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Bewitching Page 17

by Amelia Grey

  Austin gave his attention back to the line of people filing past the crates. He tensed. Waited. The hem of her blue cloak came into view. Austin stepped in front of Chelly, picked her up in his arms and swung her around, laughing.

  "I'm so glad you're home," he said loud enough for anyone passing by to hear.

  The startled expression on her face told him all he needed to know. She hadn't been expecting him. He set her feet on the ground, wrapped his arms fully around her and pulled her up to his chest as he lowered his lips to hers, claiming her mouth in a passionate kiss.

  Being so close to her was like stepping into heaven. The mere touch of her aroused him immediately. The kiss and embrace were supposed to catch her off guard, all for show to give Jubal time to get Bo into the carriage; but how could he not be affected by touching her, kissing her, holding her against him? He couldn't. Especially when she didn't fight him as he'd thought she would.

  Like him, she instantly warmed to the power of their kiss. Her arms went around his neck; her mouth opened to receive his thrusting tongue. He couldn't get enough of her. Her hands slid up the back of his neck and into his hair, sending chills of desire straight to the center of his being. He pulled her up tighter to his chest, crushing her, wanting desperately to take her into his body and to give her his.

  Their kiss was hungry, their embrace desperate with neither of them breaking the contact. But somewhere in the fog of his mind, rushing past the feral feelings Chelly aroused inside him, was the snickering of laughter. They were making a spectacle of themselves, putting on a show for the dock-workers. But he didn't want to let her go. How could he let her go when she tasted so good, when she was so warm, and so receptive, when he thought he might never hold her like this again?

  He tore one hand away from her back and motioned for the driver to bring the carriage closer. Because Chelly was small, he easily lifted her off the ground and started walking with her to meet the carriage. When the door swung open, he tore his lips away from Chelly's, reached down and scooped her up in the crook of his arm, and lifted her into the carriage. He quickly climbed in after her. He shut the door with a bang, and the carriage took off.

  Robert and Bo sat on one side of the carriage, and he took the seat beside a surprised Chelly.

  "You tricked me! How dare you do that, and then throw me in this carriage as if I were a sack of potatoes?" Eyes shooting furious sparks at him, she reached for the door handle.

  "Don't touch that." Austin grabbed her hand and shoved her back against the seat, pinning her there with his chest, and holding her shoulders with the palms of his hands. His gaze met hers. "I had to. I didn't want you to make a scene."

  "And kissing me as if I was a trollop in front of Bo and Robert wasn't causing a scene?" she asked angrily as she squirmed to break his hold.

  "I had to catch you off guard."

  "How dare you—"

  "How dare you steal my ship?" he countered as angrily as she'd spoken to him. "You have no right to question anything I do."

  He heard Bo whimper and knew he was frightening the little boy, but he couldn't let Chelly think she could out-maneuver him as she had Bradley and Hammersfield. She had to know that he was in control. He looked into her sparkling eyes, and the waning light of day couldn't hide the dark circles underneath her eyes. She was exhausted.

  "I—I didn't steal your ship," she said breathlessly. "I merely borrowed it."

  "Chelly?" Her eyes seemed to be searching his for any sign of weakness she might use against him. "Since when is holding men at gunpoint and forcing them to do your biding is borrowing?"

  "I—I asked the captain to return your ship to you as soon as he docked."

  "And my gun and my money?" He dared not remove the fierce expression from his face even though Bo continued to whimper and he desperately wanted to take her in his arms and love her not scold her.

  Her eyes softened. "Yes, I took them. I'll return it all as soon as—" She stopped.

  "As soon as what, Chelly? As soon as Bo is returned?"

  Her gaze held steady on his. "Yes." Her chest heaved.

  She touched his heart, but he wasn't ready to let her see him soften. She was warm and soft beneath his palm. He couldn't stay angry with her.

  Bo whimpered louder. For now he could relax. The carriage moved along at a brisk pace, taking them to the safety of his town house. He let go of Chelly and sat back against the seat.

  "W—what are you doing? Where are you taking us?" She looked frantically about the carriage as if searching for a way to get out.

  Her beautiful eyes were tired, sad. Her face was flushed. Her lips looked so pink and thoroughly kissed that he longed to take her in his arms and cover her lips with his again and again. He wanted to say to hell with Bo, the police, and everything else and take her to bed.

  "My town house." He turned to Bo and Robert, who sat looking at the two of them. The kiss and their argument had obviously stunned more than him and Chelly. And he had to admit that there was something distinctly pleasing about seeing that little boy back in Baltimore.

  Although he was proud of her courage, it had been foolish, dangerous. Too many things could have gone wrong.

  "Hello, Bo."

  The little boy moved closer to Robert and said, "Don't hurt her."

  The small boy's soft whimper softened his heart. How could he hurt Chelly? He loved her. He ached to hold her and comfort her.

  He swallowed and said hoarsely, "I won't hurt her." He turned to the young man. "Robert, I trust you did a good job of taking care of Miss Worthington?"

  The young man's eyes widened with fear. "Yes, sir. I followed her just like the captain told me to. I had to hit a couple of men who were—"

  "Robert," Chelly interrupted him. "I'm sure Mr. Radcliffe doesn't want to hear about that. And it's not necessary to tell him anything and certainly not everything."

  Austin threw a glance her way, but kept his attention on Robert. "She's wrong. I do want to hear, but you can tell me later. Report in to Captain Hammersfield first thing tomorrow morning. I'll see you're rewarded for returning them safely."

  A shy smile eased across the young man's face. "Thank you, sir."

  * * *

  Chelly sat on the edge of the bed and gently brushed Bo's hair away from his forehead. A short candle burned on the night table, casting the room in a dim glow.

  Bo slept peacefully. She allowed her fingertips the pleasure of trailing down his soft cheek and over his chin. His chest rose and fell evenly with each breath. He was now less than two months from his fourth birthday. She'd watched him grow taller and learn how to be a friend these past weeks. She was so fond of him.

  When they'd arrived at the town house, Austin had insisted she rest and eat before they talked. Thollie had started preparing a hot meal of roasted chicken, stewed sweet potatoes, and cornmeal gravy. After accepting that she couldn't return Bo to his mother immediately, Chelly had decided to make him as presentable as possible. While the chicken had cooked, Thollie had washed both of them a change of clothing.

  Bo had stood as still as a tree on a windless day while Chelly clipped his long hair to an acceptable length. Then she'd filled a tub in the kitchen with warm water and given Bo a bath, washing his hair twice and scrubbing under his fingernails. He had enjoyed the water so much, Chelly had let him stay in the tub and play long after the water had turned cold. As soon as the clothes had been washed, Thollie had taken one of Bo's nightshirts and hung it close to the cook fire so it would be dry by the time he'd finished with his bath and dinner.

  It would be hard to give up the little boy, now that she'd grown so fond of him. Soon she would have to tell him goodbye. Forever. She could never be a part of his life again. In a way, she wished she could keep him.

  As her fingers sifted through Bo's shiny hair, she studied her predicament. She knew that Austin planned to stop her from returning Bo to his family and that he would take him back to France. Why else would he have accosted her a
s soon as they'd stepped off the ship? She should have known Austin would have made it home before her when she decided to board a ship that was taking the long route to America. At the time, she just wanted to get away from the dangers at the docks. If only the French soldiers had held him a bit longer!

  She sighed wearily. It didn't matter how much desire stirred inside her for Austin, she couldn't let him take Bo back to France. Her reason for all the chances she'd taken so far was to return Bo to his mother. That, she still had to accomplish. And she knew it would be hard to do stuck in Austin's town house.

  Having a few quiet minutes to herself, she pondered a plan to get Bo away from Austin. She'd just about used up all her courage, all her strength, but she couldn't let that stop her. In order to get out of the house, she had to catch Austin unawares.

  She'd have to slip out of the house with Bo after Austin went to sleep. She'd seen Jubal stationed at the back door when she'd taken her dinner tray to the kitchen. When the time came, the front door would be the one she'd have to use. She shuddered inwardly at the thought of slipping out. She was tired of plotting and planning escapes, but she had to.

  For more than one reason, Chelly had lingered over her own time in the washtub, soaping her hair several times and rinsing it thoroughly before she finished. She knew the time would come when Austin would seek her out and want to talk to her. But what could they say to each other that hadn't already been said? She thought Bo belonged with his mother and he believed his father had rights.

  Thollie had brought her a nightgown and robe and when she'd questioned the housekeeper about it, Thollie had told her it was Austin's mother's. Austin always kept clothes available for her should she ever come to town and discover she had to stay overnight. Even though the nightgown was a little tight and short, she didn't care. The material was soft, fresh, and clean.

  Chelly squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. Her head and her heart were heavy.

  There was no way she could have prepared herself for the rush of emotion that had flooded her when Austin had picked her up in his arms, swung her around, and kissed her so passionately. She should have immediately screamed, or kicked, or run, something. But no, her body and her mind had betrayed her. She'd hungered after his touch, his embrace, his kisses so many nights that she hadn't been able to deny herself. She hadn't meant to kiss him so hard, so hungrily, as if she needed his touch or his taste to breathe. But those few moments had felt wonderful.


  How could she not have responded to him when she loved him so completely? And why, after all that had happened, did she still want to be in his arms, in his bed?

  She hadn't come to her senses until he'd deposited her in the carriage. Then, when she'd realized what had happened, she'd become angry with herself for not realizing Austin was tricking her.

  All Austin had to do was touch her, and she was lost to the magic of his embrace, forgetting everything and clinging only to him. She sensed the feeling was mutual.

  She smiled at the sleeping Bo and reached over and kissed his silky, soft cheek. He stirred, rubbed his nose, and settled back down to his sleep.

  Chelly was acutely aware of possible flaws in her plan to steal away in the night. Jubal blocked the back door. Austin might not go to sleep; then there was the possibility that she might fall asleep herself. She was so tired from the journey, it would be a risky thing for her to lie down on the bed. Her body not only craved Austin's touch, she craved sleep and rest as well. But she couldn't wait until morning. By then it might be too late for Bo.


  Her hand stilled. She turned and looked at Austin standing so tall, so handsome, so proudly in the doorway.

  Oh, how she'd missed him. She wanted to rush into his embrace.

  His gaze raked down her face, over the rise and fall of her breasts and back again to her face, awakening flames of desire within her.

  "We need to talk," he said.

  Chapter 15

  Chelly knew what she wanted and it wasn't to talk.

  No, tonight she didn't want to talk. She didn't want to hear his excuses for taking Bo back to France to be with his father. Looking into his eyes, she knew that the only thing she wanted from Austin tonight was his touch, his kisses, his love. If she denied them this one chance to be together, she knew she'd regret it the rest of her life. He might forgive her for taking Bo away from him once, but never if she did it twice.

  "Not in here. We may wake Bo." She paused to catch her breath. Her heartbeat was hammering so fast it frightened her. Her stomach jumped. There was no more time to think about what she was going to do. Tomorrow Austin would be lost to her forever, so why shouldn't she love him tonight?

  "Let's go to your room."

  Before she could give herself time to back out, she hurried past him and forged her way down the hallway and into Austin's room. She stopped by the foot of his bed, grabbing hold of the cannonball bed post. She leaned against it, letting the wood take all her weight as her gaze quickly scanned the semi-dark room.

  Austin stopped in the doorway and watched her. A shaft of bright light from the hallway lamps silhouetted his body, making it difficult for her to see his features clearly, but she didn't miss the questioning look on his face that caused a wrinkle to appear on his forehead. From his eyes, from his expression, she knew he comprehended what she was doing.

  "I'm not sure this is a good idea, Chelly," he said, remaining not quite inside the boundary of his room.

  "I'm not either."

  "We can talk downstairs. Thollie has retired for the night," he said.

  He was giving her the opportunity to change her mind, a way out. She appreciated that and for a brief moment considered it. But no. She needed tonight, and by the frantic working of the muscle in his jaw, Austin did, too.

  Chelly stood still, never taking her gaze from him. Her eyes continued to search his face. The rise and fall of his chest became more pronounced. So many emotions warred inside her. Loving Austin and wanting him. Hating what he'd done. How could she have these desirous feelings for him when she knew him to be an untrustworthy man? It confused her, worried her; but as she looked at him, she knew that for tonight she had to forget what he'd done.

  The past and Bo had to be left outside that door if Austin chose to come inside and meet her halfway. There would be no room in his bed for her if she brought those nagging feelings of unease and distrust with her. If he stepped across the threshold, those had to be denied. Her love had to be unconditional.

  She swallowed hard. "I'd rather stay here," she whispered softly.

  After a moment of indecision, Austin moved just inside the room. He stopped as if waiting for her to protest. When she remained still and quiet, watching him, making no sound, Austin closed the door.

  The click of the lock jarred her as if the slight sound had been the crack of a whip. Chelly's heartbeat increased again; her muscles tightened.

  Austin moistened his lips and studied her. He blinked rapidly several times before asking, "Do you know what you're doing, Chelly?"

  Letting instinct take over, she quietly murmured, "I only know that I've missed you and even after all that's happened between us I want to be with you."

  He took a step closer. "Do you mean that?"

  She pushed away from the bed post and straightened her shoulders. "I can't deny my feelings for you."

  His gliding steps toward her were effortless, Chelly thought he must be walking on air. He didn't stop until he stood so close she felt the warmth of his body, heard his quiet breathing, smelled the clean scent of shaving soap which clung to him.

  As his gray-green eyes looked down into hers, Chelly blocked out everything except her need to love him. Tonight there would be no other people, no other world except theirs.

  "Don't tempt me, Chelly," he said in a ragged voice.

  Austin's breath fanned her lashes, and she welcomed the hint of brandy that clung to his breath. "Why not? You tempt me."

sp; "There's a difference. I'm capable of going through with anything I suggest. I'm not sure you are."

  Was he challenging her? "I am," she said again and as if it were a natural part of her everyday life to disrobe in front of this man, Chelly slipped out of the cotton robe and stood before him dressed only in the long-sleeved white nightgown.

  Aware of nothing but the two of them in the room, she stood still, listening to their shallow breaths. Austin's eyes shimmered in the semi-darkness of the pale moonlight. She sensed he was unsure of her actions and knew he was wise to be cautious. She had tricked him once before, and she was sure he didn't want a repeat of that.

  Hoping to put his fears to rest she said, "I know many things need to be settled between us, Austin, but right now my body is telling me the most important one is physical." She lifted her arms and reached for him.

  He hesitated.

  Fear of rejection surfaced from within her and she was sure it showed on her face. Was he going to deny them this night together?

  "Do you know what you're agreeing to?" he asked in a hoarse whisper.

  She nodded.

  "If I come to you, Chelly, I'll have all of you."

  Calmly she said, "I wasn't planning on anything less. I've dreamed of your touch and your kisses night and day since I left you in France. Can't we put all that aside for tonight and just be happy to have this time to be together?"

  He took his thumb and ran it over her lips, touching her nowhere else. "Yes."

  Chelly craved to be snuggled deep in the circle of his arms, but he only touched her lips with the pad of his thumb. She yearned for so much more of him.

  As with a will of their own, her lips parted, her mouth opened, and she gently took the tip of his thumb into her waiting mouth. She sucked lightly. She tasted his slightly salty skin. Her stomach muscles contracted with wanting.

  Flames of desire lit in his eyes. She felt him tremble. She heard his intake of breath. Relief settled over her. She relaxed. He wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Love for her filled him. Austin willpower to deny her faded and left him with only tenderness as Chelly's beautifully shaped lips closed around his thumb and gently pulled on it. His lower body tightened hunger and with a need to possess this bewitching woman.


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