No More Mister Nice Guy

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No More Mister Nice Guy Page 20

by Linda Randall Wisdom

  Shelby’s breath caught in her throat. “Not because of me,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. His eyes were warm with the love Shelby wanted from him.

  “No, this last assignment showed me it’s time to slow down. I only took this one because it was personal. Barry had been a part of my team and I wanted to be the one to bring him in,” he admitted, turning her around so they could continue walking. “So when are you going to marry me?”

  Shelby’s steps faltered. “Marry?”

  “Sure. You’re not going to keep leading me on, are you? After all, we’ve been seeing each other for quite some time now. The next logical step is marriage.”

  She shook her head to clear it. “What happened to the Jed Hawkins who didn’t believe in commitment?”

  He grinned. “He got smart.” Just as quickly his grin disappeared. “And more important, I don’t want to lose you.” He drew her into his arms. “I knew it when I was going after you up that mountain. I just had to convince myself more. Luckily, you did a better job of convincing me.”

  “You won’t miss the field work?” She was too afraid she was dreaming.

  “I won’t miss people shooting at me,” he replied. “It’s time, Shel. Time for me to make that next step. All I’m asking is that you make it with me.”

  “Yes!” she squealed, launching herself into his arms and almost unbalancing him as she kissed him.

  “Just one thing,” Jed gasped when they broke apart. “You don’t go off without me anymore. I don’t want to have to climb any more mountains after you.”

  Shelby couldn’t stop smiling. “No more Mister Nice Guy?” she teased, reminding him of a retort he’d made during their escape.

  “Oh, sweetheart, from now on I intend to be the nicest guy around,” he said huskily, covering her mouth with his again.

  “Something tells me that won’t be too difficult for you to do,” she murmured.


  ISBN : 978-1-4592-7963-6


  Copyright © 1996 by Words by Wisdom

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