Night of the Fae (Ana Martin series)

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Night of the Fae (Ana Martin series) Page 22

by Lyneal Jenkins

  ‘Yes. Don’t start Ana. We need to stay to deal with the Fae when they come. Do you really want to be here when that happens?’

  I frowned and shook my head. ‘Can’t we all just leave until it’s over?’

  ‘They won’t give up,’ Eris told me. ‘Especially if they are aware we killed some of their own, they can be quite vengeful at times.’ To my amazement, she grinned.

  They were right, but it still felt as if I was being thrown out of the frying pan into the fire. ‘What if they find us?’ I whined.

  Gabriel knelt down in front of me. ‘Do you really think I would send off the two women who mean everything to me, if I thought the Fae would come looking anywhere other than here?’

  ‘No,’ I mumbled begrudgingly. If there was one thing I knew I could count on it was Gabriel’s protection of me. Unfortunately I could also rely on him being blind to his daughter’s potential for harm.

  ‘Good.’ He bent forward to kiss my nose before standing up. ‘I’m going to check with Adam. He is circling the perimeter so that we can get as much warning as possible if they come. Eris will be with you, so there is no need to worry.’

  ‘Be careful,’ I whispered even though he was already out of ear shot. I hugged the mug to my chest, feeling glum and nostalgic for the times before the Fae had come into our lives.

  ‘So you don’t like Suraya?’ Eris’ words interrupted my melancholy.

  ‘What makes you say that?’ I asked guardedly. As much as I had thought about talking to Eris about Suraya, I suddenly felt as if I would be going behind Gabriel’s back.

  She raised her eyes and laughed. ‘It may be impossible to read your emotions, but your body language is obvious.’

  I glanced at the door and sighed. ‘I can’t help it,’ I told her bluntly. ‘I have tried for Gabriel’s sake, but she’s impossible.’

  ‘She’s being difficult?’

  ‘That’s an understatement.’ I bent towards her and lowered my voice. ‘She has declared all-out war on me.’

  Eris studied me with interest as I explained about broken dishes, doors that were locked even when I turned the key and hidden items and how she had spat at me.

  ‘…and she is deliberately making me depressed,’ I finished.

  Eris abruptly stiffened and gave me a sharp look. ‘She wouldn’t manipulate your emotions,’ she said after a heavy pause.

  ‘She is,’ I told her curtly.

  Eris held up her hands in mock defence. ‘Look, I know Suraya can be closed off at times,’ she said. ‘But I’m confident that she would never do anything to you. She has been spoilt a bit, and that’s my fault as much as it is Gabriel’s. She didn’t have a mother and Gabriel and I both carried our own guilt for that, so I suppose, in a way, we tried to compensate for it by giving her more freedom than most.’

  I didn’t think that was the problem, Suraya wasn’t just spoilt; she was mean.

  I wanted to pursue the matter with her, but I could sense Gabriel was getting close and figured that it was him that I should really speak to about it all.

  ‘Will you help me pack my things?’ I asked him when he came in.

  ‘Of course,’ he said as he pulled on my extended hand to help me up.

  Eris frowned at me and I ignored it. The chances were that Gabriel would be of the same opinion that she was, but I had to try. I followed him up the stairs, trying to ignore Eris’ stare boring into my back.

  ‘You shouldn’t need much,’ Gabriel said as he pulled the suitcase from under the bed. ‘Hopefully it will be over in a few days and then life can return to normal.’

  I stood, twisting my hands together as he pulled my clothes from the wardrobe, with no idea how to start the conversation.

  ‘We will be fine.’ he said as he folded up a blue jumper and put it in the case.

  ‘It’s not that,’ I said nervously.

  He finally got the depth of my distress and quickly took me in his arms.

  ‘What is it?’ He took my chin in his fingers and lifted my face so that he could look into my eyes. His smile was so tender that I didn’t know how I was going to tell him the truth about his daughter. ‘Ana?’ he asked. ‘Talk to me.’

  ‘It’s Suraya,’ I said. His eyes narrowed and lips tightened as he pulled away.

  ‘I am not having this discussion now,’ he said tightly as he started throwing the clothes into my suitcase. ‘I know you have not exactly taken to Suraya, however, this is not the time to discuss those issues.’

  ‘I don’t want to go with her Gabriel.’ The words rushed from me. ‘She keeps doing things to me, and she is manipulating me, making me depressed.’

  He gripped the jeans in his hand tightly and turned to me. I had never seen such a cold look in his eyes as he stared at me.

  ‘That is enough.’ He spoke stiltedly and without warmth. ‘I will not have you speak such slander about her.’

  ‘It’s not slander if it’s true,’ I said weakly.

  He threw the jeans down onto the bed and stalked towards me, causing me to stumble backwards until I was pressed against the wall. Only then did he stop before me. He didn’t raise his hand, or threaten me verbally, yet for the first time ever, I was truly afraid of him.

  My eyes so wide I thought they might pop out of my head, I stared at him. My chin trembled and when I blinked, tears fell from my eyes. He didn’t blink, and his hands remained clenched at his side as he glared at me.

  ‘Are you saying that my daughter is no better than the Fae?’ he spat. My mouth stayed locked closed. ‘Well?’ he demanded.

  I took a deep, shuddering breath. ‘I’m just saying what she has been doing to get me away from you.’ It came out as a pathetic, hurt whisper, not the determined confidence I had been aiming for.

  I saw his hand shift and I threw my arms across my face. Nothing happened, yet my heart still beat wildly against my chest and in my ears as I cringed against the wall. His hands circled my wrists and I shuddered, before I realised that the touch was soft, not the aggressive pull I had expected.

  ‘Ana,’ he said as he gently lowered my hands. ‘I would never hit you.’

  I stayed silent, unable to stop the trembling of my chin that was so violent my teeth knocked together. I started crying. Not because of how he looked at me with dismay that I could ever think such a thing of him, but because of how, after so many years, I could still be so easily intimidated when confronted with anger.

  Gabriel led me to the bed, and sat down next to me. I kept my eyes on my lap as he took my hand in his.

  ‘I apologise for causing you to fear me,’ he said. ‘That was never my intention. However, you have to understand what you have accused Suraya of. Using our ability to harm someone in such a way is something that we would not do. Such actions are against one of our highest laws, one I know she would not break.’

  Even though my fear was evaporating, I stayed silent.

  ‘I know you have been extremely low recently,’ he said. ‘However, do you not think it is more likely due to everything that has happened? That your paranoia is causing you to blame Suraya?’

  ‘You think I’m imagining it?’ I said turning to him.

  ‘I believe that your illness is convincing you of things that are not real.’

  I sharply pulled my hands from his. ‘Did it make me imagine her spitting in my face?’ I demanded.

  ‘She spat at you?’ he asked in amazement.


  His lips pressed together as he closed his eyes and rubbed his hand across his face.

  ‘That is unacceptable,’ he said eventually. ‘And I will speak to her about it. However, she is not the one making your depression worse. You need to believe that. I know my daughter, and I can promise you that she would never harm you in any way.’

  I didn’t think that he knew his daughter very well at all, but I could see that my protests would fall on deaf ears.

  ‘Can’t I go to Maria’s instead?’ I asked, though it was more of a wh

  Gabriel sighed loudly, and even though his hands didn’t clench, they twitched as if he had only just stopped himself in time.

  ‘I don’t want to argue with you today Ana. Suraya can protect you if the need should arise. Which I’m sure it will not,’ he added quickly. ‘However, just in case, I want you with her.’

  I looked down and bit my lip.

  ‘Do you trust me?’ he asked.

  I nodded, though when it came to Suraya I wasn’t so sure.

  ‘Then trust me with this,’ he said as he moved to kneel in front of me. ‘Please.’

  He was giving me no choice. If I trusted him, I had to trust her.

  ‘Okay,’ I said against my better judgement. ‘I’ll go with her.’

  ‘Do you promise you will be careful?’ Eris raised her eyes at my worried question. I had finished packing up the few things that I would need if we were away for a while, Gabriel was off talking tactics with Adam, and Eris had been left to baby sit me as my anxiety levels rose.

  ‘Ana, this is what I do remember.’ She paused to beam at me before continuing, ‘To be honest I have to thank you. I’m really looking forward to it, the more the better.’ A hard glint came into her eyes and her smile was deadly.

  ‘I know. I can’t help but worry about you all.’ I sighed as I dropped onto the sofa. ‘Maybe I should stay in case I can do anything to help.’

  ‘You would just be a liability.’ She joined me, settling herself at the edge, so that her body was turned to face mine. ‘Anyway do you really want to be here?’

  I thought about it for a moment. There had been many occasions since the night of the Fae that I had fantasised about being able to confront them. The problem was that the reality would most likely turn out very different to what I imagined. I shivered as the memory of their hateful eyes came to mind.

  ‘Of course not,’ I told her. ‘I just feel guilty about leaving you all with my mess.’

  ‘Self-pity isn’t going to change the situation,’ she said sternly. ‘This may well have happened anyway, even without you capturing their attention. The Fae have been a problem for us for many years now, one that I hope to eradicate in time.’

  As we sat in silence, I thought about the upcoming battle that they would all have to face. ‘Can I ask you something?’

  ‘You can,’ she laughed. ‘But I don’t promise to answer.’

  ‘Why do you do it? What makes you chase down the Fae?’

  ‘Like I said, they are a problem and I take pleasure in wiping them from existence.’ The coldness of her voice left no room for me to doubt the dark satisfaction she took from killing them.

  ‘I get that, what I don’t understand is why. You don’t just kill what you come across. It’s almost as if you are looking for something in particular, like something is fuelling your passion to find them.’

  She sighed loudly as she relaxed back into her seat. ‘You are quite perceptive at times. I wonder if Gabriel really understands how much you really see.’

  I doubted it very much, though it was difficult to tell at times.

  ‘So I’m right then?’


  I waited for her expand, but she sat silently.

  ‘Well?’ I prompted.

  Eris sighed. ‘There are things happening that are so much bigger than the Fae, and Gabriel will be annoyed if I tell you.’

  ‘Maybe Gabriel should stop deciding things for me.’ I couldn’t help the irritation coming through in my voice. ‘Maybe if he had told me about the Fae to start with, I could have been better prepared when I saw them.’

  ‘That’s not fair on him,’ she chided me. ‘He just wants to protect you, and prevent you living in fear.’

  ‘I know.’ I felt remorse for my words, but I still wasn’t willing to let it go. ‘It’s too late now though, I am already as afraid as I’m going to be. At least if I know everything I can be better equipped to deal with it as it comes up.’

  ‘That’s true,’ she sighed to my surprise, I had been prepared for more of a fight. ‘But how about we focus on one problem at a time?’

  ‘Will you tell me after this is over though?’

  ‘If and when it’s needed,’ she said. Even though I hadn’t exactly extracted a promise out of her, I decided to let it go for the present. She was right, there were other things that needed our attention at the moment.

  ‘Where will I be going with Suraya?’ I asked changing the subject. The thought of spending time alone with the devil woman was playing heavily on me.

  ‘Gabriel will organise it with her. Don’t worry, it will be somewhere safe.’

  ‘From the Fae,’ I muttered.

  ‘Let it go Ana,’ Eris warned me. She said it as if she was reprimanding a small child for bad behaviour and I began to feel a little guilty. ‘Why don’t you get your bag down and put it in the car as Suraya will be here soon.’

  Maybe they were all right and I was just over reacting, though somehow I didn’t believe it.

  My agitation levels rose as Suraya sauntered through the door and I gritted my teeth. I wished Eris had accompanied me to the kitchen and I hoped she would finish whatever she was doing soon as I wasn’t eager to start my time alone with Suraya just yet.

  ‘Can we talk please?’ Her voice startled me, not because she had spoken, but because it wasn’t full of the spitefulness she usually directed at me. Although I couldn’t feel anyone else’s presence, I still looked around as she was only ever amicable when there was someone to witness it.

  ‘What?’ I watched her cautiously, waiting for the torrent of grief she was most likely about to send my way.

  ‘I just want to say I’m sorry for everything I have put you through lately. I know I have been hard.’

  Although there were signs of remorse on her face I didn’t trust her one bit, I had seen how easily she could convince those around her and I had no intention of following the crowd.

  ‘There is no one here to hear it Suraya,’ I told her icily. ‘You should save that line for when Eris comes downstairs, maybe she will buy it.’

  ‘Please Ana.’ She reached her hand towards me and I flinched. ‘I really do want to make amends with you.’


  ‘Because I love my father.’ She sounded genuine, but I had never doubted her love for Gabriel, only the morality of her actions towards me. ‘Because it hurts him that we don’t get along,’ she continued. I groaned inwardly as I realised that Gabriel must have talked to her, though I didn’t believe for one minute that talking had solved all our problems.

  ‘Sorry Suraya. I don’t buy it. Why don’t you just tell me what are you up to and we can carry on with the charade in front of your father?’

  ‘I know you have no reason to believe me,’ she said sadly. ‘I would expect nothing else after the way I have treated you. But I do really mean it when I say I want us to rectify our differences.’

  As a single tear started its way down her cheek I could feel my resolve beginning to weaken. Was it possible that Gabriel was right? That it was my own paranoia that was at fault, fuelled by her actions towards me? It didn’t seem likely, but Gabriel and Eris were so sure that she would never do such a thing that I had to question my own judgement. For the first time in years, I felt unable to trust my own instincts.

  I stood awkwardly with my back to the wall, not sure how to proceed, only able to watch as the tear reached her jaw line and dripped on the floor. When I saw another one well up to take its place, I sighed loudly, if not a little hesitantly.

  ‘A fresh start?’ I said, holding out my hand, all the while praying that I wasn’t being played.

  ‘Definitely,’ she smiled as she took hold of my hand and shook.

  The atmosphere in the kitchen was heavy with tension and excitement, the intensity of it making me feel jittery.

  ‘Your instructions to the safe house,’ Gabriel told me as he handed me a scrap of paper.

  Unable to speak in case I should cry, I
nodded. I was never any good at goodbyes and this one was harder than ever before. Determined not to let him sense my feelings, I swallowed them down while smiling weakly at him. I stepped back to allow Suraya the chance to hug her father farewell.

  When I focused on Eris I could see that all the excitement was coming from her, she was practically buzzing with it.

  ‘You have Adam’s number in case you can’t reach Gabriel on the house phone?’ she asked. When I nodded, she continued her tone light and happy. ‘Hopefully they will attack sooner rather than later.’

  ‘You don’t have to sound so pleased with it,’ I muttered.

  She grinned and stuck out her tongue at me. ‘Don’t spoil my fun,’ she laughed. I couldn’t help but smile, if not a little weakly.

  ‘To think I had begun to wonder how I had ever been afraid of you when I first met you. You are scarily relaxed Eris, it’s disconcerting.’

  ‘Me?’ she exclaimed. ‘I just know how to have a good time.’

  I laughed faintly as I turned to Adam, who stood stiffly without expression. ‘Good luck,’ I told him. He responded with a curt nod before stalking off. Some things just never changed.

  Gabriel gave me one last lingering kiss goodbye and it took every ounce of strength I had to let him go. I hesitated several times as I trudged down the path, sure that my body was going to refuse to let me to leave. I only continued as I knew Gabriel would never allow it.

  Suraya asked me if she could drive. My first instinct was to refuse, but when I saw Gabriel gazing at us from the doorway, I bit back my words and nodded in agreement before reluctantly getting into the passenger side.

  Although I could still feel her anxiety, all outward signs of her distress were gone as she started telling me the things we were going to do while we were away. I tuned out her excessive chattering, which I figured was due to nerves, and prayed to God like I never had before, promising him anything, if only he would allow the three people left behind to survive.

  After a couple of hours of being on the road I became aware that Suraya had finally stopped talking. Taking in my surroundings, I checked the instructions Gabriel had given me before saying anything.


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