Return to Kadenburg

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Return to Kadenburg Page 17

by T. E. Ridener

  “Did that help?” She asked quietly.

  Lorcan’s eyes darted back and forth between hers as he lifted his hand to rest against the nape of her neck. He pulled her down for another smoldering kiss as his fingers buried themselves into her long locks. His mouth moved roughly against hers as he breathed her in through his nostrils.

  “It’s helping,” He mumbled against her sweet lips, capturing her lower one between his teeth and tugging gently. “I love you, you know.”

  “I love you, too,” Presley whispered, her hot breath fanning against his sizzling mouth as she straddled his hips. “Things will get better eventually, Lorcan. They have to get better.”

  “That’s what I’ve been telling myself ever since Liam died,” He admitted in a sadder tone. “And I have to be right because you came back to town and look at us now,” His free hand slowly moved down her back, curious fingers tracing over her spine as he pecked at her lips. “You are my better, Presley. No matter what insanity takes place around us, you are the person who keeps me grounded. You’re the reason I can breathe easier during the madness. I hope you realize that.”

  Her heart fluttered and swelled within the confines of her chest as a smile played at her lips. Presley nodded slowly, resting her forehead against his. “I do,” She whispered softly. “I just wish I could make everything better for everyone. Uncle Arnold is hurting-I can feel it. Aunt Natalie’s fear slices through me every time I’m within five feet of her……it’s really strange to experience their emotions like that.”

  “You can feel their emotions?” Lorcan asked, pulling his head back to stare at her.

  “Uh huh,” Presley nodded, lifting a brow. “I’m supposed to be able to do that, right? Uncle Arnold said we could feel each other’s pain.”

  “Yeah, you can feel the pain,” Lorcan agreed. “Whether it’s emotional or physical, you will take in their pain as if it’s your own…..but you can feel Natalie’s fear?”

  “Yeah…..” Presley replied hesitantly as she leaned back and stared down at him. “Is that not normal?”

  Lorcan pushed himself up into a sitting position, resting a hand against the small of her back to prevent her from falling over. His jawline tensed and relaxed as he studied her. “You can feel everything from me because we’re coupled, Presley; that is normal. You can sense things about your family because you are of blood relation; again, that’s normal. But are you saying you can feel things from other ursithropes?”

  Her mouth went dry as she stared at him, and she suddenly felt as if she’d done something horribly rotten and now she was in trouble. She frowned, dropping her gaze to stare at his chest instead. He did have quite a nice chest…..

  “Presley, is that what you’re saying?” He asked again.

  “Only if I’m allowed to say it,” She replied in an unsure tone.

  “You’re not in trouble or anything,” Lorcan laughed gently. For the first time since earlier that day, the sparkle returned to his eyes and Presley relaxed. She was relieved that the familiar spark was igniting inside of him. Maybe everything really would be okay. “I’m just trying to be sure that you’re sure….because if that’s what you’re implying…..” His voice drifted off.

  “Because what?” Presley asked eagerly, searching his face for the answer. Despite the fact he was definitely being more Lorcan-ish now, he was being sort of cryptic and that bugged her. She lifted her hands to frame his face, frowning. “What is it?”

  Lorcan met her gaze and smiled gently. “It’s nothing to panic over, I swear it,” He insisted as he curled his fingers around her hands and then turned his head to kiss at her palm. “I’ve just heard a lot of stories.”

  “What kind of stories?”

  “The kind that told me ursithropes like you are very rare.”

  Twenty One

  How the hell was he supposed to sleep after everything went down like that? Rutley tossed and turned, and turned and tossed as he tried to get comfortable on the hardest couch in existence. He hated this couch, actually. He wasn’t a fan of it as a kid and he definitely wasn’t a fan now.

  I should’ve just gone back to the hotel, he thought to himself as he elbowed the pillow in frustration. I shouldn’t even be here right now. I shouldn’t be anywhere near him.

  But he knew if he was at the hotel, his father would have easier access to kicking his ass. Rutley wasn’t exactly fond of the idea.

  I’ve fucked up, he decided as he moved onto his back, staring at the ceiling. Everything’s a cluster fuck and I have no one to blame but myself.

  He didn’t like the sick feeling in his stomach as he thought about the possibility of what consequences his actions would bring. Had a werewolf hunter ever defied another hunter just to keep a wolf safe? Probably not.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” He sighed, pushing himself up from the couch and kicking away the blanket so he could stand. He wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight.

  Don’t even think about it, his mind warned as Rutley’s eyes flittered to the hallway. Don’t you dare take a step towards that room.

  Of course, if Rutley had ever been the sort of person who behaved, he would’ve listened to his voice of reason….but Rutley had the reputation of a rebellious little troublemaker back in the day, so he was fully going to blame his next course of action on an old habit from childhood. He did take that step forward. And then he took another.

  Before he knew it, he was standing just outside of the doorway, staring into the darkness of his best friend’s bedroom where hundreds upon hundreds of memories had been made. The first time he ever saw a Play Boy had taken place in there. The first time he ever admitted to liking both genders had taken place in there. Liam’s room was incredibly special, and now the person sleeping within threatened to rip him apart without realizing it.

  Just turn around and walk away, his mind whispered. He’s sleeping and you should be sleeping, too. Don’t be stupid.

  Well, maybe Rutley was stupid. Maybe he was the dumbest person in the world. He would even go as far as admitting to the fact he wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box when it came to the wolf currently mumbling incoherently a few feet away.

  Speaking of which; what was he saying?

  I just need to listen for a second, Rutley decided as he entered the room and approached the bed. I just need to make sure he’s okay.

  Dimitri groaned softly, turning his head from one side to the other as his hand fell from the mattress and hung there. His perfectly shaped eyebrows twitched and lifted as air escaped from between his lips. He was definitely dreaming.

  Rutley wondered briefly what could possibly be running through Dimitri’s mind in that moment. What existed in the dream world of a man who was equally beast and human? Did he ever find himself slipping back into a time of happiness and joy? Did he dream of his mother and father taking him on trips? Was there a reoccurring nightmare of being lost in a crowd of people with no hope of finding someone familiar?

  No, that’s my nightmare, Rutley frowned. His eyes roamed over Dimitri’s face as the wolf murmured again, rolling onto his side as he buried his face into the pillow. The bandage on his side was just as white as it had been when Beau finished up earlier; was the wound healed already?

  Duh. Of course it was. Dimitri was a werewolf and even an injury like that only seemed like a paper cut.

  He’s a werewolf echoed in his mind over and over again as Rutley reached out to pull the blankets further up Dimitri’s body. He was very careful not to disturb him. He knew that once Dimitri regained consciousness, his calm demeanor would disappear. Silver was destructive once it entered a werewolf’s bloodstream and what Dimitri was about to experience would be torturous for anyone who had to witness it.

  “I’m so sorry,” Rutley whispered as he shoved his hands into his pockets. “I’m sorry I let him hurt you.”

  He didn’t expect a reply as he sank down onto the bean bag near the bed. God, Liam kept that raggedy old thing? It was older than the both of
them; he was certain of it. He sank downward and wondered if he was going to hit the floor, but no such event took place. The small crunchy noise faded quickly and he was left resting comfortably upon the bag as he kept his eyes on Dimitri’s sleeping form.

  None of this would’ve happened if I’d just called my dad. Very true. None of this would’ve happened if I’d just stayed in Florida. Again, true. None of this would’ve happened if I’d just kept my freaking feelings in check. Unfortunately true.

  What am I going to do? It was a question that would go unanswered as Dimitri groaned. Rutley was to his feet in an instant, leaning over the bed to examine the werewolf as another sound of pain escaped his dry lips.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” Rutley whispered, reaching down to touch Dimitri’s hand. “You’re going to be okay.”

  “Oh god,” Dimitri moaned, his fingers locking around Rutley’s hand in a painful manner. “Make it stop,” He asked through clenched teeth.

  “I wish I could,” Rutley frowned, shaking his head. “It won’t take long.”

  His heart really went out to the male as sweat appeared on his forehead, glistening in the moonlight as he grimaced. His continued pleas chipped away at Rutley’s soul and the hunter felt so damn helpless.

  “Make it stop,” Dimitri whimpered, pushing himself up from the bed as he grabbed the front of Rutley’s shirt and pulled him down. “I’m begging you.”

  Rutley’s mouth fell open. What the hell was he supposed to say? His father was to blame for this, and he would’ve given anything to take the pain away; anything.

  “You’re going to be okay,” He whispered, nodding fervently as his brows furrowed. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, all right?”

  Dimitri’s hazel hues were wide and wild as he searched Rutley’s face. It was almost like he didn’t recognize him. Rutley frowned, tilting his head to the side.

  “Did you hear me, Dimitri? You’re going to be okay.”

  “I can’t take it,” Dimitri growled. His eyes began to glow. “I can’t fucking take it!”

  “Shhh, it’s okay,” Rutley repeated again and again as he lifted his hand to touch the side of the wolf’s face. He was burning up with a fever, which was to be expected while the silver ran its course. He was grateful his father hadn’t struck Dimitri’s heart. He was relieved that he could deal with this pain rather than the pain of Dimitri dying.

  He would’ve been very sad if things turned out much worse; it was true.

  Dimitri sobbed, burying his face against Rutley’s neck. His fingertips dug into the hunter’s sides as his body tensed up.

  “Make it stop,” He asked in a broken sob. “I can’t….”

  “Yes, you can,” Rutley argued gently. He wrapped his arms around him, rocking him from side to side like a small child. They probably looked ridiculous; two grown men holding each other like this, but Rutley didn’t know what else to do. “I’m right here. We’ll get through it together.”

  In a way, he hoped Mrs. Bamey would hear Dimitri and come help out. Maybe she would be better at taking care of him, because Rutley felt like his heart was being ripped out every time the wolf sobbed from the obvious pain and discomfort. Mamas were good at being strong, weren’t they? Rutley didn’t consider himself to be strong at the moment. In fact, his cheeks were wet with the evidence of just how weak he really was.

  “I wish I could do more for you,” He whispered, frowning. “I wish I knew how to make it stop.”

  “Just stay with me,” Dimitri murmured, pulling back to stare at him. He could see the sadness and vulnerability in the wolf’s eyes, and it only made his chest ache three times worse than before. “Please just stay with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Rutley promised. “I’m right here and I’m not going to leave you,” He rubbed his hand up and down Dimitri’s back, attempting to comfort him when he felt extremely warm, feverish lips pressing against his own.

  Time stood still as Rutley’s mind finally registered what was happening. Dimitri was holding him tightly in his arms, kissing the life out of him as the world disappeared from around them. He felt like he was floating away into a deep abyss, with no hope of ever finding the earth again. Tingles shot down his spine, fireworks exploded in his head, and he knew…..this wasn’t supposed to happen.

  Yet he returned the kiss without hesitation.

  Dimitri’s mouth was flavorful and enticing, testing Rutley’s self-will as their lips sealed together again and again. Tongues slid across one another, tasting and probing as excited pants forced their way out of his throat. He could’ve sworn Dimitri was trying to kiss the very air out of his lungs as his fingers curled into soft auburn locks and he allowed himself this one moment; this one chance at feeling something he never knew could exist within the realms of reality.

  He felt happy.

  But the beautiful illusion his mind created was shattered within seconds as Mrs. Bamey’s voice broke through his clouded thoughts. He pulled away quickly, turning his head to see the mixed emotions written all over her face. She seemed shocked, horrified, and confused as she stared at him.

  “Mrs. B., I-”

  “Move, Rutley,” She instructed as she stepped closer to them.

  Rutley hung his head in shame, pulling away from Dimitri as the wolf clawed at his shirt.

  “Don’t leave me,” Dimitri pleaded.

  Rutley didn’t want to.

  “Stay with me, Liam. Please,” Dimitri begged.

  And Rutley’s heart was broken.

  It was so stupid to even think for an instant that Dimitri kissed him because he felt something in return. Rutley knew better. Dimitri was under the influence of hallucinations and night terrors and a million other terrible things; why did Rutley allow himself to fall for it?

  He thought I was Liam, he affirmed as he watched Mrs. Bamey press a wet cloth against the wolf’s forehead. She glanced at him briefly, and Rutley didn’t like what he found reflecting in her eyes.

  She was disappointed in him.

  Hell, he was disappointed in himself, too!

  He quickly left the room, pushing past Mr. Bamey and Arnold Goult as he made his way towards the front door.

  “Rutley, where are you going?” A very tired and sleep deprived Lorcan asked as he appeared in the hallway.

  “I have to go,” Rutley replied hoarsely, turning his head to stare at Liam’s brother. “I’m so sorry.”

  And those were the last words anyone in the Bamey house would hear from him.


  Nearly a week passed by before Dimitri finally attached himself to reality again. With the help of Mrs. Bamey and whatever concoction of herbs Beau kept providing, the fever eventually broke and the silver ran its course. He felt a lot better; at least physically.

  He knew something was wrong when he emerged from the bedroom and he couldn’t find any signs of Rutley. No one knew where he was, and Lorcan was tight lipped about the hunter’s disappearance. They didn’t seem to be as worried about it as Dimitri was, and it left him with many unanswered questions.

  During his extended spell of hellish fevers and agonizing pain, more ursithropes had arrived in Kadenburg. Some were staying at the Bamey house while others took up residence at Arnold’s place. He couldn’t be sure how many there actually were, but he definitely felt a strong presence of multiple bear-shifters. It was for the best, he decided. They needed as many as they could get if they hoped to defeat Breslin Connor.

  He had to be briefed on everything that had happened all over again. It seemed like he lost half of his memories after the sheriff shot him, and he was grateful to Beau and Louisa for helping him catch up.

  Breslin was gone from Kadenburg for the time being….but he would be back. He was more than likely recruiting and expanding his pack considering the Xiong cousins killed over half of them. Again, it was for the best. He hoped Breslin never gained back the numbers of blood thirsty, cold hearted, mindless zombies he’d had before. It would b
e easier to kill him if he wasn’t protected by brainwashed werewolves.

  “Here’s some tea,” Presley Goult said softly as she placed a steaming cup down in front of him on the table. “Lots of sugar and honey just like you wanted.”

  “Thanks,” Dimitri nodded, glancing up at her. She was absolutely glowing, and he had an idea as to why. She hadn’t verbally confirmed it yet, but Dimitri’s wolf ears could easily pick up on the tiny heartbeat sounding from the protective depths of her womb. She was going to have a baby. He wondered if Lorcan knew…..

  “You’re welcome,” Presley offered him a small smile as she returned to the fridge, rummaging through it for the fourth time that day. She’d been eating a lot, which was a good thing. He wasn’t an expert on the topic, but he knew that eating and providing nutrients for the infant growing within was a good call on her behalf. Presley would make a great mother.

  Speaking of mothers, Mrs. Bamey had been watching him like a hawk all morning and afternoon. It seemed like he couldn’t even excuse himself to go to the restroom without her hovering nearby. He appreciated the thought, and he really did like the idea of Liam’s mother being so protective of him….but there was still something that didn’t add up.

  She hadn’t spoken of Rutley. Not once did his name leave her lips as she prepared breakfast. Not once did she ask if he’d heard from him yet as she folded the laundry of twenty something ursithropes. Not once did she recommend calling the hunter as she fixed the beds and swept the floors. For a woman who could easily continue her daily routines during a stressful time, she sure did have a way with forgetting about an important person.

  That’s probably what caused Dimitri to do what he did as he sipped at his tea. Mrs. Bamey entered the kitchen with a bowl of peeled potatoes between her hands, and he didn’t give her the chance to pretend he wasn’t there.

  “Mrs. Bamey, where’s Rutley?” He asked.

  The older female sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she shook her head.


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