Revved Up Hearts: An MC Romance (Steel Knights Book 2)

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Revved Up Hearts: An MC Romance (Steel Knights Book 2) Page 1

by Liz K. Lorde


  Title Page


  Other Works by Liz



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Author’s Note

  Newsletter 2

  Connect With Liz

  Revved Up Hearts

  (Steel Knights #2)

  Elizabeth Kathryn Lorde

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  Revved Up Soul - Steel Knights Book #1 - An MC Romance: you can find it on amazon here

  To all my beautiful readers, to my family, to my love.

  Copyright © 2016 Liz K. Lorde All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One


  The rope bit down hard against her ankle. Jasmine tossed and turned relentlessly in the trunk of the car; every so often her tightly wound body would be thrown into the air – her head throbbing in agony, that terrible coppery smell pricking at her nose. The car reeked of piss and the familiar smell of iron; Jasmine’s delicate nose twitched in disgust, she realized then it had to be blood. You have to get out of here, she thought, if you don’t – they’ll kill you. The bloody vision flashed through her mind and a cold shiver ran her through. She wished that Luke were here, but knew that for once – she was truly alone.

  But not helpless.

  Come on, she thought. Jasmine pulled at the ropes with the tips of her fingers; every attempt seemed only to make the strands feel further and further away. Hopelessness and dread cloaked her and her breaths came quicker now. Maybe there’s no getting out of this one. Is this really it?

  Earthly brown and sky blue eyes swam into the vision of Jasmine’s mind. Give me strength, my heart. Please.

  The car made a sharp turn and Jasmine slid hard in the trunk. She let out a grunt against the cloth rag that had been stuffed into her mouth, sealed hastily with duct tape. Jasmine’s fingers worked at the end of the knotted ropes, picking at them with her fingernails meticulously, repeatedly. I will not die today. Not today. She squirmed around in her rolling coffin, a layer of sweat beginning to form now. If there’s one thing I’m going to teach this asshole, it’s not to mess with someone who knows about major arteries.

  Letting out another quick breath of air, Jasmine spied something. A strip of iron. She knew that she had to get to it, knew that if she didn’t, it would cost her life.

  Jasmine remembered Luke’s words then, remembered who she still needed to forgive, and steeled herself for the moment to come.

  Chapter Two


  I never thought I’d see the day that a man so imposing looked so out of place, Jasmine mused. Luke Reynolds was wearing his traditional getup. Club jacket, a dark blue v-neck and a pair of torn up jeans. So much for telling him to dress up nicely. Jasmine was dressed resplendently in her red dress, which hugged all of the right places on her curvaceous body – a hole across her chest revealed the beauty of her full and ample cleavage.

  Lifting up her glass of wine, Jasmine gave a wry smile, “I’ve seen you dress casually,” she said, “once.”

  Luke’s voice was rough as gravel, dark as night; though she could hear the sweet undertones, “Once,” he replied, drinking a swig of his bottle of beer. “I have a certain style to maintain,” he continued, “a reputation. F’I start dressing otherwise, people might be under the impression that I’m not who I present myself as.”

  Playfully, Jasmine tugged on the hole of her dress, revealing just a smidgeon more of her sun-kissed skin. Luke’s eyes locked on that point, widening slightly, “For a man you care a lot about presentation,” she replied, “so what’s my style then, steel cowboy.” She couldn’t resist teasing him, it was too much fun – plus if she kept doing as she was, maybe he’d take those frustrations out on her later. She felt oddly guilty, and oddly shameful at that – to feel pleasure from pain, to be made so blissful from being taken in such rough manners. The heart and the head want what they want, she thought.

  Luke swept his hand through his jet hair, “Lookin’ hot as sin,” his differently colored eyes, one blue as the arctic and the other dark as soil, took all of her in, unquestionably undressing her in his mind. She felt conflicted at him saying as such, on the one hand – she did feel pretty tonight, on the other, she had continued to notice the faint scarring on her neck and right shoulder. The memories made her shutter a moment, the slightest touch of sick gracing her chest and her stomach. Jasmine had been in accidents and hurt herself plenty over the years, but being so viciously attacked? She was sure that she would die that night.

  The waiter came by again, his hair done in a ponytail. His eyes only quickly glancing at her body, trying to be sneaky about it. “Everything okay?” He asked, “whenever you guys are ready to order just give me a wave down, or, if you’re ready now…” his tag read ‘Jan Michael-Vincent’.

  Luke spoke up, “We’re good.”

  The Waiter nodded quietly, eying Luke curiously – they probably never get someone like him in here.

  “I’ll have the Porterhouse, rare, and a side of steak fries – extra salt,” Luke’s smirk widened half an inch as his eyes went to Jasmine, “my girl here’ll have the #6 Salmon.”

  Wow did he really just order for me? Jasmine’s brows raised and the waiter nodded once more before taking his leave. “You know I was going to pick something completely different.”

  “Live a little,” Luke shrugged, “besides I’m sure you get tired of having to be so – what’s the word.” There was a small beat of time.


  “Yes, yeah, that’s it,” he said, “I knew there was a reason that I keep you around,” Luke chuckled. Even his little laughs made my stomach twist with happiness.

  Jasmine leaned in closer to the table, locking her green eyes on Luke. “Don’t worry, I just keep you around for your good looks – I’
ve got enough brains for the both of us.”

  Luke Reynolds was a mostly quiet, powerful man, an enforcer and lifer of the Steel Knights MC – so when he leaned in to match Jasmine, her heart shot up to her throat. “Not after I’m done with you,” he threatened with those wonderful, wicked eyes.

  She wanted to say something, but all she could focus on was the tightness forming between her legs – her tongue swollen with devil’s love.

  “You think you’re safe ‘till we get home?” He asked rhetorically, “with the way you’re looking tonight baby…no,” his words became low then, dark as dusk – each slip of his tongue sending another shiver down Jasmine’s spine, “I’ll fuck you as soon as we’re out the door, make sure that every guy around can smell that you’re mine.”

  Every inch of her body was being kneaded by the electricity between them. She instinctively bit down on her lip and subconsciously spread her legs just a little bit apart, inviting the delectable warmth that flooded her. Surely he’s – he’s not serious is he? Her mind raced with dark pleasures. Jasmine swallowed hard and brushed back a strand of her curly raven hair, “I’d like to see you try,” she challenged, a smugness to her voice. She could feel her face reddening even now. Soon she would be blushing like the morn.

  Luke had that wolfish grin plastered on his face now, “Don’t tempt me, darling, or I’ll have you hot and bothered before we get our food.”

  After some time and their entrées finally arrived, the two laughed and ate and became enamored in one another’s company – as they always did – they crossed off the minutes of their lives in pleasant conversation and appreciable silence.

  When the subject of Luke’s deceased brother crept up, he talked about how Able was always the family man of the Knights – how he would have been perfect as a father, and had insisted that he would be one, even in spite of the fact that living the way they did could be a nightmarish endeavor.

  Jasmine perked up in her seat, listening in rapt attention, “I wish I could have met him,” she offered, remembering then the look on Able’s bloodied face that day, when she watched as the light in his eyes became snuffed. “I mean…”

  “I get you,” Luke said, bringing up a hand, swallowing in what Jasmine could only perceive as pain. “I’m sure you two would have gotten along great.”

  She nodded, “So you’d never want kids, then?”

  “Not really,” he admitted, polishing off another of the last few bites of his delicious steak. The smell was intoxicating, like a seared rustic kind of aroma that tickled the top of one’s tongue. “What makes you ask?”

  “Well, it’s just the way you talked about him and I mean you said it yourself…”

  “Yeah,” Luke nodded, she couldn’t take her eyes off of his handsome face. “Raising a kid while juggling club dealings? He’ll learn more than just a few bad words before the runt leaves the womb.” His lips curled into a smile, “you want ‘em?”

  Jasmine felt her face redden like the morn, and a fire rushed through her body, “Ehm – no, no, not really.”

  “Say no one more time,” he teased, “maybe then I’ll believe you.”

  “I’ve thought about it,” she shrugged, her raven curls spilling along her shoulders, “but I mean – I would, I could never—“

  “Yes you could,” Luke assured. He pointed a finger at her, “I’m not for it, but anyone could take one look at you and if they had any sense of judgment, they’d know you’d make a damn good mother.”

  The strings of her heart stirred and she felt the impulse to hide when there was nothing to block her person, how could a man like him be real? Did he really mean what he said? Jasmine’s mind raced with a dozen different thoughts then; maybe she did want to bear a child one day.

  But she had her career to focus on, she always did. Lives to save, and people to protect – there would never be a margin for error if she did such a thing, not after that. Her mother had not been such a good mother, most nights she remembered her as terrible for leaving the way that she did; Jasmine knew she would never do the same, but it was better to not be put in that position, wasn’t it?

  Luke leaned back in his chair a bit, swallowing the last morsel of his juicy steak, “Plus you know – you’ve got the widest damn birthing hips I’ve ever seen,” he chuckled to himself.

  Jasmine raised her brows, “And you’re a gigantic dick.”

  “You would know,” his eyes narrowed and raked across her person, taking in every inch of her beautiful detail. She felt like a goddess, or at least more so than normal, when he gave her those hungry eyes.

  “I would,” she replied softly, biting down on her lower lip – her eyes slowly working their way down the man’s broad chest; Jasmine brought up a foot and moved it along to Luke’s crotch, teasing him through his pants. Heat ran her through in a dark adrenaline, every inch of her body lighting up in a primal response to what she was doing – it was just too hard to resist the man, too hard to not tease him and rouse his ire. “Or at least, I would if you had the balls to give it to me.”

  Straightening himself in his chair, Luke looked all around the dining room before bringing his gaze back to Jasmine. “You’re playing a dangerous game,” he practically growled before getting up and producing his wallet, throwing down a couple of bills onto the table and spiriting Jasmine away.


  Moonlight glinted off of the wet bricks just outside the restaurant; she could feel his rough hands on her shoulders, pressing her firmly against the wall. The air was cool on her skin, waking up her senses – a fire running freely through her veins. She loved the way that Luke smelled, loved the way that his eyes drank her in every chance they had – like nothing else in the world mattered.

  Jasmine’s core became wound taut with need, sucking in a deep breath proved a challenge as the rush in her body made everything tight. Her nipples were becoming hard and harder still. “I’m sorry,” she whispered weakly, feigning innocence, “I didn’t meant to provoke you.”

  “Yes you did,” Luke snarled in response, inching himself closer to her lips – so joyously close, yet painfully far away. She wanted them to brush against her own, wanted to feel the hard and hungry touch of his affections.

  Instead Luke’s hand snaked up her leg, slowly, smoothly. It found her sex, cupping Jasmine’s womanhood hard.

  A soft mewl escaped her throat. Even just the slightest touch makes me crazy, she thought, am I so messed up? Or have I always been just this perverted.

  She could scarcely have ever imagined those days that seemed like only yesterday would bring her here; in a dark alley and being touched so openly by a rough man who lived such a seedy life. Her nipples became hardened nubs between her little moans.

  Luke hummed in a low appreciation, his hand rubbing against her sex through her red lacey panties, “I can feel you getting wet for me baby,” he whispered, dark as dusk.

  “I can’t help it.”

  Luke’s hand continued to work her sex and his mouth moved to her lips, planting a long and greedy kiss on Jasmine’s luscious lips.

  Pleasure blossomed in her core and her head began to feel light, as if Luke were her drug and she the junkie. Getting high was never her thing; but it made sense to her now – how her friends could so easily fall into that trap because they didn’t appear as some bad thing, no. They appeared as something beautiful, something just out of reach – promising another world, even in spite of the danger. “Luke…” she whispered between the kisses, his lips felt so warm and full and alive on her; how could anyone give a man like this up?

  Luke’s mouth moved down to Jasmine’s neck, placing a series of kisses and sucks and bites, ravaging her down to her shoulder and all along the frame of her upper body. He pressed up hard against her person, keeping her pinioned against the cool, damp wall.

  Jasmine could feel the swollen cock in Luke’s jeans, the way that it pressed up against her stomach – poking at her. She brought a hand down to his crotch, rubbing it against
his jeans and feeling the length of his sword. Just touching it was enough to get her wet, was enough to make her feel those rods of heat connecting her breasts to her sex.

  In a haste, Luke freed himself of his pants and pulled Jasmine’s damp panties to the side, pushing his full and swollen cock to her entrance.

  Letting out a whimper Jasmine mused how hot his breath was on her bare neck, she couldn’t take her eyes from the glorious sight that was the biker’s cock. When it crested her quivering pussy, the walls of her sex greedily clung to the first few inches that penetrated. Jasmine wrapped her person around Luke, mewling out his name as he pushed himself in all the way to the hilt; each stroke of his cock sending waves of cascading pleasure – the soles of her feet dancing with hot pinpricks.

  Jasmine bit down on her lower lip hard, “Oh fuck,” she crooned, “you fit me so perfectly.”

  Luke gave another couple of hard strokes inside of her tight, greedy pussy, “You feel so fucking good baby,” he husked, wrapping his hand around her neck and kissing her lips full and deep. In a quickness, Luke pulled himself from her tightness and twisted Jasmine around, bringing her ass up into the air and sticking her again to his root.

  God he’s hitting all the right places, she thought. The warmth in her core blossomed with every thrust, and her clit ached for attention – she was getting dangerously close now. “I’m almost there,” she whined, she could hardly believe how loud she was being out in the open like this; but it was too hard to have restraint, not when it felt so good to let loose. She heard a car pass by, and a fresh rush filled her.


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