His Witch To Keep (Keepers of the Veil)

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His Witch To Keep (Keepers of the Veil) Page 9

by Zoe Forward

  The hardness pressed against the miniscule fabric of her panties rushed anticipation through her body.

  “We could go there right now.” He moved his mouth close to hers. Each breath from him tickled her lips. “You would beg me to make you scream.”

  She wanted to deny it but couldn’t vocalize out of fear she’d do exactly that.

  He whispered, “Don’t ever lie. Not about this.”

  She struggled to slow her racing heart and ignore the surge of lust powering through her blood. She managed a small head nod.

  He rolled a slow pelvic circle. “Admit you want me.”

  Her knees locked around his hips. She rested her hand against his chest. His rapid heartbeat pounded against her hand. His exterior might reflect icy control, but his heart rate reassured her he wanted this just as much as she.

  “Admit it.” He pumped between her legs.

  Her head fell back with a moan. He kissed her neck.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Not here.” His kissing ended near her ear. He slid her downward against his body and cupped her ass a few seconds longer than necessary. “I am sorry about leaving you in Bulgaria.”

  She stumbled away, heart pumping hard. “Why did you leave?”

  “I had a Chinese NSB agent getting too close and didn’t want to risk you being linked to me. Even now, we shouldn’t…” He released a frustrated sigh. “Hell, I should not have asked you to help tonight. Do you understand the potential consequences if anyone puts us together?” He glanced at the elevator numbers, which had paused on a lower floor.

  She waited for him to continue. God, she loved the excitement of an impending job. She hadn’t been this enthused since she was forced to quit MI6. But ethically she was only able to condone assassination when the victim was evil. She worried this was a contract kill. That she wasn’t sure she could do.

  He glanced her way. “I have taken as many precautions as possible to avoid you becoming linked to me while here. If I fail, you could be identified as a connection to the Shadow, someone to use as my potential weakness.”

  “But you don’t have any weaknesses.”

  “I have one.” He glanced at her.

  Oh, God. She liked being his weakness.

  “Try not to…just be careful tonight.”

  “If you’re so worried, then why invite me along?”

  “I know you missed this. I wanted…” His gaze darted away.

  Her heart flip-flopped. He knew she missed this. “Did you plant the false information on me being loony that got me kicked out of MI6?”

  “Shit.” He massaged his forehead.

  “You did, damn it. Why? I was good at that job. You know I was good.”

  “You wouldn’t understand,” he said.

  “Try me.”

  He sighed and glanced heavenward. “You are good. But they planned to send you on a mission to South Korea based on bad intelligence.” His tortured gaze met hers. “It was guaranteed suicide for the British agents. I saw no other way to keep you from going.”

  The mission in which Eli got his facial scar. “Did you consider actually telling me before destroying my career?”

  “Would you have believed anything I said? This was right after Bulgaria.”

  She ground her teeth together. “I really want to punch you right now. Maybe even break your nose.” She rolled her eyes upward, seeking calm. “But I won’t because I like this dress.” Was he smiling? She punched him in the chest, enjoying his surprised groan. “You fucked up my life. What kind of asshole does that?”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” He glanced at the elevator numbers. “You don’t have to do this tonight. This is your choice. I won’t be responsible for fucking up your life again. You are very good at what we’re about to do, but this is your choice.”

  She was on board. “Let’s do this. What’s the job?”

  Relief flashed in his gaze.

  With a glance past his shoulders, she looked for cameras.

  He said, “I made sure nothing can record us. Our target is Thaksin Hashwani.” The elevator doors opened.

  She stumbled behind him into the elevator, shocked. “Hashwani? He’s…untouchable. MI6 tried to get a reason to go after him, but they had no more than suspicions about his links to several terrorist plots. He’s politically connected everywhere, and he’s insanely well protected.”

  “He’s not a terrorist.”

  “Who wants him dead? Who hired you?” She needed him to confide in her this had to do with him being a death reaper, as she suspected. If there was one evil soul that needed to go to hell, it was this terrorist.

  Alexi’s face glazed over into an expressionless mask. He gazed at the elevator doors as they descended. “Suffice it to say his time is up.”

  “If he’s not a terrorist, then what is he?”

  He clenched and unclenched his fists once, but didn’t speak.

  She touched his arm. “Please. I need to know why you will kill him.”

  His nostrils flared with his heavy exhale. “Hashwani traffics people. Women, children, and men. Most are for organ harvest. Some are for sex or slavery. He avoids drugs and guns. No aggressive terrorism. He has a weakness for gambling. He’s smart and doesn’t get caught.”

  “How do you know this? Are you sure?”

  “Yes. There’s a gambling floor for the elite patrons on the basement level. I need you to drug him. I’ll place a clear, false membrane on your finger infused with the drug. Unless you’re careless, the membrane will protect you. Be careful. The drug induces an unpleasant, instant gastrointestinal response.” He smiled. “I would hate for you to suddenly become compromised.”

  She punched him playfully in the shoulder.

  His lips drooped to serious. “I will approach him once he is off the gambling floor, and away from most of his protection.”

  “Do you think this Nikolai assassin, who was contracted to kill me, will be nearby? The Russian torturing you probably told him to follow you and you’ll lead them to me.”

  “Nikolai is my brother. He will be lurking. I don’t doubt it.”

  “Your brother? You have a brother? Wow. Somehow, I never envisioned you had siblings. So, killing is a family business?”

  “He is very good at what he does.”

  “Better than you?” she couldn’t resist asking.

  Without even a hint of arrogance he said, “No.”

  “Did you ask him not to come after me?”

  “Nikolai is difficult to contact. He is pretty good at what he does. He should not hurt you, not once he sees me with you. But…” He pulled her into his body and kissed her neck in an act of obvious domination.

  She ran a finger along his corded neck.

  He moaned before pulling away. “Do not forget to whom your body answers.”

  “You shouldn’t forget, either.” She chuckled. “Are you worried I might find your brother sexy?”

  “Don’t test me, ragana.”

  “Or what? Now I can’t wait to meet him. He must be something.”

  He crowded her against the wall. “I’ll fuck you until you admit there will never be anyone else who can bring you pleasure.”

  A low and husky laugh erupted from deep in her chest. She trailed her hand down beneath his tuxedo jacket, over sculpted abs, to cup her hand around the hot length of him pressing against the tux trousers. She stroked him. “Promise?”

  Air whooshed from him, ending on a groan. He gripped her hands and pulled them away from him.

  She’d won this round. Or had she? Her body raged for his touch to the point she barely cared about whatever danger into which he led her. She wanted to beg he put the elevator on emergency stop. She needed to find relief from the need burning between her legs, the one that only burned this hot and this fast for him. Maybe he had won and proven it to her.

  “Let us get through this job.” His eyes smoldered for a few seconds before they glazed back into serious. He rolled her outward,
away from him. “Then we will speak about who threatens you.”

  The Shadow now stood beside her. All business and focused. This wasn’t the man who’d saved her life and kissed her. This was the killer.

  Serenity claimed a bar stool at the bar counter and watched patrons in the wall mirror behind the bar. She swirled her white wine and took a sip. Delicious. This was her homeland. She’d trained for over eight years to do this kind of work. The entitled, the depraved, the corrupt, and the truly evil circulated between the crowded gaming tables. The ultra-rich underworld. Beautiful women, many of them professionals, slithered between the chairs.

  A man slid onto the stool beside her and crowded into her space. His low voice betrayed a hint of eastern European accent. “You are more beautiful than I expected.”

  She stared into green eyes that mirrored Alexi’s. His hair was dirty blond in comparison to Alexi’s dark brown, and long, but impeccably styled. Handsome didn’t begin to cut it to describe him. He reminded her of a Greek underwear model with his tanned and perfectly symmetrical facial features. His smile exuded confidence and an indefinable danger that attracted and cautioned simultaneously. He didn’t radiate the promise of death like Alexi. Yet this man’s nearness set off red-alert warnings in her brain that advised she arm herself. Damn Alexi for taking her gun.

  “That’s a pretty lame come-on.” She crossed her legs and turned farther away from him, hoping to cold shoulder him into disappearing.

  He touched two fingers to the top of her hand, which rested on the edge of the bar’s counter. “I understand now why he was unable to pull the trigger last year. It would be a shame to destroy something so beautiful…so feisty.”

  She fought her instinct to yank her hand away and punch him for touching. “Nikolai, I presume?”

  He flashed a cocky smile that dimpled his cheeks, and waved at the waiter. A drink appeared in front of him.

  “I believe the Russian who hired you is permanently unavailable now. So, perhaps your work here is no longer necessary.” She slid her hand from beneath his.

  “Who says he was the only employer in the market? You are…very lucrative right now.” Nikolai shifted to face her. The move enabled him to observe the whole room simultaneously. “So, why are you and he here at the same time? I doubt you plan to go after each other again, as intriguing as watching that showdown might be. Is he working tonight? And he recruited you?” His eyebrows lifted in silent question.

  Apparently, he wasn’t in the know on Alexi’s matters.

  She gave him a blank look she hoped proved unreadable.

  He cocked his head and took another sip of his drink. “He’s always been a solo flyer. Until now. I admit that fascinates me. You fascinate me. Do you even know the full scope of what he does?”

  “Do you?” she asked softly.

  He chuckled. “The world’s top assassin is protecting the world’s highest-yielding mark…now that’s intriguing. He must trust your skills to leave you alone. Exposed.”

  “I can take care of myself.” She sipped her chardonnay.

  “I’m sure you can.” Innuendo laced his words. His gaze slowly followed her necklace then paused on the V between her breasts. He leaned in to whisper in a low, smooth tone, “I’m twenty times better than him. Both in bed and out. Let me show you.”

  She bit back irritation and disgust. “Are you looking for a little playtime before you take care of me? I can’t say I find that tempting. No, thanks.”

  He frowned. “Come with me, beautiful.”

  “Please tell me you’re not trying to use some sort of mental coercion on me. I know you and your brother are special. But your mojo won’t work on me.” She slowly rotated toward him. “I’m a witch.”

  Nikolai’s shocked “Holy hell” thrilled her.

  “Stay away from me or I might curse you.” As if she could pull off a curse. But she knew the witch to ask for help should she want to cast one.

  He remained frozen. Maybe he’d tangled with a witch in the past.

  She stepped away, biting her lip against a laugh when he bought her bluff. With a spin she sauntered toward the high-stakes baccarat. A well-executed fake trip behind the patrons at the table landed her on her knees.

  Hashwani reached out to help her up.

  She looked up, feigning surprise.

  The middle-aged Asian gaped down her low-cut dress, as planned. She gripped his hand and pulled herself up, covertly rubbing the drug onto his skin. “Thank you. I’m…I’m so sorry.”

  “Are you certain you are okay?” Hashwani asked smoothly in perfect English.

  “I’m just horrendously embarrassed.”

  “Would you like to join me? Perhaps, as my good luck charm?” He smiled lasciviously.

  “Thank you, but I was on my way to the ladies’ room. If you’ll excuse me.” She walked briskly from his table. Toward the exit.

  Chapter Eight

  Alexi watched Serenity push into the men’s restroom. Her saunter proclaimed success. “You could’ve given him a bit less of a show.”

  She snorted. “How would you know what went down? How long until Hashwani feels the effects?”

  “I hacked into hotel security. Hashwani will be here in the next few minutes, if you applied it properly. But I refer to Nikolai.”

  Her red lips curved into a feline smile. “I do believe the Shadow is jealous.”

  “What did he say to you?”

  “He tried to use coercion on me.” She rolled her eyes. “I think he wanted me in bed before he killed me. I guess he didn’t know I’m a witch. However, his offer came with the claim he’s twenty times better than you. If so, then perhaps I need to take him for a test drive?”

  The woman jested about something that, for him, was not a game. Softly he said, “I am pleased you have not forgotten our night. But I will kill him if you take him to bed, brother or not.”

  She smiled and moved close until her breasts pushed against his chest. “He’s handsome…” She giggled. “God, it’s fun to see you get mad. I wasn’t even tempted. Did you miss the part when I threatened to curse him?”

  “Yeah, I missed that.”

  “Your brother couldn’t even get off the bar stool. I think the poor man might’ve tangled with a witch before.”

  He glanced toward the door. Their target was on his way. He ordered, “You be invisible. Stay close. When I say, make both of us invisible.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  The bathroom door opened. He whispered. “You. Invisible. Now.”

  Alexi sauntered to a urinal and pretended to use it.

  Hashwani rushed into the restroom. He snarled. “Get out.”

  Alexi shot him a refusal glower.

  “Get out now.” Hashwani ran into a stall. The sound of retching echoed around them.

  He whispered to her, “No more invisible.” When she appeared he grabbed her hand and pulled her into a stall.

  “Why are we in here? Can’t we just wait until he’s done and then…you know?”

  He lifted her, balancing her back against the wall, and rolled his pelvis against the thin fabric shielding her folds from him. She gasped. Her fingers curled into his shoulders.

  He whispered, “There will be no test drive with my brother. Ever.” Two of his fingers moved her panties aside and plunged inside her. His thumb circled her clit. “You’re so wet for me.”

  A moan rolled out of her followed by, “Oh, God.” She wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Hoarsely he whispered, “Come for me.” He pumped his fingers and teased her clit.

  Her body swelled around his fingers as her core clinched and milked him. She detonated, muffling a groan with her hand.

  “Who’s in here?” Hashwani asked from the other stall. Then the sound of retching again.

  For a few seconds he lost track of everything other than the feel of her. The exquisite smell of her climax. Bloody hell, it’d been too long since he’d tasted her…been inside her. He slammed
his mouth onto hers, remembering her lipstick a moment too late. She greedily answered, meeting him more than halfway with her tongue swirling inside his mouth. Her fingers gripped his scalp, pulling him tighter. He reached for the button on his pants.

  The toilet flushed two stalls over. His mind snapped back the objective behind this show.

  Fuck. He whispered, “Later,” and withdrew his fingers from her, righted her skirt, and let her slide down his body.

  Alexi wiped his lips to remove lipstick. He exited in sync with Hashwani while pulling on gloves. Serenity stumbled out of the stall behind him, her face flushed with the perfect mixture of freshly orgasmed disorientation.

  Hashwani leered at her chest. “I thought you were a pro. With tits like that…I will give you five hundred to suck me off right now.”

  Her wide-open shock indicated to Alexi how much what just happened between them had thrown her off her professional game. His mind hazed with possessive fury and the displaced frustration over not finishing what he’d started with her. His normal patience for the endgame fizzled into a need to hurt Hashwani. This must be why the rules stipulated he not have a relationship. It made him crazy. He recognized his spiraling rage and reined it in. With a wave of his suppressed pistol toward Hashwani, he ordered, “Call your men.”

  Hashwani screamed.

  The bathroom door flew open. Alexi shot both bodyguards mid-forehead with his suppressed Sig. The two fell half in and half out of the entry. Quick as lightning he stepped into Hashwani and squeezed his throat to prevent further noise. “Darling, do you mind pulling those bodies inside?”

  He leaned into Hashwani and said low, “Your soul has been chosen.” He opened his mind, allowing the power of Hades to flow through him. A bystander might think he inhaled the soul out of his victim, but he simply drew it from the body and released it. Hades had the job of collecting it. Hashwani slumped to the floor. As with his other victims, the medical examiner would have an impossible time diagnosing cause of death.

  He wrapped Hashwani’s right hand around the pistol and shot a round into the wall by the door. He left the weapon a few inches from Hashwani’s limp hand.


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