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Shifter Page 21

by Jennifer Reynolds

  “Too late.”

  “Why? What did I do?” I instantly pull away from her and the door and begin examining her. I know the animal in me is waiting just inside, ready to take over, but I’m sure I hadn’t hurt her.

  “Not physically,” she says, stopping my roaming hands.

  “How then?”

  “I hurt knowing that you are going to leave, especially now that your wolf is coming back.”

  My wolf isn’t coming back, it is back, but I’m not about to tell her this.

  I pull her back to me, lower my head, and whisper into her ear. “I’m not ever leaving you.”

  “Don’t make promises. I’ll be with you. I want to be with you, but don’t make promises.”

  This time when I pull her into my arms, she wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me as if she is never going to see me again. I can feel her warm wetness against my erection.

  Deciding that I could probably control myself better on the bed, I carry her over to it and lay her down. I cover her body with mine, kissing her everywhere, touching, massaging, and fondling anything my fingers touch.

  When my hand slides between her legs and my fingers find her swollen clit, she screams, buries her fingers into my shoulder, and shutters. As I slide one finger into her, I bend my head and take one of her nipples into my mouth. She gasps and shutters again. I withdraw my hand and she whines.

  Smiling at her frown, I kiss her lips, then slide down her body. She watches me with bated breath. I keep my eyes locked on hers as I first kiss then bury my tongue between her folds. She nearly bucks me off, and I have to grip the sheets in my fist to keep from exploding too soon at the taste of her. Her body settles when I remove my mouth from her.

  The sensations are all too intense. Letting go of the sheets, I run my hands from her knees up the inside of her thighs, spreading her legs wide and gripping them tight, making a conscious effort to not bruise her. Lowering back down, I lightly kiss her lips, slipping my tongue slowly between them.

  Her body tries to jerk again, but I hold her tight. She calls my name, begs me to stop and give her more all in one breath. I lick, suck, flick, and delve into every inch of her until her orgasm comes and she screams my name.

  The second her orgasm hits, I jerk from between her legs, position myself at her opening, and slide inside of her. The feel of her spasming around me nearly sends me over the edge. Our eyes lock as I lean over her and kiss her. She wraps herself around me, and I begin to move in and out of her, stretching her orgasm out as much as I can.

  The feel of her is amazing. She is hot, slick, and just tight enough to comfortably engulf me without any pain or discomfort for her. It takes every ounce of control I have not to rush things. As it is, I’m not going to be able to last much longer.

  I slow a little, take her face in my hands, and begin kissing her. Impatient with my slowness, she begins to rock her hips against me, sliding me in and out of her. Her moans of pleasure at what she is doing cause me to grab her hips and stop her.

  She makes such a mournful noise that I almost give in to her needs. “Abby,” I growl, “if we don’t slow down, I’m not going to last.”

  “I don’t care. Come for me, please. We can always go again.”

  That is all the persuasion I need. Her harsh breathing and the noises she makes as I move faster and harder in her makes my need stronger. I watch her face as our combined movements tear a second orgasm from her. The feel of her body pulsing around me is more than I can handle. I hold out as long as I can, but my body shortly joins hers.

  When it is over, I wrap her in my arms, our bodies still attached, and kiss her. Every part of my body needing to drink her in, to consume her. My heart explodes with the knowledge that she is now mine. All mine. Forever.

  Chapter 26


  I want to cry. My heart is so happy. He wanted me. Had made love to me. I had given him the option, the permission to bed another woman, in my house, but he chose me.

  Oh my God, the sex was divine. I’m still in shock that I had two, count them two, orgasms. No man has ever given me two, let alone one with no clitoral stimulation. Don’t get me wrong, I have always found immense satisfaction in the act of sex, but I usually only have an orgasm if one of us is stimulating my clit in some fashion.

  I’m even happier by the fact that even though we are both sated he is still holding me tightly, our bodies are still joined, and his hands are continuing their exploration of my body as he kisses, licks, tastes everything his lips meet.

  In a matter of minutes, I feel him grow hard inside me, slowly filling and stretching me again. For a brief second, I worry that my body will not respond. Usually after an orgasm and one round of sex, I’m done for a while, but not this time. I feel the ache, the desire, the wetness, and my body begins to clench and move around him, pulling soft growls from him.

  “Your wolf is showing,” I whisper, laughing lightly after another of his growls.

  “I know. You broke the curse,” he says, slipping a hand between us to slowly massage my swollen clit.

  I start to say more, but his teasing silences me. My head rolls back, my eyes shut as I lift my pelvis to meet him.

  “I love you,” he whispers, kissing my neck. He says it so casually, it is as if he has been saying those words to me all of his life.

  At first, every ounce of my body focuses on what his fingers are doing and the way he slowly slides from my body, leaving only his head in my opening before sliding back in, that I don’t comprehend what he has said.

  When his words hit home, I freeze. I tilt my head to look up at him and into his dark, lusty eyes. I stare at him for a long moment, then say, “You don’t have to say that. If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve given myself to you.” I can’t keep the tremble out of my voice. I don’t want to pull a girly move and cry, but I’m afraid I might. If I were crying out of relief or happiness that might be one thing, but these tears are from sorrow and humiliation. Does he think he has to lie to me to sleep with me? Hello, he’s already inside me, he doesn’t have to say things he doesn’t mean.

  “I’m not saying it to get into your pants...damn it, woman,” he growls in frustration at my inability to believe what he truly feels for me.

  I whimper when he stops moving and removes his hand from between us. Thankfully, he doesn’t pull out. He grabs my legs and wraps them firmly around his waist. In a few quick movements, he is in a seated position with me in his lap, his penis still firmly secure inside me.

  “Look at me,” he commands, pushing my hair back from my face and tilting my head up to look at him. Begrudgingly, I turn my head. “I love you. I’m not saying it for any other reason, than it is how I feel. I have loved you for a long time.”

  “You don’t love me.” I cut him off unable to take the lie. “You’ve just spent too much time with me. I’m all you’ve known for months. I’m the easiest person for you to get to right now. Once you go home, you’ll see that you only thought you had feelings for me.”

  “Abby, I’ve been able to go home for nearly an hour. My curse is broken. You broke it. When you let me in, let me have you. When you accepted me for who and what I am, you broke my curse.”

  He was lying; he had to be. I studied his face for any hint of falseness, but saw nothing. Still I didn’t, couldn’t believe him. “I know better than that. It’s been wearing off for months now. Tonight just happened to be the night it finally broke. The events are purely coincidental.”

  “No, they’re not. The curse has been wearing off because of the way I feel about you. The more I grew to love you, the stronger I got. My feelings for you are also why Mave is after you. She doesn’t want you just because you’ve been housing me. She wants you because you have something she thinks she wants.”

  “Don’t tell me it’s your heart. That’s so romance novelish I might have to kick you out of my bed for saying it.”

  “It may be ‘romance novelish’, but it’s true. She did
n’t think I was capable of loving someone since I didn’t love her. I’m assuming she didn’t factor that into her curse. Plus, she figured the pound would have put me to sleep before I ever got the chance to fall in love.

  “The intense emotions I have for you enabled me to shift into my human form and have helped build my power. Now, I’m curse free, and I’m still here. In your bed. In you,” he says and moves his hips forward enough to send a shutter of pleasure through me.

  “I don’t know if I can say it back,” I say, letting a few tears slide down my cheek.

  He wipes them away and says, “I don’t expect you to. You haven’t known me as long as I’ve known you. I just want you to give me a chance. Let me love you. Let me take care of you. Let me keep you safe. Let me stay here with you, at least until we take care of Mave. I don’t want to crowd you or force you into anything you don’t want to do, but I need to stay until this situation is taken care of.”

  “I may not be able to tell you I love you, but I can tell you that I don’t want you to leave. Hell, I don’t ever want you to pull out of me,” I say and it is as close to my true emotion as I am willing to let myself experience. I wrap my arms around him and rock slowly in his lap, shuddering in the pleasure the movement gives both of us. He growls again, then kisses my neck, my nipples, and lightly down my shoulder.


  We are finishing our third round of exceptionally passionate sex when a harsh pounding interrupts us. We freeze and look around the room. The noise is so loud we both think that whatever is making it is coming from inside the room.

  “It’s coming from the living room,” Dimitri whispers in my ear, sending a chill down my spine.

  When the pounding comes again, I jerk my head in the direction of the noise, knowing I can’t see my front door from where I lay. I grunt and start to shift out from under him. He grabs my hips and keeps me pinned where I am. After lightly kissing my forehead, Dimitri whispers, “Ignore it,” in my ear, then proceeds to nibble it. I can’t believe he is willing and from the feel nearly ready to go again.

  “I can’t,” I laugh, pushing on his shoulder.

  “Why not?” he asks, shifting himself so that he is half-on and half-off me.

  “Because it’s like two in the morning. No one knocks on my door at two in the morning unless it is important.”

  “But I like where I’m at,” he says and moves slowly in and out of me.

  I moan and almost forget about the pounding, then it comes again, bringing me back to reality.

  “Believe me, I’m enjoying your location as well, but...” Another loud impatient knock interrupts me. “Whoever it is, is persistent.”

  Groaning, he slides slowly from me, making me seriously reconsider getting out of bed. By the time I have myself wrapped in my robe and am making my way down the hall, the knocking has become one long repeating noise.

  “I’m coming,” I shout, turning on the lamp nearest the entrance to the hall. Before I can put a hand on the doorknob, Dimitri grabs my hand and pushes me behind him, backing us toward the hall.

  “What’s wrong?” The fierce look on his face causes a knot of fear to tighten in my stomach.

  “It’s Mave,” he whispers as if the woman can hear our conversation.

  “I know you two are in there, now open up,” Mave shouts through the door, confirming his suspicion.

  “Not going to happen, Mave,” Dimitri shouts back.

  A second later, Sam, Devan, Dimitri’s parents, and a few pack members pop into my living room. Their presence comes just in time for my front door to start rattling.

  I grab a hold of Dimitri and ask what is happening.

  “She’s trying to get in,” he says, pulling me to him a little more tightly.

  A soft growl comes from my left, and I look over to see Devan glowering at us. I roll my eyes at him and turn back to Dimitri. That’s when my front door swings open so hard it slams into the wall, creating a doorknob size hole in the drywall.

  On my front porch stands Mave and...

  “Mark,” I scream and start to pull away from Dimitri. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but all of my instincts scream that I have to help him.

  “Abby, no,” both Mark and Dimitri call as Dimitri pins me firmly to him.

  “What do you want with him?” I demand of Mave, who is too busy glaring at Dimitri’s protective hold on me and our obvious nakedness under our robes, to answer me.

  “I’m going to kill him, right here and now if they don’t hand you over,” she says, gabbing Mark by the back of the neck.

  In an instant, every person in my house surrounds me.

  “That’s not going to happen, and you know it,” Dimitri’s father says.

  “Fine,” she says and moves her hands to cover both sides of Mark’s head. She is going to snap his neck. Right here in front of us all, she is going to spin his head like a top. I want to scream, but fear of what I’m about to see has rendered me mute.

  “I’ll go with you,” Dimitri says, freezing Mave’s movements and catching everyone else in the house’s attention.

  “No,” I cry, clutching him so tightly I can feel my fingernails penetrating his robe and burrowing into his arms.

  “Tempting, but I’m too pissed off to have this all be over this soon. I want her…for now.”

  “Why?” Devan asks.

  “Because your baby brother loves her. So much so, that he broke my curse. He is a real shifter again.” She says all of this mockingly. “Too bad you weren’t the better man, huh? If you had handed over your brother, you could have had the girl. I know you want her.”

  Dimitri and I turn to look at Devan. Dimitri seems surprised by Mave’s statement. I simply want to know if he is willing to take her up on her proposal. Devan appears to be unaffected by Mave’s words. I’m not sure how I feel about this. No, I don’t want him to be in love with me, but my ego likes the idea that he might be infatuated with me to the point of making the exchange.

  “You can’t have my brother. He may be a pain in my ass, but he’s still family. Now let go of the nice police officer before you get hurt,” Devan says, not taking his eyes off the front door.

  “Backup’s here,” Dimitri whispers in my ear.

  As soon as he says this, four people come out of the shadows behind Mave.

  “I know your puppies are behind me, Daniel. If you thought I came alone, you’re a fool.”

  “We know you didn’t,” Daniel replies unconcerned. “And there are a lot more of my people here than you think. But let me ask you one question. Despite all that is going on between you and Dimitri. What do you think they will say when they find out you initiated a war on human territory?”

  I lean into Dimitri and ask him who they are? He tells me that they are the Regent, the ruling council over all of the supernatural beings.

  A flash of panic crosses Mave’s eyes at the mention of them before she forces the emotion away and says, “If you fight me here, you will be as much to blame as I am.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t have other charges against me. Now, let go of the human or I call Serena.”

  Serena? I mouth to Dimitri. Dr. Smith, he mouths back, and I nod.

  Mave hisses, barks an order for her wolves to attack, whispers something into Mark’s ear, and throws him into my house. The pack members that were inside vanish and reappear outside. Oddly enough I don’t hear any actual fighting going on outside. There is the occasional grunt or growl, but nothing more.

  Sam and Dimitri’s mom rush to Mark who is convulsing on my living room floor.

  “That’s all right, Abby. If you won’t come to me to save his life, I know a few others you will willingly give your life for,” she says with a smile on her lips, then turns and runs from my door.

  “Carrie,” I scream. Without even asking me, Dimitri pulls me into his arms, and we disappear. Neither one of us stops to think how he knows where to go. We appear right in the middle of Carrie’s living room.

/>   We immediately split up. I look out the downstairs windows for any sign of Mave while Dimitri tries to sense her location. “She isn’t here,” he says quietly into my ear as I’m peering into the back yard. His voice startles me, and I jump a little.

  “Good.” The news calms me, and I start to head to my sister’s room, but Dimitri halts me. “You might be able to wander through your sister’s house half naked, but I don’t think you will like it if I do. Let me change our clothes.”

  “Will using that much power hurt you?”

  “Nah. I’m back to my old self. Very little will be able to sap my powers now.”

  In a blink of an eye, he is no longer wearing his old, plaid housecoat. Instead, he is wearing gray sweat pants and a white t-shirt. I am still in my robe. He steps to me, slides his fingers across my cheek until he is cupping my face, then bends down and places a soft kiss on my lips. I barely feel the soft whisper of my own robe disappearing as he replaces it with a soft cotton bra, silk panties, a pair of black yoga pants, and a stretchy pink baby doll top.

  “I hate pink,” I say when he steps away from me, letting me examine my clothes. Instantly the shirt changes from pink to a dark military green. He does it to be funny, but I like the color. “Perfect. Thanks.”

  He snarls. “I like the other color.”

  “Sorry, I’m not a pink person. Besides, I’d lay money that the silk panties you put on me are probably pink. You can look at those later, and get all the pink fix you need.”

  “It’s not the panties I’m craving.” He draws me close again and kisses me until I’m begging for breath.

  “Enough. We have a sister and kids to save from the big bad redhead,” I say, pulling away.

  “You go and get them. I’ll wait here.”

  “Shit, I forgot they don’t know you.”

  “They will shortly. Go.” He pushes me toward the stairs that lead up to where my sister and her kids sleep. I turn to see him go to the front window.

  As quietly as I can, I sprint up the stairs to my sister’s room. She used to sleep like the dead, but since she had kids, she sleeps so light that she is pulling her door open the second my foot hits the landing.


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