a substantial report on Mike and Bill’s organization: American Deserters Committee, FBI record 100-454113, https://archive.org/stream/AmericanDesertersCommittee/American%20Deserters%20Committee%20Pt.%2003#page/n29/mode/2up.
“classified confidential to protect a source of continuing value”: Ibid.
one uncensored surveillance report: SÄPO record, “888-Speciella kommittéer—Desertörskcommitteén,” private source.
A much longer file contained information about the ADC: American Deserters, etc., SÄPO record, October 25, 1968.
Gunnar’s career in espionage came to a sudden end: Gunnar Ekberg, De skall ju ändå dö: Tio år i svensk underrättelsetjänst [They would have died anyway: ten years in the Swedish intelligence service], Stockholm: Fischer, 2009).
“permanent staff of spies”: Peter Bratt and Jan Guillou, “Sveriges Spionage” [Sweden’s espionage], Folket i Bild/Kulturfront, March 3, 1973, http://web.fib.se/visa_info.asp?PostId=277&Avdelning=050&Sidrubrik=nyheter&e=e005.
a project called GLADIO: Daniele Ganser, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe (New York: Frank Cass, 2005).
“if the preparations ever leaked to the Russians”: William E. Colby, Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), p. 83.
“Public knowledge that the CIA was building stay-behind nets”: Ibid.
Pavese’s 2003 post to a website about insects: “Cockroaches,” What’s That Bug?, May 28, 2003, https://www.whatsthatbug.com/2003/05/28/cockroaches-3/.
“Having the opportunity to live without confinement”: Mamaroneck High School Class of 1966 Reunion Yearbook (1986).
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Final Problem,” in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 252.
Nicholas Meyer’s Conan Doyle pastiche: Nicholas Meyer, The Seven-per-cent Solution: Being a Reprint from the Reminiscences of John H. Watson, M.D. (New York: Dutton, 1974), p. 21.
The C-SPAN video library: See www.c-span.org/person/?cliffordgaddy.
Cliff’s book: Fiona Hill and Cliff Gaddy, Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2013; revised 2015).
His father—also Dr. Clifford Garland Gaddy: Gary D. Gaddy, “Ten or So Things That I Learned from My Dad,” Chapel Hill (NC) Herald, January 8, 2010; Clifford G. Gaddy, Triple Coronary Bypass: A Cardiologist Tells About His and How to Prevent Yours (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1994), pp. 1–3.
champion of Babe Ruth baseball: “They Lost Only One While Winning Fourteen,” Danville (VA) Bee, October 3, 1960.
the Danville branch of the Order of DeMolay: “Town Topics,” Danville (VA) Bee, September 29, 1960.
president of his school’s chapter of the National Honor Society: “Gaddy Awarded National Merit,” Danville (VA) Bee, April 27, 1964; “Local Boy Wins in Quarterfinals of Radio Quiz,” Danville (VA) Bee, March 30, 1964.
his father’s alma mater: Gaddy, Triple Coronary Bypass, p. 103.
staging Old South week: Anthony S. Parent, “Weathering Wake: The African American Experience,” Founders’ Day Convocation Address, Wake Forest University, February 26, 2009, http://news.wfu.edu/2009/02/26/university-celebrates-founders’-day/; “No Racism Meant,” Old Gold and Black (November 21, 1967), pp. 4–5.
Cliff volunteered for the army: “Deserter, WFU Grad, Courageous, Says Dad,” Winston-Salem Journal, July 19, 1969.
not acknowledged by the government until 1975: James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency, America’s Most Secret Intelligence Organization (New York: Viking Press, 2001).
the army had failed to assign him to a language school: “Gaddy Desertion Laid to Army Promise,” Danville (VA) Bee, July 19, 1969.
“My only excuse”: Associated Press, “Deserters Letter to Paper Explains Reasons for Action,” San Antonio Express, August 7, 1969.
“Every apparent fact or story”: Hill and Gaddy, Mr. Putin (rev. ed., 2015), pp. 7, 9.
Dr. Gaddy told the papers: “Deserter, WFU Grad, Courageous, Says Dad.”
a flight from Boston to Stockholm: Ibid.
“What would happen if you went home now?”: “Bill rymde till Sverige” [Bill fled to Sweden], Dagens Nyheter, November 2, 1969.
Beacon Press: Thomas Lee Hayes to Richard Fernandez, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
Seymour Hersh published the first account: Seymour M. Hersh, “Lieutenant Accused of Murdering 109 Civilians,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 13, 1969.
“We were told to make use of electrical radio equipment”: Mark Lane, Conversations with Americans (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970), pp. 27–28.
Dagens Nyheter observed Chuck at a press conference: “Song My var ingen enstaka händelse” [Song My was not an isolated event], Dagens Nyheter, December 8, 1969. “Song My” is an alternative name for My Lai.
Thomas Lee Hayes heard the same story: Hayes, American Deserters in Sweden, p. 93.
“Some of the horror tales in this book are undoubtedly true”: Neil Sheehan, “Conversations with Americans,” New York Times, December 27, 1970; “Desertörvittnen ej trovärdiga om Vietnamvåld” [Deserter witness not credible on Vietnam violence], Dagens Nyheter, December 28, 1970.
refusing to print a second edition: Robert Stein, “‘What Am I Bid for Lyndon Johnson?’ Or How the Literary Auction Works,” New York Magazine, August 30, 1971, p. 48; Mark Lane, Citizen Lane: Defending Our Rights in the Courts, the Capitol, and the Streets (Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2012), pp. 218–21.
Chuck gave his side of the story: Chuck Onan, email message to the author, August 9, 2017.
“The former route to Sweden has been interrupted”: Adrian Maas to Hans Göran Franck, June 5, 1970, Jim Walch Papers, Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek [The Swedish Labor Movement’s Archive and Library], Stockholm.
the Alternative Stomach: Internal Haemorrhage: Organ for American War Resisters in Sweden, Jim Walch Papers, Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek [The Swedish Labor Movement’s Archive and Library], Stockholm.
a lengthy report on the problems of American imperialism: Gerry Condon to Thomas Lee Hayes, April 15, 1971, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
“I thought that I’d heard all about the bad scene down there”: “The Malmö Report,” unpublished typescript, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
attempted to rob a bank, and got five years: “USA-desertör greps för rån i Köpenhamn” [U.S. deserter arrested for robbery in Copenhagen], Dagens Nyheter, March 25, 1970.
a song by a Swedish folk band: Gläns över sjö & strand [Brilliance over sea and sand], “John Babcock,” on their album Här schaktas utan pardon [Excavating without pardon] (1971).
Cliff translated scholarly articles: Iu. Kapelinskii, “The Future Prospects of Soviet-American Economic Relations,” Soviet Law and Government (January 1974), pp. 46–72; M. Burlatskii, “Systems Analysis of World Politics and the Planning of Peace,” International Journal of Politics (Winter 1973–74), pp. 13–29; M. Vrono, “Schizophrenia in Childhood and Adolescence: Clinical Features and Course,” International Journal of Mental Health (Fall/Winter 1973–74), pp. 7–116; D. N. Isaev, “Schizophrenia in Relation to Other Mental Disorders of Childhood,” International Journal of Mental Health (Spring 1974), pp. 47–56.
He translated the essays of Yevgeny Preobrazhensky: See Donald Filtzer, E. A. Preobrazhensky and the Theory of Expanded Reproduction in the USSR During the Period of Primitive Socialist Accumulation (PhD diss., Glasgow University, 1976), p. 13.
So did Bill Jones: Gerry Condon to Richard Fernandez, November 8, 1970, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
“An organization remains politically relevant”: Cliff Gaddy
et al., “Dissolution Statement of the American Deserters Committee” (1970), Special Collections, Shields Library, University of California, Davis.
“written, of course, by none other than our old friend Michael Vale”: Gerry Condon to Richard Fernandez, November 8, 1970, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
dousing himself in kerosene: Associated Press, “Deserter Burns Self,” Greenville (SC) News, August 10, 1970; “Celebrating Desertion,” Dawn.com, November 12, 2009, https://www.dawn.com/news/833213.
forcible repatriation to the States: Associated Press, “Deserter Hunts Help,” Orlando Sentinel, November 21, 1970.
an ADC member was charged: Steven Wentworth to Richard Fernandez, December 9, 1970, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
“It’s kind of tough to get out of jail this morning”: UPI, “American Deserter Expelled by Sweden,” Greenville (SC) News, November 26, 1970.
“We are absolutely blown out of our fucking minds”: Richard Fernandez to Thomas Lee Hayes, December 10, 1970, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
“Palme wants only ‘nice,’ politically conscious deserters”: Max Watts to “Martin,” December 6, 1970, Brünn-Harris-Watts Papers, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis [International Institute of Social History], Amsterdam.
“the situation is getting much tighter”: Gerry Condon to Thomas Lee Hayes, undated, Clergy and Laity Concerned Records, Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PA.
the amplified voice of Jane Fonda: “Jane Fonda Speaks to Anti-War Rally,” Eureka (CA) Times Standard, August 25, 1972.
“It’s a drag”: “Deserter of 5 Years Weds in SF,” San Mateo (CA) Times, August 25, 1972.
A decade ago he adopted the pseudonym Will Hart: See Will Hart, Alien Civilizations: Scientific Proof of Their Existence (Privately published: Createspace Publishing Platform, 2004).
had identified Harry Rositzke of Operation Chaos: Don Schmitt, “William Moore: UFO Opportunist or Agent of Disinformation?” Open Minds TV, July 23, 2014, http://www.openminds.tv/william-moore-ufo-opportunist-agent-disinformation/29056.
“infuses every engagement with both credibility and content”: See Dr. Rita Louise, business website, http://soulhealer.com.
he described a visit he’d made to Mexico: “True Origins of Aliens,” Just Energy Radio, July 18, 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3QmU9Y9eJo.
MHYIELD was sniffing around the offices of the ADC in Stockholm: See CIA file 104-10071-10026, http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=27605&search=MHYIELD#relPageId=1&tab=page.
Mike Bransome, a deserter whose colorful past: Michael Bransome, Pardon Me, http://pardonmeblog.blogspot.co.uk.
In May 1971, a deserter was convicted: Associated Press, “Army Deserter Complains of Treatment in Stockholm,” Kansas City Times, June 19, 1971.
Pennington ordered the pilot to fly to the United States: “Jag hade kniven å strupen i 45 minuter” [I had a knife held to my throat for 45 minutes], Aftonbladet, May 18, 1971.
“It is a hidden fact”: Associated Press, “Army Deserter Complains of Treatment in Sweden.”
an uproar in a room at the Rex Hotel in Malmö: Ulf Matson, “Så levde USA-dråparna i Sverige: Flickvänner gick på gatan för att försörja desertörer” [Thus lived the USA killers in Sweden: Girlfriends walked out onto the street in order to support the deserters], Aftonbladet, January 12, 1973.
“degree in ‘pimpology’ in Copenhagen”: Vernon Boggs, “Black American Deserters in Sweden: From Desertion to Drugs to Despair” (master’s thesis, City University of New York, 1973).
a secret report that toted up their crimes: Ibid.
On January 27, America’s war in Vietnam came to an end: “Vietnam Accord Is Reached; Cease-Fire Begins Saturday; P.O.W.’s to Be Free in 60 Days,” New York Times, January 23, 1973.
On May 24, 1970, a meeting was convened at the Club Voltaire: American Deserters Committee, FBI record 100-454113, https://archive.org/stream/AmericanDesertersCommittee/American%20Deserters%20Committee%20Pt.%2003#page/n29/mode/2up.
“We would appreciate being advised”: Ibid.
“On almost every base”: “Two Alternatives,” Next Step, July 4, 1970.
“sycophancy” and “dull palaver”: “More on EM Councils,” Next Step, August 20, 1970.
a white GI had thrown a glass of milk: “Mannheim—Riot Ripe!” Next Step, August 3, 1970.
“Let me say this as straight as I can”: Letters page, American War Resister in Sweden, June 15, 1972.
“One of the biggest fears of the Pentagon”: Editorial, Next Step, March 24, 1971.
a story about Nixon’s psychotherapist Dr. Arnold A. Hutschnecker: “What’s Nixon Up To?” Next Step, July 4, 1970.
“He was pretty unbalanced”: Today William Engdahl comments on geopolitical matters, usually with a conspiracist tone. In January 2014, he suggested that terrorist bombings in Russia were the work of Israeli intelligence (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/01/24/is-netanyahu-getting-back-at-putin-with-volgograd-bombings/). In 2014 he told Russia Today that ISIS was a “false flag operation” by the CIA and Israeli intelligence (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5OYeBQdrFE). In November 2015 he told the fringe political website the Corbett Report that he had seen evidence that the Paris attacks of that month were “engineered to whip up hysteria” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukHpYWkgfyo).
William Engdahl was a Minneapolis-born Princeton graduate: “About F. William F Engdahl,” William Engdahl personal website, http://www.williamengdahl.com/about.php/.
His family background: For Walfrid, see Henry Bengston, On the Left in America: Memoirs of the Scandinavian-American Labor Movement (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1999), p. 192; for John Louis, see Harriet Silverman, J. Louis Engdahl: Revolutionary Working Class Leader (New York: Workers Library, 1935).
On March 6, 1970, three members were killed in New York City: Arthur M. Eckstein, Bad Moon Rising: How the Weather Underground Beat the FBI and Lost the Revolution (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016), p. 12.
The actor Dustin Hoffman: Ibid., p. 97.
“The British Empire”: Lyndon LaRouche, Friday Night Webcast, May 23, 2014, LaRouchePAC, http://archive.larouchepac.com/node/30865.
“Death to the fascist insect”: Patricia Campbell Hearst, Every Secret Thing (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1982), p. 66.
in a 1996 episode of The Simpsons: The Simpsons, “Treehouse of Horror VII,” Fox Broadcasting Company, October 27, 1996.
“In only a few decades in the late twentieth century”: See Hylozoic Hedgehog [pseud.], Smiling Man from a Dead Planet: The Mystery of Lyndon LaRouche, LaRouche Planet, 2009, http://laroucheplanet.info/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.UnityNow15. “Hylozoic Hedgehog” is the nom de guerre of a former NCLC member who joined the LaRouche organization in 1971 and quit in 1979 in disgust over its ties to the Far Right.
“We believe Lyndon H. LaRouche is guilty”: Ibid.
The family’s response: Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., The Power of Reason: 1988: An Autobiography (Washington, DC: Executive Intelligence Review, 1987).
He spent the rest of the war in Burma and India: Dennis Tourish and Tim Wohlforth, On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2000), pp. 75–76.
“He was a loner”: Clara Fraser, “LaRouche: Sex Maniac and Demagogue,” in Revolution, She Wrote (Seattle: Red Letter Press, 1998), pp. 231–36.
as a meeting place for the Soviet spy ring: Walter and Miriam Schneir, Invitation to an Inquest (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965), p. 304.
the National Caucus of Labor Committees: See Hylozoic Hedgehog [pseud.], How It All Began: The Origins and History of the National Caucus of Labor Committees in New York and Philadelphia (1966–1971), LaRouche Planet, 2012, http://
“The revolutionary intelligentsia”: Lyndon LaRouche, “Statement of Founding Principles of the National Caucus of Labor Committees,” January 1971, LaRouche Planet, http://laroucheplanet.info/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.FoundingPrinciplesNCLC.
“This group has been brought together”: Charles M. Young, “Mind Control, Political Violence & Sexual Warfare: Inside the NCLC,” Crawdaddy, June 1976.
The training camp was disbanded: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, “Special Report on the Anti-Semitism of the U.S. Labor Party,” December 4, 1979.
“We must dispose of this stinking corpse”: Lyn Marcus, “Operation Mop-Up: The Class Struggle Is for Keeps,” New Solidarity, April 16, 1973.
“Chairs were overturned”: “Labor Committees Goons Attack the YWLL,” Militant, April 27, 1973.
a conference of the Young Socialist Alliance in Detroit: Mike Kelley, “Young Socialist Alliance in Detroit Repulses NCLC Attack,” Militant, May 18, 1973.
“a new, virtually unnoticed, unreported revolutionary action network”: Victor Reisel, “A New Leftist Movement in Industry,” Kokomo (FL) Tribune, September 18, 1973, p. 5.
“a cult of demoralized psychotics”: Letters to the editor, Workers Vanguard, December 7, 1973.
“Over the period since September 1972”: “Beyond Psychoanalysis,” Campaigner, September/October 1973.
ego-stripping: “A True History of Lyn Marcus and the Labor Committees,” International Workers Party, 1975, LaRouche Planet, http://laroucheplanet.info/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.ATrueHistoryOfLynMarcus.
“In Germany I am Der Abscheulicher”: Lyn Marcus, “The Politics of Male ‘Impotence,’” National Caucus of Labor Committees internal memo, August 16, 1973, LaRouche Planet, http://laroucheplanet.info/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.MaleImpotence.
“According to Marcus”: Letter from Christine Berl and Henry Weinfeld to Phyllis Dillon, April 2, 1974, National Caucus of Labor Committees records, Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York Public Library.
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