Wallace; wedding of
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr.
Kennedy, Kathleen
Kennedy, Robert F. ; anticommunism of;
and civil rights;
as counsel to Senate Government
Operations Committee’s Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations,
IRS audits of
conservative organizations ordered by,
at 1964 Democratic Convention,
obscenity prosecution by,
senatorial campaign of
Kentucky Color and Chemical
Kerr, Clark
Kesey, Ken
Keynes, John Maynard
Key to Peace (Manion)
Khanh, General Nguyen
Khrushchev, Nikita ;
and Berlin crisis; removed from
power; Rockefeller and;
summit meetings with
Tito and; at United Nations,
visit to U.S. of
Kilpatrick, James
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr. ; anticommunist rhetoric against,
death threats against,
in demonstrations at 1960
Republican Convention; John F.
Kennedy and,
March on Washington
led by; Montgomery
bus boycott organized by;
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to;
Rockefeller and
Kinsey, Alfred
Kintner, Robert
Kirk, Russell
Kissinger, Henry
Kitchel, Denison ,
and announcement of
Goldwater’s candidacy;
background of; on campaign
plane; extremists
purged from campaign staff by,
and fund-raising; in John
Birch Society; and New
Hampshire primary;
newspaper column of; at 1964
Republican Convention; and
Reagan speech;
Rehnquist and; Republican
National Committee purged by;
(Clif) White and
Kitchel, Naomi Douglas
Kitman, Marvin
Kiwanis Club
Klein, Herb
Kleindienst, Richard
Klugman, Jack
Knebel, Fletcher
Knight, John Shively
Knott, Cordelia
Knott, Walter
Knott’s Berry Farm
Knowland, William
Knute Rockne, All American (film)
Koch, Fred
Kohler, Herbert V.
Kohler Company
Korean War
Kozak Drywash Cloth Company
Kristol, Irving
Krock, Arthur
Kubrick, Stanley
Kuchel, Thomas
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Kupcinet, Irv
Labor Department, U.S.
Lachaise, Gaston
Laird, Melvin
Lamphrey, Stuart
Lancaster, Burt
Landon, Alf
Lankier, Sandy
Lapp, Ralph
Lasky, Victor
Lattimore, Owen
Lawford, Peter
Lawrence, David
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
LBJ: A Political Biography (broadside)
Leary, Timothy
Lee, George Washington
Lee, J. Bracken
Léger, Fernand
LeMay, General Curtis
Lemnitzer, General Lyman
Lenin. I.
Leonard, Bill
Leonard, John
Lerner, Max
Lessons in Liberty (Manion)
Lewis. B.
Lewis, Fulton, Jr.
Lewis, Fulton “Buddy,” III
Lewis, Sinclair
“Liberty Amendment”
Liberty Bell Press
Lichenstein, Chuck
Liebman, Marvin
Life Line
Life magazine
Life of John Birch, The (Welch)
Lincoln, Abraham ; assassination of ; as automated figure at New York
World’s Fair; Emancipation
Proclamation of; and founding of
Republican Party; “house
divided” speech of; invoked by
Lindsay, John
Linen, James
Lingo, Albert J.
Linkletter, Art
Lipper, Elinor
Lippmann, Walter ; CBS Reports interview with,
far-right attacks on,
in Intercollegiate Socialist
Society; on “New Economics,”
on Taft
Lipset, Seymour Martin
Liston, Sonny
Little Rock Central High School, integration of
Lockport Felt
Lodge, George
Lodge, Henry Cabot ; as ambassador to
in New Hampshire
primary; at 1964
Republican Convention
; as Nixon’s running-mate,
in Oregon primary,
Loeb, John
Loeb, William
Lomax, Louis
London, Jack
London Daily Telegraph
London Times
Lonely Crowd, The (Riesman)
Lone Star Steel
Long, Huey
Long, Russell B.
Look magazine
Los Angeles Republican Central Committee
Los Angeles Times
Louis XIV, king of France
Louisiana: civil rights legislation opposed by; Republican Party of
Love, Bob
Loyola University (Los Angeles)
Lubell, Sam
Lucchese, Thomas “Three-Finger Brown”
Luce, Clare Boothe
Luce, Henry
Luke Air Force Base
Lukens, Donald “Buz”
Lumumba, Patrice
Lyons, Charlton H.
Lyons, Eugene
MacArthur, General Douglas
Macdonald, Dwight
MacNeil, Robin
Maddox (U.S. Navy destroyer)
Maddox, Lester
Maguire, Richard
Mailer, Norman
Maine Republican Party
Making of the President 1960, The (White)
Making of the President 1964, The (White)
Malcolm X
Malone, George
Manchester Union Leader
Manion, Clarence “Pat”
and coalition of
Taft Republicans and Dixiecrats,
Goldwater draft initiated by,
in John Birch
Society; at 1960
Republican Convention;
publication of Conscience of a
Conservative by; radio show
of; Schlafly and;
Taft supported by; during World
War II; Young Americans for
Freedom and
Manion Forum of Opinion (radio show)
Mansfield, Mike
Mao Tse-tung
Mardian, Robert
Marine Corps, U.S.
Marks, Leonard
“Mark Tidd” adventure novel series (Kelland)
Marley, James
Marshall, Burke
Marshall, General George C.
Martin, Dean
Martin, James
Martin, John Bartlow
Maryland: House of Delegates; primary in
Massachusetts: Democratic Party of;
Republican Party of; school
segregation in
Massey, Raymond
Massive Resistance movement
Matisse, Henri<
br />
Mayer, George H.
Mayer, William E.
May God Forgive Us (Welch)
Maytag. B. “Bud,”
Mazo, Earl
MCA talent agency
McCabe, Edward
McCabe, Thomas
McCarran, Pat
McCarthy, Joseph ;
Bozell and Buckley’s defense of,
death of; Goldwater’s
defense of; Protestant
clergymen denounced as Communists
by; Senate censure of;
(Margaret Chase) Smith’s
condemnation of; Welch’s
defense of
McCarthy and His Enemies (Buckley and Bozell)
McClellan, John
McClellan “Rackets” Committee
McCloskey, Matt
McCormick, Colonel Robert
McCrea, Joel
McDevitt, Chuck
McDonald, David
McElroy, Neil
McFarland, Ernest
McGhee, Frank
McGill, Ralph
McGraw-Hill Book Company
McGrory, Mary
McHugh. C.
McIntire, Carl T.
McIntyre, Francis Cardinal
McKeithan, John
McKneally, George
McLuhan, Marshall
McNamara, Robert
Meany, George
Mears, Walter
Mecham, Evan
Meet Barry Goldwater (film)
Meet the Press (television show)
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Memphis Furniture Manufacturing
Mencken, H. L.
Menjou, Adolphe
Meredith, James
Meyer, Frank
Michener, James
Michigan: Democratic Party in; Republican Party in
Michigan, University of
Michigan Daily
Middendorf, Bill
Midwest Federation of College Republicans
Mikoyan, Anastas
Military Order of the World Wars
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Henry
Miller, William E.
Miller, Mrs. William E.
Milliken, Gerrish
Milliken, Roger
Mills. Wright
Mindzenty, Joseph Cardinal
Minneapolis Tribune
Minow, Newton
Minutemen (Birchite guerrilla group)
Mises, Ludwig von
Missiles and Rockets (trade journal)
Mississippi; civil rights legislation
opposed by; Democratic Party of,
primary in; Republican
Party of; violence against
African-Americans in,
voter registration
campaign in
Mississippi, University of
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
Mississippi Freedom Summer
Missouri Young Republicans
Mitchell, Jim
Mitchell, Joseph
Mobuto, Joseph-Desire (later Mobuto Sese Seko)
Moley, Raymond
Molitor, Graham Thomas Tate
Molotov, Vyacheslav
Montgomery bus boycott
Moos, Malcolm
Moreno, Rita
Morgan Guarantee Trust
Morgenthau, Hans
Morgenthau, Robert
Morhouse. Judson
Morreel, Ben
Morrison, Frank
Morton, Thruston
Moscow Circus
Moses, Robert
Mosk, Stanley
Mothers for a Moral America
Moyers, Bill
Moynihan, Daniel P.
Mudd, Roger
Mullen, Robert
Mundt, Karl
Murphy, Frank
Murphy, George
Murphy, Michael
Murrow, E. Frederic
Murrow, Edward R.
Music Man, The (musical)
Mutual Radio Network
Nadasdy, Leonard
Nation, The
National Airlines
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
National Association of Americans for Goldwater
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
National Association of School Administrators
National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
National Catholic Welfare Conference
National Committee for Political Realignment
National Confectioners Association
National Conservative Council
National Cotton Council
National Council of Churches
National Defense Education Act (NDEA) (1958)
National Draft Goldwater Committee
National Enquirer
National Federation of Republican Women
National Guard
National Gun Alliance
National Independent Committee for Johnson and Humphrey
National Indignation Convention
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) (1935)
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
National Municipal League
National Press Club
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
National Review
National Science Foundation
National Security Council (NSC)
National Student Association (NSA)
National War Labor Board
National Youth Administration
National Youth for Eisenhower
Nation of Islam
Native Americans
Naval Academy, U.S. (Annapolis)
Navy, U.S.
Nelligan, William
Neuberger, Maurine
Neues Österreich
New Deal
“New Economics”
New Guard magazine
New Hampshire primary
New Republic, The
Newspaper Guild
New York: Citizens for Goldwater-Miller
in; Conservative Party of,
defense contracts lost
by; Democratic Party of,
open housing law in,
primary in;
racial discrimination in;
Republican Party of,
New York Daily News
New Yorker, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Mirror
New York Post
New York Review of Books
New York Times ; Book Review; Magazine
New York University
New York World’s Fair (1964)
New York Yankees
New York Youth Council to Abolish HUAC
Niebuhr, Reinhold
1984 (Orwell)
Niven, Paul
Nixon, Hannah Milhous
Nixon, Julie
Nixon, Patricia Ryan
Nixon, Richard M. ,
gubernatorial bid of,
campaigns for Goldwater,
1960 candidacy of,
1964 candidacy of,
at 1964
Republican Convention;
Rockefeller and; in Senate;
as vice president
Nixon, Tricia
Nobel Peace Prize
Noble, John
None Dare Call It Treason (Stormer)
Nordberg Corporation
North American Aviation
North Carolina Republican Party
North Dakota, University of
Northwestern University
Notre Dame Unive
Novak, Robert
Nuclear Survival Company
Nutter, Warren
Oakland Tribune
Obregón, Alvaro
O’Brien, Larry
O’Donnell, Kenny
O’Donnell, Peter
Office of Economic Opportunity
Office of Price Administration, U.S. , III
Ogilvy, David
Ogilvy, Benson & Mather
O’Hair, Madalyn Murray
Ohio, University of
Ohio Citizens for Goldwater-Miller
Ohio State University
Oliver, Revilo
O’Neill, Bucky
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip”
One Man’s Opinion magazine
One World (Willkie)
On Target (newsletter)
Operation Abolition (film)
Operation Dixie
Opinion in the Capital (television show)
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Optimist Club
Oran, Harold L.
Orange County Industrial News
Orange County State College
Oregon primary
Organization Man, The (Whyte)
Orwell, George
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Otepka, Otto
Other America, The (Harrington)
Otis, General Harrison Gray
Oxnam, G. Bromley
Paar, Jack
Pacific Command, U.S.
Packard, Vance
Paley, William S.
Palo Dural Press
Parents and Taxpayers
Parents Workshop for Equality
Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Partisan Review
Pasternak, Boris
Paul VI, Pope
Pauling, Linus
Peabody, Endicott
Peace Corps
Peace-O-Mind Shelter Company
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on
Pearson, Drew
Pennsylvania, University of
Pennsylvania Republican Party
Pentagon, see Defense Department, U.S.
People’s World, The
Pepitone, Joe
Pepsi-Cola Corporation
Percy, Charles
Perez, Leander
Peter, Paul and Mary
Petticoat Junction (television show)
Pew, Howard J.
Peyton Place (television show)
Pfeiffer, Bill
Phelps Dodge Corporation
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philbrick, Herb
Phillips, Howard
Phoenix Gazette
Physicians for Goldwater
Picasso, Pablo
Pike, James A.
Pinkerton security officers
Pius XII, Pope
Playboy magazine
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Poindexter, Thomas
Point of Order (film)
Political Man (Lipset)
Politician, The (Welch)
Pollack, Sheldon
Polsby, Nelson
Pomona College
Potter. Lee
Powell, Adam Clayton
Powell, Jimmy
Power, Thomas
Price, Ray
Procter & Gamble
Progressive, The
Progressive Workers Party
Protestants; see also specific denominations
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