Fair Play for Cuba Committee
Fanon, Frantz
far right
Fathers and Sons (Turgenev)
Faulkner, William
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
ADC files
Gray files
McGourty arrest and
NCLC raid and
Ober files
Feminist Initiative Party (Sweden)
Fernandez, Dick
Feuerbach, Ludwig
Feynman, Richard
“Final Problem, The” (Conan Doyle)
Fitzgerald, Frances “Scottie”
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flanagan, Edward J. (Father)
Flynn, Michael
Fokin, Yuri
Foley, Bernice
Folket i Bild (magazine)
Folkpartiet (Sweden)
Fonda, Jane
Fonda, Peter
Ford, Gerald
Forensic Psychiatry (Morozov)
Foucault’s Pendulum (Eco)
Fourth Armored Division
Franck, Hans Göran
Frankfurt, Germany
Frankhouser, Roy
Franks, Lucinda
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke
Fraser, Clara
Fraser, Frankie “Mad”
Free University of New York
Freikorps of Barbarossa
French National Institute of Heath and Medical Research
French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters (FUADDR)
Freud, Sigmund
Front for National Liberation (FNL)
Fruchter, Norm
Fulbright scholarship
Gaddy, Clifford Garland “Chip”
background of
Carter’s clemency and
EAP and
EAP anti-Palme campaign and
NCLC and
NCLC interrogation of
Next Step and
post-LaRouche career of
Stockholm group headed by
Vale and ADC and
Gaddy, Clifford Garland, Sr.
Gaddy, David Winfred
Gaddy, Inez Chapman
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gambell, Margarjan “Maggie”
Garbo, Greta
Garfield Uniform Company
General A. W. Greely, USS
Genesis of the Stalinist Social Order (Câmpenau)
Geneva Accords (1954)
George, Konstantin
George, Susan
Georgetown University
George Washington University
Georgia, Georgia (film)
Gibson, Richard Thomas
Giertta, Larsolof
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Larsson)
GLADIO project
Glasgow University
Glenn, Elona
Global Showdown (NCLC report)
Gohman, Gösta
Golthier, Hermyle, Jr. See LaRouche, Lyndon
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Göring, Hermann
Gothenburg, Sweden
Gray, Gerald
Gray, John
coup of 1967
Greek exiles
Green Berets
Greene, Graham
Gregory, Dick
Griffith, D. W.
Griggs, Kenneth (Kim Jin-Su)
Griggs, Philip
Grove Press
Gunnarsson, Victor
Haas, Merle
Haas, Robert
Hallström, Lasse
Hamerman, Harold
Hamerman, Muriel
Hamerman, Nora
Hamerman, Norman
Hamerman, Rebecca
Hamerman, Warren J.
Hanoi Hannah
Hänt i Veckan (magazine)
Hardwick, John
Hart, Will. See Anderson, Craig
Harvard University
Hayes, Janet
Hayes, Thomas Lee
Heath, William Womack
Hedman, Margareta
Hegel, G. W. F.
Helén, Gunnar
Helms, Richard
Henry IV, Part 2 (Shakespeare)
Herb Society of America
Hermansson, Håkan
Hersh, Seymour
Hershey, Lewis B.
Heschel, Abraham Joshua
Hill, Fiona
Hiroshima Mon Amour (film)
Ho Chi Minh
Hoffman, Dustin
Hog Farm collective
Holmer, Hans
Homeland Security Department
Honorable Men (Colby)
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horn, Jason
House Un-American Activities Committee
Hug, Richard Alvin
Hunter, Patton Lindsley
Hutschnecker, Arnold A.
I Am Curious (Yellow) (film)
Idiots, The (film)
“I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag” (song)
I lust och nöd (film)
Inch, Gene
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Information Bureau (SÄPO)
Inman, Bobby Ray
Inside the Company (Agee)
Insights and Illusions of Philosophy (Piaget)
Internal Haemmorrhage (magazine)
Internal Revenue Service
International Journal of Mental Health
International Longshoremen’s Association
International Monetary Fund
International Press Service
International Socialists
Intrepid, USS
Intrepid Four
Invisible Government, The (Wise)
Iraq War
Israel, Dan
Israel, Joachim
Israel, Mirjam
Israel Defense Forces
Israeli intelligence
“I Threw It All Away” (Dylan)
Jacobs, Arlo. See Burlingham, Bo
Jerum Affair
Joe Hill (film)
John Paul II, Pope
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jones, Gabriele
Jones, Ray, III
Jones, Ray, IV
Jones, William Cuthbert “Bill,” xi
ADC and
ADC split and
background of
Callicoat informs on
Carter clemency and
CIA and
EAP and
films and
Gaddy and
Gunnarsson and
Hayes and
LaRouche and NCLC and
LaRouche Stockholm office and
marries Margareta Hedman
Next Step and
PETUNIA report on
recent life of
Swedish intelligence records on
Trump and
Vale and
William Russell and
World Festival of Youth and
Justice Department
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Ellen
Kappa Alpha
Karamessines, Thomas
Karlsson, Ulf
Kempe, Sven
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby”
Kerry, John
Kersh, Rogan
Kesey, Ken
Khe Sanh, Battle of
Kid Blue
Killer Shrews, The (film)
Kim Il Sung
Kim Jin-Su. See Griggs, Kenneth
King, Coretta Scott
King, Dennis
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kinnaman, Steve
Kissinger, Henry
r, Nancy
Kmetz, Joe
Korean War
Kosygin, Alexei
Kret, Virgil
Kronberg, Ken
Kronberg, Molly
Krzeminski, Ray
Ku Klux Klan
Labour Party (Britain)
Ladies Auxiliary
Laing, R. D.
Laird, Stephen
Lambert, Lars
Lane, Mark
LaRouche, Daniel
LaRouche, Helga Zepp Ljustina
LaRouche, Jessie Weir
LaRouche, Lyndon Hermyle, Jr. (Hermyle Golthier, Jr.; Lyn Marcus)
appeal of
arrest and prison term of
background of
brainwashing and
Catholic Church and
CIA documents on
CIA-KGB psy-war paranoia and
CIA offered help by
conspiracy theories about Elizabeth II
conspiracy theories about Kissinger
counterintelligence staff
cult loyalty to
decline of
EAP and
ego-stripping and
European outposts and
finances and
Gaddy and
Hamerman and
Hersh report on CIA and
Loudoun County and
Lyn Marcus pseudonym and
Manhattan meetings of 2016
Marc Ballroom speech of 1974
marries Helga Zepp Ljustina
Mop-Up and
NCLC and
Nixon and
Palme targeted by
political action committee
presidential campaigns of
Reagan and
residences of
Trump and
Vale and
Whites and
zombie assassins and
LaRouche, Lyndon Hermyle, Sr.
LaRouche Policy Committee
LaRouche Political Action Committee (PAC)
Larrabee, Carol. See White, Carol
Larrabee, George
Larsson, Stieg
Laser Arms Corporation
Lee, Bruce
Leesburg Gardening Club
Left On! (Rositzke)
Lenin, V. I.
Le Pen, Marine
Libertarian Party
Liebig, Michael
Lindner, Michael. See also Intrepid Four
Lipstick Killer
Lloyd, Michele
London School of Economics
Los Angeles Times
Loudoun County, Virginia
Loudoun County News
Louise, Rita
Ludlum, Robert
Lundström, Sonja
Luxemburg, Rosa
“Lyndon LaRouche Theatre” (TV sketch)
Lyngstad, Frida
Mackenzie, Angus
Magasinet (Swedish TV program)
“Mah Nà Mah Nà” (song)
Makoto, Oda
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
Malcolm X
Malmö, Sweden
Malthus, Thomas
Manchurian Candidate Scare
Man from U.N.C.L.E.,The (TV show)
Man with Two Brains, The (film)
Mao Zedong
Marcus, Lyn. See Larouche, Lyndon
Marcuse, Herbert
Marshall, Walter (Jesus Zeus Lorenzo Mungi)
Martin, Steve
Marx, Karl
Marx, Zeppo
May 1968 uprisings
McCarthy, Joseph
McDonough, Don
McGee, Frank
McGourty, Jim (pseudonym)
McLendon, Gordon
Mehta, Zubin
Memphis Nam Sweden (Whitmore)
Merkel, Angela
Mexican border wall
Meyer, Nicholas
Michael Clayton (film)
Miliband, Ralph
Military-Economic Advisory Panel (CIA)
Miller, Catherine
Millington, Mary
Mitchell, Rudolph
Mitchum, Robert
Moderate Party (Sweden)
Moles in Socialist Disguises (Hermansson)
Montgomery, Paul
Mop-Up, Operation
Morgan, William
Moro, Aldo
Moron Corps
Morozov, Georgi
Mozart, Requiem
Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (Gaddy and Hill)
Mugabe, Robert
Mungi, Jesus Zeus Lorenzo. See also Marshall, Walter
Munoz, Inez
My Lai massacre
My Life as a Dog (film)
My Silent War
Nameless Heroes (film)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC)
National Executive Committee
New York Conference and brainwashing panic
Palme targeted by
National Herb Garden
National Liberation Front (Viet Cong)
National Library of Sweden
National Security Act (1947)
National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Council
National Student Association
National War College
NBC Nightly News (TV show)
Negroes with Guns (Williams)
Nelson, Christina
Neuberger, Janice
Neuhaus, Richard
New Delhi
New Left
New Left Conference (Budapest, 1968)
New Solidarity (NCLC newspaper)
New Yorker
New York Review of Books
New York Times
New York University
Next Step
Next Step (newspaper)
Nguyen Tho Chan
Nicholas of Cusa
Nietzsche, Friedrich
1984 (Orwell)
Ninotchka (film)
Nixon, Richard M.
Nixon Presidential Library
Norén, Gunilla
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Carolina Department of Transportation
North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation
Northeastern University
North Korea
North Vietnam
Norwood, Joseph
Notes of a Native Son (Baldwin)
Novello, Ivor
Novosti Press Agency
Nuremberg trials
Nureyev, Rudolf
Ny Solidaritet (EAP newspaper)
Obama, Barack
Ober, Anne
Ober, Harold Clark
Ober, Nathaniel
Ober, Richard
Obituary of the World, The (blog)
Occupy London
Office of Net Assessment
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (FBI)
Ogden, Alan
Ohio State University
Öhrström, Edvin
Old Gold and Black (student newspaper)
“Olof Palme and the Neo-Nazi International” (LaRouche)
Onan, Chuck
Onan, Maggie
Onan, Rosemary
Onan, Thomas
One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse)
“On the Track of My Assassins” (White)
“Order from Chaos” (Brookings project)
Order of DeMolay
Orwell, George
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Oxelösund, Sweden
Palladin, Jean-Louis
Palme, Lisbet
Palme, Mårten
Palme, Olof
assassination of
Panama Papers
Paper Grenade (ADC newspaper)
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Parallax View, The (film)
Parpart, Uwe Henke von
Parra, Joseph
Pastor, Rudolph
Patriots Against the Islamization of North America
Pavese, Fred
Pavlov, Ivan
Peace Game, The (film)
Pennington, Earl
Persona (film)
Persson, Sven
Petré, Gio
Pettersson, Christer
Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel)
Philby, Kim
Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh
Phoneless Friends
Piaget, Jean
Picciano, John
Pike Committee
Pincus, Harry
Plath, Sylvia
Pollack, Ray “Cooky”
Ponti, Carlo
Popper, Karl
Poroshenko, Petro
Power of Reason, The (LaRouche)
Powers, Mike
Preobrazhensky, Yevgeny
Prisons and Zoos (Hamerman)
Privilege (film)
Producers, The (film)
Project 100,000 (Moron Corps)
Putin, Vladimir
Quaid, Randy
Quiet American, The (Greene)
Rabin, Yitzhak
Rafalko, Frank
Randle, Michael
Rawls, Lou
Reagan, Ronald
Recent Trends in Soviet Psycholinguistics (Werstch)
Redgrave, Vanessa
Reeves, USS
Reich, Wilhelm
Republican Party
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)
Resisters Inside the Army (RITA)
Révolution Africaine (magazine)
Revolutionary American People’s Party
Richard, Michel P.
Riesel, Victor
Rivera, Geraldo
Robert Cain (Russell)
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rockefeller Commission
Rocky IV (film)
“Role of the LaRouche Movement in World History, The” (Hamerman)
Rolling Stone
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Greg
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel
Rositzke, Harry
Roswell Incident, The (Berlitz and Moore)
Rothkirch, Edward von
Royal Asiatic Society
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rush to Judgment (Lane)
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, William R.
Russell War Crimes Tribunal
Russian Revolution. See also Soviet Union
Salinger, J. D.
Sandin, Åke
Sansiviero, Ray
SÄPO (Swedish security service)
Sare, Diane
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Saturday Night Live (TV show)
Scarlett, John
Scattini, Luigi
Schiller, Friedrich
Schiller Institute New York City Chorus
Schlesinger, James
Schneeberger, Michael
Schwaetzer, Thomas (Max Watts)
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Scialdone, Margaret
Scorsese, Martin
Second Front (ADC newspaper)
Second Front Radio (ADC program)
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