Kye's Heart rp-5

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Kye's Heart rp-5 Page 6

by Marisa Chenery

  Kye let go of her hand and pulled open the passenger door, holding it for her. Michaela got in and sat on the leather seat. Once he closed her in, he came around the back and climbed into the driver’s side. After turning the key in the ignition, the vehicle came to life, sounding like the expensive sports car it was.

  Out on the street, Kye drove in the direction of The Cliff House restaurant. Michaela still dreaded the thought of having to spend any time with Katy. At least, she wasn’t the skinny, ostracized teenager who Katy once took great joy in bullying. And having Kye at her side helped. Michaela turned to look at him. It probably got the bitch’s goat to see him with her. All she could say about that was good. Katy deserved it.

  Kye parked in an empty space next to the restaurant and turned off the car. Michaela got out and waited for him to join her before they headed inside. Katy was already there waiting for them. Michaela silently groaned when her nemesis spotted them and animatedly waved them over.

  “You made it,” Katy said. “I called earlier and got a reservation.”

  “Great,” Michaela said unenthusiastically. She looked the other woman over, noticing she wore something similar to her, only her blouse was much lower cut. And she had on more makeup.

  Katy talked to the hostess, and soon after, they were led to their table. It was round with four chairs. They took their seats, but Kye jumped up when Katy made sure to sit next to him. He went and sat on Michaela’s other side and shifted closer to her.

  Michaela looked over at Katy and had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop from laughing. Her nemesis’ smile had slipped a little, and the look in her eyes said she wasn’t too happy about Kye’s change in seating.

  A waitress came and took their drink orders before leaving them alone again. Michaela bent her head to the menu, trying to decide what she wanted to eat. She felt Kye’s shoulder brush hers as he opened his to do the same. The waitress returned with their beverages, then left after taking their food orders. Soon after, Katy started—what Michaela decided to call—putting her moves on Kye.

  “So, Kye,” Katy said, smiling while she leaned in closer to the table, giving a better view of the cleavage she had showing, “what do you do for a living?”

  He placed his arm around Michaela’s shoulders, his fingers stroking along the top of her arm. “I’m in the protection business.”

  “What kind? Like security systems and whatnot?”

  “No. I’m more of what you would call a personal bodyguard.”

  Katy’s gaze blatantly ran over his chest and arms before she licked her lips and looked back up at his face. “I see. I must say, you,” she gave another pointed stare, “have the body for it. Have you been in the business long?”

  “It seems as if it’s been forever. Not that I don’t like the job, because I do.”

  “And where did you meet Michaela?” Katy took a sip of her white wine.

  “At the zoo,” Kye answered, turning his head to meet Michaela’s gaze. “I saw her and instantly knew she was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my live with. I fell head over heels at first glance. I’ve waited a very long time to find her. She completes me.”

  Michaela felt as if she were falling into Kye’s eyes as he spoke. She couldn’t shake the impression he meant every word he said. That it wasn’t just for Katy’s benefit. And that he was telling her what was truly in his heart. He’d told her more than once she was the woman he wanted, but he’d never said it with such feeling before. She believed him now. Unable to look away from his gaze, what she felt for him deepened a little more. It also made her wish she could drag him out of the restaurant right now, take him to her apartment and make love to him for the rest of the night. The thought had her pussy growing wet.

  “Really?” Katy asked. “Not once did you second-guess yourself?”

  Kye took a deep breath and his grip tightened on Michaela ever so slightly, pulling her closer. “Really,” he said, his voice sounding a bit strained. “And why would I regret being with Michaela?”

  Katy snorted. “Come on, with your looks? No offense to Michaela, but you could get someone prettier with a snap of your fingers.”

  Kye’s head whipped around in Katy’s direction. From the deep scowl on his face, there was no missing the fact he had taken offense to what the other woman had said. “Just because you say you didn’t mean any offense to my wife doesn’t mean what you said will be excused.”

  Katy was saved from answering as the waitress showed up with their food. But Michaela saw the shocked expression her nemesis wore. She bet no one had talked to Katy like that in a long time, if ever. Kye had definitely brought her down a peg or two with his comment.

  Even though some of the company wasn’t her choosing, Michaela enjoyed her meal. And when Kye fed her from his fork, she saw Katy give them a look of disgust.

  It was after they had finished eating, but the dishes had yet to be taken away, did Kye stand and say he wanted to use the restroom. The uncomfortable feeling that washed through her at the thought of being left alone with Katy vanished as the other woman stood after Kye had gone and excused herself for the same reason. Michaela breathed a silent sigh of relief. She and Kye could ditch Katy soon and spend the rest of the night enjoying each other’s company.

  * * *

  After washing his hands, Kye turned off the water in the sink. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror on the wall in front of him. He didn’t see the telltale sign of the arousal coursing through him. He hated leaving Michaela alone with Katy, but he’d needed to use the toilet and put some space between them to get a better grip on his control. Sitting close to her, totally focusing on her alone, confessing his true feelings— even though she probably thought he’d put on a show for their dinner companion—had gotten him all worked up. But at least, the meal was over and he could get away from the self-centered woman and take his soon-to-be mate home.

  Michaela had been right about Katy being a bitch. He’d never wanted to slap a female as much as he did her, especially after her rude comment about Michaela. She had some nerve to say he’d basically settled for his mate. As if he’d ever want Katy instead. She wasn’t ugly, by any means, but her personality made her less attractive. At least, for him it did. His Michaela was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. He didn’t think she’d ever say something spiteful to anyone.

  After he dried his hands, Kye headed out of the restroom and exited into a short hallway, which was hidden from the main part of the restaurant by a short stretch of wall. Much to his disgust, Katy stood close to the doorway, looking for all the world as if she waited for him.

  “I’m glad I caught you alone,” she said.

  “Why?” The word came out sounding clipped.

  She took a step nearer, giving him what she probably thought was a sultry smile. It did nothing for Kye. If anything, it annoyed the hell out of him.

  “Without Michaela around, you can talk more freely. Say how you truly feel without having to worry about the consequences.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  Katy came even closer. “There’s no need to play stupid, Kye. It’s just the two of us. I know the things you said about being so in love with Michaela were just for her benefit. She’s a nobody and will always be one. She’s not even that pretty.” Her hand dropped and cupped his cock. Katy licked her lips and smiled. “I know you’re attracted to me. You’re hard.” She moaned. “I’m going to enjoy riding you.”

  Completely pissed off, Kye put his hand around her wrist and squeezed, painfully. He also let the anger he felt show in his eyes. The widening of hers told him his mutedly glowed. With a borderline growl lacing his words, he said, “You’ll take your hand off me unless you want it broken.” She released his dick, but he didn’t let go of her wrist. “Just to set things straight, I wouldn’t want you if you were the last woman on Earth. Now you’re going to go back to the table and apologize to my wife for insulting her.
I also suggest you leave, never to see Michaela again.”

  Kye released her with a shove. Katy stood there, her mouth working as if she tried to say something. To get her moving, he snarled his upper lip and growled softly. With a squeak, she turned and hurried away.

  “Now that’s what I call putting a woman in her place,” a man’s voice said from the entrance of the hallway.

  Kye looked in that direction and stiffened at the sight of Miles standing there. “What do you want?”

  Miles stepped farther into the hall. “I’m not following you, if that’s what you think. I’m here with friends. I happened to need to use the restroom, and here you are.”

  “Friends? I didn’t think you had any of those, unless you count all the lone wolves you’ve recruited to your side.”

  Miles’ eyes glowed for a split second with anger. “Those days are done. I no longer associate with the likes of them.”

  “So you expect me to believe that since finding out your daughter is the foretold one, you’ve turned over a completely new leaf? That one day you won’t up and change your mind about wanting to rule the packs yourself, through Jaden?”

  “I have, and I would never do anything like that to her. She’s my flesh and blood.”

  “So is Saskia, your own sister, and that didn’t stop you from sending one of your thugs to kill her mate. Eli barely survived.”

  Kye just stopped himself from saying that only Eli being turned into a werewolf had saved his life. As far as Miles knew, it wasn’t possible. He had no idea there was a spell only Roxie could use that would change a mortal into one of their kind, since she was the true foretold one.

  Miles sighed deeply. “I’ve come to regret that decision. I’ve apologized, even though it doesn’t make up for it. But believe me, those days are behind me. I want to be a better man for my daughter. I want to keep her safe just as much as all of you do. I know you won’t accept me back into the ranks of the Protectors, but I’m willing to take whatever you allow me.”

  “Does this newfound sense of duty extend to Saskia? And to Jaden’s unborn child?”

  “What?” Miles asked, a shocked expression on his face. “Jaden is pregnant?”

  Oh shit. Leif and Jaden obviously hadn’t yet told Miles about their good news. Hopefully, Leif wouldn’t want to kill him for telling his father-in-law about the baby. It didn’t matter, anyway, since Kye couldn’t take it back.

  “Ah, yeah, she is,” he said. “We just found out.”

  A wide smile broke across Miles’ face, then he hugged Kye, making him feel extremely uncomfortable. Kye had never taken Miles for the type to put on outward displays of emotion like that.

  Miles released him. “I’m going to be a grandfather,” he said exuberantly. “I have to call Jaden.”

  With another glowing smile, Miles turned on his heel and walked away. Kye hoped to hell he hadn’t messed things up for Jaden and Leif. Taking a big breath, he returned to his table.

  Michaela sat there alone with Katy nowhere in sight. She smiled. “There you are. I wondered if everything were all right, especially after Katy came back from the restroom, mumbled an apology and almost ran out of here.”

  “Sorry,” he said as he sat next to Michaela. “I was held up by a couple of people.” At that moment, Miles walked by the table with his cell phone held to his ear and gave him the thumbs-up sign.

  “Who is that? Was he one of the people you mentioned?”

  Kye waited until he saw Miles leave the restaurant. “He’s an old acquaintance. And yeah, he was one of them.”

  “And the other person?”

  “Let’s just say Katy decided to corner me, but I convinced her she’d made a terrible mistake. I doubt you’ll ever see or hear from her again. I wasn’t exactly nice about it.”

  “What did she do?” Michaela asked.

  Kye put his arm around her shoulders and brushed a kiss across her lips, quite happy to see the indignant expression on his mate’s face on his behalf. “She basically offered herself to me and got a little grabby.”

  Michaela narrowed her eyes. “Grabby how?”

  He took a quick look around the restaurant to make sure no one watched, then took Michaela’s hand and placed it on the bulge in the front of his jeans. “She mistakenly thought it was her that has me in this condition. I set her straight, though. It’s all for you.”

  Seeing the hungry look in Michaela’s eyes, his cock jerked under her hand. A very quiet, breathy moan pushed past her lips as her grip tightened on him. It took everything Kye had not to shove the dirty plates off the table and strip her naked, so he could finally ease the raging desire she stirred inside him.

  His voice rough with need, he moved her hand away, and said, “Let’s get out of here. You’re my dessert and I want it now.”

  Michaela silently nodded, but with his acute hearing, he was able to hear how fast her heart beat. He looked around the room, caught sight of their waitress and waved her over to the table.

  Once she stood next to him, he asked, “Can we have the bill?”

  “That won’t be necessary, sir. The woman who was with your party paid it on her way out.”

  “In that case, here’s a tip for you.” Kye took out his wallet and handed her some money.

  “Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  “Oh, we will,” he said as he helped Michaela to her feet before ushering her out of the restaurant.

  Chapter Seven

  The ride back to her apartment just seemed to blur all together for Michaela. She felt as if Kye had just let her into his car, and then the next thing she knew, he had pulled into a visitor parking spot at her building. Granted, she’d spent the entire trip staring hungrily at Kye. After feeling how hard he was back at the restaurant, all she wanted was his big cock buried deep inside her.

  And this time, she wouldn’t be denied. There really wasn’t any reason to wait. She felt as if she knew a fair amount about Kye, and making love would only bring them closer together.

  It didn’t take them long to arrive at her apartment door. Michaela unlocked and pushed it open before she strode in ahead of Kye. Once he was inside, she shut it and locked it. They walked into the living room where she threw her purse on the couch. The next thing she knew, Kye pulled her into his embrace and his mouth came down on hers.

  Michaela wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the held back lust coursing through her body. Her pussy throbbed, aching to be filled, as wetness pooled between her legs. She threaded her fingers through the hair at the back of Kye’s head and angled her mouth over his for a tighter fit. His tongue pushed past her lips and stroked hers, the taste of him making her moan.

  Kye’s hand came up and covered one of her breasts, plucking the nipple through the material of her blouse. It grew taut in response. Michaela pushed along him, rubbing against the hard length of his cock. He sucked on her tongue, groaning as his other hand dropped to her ass, hauling her even closer.

  The sound of their heavy breathing filled the room. Kye’s kiss turned more demanding, taking her lips like a starving man. Michaela clung to him, becoming more turned-on, wanting what only Kye could give her.

  Breaking contact with his mouth, she stepped out of his arms. “I want you naked and on my bed,” she said as she reached for his hand.

  “I can’t think of anything else I want more than stripping you out of your clothes,” he huskily replied.

  When his fingers closed around hers, Michaela led Kye to her bedroom. Once inside, she headed straight for the bed. Standing at the end of it, she locked gazes with him, reaching for the buttons on his shirt and undoing each one. She then parted the material, slid it over his shoulders and down his arms. She didn’t think she’d ever get enough of looking at his body.

  After taking a step forward, she placed kisses across his wide chest. At his flat nipples, she dragged her tongue across each one. They pebbled beneath it. Looking down, she set to work openi
ng his jeans. That job done, she pushed them past his hips until they fell down his legs to pool at his ankles. Kye toed off his shoes, stepped out of his pants and kick them away.

  Michaela’s gaze drifted along his body. It became focused on his cock. He was fully erect, his shaft sticking out straight from his body. She licked her lips at the sight of the small bead of pre-cum that appeared at the slit.

  “Your turn,” Kye’s voice came across as a sexy rumble.

  As she’d done to him, he undid the buttons on her blouse and took it off. The bra she wore soon followed. As he worked on her jeans, she used her toes to push down the straps of her high-heeled shoes and kicked them away. Kye took hold of the now open waistband of her pants and shoved them past her hips. He continued to follow them downward until he knelt at her feet to help her remove it.

  His large hands dragged down her panties. Michaela held onto Kye’s shoulders for balance as she stepped out of them. She only had a second to tighten her grip as he nudged her legs farther apart and licked her pussy. He sucked and lapped, sending her body into overdrive. Her legs shook the higher he pushed her arousal. If not for his hands on her hips holding her steady, she wouldn’t have remained upright.

  Kye drove her to the very brink of climax before he pulled away. Michaela whimpered, feeling the loss of his tongue. He stood and lifted her off her feet at the same time. He brought her down on the bed and stretched out on his side next to her. He claimed her lips in a heated kiss.

  Needing to touch Kye, Michaela trailed her fingers down his chest. His stomach muscles jumped as she caressed his abs. Lower she went until she brushed against the head of his cock. He moaned into her mouth when she wrapped her hand around his shaft and stroked him up and down. The feel of him made her pussy ache to be filled.

  Michaela shifted to lie facing Kye. She continued to pump his erection as her wetness leaked onto her inner thighs. She wanted him. Wanted him buried so deeply inside her she wouldn’t be able to tell where she ended and he began. She knew he’d give her a good ride. His cock was big enough he’d fill her all the way up.


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