adoration.

  His hands continue moving upward, cupping my face for a moment before sliding into my hair and fisting the strands. “Beautiful,” he breathes, leaning down and touching his mouth to mine. “Mine.”

  “Yours,” I agree without missing a beat. “Now fuck me.”

  Taking my mouth, he pumps his hips, driving deep inside me. It is hard, hot, and explosive. Exactly what I need. I cry out, my screams swallowed by his kiss. Gripping his shoulders, I pour myself into kissing him back. I am lost to the taste of him, the feel of his body pressing into mine, possessing me with every stroke of his cock. The intensity of the moment has pain and pleasure molding into one. The lines between the two blurring so that all there is, is us. I go over the edge, shattering into the most explosive orgasm I have ever had. And when he buries his face in my neck, stilling as he finds release, I am unable to do anything other than feel the barrage of overwhelming emotions that I have fought so hard to push back.

  Worry. Fear. Bliss. Happiness. Love.

  My heart is full at a time when there is so much going wrong in my life. It would be so easy to let go and enjoy that happiness I know is just within reach, through all the sadness and uncertainty. Except, Colt is leaving. He hasn’t given me any details other than how things will go while he is away handling “club business”. But I know, deep in my bones, it is much more than a simple run to handle some club errand.

  Rolling onto my stomach, my eyes stay focused on his ass as he dresses. “How long will you be gone?”

  “Day or so,” he says, snagging his black t-shirt from my dresser. “Got Jace on you,” he reminds me for the five hundredth time since he told me he had to leave town last night. “Don’t give the kid any shit. You deal with work, then you bring that fine ass back here. No stops. No excuses. You give him any of that smart mouth, you deal with me when I get back. Got it, woman?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I snort, rol
ling my eyes. “Fuck a duck. I’m shocked you aren’t cuffing me to the bed.”

  Turning to face me, Colt slips his arms through the sleeves of his cut. Stepping toward me, he tugs me up on my knees. “Babe.” Smiling wickedly, he slides his hands down to my ass. “I cuff you to a bed, I sure as fuck ain’t goin’ anywhere.”

  “Tease,” I breathe, leaning into his lips. “Don’t threaten me with a good time then go ride your Harley instead of me.”

  Squeezing me tight, Colt chuckles. “You’re too fuckin’ much.” Kissing me quickly, he releases me before slapping me on the ass.

  Climbing out a bed, I throw on some clothes and walk out with Colt. Coffee and the strong aroma of lavender and vanilla hit me the moment I open the door. Padding down the hallway, I spot Rebel packaging some heart shaped soaps at the kitchen island. “Hey,” she says, tucking the lid down and closing the box. “You two horn dogs leave any holes in the wall?” she laughs, winking at me. “Any injuries I can help patch up before round two?”

  “Aren’t you hilarious,” I mutter, chucking a dish towel at her head.

  I follow Colt to the door, trying my best to dismiss the dread churning in my gut. Whatever he and the guys are heading off to do is dangerous. I know that much, even if he won’t tell me.

  “Gotta go,” he says, when we hear the familiar sound of tail pipes. Stepping in front of me, he slides his fingers beneath my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes. “I’ll call and check in on your ass,” he adds, bending down and pressing a kiss to my lips.

  “Okay.” Squeezing his forearm, I sigh. “Be safe.”

  “Always.” Brushing his knuckles over my cheek, he gives me a smile, those beautiful blues warming. “Love you, Hen,” he whispers, kissing me again, letting his lips linger over mine for a beat before pulling back. “Be back as soon as I can.”

  Stunned by his admission, and unable to speak, I can only nod my reply. Colt opens the door, stepping out into the hall as Jace rounds the corner, heading our way. “All set up here?” Jace asks, looking between us.

  “Yeah.” Clapping him on the shoulder, Colt looks to me. “Phone on. Keep her close.”

  “You got it, V.P...”

  “Later, Hotness,” Colt says, heading for the stairs.


  Going back inside, I meet a very interested Rebel. “Holy huffin’ fucker,” she blurts, her eyes locked on Jace. Hitching a hip on the arm of the couch, she looks him up and down like a dessert cart at a five-star restaurant. “Aren’t you a gorgeous version of tall, dirty, and delicious?”

  “Uh,” Jace stammers, his face flushing.

  “Jesus, Reb. Don’t scare the poor guy,” I laugh, heading for the fridge. “I doubt he’s used to our level of crazy.”

  “Don’t worry, Hen.” Pushing off the couch, Rebel makes her way toward him. Smiling, she sways her hips from side to side like she is working the main catwalk at Fashion Week. Holy hormone overload. My best friend is about two seconds from rubbing all over this guy like a cat in heat. Running her finger up his chest, she taps his chin playfully before pushing his gaping mouth closed. “I’ll break him in gently.” Clearing his throat, Jace swallows hard, his eyes going wide. Rebel smiles, obviously enjoying how uncomfortable she is making him. “If that’s how he wants it.”

  “I have to leave for the hospital in an hour,” I announce, heading for the bathroom to shower. “Jace?” I ask, when neither of them acknowledge me.

  “Yeah,” he jolts, looking my way.

  “If you two are naked when I come back in here,” I start, narrowing my eyes. “I post that shit live on the Milford Yard Sale Page.”

  Thankfully for me, and the thrifty online shoppers of Milford, there was no sexual acrobatics being had in my living room when I came back out. It may make me a cock blocking asshole, but the last thing I want is to be binging on wine and Mr. Hemsworth’s abs, only to find out I’m sitting in the dried remains of Jace’s misguided junk juice. No fucking thank you.

  Tearing Jace away from Rebel and her insatiable ass, I head to the hospital for my shift. Though Jace may be tasked with the job of being my ever-present shadow while Colt is away, I do put my foot down when he suggests he drives since it’s raining. Instead of following behind me like one would expect a shadow do, he leaves his truck behind and rides shotgun with me. Although, I did suggest he ride in the back with the spare tire and road flares.

  The emergency room is buzzing today. People filling nearly every one of the rooms, others in triage and waiting to be seen for various issues and injuries. While I don’t want to see people hurt or sick, I’m not complaining about being able to keep busy. Though it is obvious that my time out of rotation to recover has put me off my game.

  When things slow down enough for me to catch a break to grab a bite to eat, I check my phone for any missed calls or messages from Colt. Instead, there is a missed call and voicemail message from Daniel.

  “I need you to call me once you’re done with work, Henley, darling. It’s urgent.”

  His tone gives nothing away, which is frustrating as hell. Listening to the message half a dozen times, I force myself to delete it before heading to the cafeteria to grab myself something. Noticing the rain has stopped, I decide to take advantage of the moment and grab some air. The entire time the message replays in my head while I wait for Daniel to appear right in front of me, demanding I drop everything to deal with him. After all, if he knows that I’m back at work, who’s to say he doesn’t know that Colt has left town too?

  Not two minutes after I sit down at one of the outdoor picnic tables, Jace drops down on the bench seat across from me. “Where exactly have you spent the last five hours?” I ask, knowing he wasn’t allowed to follow me around while I worked. “Offering free mammograms?”

  “Hmm,” he shrugs, yanking a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Pulling one out, he tosses the pack down to the table. “Didn’t think of that one.”

  “Those’ll kill ya,” I say, tapping the package with my finger.

  “No one lives forever, darlin’,” he assures me, slipping it between his lips before lighting the end. “Workin’ here, I figure you know that better than most.”

  “Very true,” I admit, my mind going back to my conversation with Colt the night Huck died. When he said that very same thing.

  “Being out here isn’t the best idea,” he says, blowing out a puff of smoke. “Colt will have my ass.”

  “Will he?” I ask, tearing open the plastic wrap on my turkey sandwich. “I’m pretty sure he won’t mind me getting some air on my break. Especially if you don’t tell him.”

  “Rough night in the E.R.?” he asks, glancing around the small grassy area, his eyes lingering on each person walking by.

  “Not particularly,” I answer, taking a bite. “Just a lot of shit on my mind.”

  “Yeah.” Nodding, he takes another drag. “It’ll all be over soon though.”

  My eyes snap up, realization of his slip up flashing on his face. “Jesus,” I huff, feeling like he punched me in the gut. “He’s worried about me, but is riding straight into a fight. Isn’t he?”

  “Henley,” Jace starts, no doubt trying to backpedal. “What I meant to say—”

  I hold up my hand. “Spare me the damage control efforts, Jace.” Holding up my hand, I push to my feet. “It insults my intelligence.”

  “I. Ugh.” he groans, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Fuck.”

  “I need to get back to work.”

  Not waiting for him to spit out some line of biker bullshit, meant to keep me content until he can get Colt to calm my ass back down, I head back inside, grateful that he can’t follow behind the automatic doors. My phone vibrates in my pocket, Daniel’s name flashing on my screen. Obviously, this asshole hasn’t taken the hint. Leave it to him to be a master of timing. Catching me now isn’t going to end well for him.

  “Yes, Daniel?” I bark into the phone.

  “Henley,” he sighs, sounding relieved. “I app
reciate you taking my call. To be fair, I hadn’t expected you to.”

  “Hmm.” Looking around to make sure Jace didn’t sneak in here somehow, I duck into the Nurse’s Lounge, away from nosy ears and prying eyes. “And yet you still called, didn’t you?” I bite out. “More than once.”

  “Henley, please listen.”

  “No,” I snap, turning all my frustration and anger at him. “You listen to me, asshole. I don’t know what it’ll take for you to realize we aren’t fucking together anymore. I mean that whole part where I divorced you should’ve been enough to make you get it through that round ass head of yours. But I’ll do you a favor and break it down simple like for your simple mind. You interfering in my life stops now. Dropping by or calling me like we’re best friends doesn’t happen again. And so help me God, Daniel, if you set up Donnie, you better get on the goddamn phone with that D.A. butt buddy of yours and make this shit right,” I warn, my voice turning frigid. “Because I promise you if anything happens to him because of what you’ve done, the hell I’m prepared to rain down on you will make you wish you’d never been fucking born!” I shout into the phone before ending the call. Staring at the screen, I blow out a ragged breath. “Hanging up on someone isn’t as much fun when you can’t slam down a receiver for emphasis.”



  Pulling onto the Road Warrior lot, I check the faces in the lot, looking for Mercury. The ride hasn’t done a damn thing to calm the urge I have to rip that bastard apart with my bare hands. I want fucking answers. The look on Stone’s face says he is right there with me.

  We trusted Mercury and his crew more than anyone we have ever worked with. After everything, all the years we have treated them like brothers, he threw us to the wolves. The rat bastard, turned his back on us for a fucking kick back, and whether he knew it or not, played a part in Huck’s death. Knowing someone we gave that amount of trust to has been involved this whole time, no matter how deep our loyalties have run in the past, is a goddamn betrayal.


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