Air Force, U.S. ; Reserve
Air National Guard
Air War College
Alabama; civil rights legislation
opposed by; Republican Party in,
; violence against civil
rights activists in
Alabama, University of
Albee, Edward
Alcorn, Meade
Aldrich, Nelson
Alger, Bruce
Ali, Muhammad
Allen, Steve
Allen-Bradley Company
Allot, Gordon
All the King’s Men (Warren)
Alpaca (Hunt)
Alsop, Joseph
Alsop, Stewart
America First Committee
American Aggregates
American Airlines
American Bar Association
American Bar Association Journal
American Broadcasting Company
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) ; Academic
Advisory Board of
American Ethnology, Bureau of
American Federation of Labor; see also AFL-CIO
American Jewish Congress
American Legion
American Medical Association (AMA) ; Political Action
Committee of
American Motors Corporation
American Opinion magazine
American Political Science Association
American Psychoanalytic Association
American Security Council Report of the Air (radio show)
Americans for Constitutional Action (ACA)
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)
Americans for Goldwater
American Society of Newspaper Editors
American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T)
American University
American Veterans Committee
America, Wake Up! (radio show)
American Youth for Democracy
Anderson, Admiral George W.
Anderson, John
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Tom
Andrews, T. Coleman
Angleton, James Jesus
Annenberg, Walter
Appalachian Spring (Copland)
Appling, Howell
Appropriations Act (1942)
Arendt, Hannah
Arizona: Democratic Party of,
Republican Party of,
; State
Arizona, University of
Arizona Federation of Labor
Arizona Republic
Arkansas Supreme Court
Arms Control Agency, U.S.
Army, U.S.,
Air Corps; Special
Warfare Center; War College,
War Plans Division
Ashbrook, John
Associated Press (AP)
Atlanta Constitution
Atlantic Monthly
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Atomic Energy Commission Proving Grounds (later Nevada Test Site)
Avondale Mills
Babbitt (Lewis)
“Baby Tooth Survey”
Baker, Bobby
Baldwin, James
Baptists; Southern
Barnes, Mrs. A. Dabney
Bamett, H. Ross
Baroody, William J., Jr.
Barr, Charlie
Barry Goldwater: Extremist of the Right (Cook)
Bauman, Bob
Bauman, Carol Dawson
Baylor University
Bay of Pigs invasion
Bean, Louis
Beck, Dave
Bell, Daniel
Bell & Howell
Benson, Ezra Taft
Berlin crisis
Bernbach, Bill
Bible, Revised Standard Edition of
Birch, John; see also John Birch Society
Birmingham News
Birth of a Nation, The (film)
Bishop, Joey
Black Muslims, see Nation of Islam
Blackwell, Mort
Bliss, Raymond
Blue Book, The
Boeing Aircraft Company
Boggs, Hale
Bolshoi Ballet
Bookbinder, Hyman
Borg-Warner Corporation
Bork, Robert
Boston public schools
Boston Strangler
Boulware, Lemuel
Boutwell, Albert
Bowles, Chester
Boy Scouts of America
Boysen, Rudolph
Bozell, L. Brent
Bozell, Patricia Buckley
Braden, Spruille
Bradlee, Ben
Bradley, Harry Lynd
Bradley Foundation
Brandt, Willy
Braque, Georges
Brave New World (Huxley)
Brennan, Walter
Bretton Woods Conference
Brewster, Daniel B.
Brewster, Owen
Bricker, John
Bricker Amendment
Bridge at Andau (Michener)
Bridges, Delores
Bridges, Harry
Bridges, Styles
Brinkley, David
Broder, David
Bronx High School of Science
Brooke, Ed
Brookings Institution
Brophy, Frank Cullen
Brown, Archie
Brown, Edmund “Pat”
Brown, George
Brown, Phyllis
Brownell, Herbert
Brown University
Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryce, James Bryce, 1st Viscount
Buckley, William, Sr.
Buckley, William F., Jr. ;
background of; distancing from
far-right extremists of;
excluded from Goldwater campaign,
; McCarthy defended by
; National Review founded by,
Young Americans for Freedom
convention address of
Bull Moose progressives
Bundy, Edgar C.
Bundy, McGeorge
Bundy, William
Bunker, Colonel Laurence E.
Burch, Dean ; appointed Goldwater’s
assistant campaign manager; and
California primary; Ku Klux
Klan endorsements welcomed by;
at 1964 Republican convention,
391; and Oregon primary;
Republican National Committee
chairmanship of,
; televised speech by
Burger, Warren
Burnham, James
Burns, James MacGregor
Burton, Richard
Bush, Prescott
Business Week
Butler, John Marshall
Butler University
Byrd, Harry Flood
Byrd, Robert
Caddy, Douglas
Caen, Herb
Calder, Alexander
Calhoun, John C.
California: Democratic Party of ; far right in; Nixon’s
gubernatorial bid in;
primary in,
; Proposition 14 in,
; racial discrimination in,
Republican Party of
California, University of; Berkeley ; Los Angeles (UCLA)
Californians for Goldwater
California Real Estate Association
California Republican Assembly (CRA)
Cal Students for Goldwater
Campaign for the 48 States
Campbell, W. Glenn
Camus, Albert
Candy (Southern)
Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman)
Capital Times
Caplin, Mortimer
br /> Caray, Harry
Cardinal Mindzenty Society
Carlino, Joseph
Carmichael, Stokely
Carson, Rachel
Carter, Asa
Carto, Willis
Case, Clifford
Case for a Republican Congress, The (film)
Case for the South, The (Workman)
Castro, Fidel
Catholics ; anticommunism of ; civil rights movement opposed
by; fundamentalist Christian
attitude toward; and Jenkins
incident; parochial school
students; and Rockefeller’s
remarriage; Vietnamese
Catholic University
CBS Reports
Cellers, Emmanuel
Census Bureau, U.S.,
Central Arizona Project
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chafee, John
Chagall, Marc
Challenges We Face, The (Nixon)
Chamberlain, Neville
Chambers, Whittaker
Chancellor, John
Chandler, Norman
Chapman, Bruce
Chapple, Ben
Charleston News and Courier
Charlotte Observer
Chase Manhattan Bank
Chessman, Caryl
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago, University of
Chicago Daily News
Chicago Defender
Chicago Human Relations Commission
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
China: Communist ; during World War
II; Nationalist, see Taiwan
China Lobby
China Medical Board
Chodorov, Frank
Choice (film)
Choice Not an Echo, A (Schlafly)
Chotiner, Murray
Chou En-lai
Christian Anti-Communism Crusade
Christian Crusade
Christopher, George
Chrysler Corporation
Chubb Fellowships
Church, Frank
Churchill, Winston
Churchman, The (journal)
Cincinnati Milling Machine Company
Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S.
Citizens Councils
Citizens for Boston Public Schools
Citizens for Eisenhower-Nixon
Citizens for Goldwater
Citizens for Goldwater-Miller
Civil Rights Act (1957)
Civil Rights Act (1960)
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Civil War
Clark, Jim
Clark, Joseph
Clark, Kenneth
Clay, Cassius (Muhammad Ali)
Clay, General Lucius
Clayton, Peter H.
Clemenceau, Georges
Cleopatra (film)
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Clifford, Clark
Clinton, Bill
Clurman, Richard
Coast Federal Savings & Loan
Coca-Cola Corporation
Coerver, Edna
Colby College
Cold War ; and Berlin crisis,
; Conscience of a
Cold War (cont.)
Conservative on;
Eisenhower on; far-right rhetoric
on; National Security
Council directive on; Nixon
and; Rockefeller and
Cole, Nat King
Coleman, J. D. Stetson “Stets”
Colgate University
College Young Republicans
Colorado Republican Party
Colorado River Commission
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Columbia Pictures
Columbia University
Commission on Civil Rights, U.S.
Committee Against Summit Entanglements
Committee for Public Morality
Committee for the Freedom of All Peoples
Committee of 50 States
Committee of One Million
Committee on Civil Rights
Committee on Economic Development
Communism on the Map (film)
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels)
Communists ,
; attempted takeover
of American Veterans Committee by,
Buckley on; Catholic
opposition to; Chinese, see China,
Communist; civil rights movement
Conscience of a Conservative on,
; Eisenhower Administration
and; far-right rhetoric against,
; FBI report
on; and foreign aid;
former, as anticommunist warriors,
Goldwater’s campaign statements
grassroots advances of; House
Un-American Activities Committee
and; and Kennedy
assassination; and
1948 election; Reagan and;
Southern fear of;
student unrest and; suspected,
; in Vietnam,
; young-conservative
opposition to; see also
Soviet Union
Communist Target-Youth (film)
“Compact of Fifth Avenue”
Comstock Act (1873)
Concord Monitor
Conger, Lyman
Congo, Democratic Republic of
Congress, U.S. ,
; civil rights legislation
in; deficit spending by,
Democratic control of;
Eisenhower and; Goldwater’s
campaign promises and; Johnson
and; joint sessions of,
urban renewal legislation in;
and Vietnam War; and War
on Poverty; during World War I
; see also House of Representatives,
U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congressional Quarterly
Congressional Record
Congress of American Industry
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO); see also AFL-CIO
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Connally, John
Conniff, Frank
Connor, Eugene “Bull”
Conscience of a Conservative
Conservative Party (California)
Conservative Party of New York State
Conservatives at Large (CAL)
Conservative Society of America
Consolidated Tribes of Wisconsin
Constitution, U.S. ;
First Amendment; Tenth
Amendment; Thirteenth
Amendment; Fourteenth
Amendment; Sixteenth
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Clifton
Cooper, John Sherman
Coordinating Committee for
Fundamental American Freedoms
Copland, Aaron
Corallo, Anthony “Tony Ducks”
Cordiner, Ralph
Cormier, Frank
Cornell University
Cotton, Norris
Council of Economic Advisers
Council on Foreign Relations
Courtney, Kent
Courtney, Phoebe
Crabtree, Nate
Crail, Joe
Crawford, Joan
Croll, Robert
Cronkite, Walter
Crucible, The (Miller)
Crump, E. H. “Boss”
Cuba ; campus unrest
blamed on; and missile crisis,
; see
also Bay of Pigs invasion
Curley, Boss
Curtis, Carl
Cushing, Francis Cardinal
Daily Californian
Daley, Richard J.
Dallas Mor
ning News
Daly, Lar
Dart, Justin
Dartmouth College
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
“Davy Crockett” nuclear device
Day, Jim
Deadlock of Democracy, The (Burns)
Dealey, E. M.
Debs, Eugene V.
Declaration of Independence
Defenders, The (television show)
Defense Department, U.S. (Pentagon)
de Gaulle, Charles
de la Beckwith, Byron
Deliver Us from Evil (Dooley)
Del Mar Community College
DeLoach, Deke
Democratic Party ,
African-Americans in; in
Buckley’s denunciations of; in
California; and civil rights,
334; control of Congress by,
; Doyle Dane Bernbach and,
1896 Convention of;
endorsements of ticket of;
government spending and; in
House of Representatives; in
Illinois; Johnson “Anti-
Campaign“ unit and;
landslide victory of; and local
election codes; Manion and,
in Massachusetts; in
Michigan; National Committee of
; in New
York; 1960
Convention of; 1964 Convention
of; in 1958 election; in
1960 election,
; in 1962 election,
primaries of;
unions and,
Wall Street and; Young
Americans for Freedom supporters in,
youth and
Democrats for Eisenhower
Democrats for Nixon
DePugh, Robert
Des Moines Register
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Dewey, Thomas E.
Didion, Joan
Did You Ever See a Dream Walking? (Buckley)
Diem, Ngo Dinh
Dillon, Douglas
Dirksen, Everett M.
Disney, Walt
Divini Redemptoris (Pope Pius XII)
Dr. Kildare (television show)
Dr. Strangelove (film)
Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak)
Dodd, Thomas J.
Dole, Bob
Dominick, Peter
Dooley, Thomas
Doolittle, General James
Dorn, William Jennings Bryan
Dos Passos, John
Downing Coal
Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB)
Drummond, Roscoe
Drury, Allen
Duke University Law School
Dulles, John Foster
Du Pont, Pierre
Dvorman, Joel
Dwinell, Lane
Earhart-Relm Foundation
East Germany (German Democratic Republic)
Eastland, James
Economic Opportunity Act (1964)
Economics in One Lesson (Hazlitt)
Edens, J. Drake, Jr.
Edison, Charles
Edson, Arthur
Ed Sullivan Show, The
Educational and Cultural Exchange Act (1961)
Edwards, Lee
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