Tainted Waters: A Dark Paranormal Fantasy Novel (Paranormal Peacekeepers Book 1)

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Tainted Waters: A Dark Paranormal Fantasy Novel (Paranormal Peacekeepers Book 1) Page 22

by Lucretia Stanhope

  “I promise he won’t hurt you.” Her voice was a whisper as her blinking returned to normal.

  Kheelan jumped to his feet once free and knocked her back.

  “Kheelan!” Davina’s voice startled them both.

  He struck Alice close fisted in the face, breaking her nose and sending her to her knees. The look on his face when he turned to Davina, held an anger that was pure and soul deep. “The little abomination stole my magic.”

  Davina strode toward them and rested her hands on Kheelan. Her gaze flicked down to Alice, who looked up at her with blood running down her face. “We can fix this. It’s over. The PPK is here. This is over.”

  Alice looked up at her aunt, who regarded her with a hatred she didn’t understand. “Davina, I…”

  “Enough, Chester will deal with you.” Davina helped Kheelan to his feet and leveled a nasty glare on Alice. “I want my things back.”

  Alice let the heartbreak she had been fighting manifest as tears. “Aunt Davina, I can’t.”

  Kheelan laughed. “Aunt?”

  Davina smacked him. “No more, if you want my aid in negotiations, do as I say. Otherwise I will donate you to the peace offerings.”

  Chester arrived with Jasper, who looked pale and weak. Both stood silent while they took in the scene.

  Jasper left Chester, kneeling beside Decker. “He’s alive, barely.”

  Chester gave Alice a hand, running his finger along her jaw. “Can I heal you?”

  Alice fell into his arms and hugged close against him. The emotions she felt, jumbled into a mess she couldn’t make sense of. Her father and aunt both hated her. Jasper ran to aid Decker and she was left in the cold, with only Chester, who was doing a job as a peacekeeper.

  Chester ran a hand along her back. “I will help the dark elves. Davina, can you tend to him?” He indicated Kheelan with the flick of his eyes. “After they are settled, I will return with either terms or a meeting place for negotiations.”

  Davina nodded. “I’ll get his side.” She glanced at Alice in his arms. “She has things of mine that need considered in the final terms. Family heirlooms that are irreplaceable.”

  Chester waved her away. “Get him out of here, before the clan leader wakes and we have round two.”

  Alice watched her aunt help the elf who tried to kill her walk away, before she looked over to Decker and Jasper. Was it over now? Did she get to walk away with all her bits and parts intact? All but her heart. Her father broke that.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “THEY SUFFERED ONE dead witch. One. Kheelan has lost nothing. I have two dead guards, and myself as well as my oracle were poisoned. No one denies the intent was to poison us all in a mass genocide. You ask for my compassion because that did not occur, because it was undone. That is only due to Alice. They are guilty.” Decker paced the surface-level room he’d closed off so they could hash out additional terms.

  While Chester took the first set of demands to the coven, Alice had filled Decker and Jasper in on what she did to Kheelan.

  “They are standing right here. I’ve lost more than a witch. That thing…” She pointed to Alice. “Stole my grimoire and she still wears my mother’s necklace.”

  “The thing made sure I have nothing left to lose.” Kheelan’s words came out a low hiss. “It is a thief. She stole my knowledge and power.”

  “It? What I did was stop you from killing me or Decker. You are my, never mind. Aunt Davina,” Alice started to talk, but Davina spoke louder.

  “She shouldn’t even be here, Chester. This is PPK business, between my coven and this clan. The PPK doesn’t condone hybridizations. Will you exterminate her?” Davina angled her head so she was staring at Alice down her nose. Her hand extended toward the necklace.

  “No one is exterminating anyone.” Jasper reached out and pulled Alice back. “That’s enough. Alice is here because she has also suffered losses in this. Our terms include there are no penalties for the belongings she obtained to aid us.”

  “Obtained? Is that what elves call theft? Witches are burned for less than she’s done.” Davina’s tone grew harsh. “She is mine to deal with.”

  Chester stepped between the two sides. “I have orders regarding Alice.” His eyes met Jasper. “She won’t be punished for helping you. Everyone’s grievances are considered.”

  “Are they? While it’s all very sweet that Alice gets her books…” Decker turned to him. “I’m due a life at the least. Bearing in mind there is more to this than the deaths, I’m due more than some extra weeds to harvest. There are festivals coming up to consider. Increase our hunting allowance this season.”

  Kheelan laughed. “Yes, let him take out my father.”

  “I’m not unreasonable.” Decker grinned. His mouth filled his face and amusement played behind the shimmering of his eyes. “I’ll have the point of your right ear, and three teeth for your part.”

  Kheelan’s smile vanished.

  “There will be no hunting increase. Those allowances are between you and the clan elders. The mountain clans are uninvolved.” Chester put a hand on Kheelan, while his eyes swept over the wounds on Decker. “You owe him personal restitution.”

  Alice cringed at the idea that body parts might be on the table. Chester said the PPK didn’t judge customs, but she never imagined they would authorize such brutal ones.

  Jasper whispered to Alice, drawing Decker’s attention.

  “I’ve offered passage in new areas with much more potent resources, and unhampered night travel to the fields beyond the coven.” Davina pursed her lips. “That is gracious considering you already murdered the responsible witch and rendered Kheelan harmless.”

  Decker turned to her. “Harmless? As a priestess, you must know he has a natural connection to the power he controls. It will return. He is never harmless. What was done to him is between him and Alice, though I agree she was justified and applaud her.” His gaze burned into Kheelan. “I want his ear tip and teeth.”

  “I told you, I made it so…” Alice started, but Jasper squeezed her hand, reminding her they agreed not to share that she had altered Kheelan’s intents toward the elves.

  Decker cut his eyes at her; his reminder less friendly. “Yes, we know, sweet, you bound him. It won’t last.”

  Davina stood taller. “I have given enough. Alice not being on my pyre is what I give her. I want my things.”

  “No.” Decker squared off with her, their eyes spitting revulsion at each other. “We are not to you yet, witch. What will it be, Chester? Ear tip and teeth, or extra elves for my feast?”

  Chester looked back to Davina. “I’ve explained about the personal items. Kheelan has offered…”

  “Ear tip and teeth.” Decker’s tone was unyielding. “It may not even hold power, since he is bound. Off with it. Alice gave hers. You are braver than a little hybrid, aren’t you? Two lives for one ear, that’s more than fair. Let’s not forget my own pain and suffering. This vile elf stabbed me repeatedly after poisoning me. Ear tip and teeth or we are done.”

  Davina whispered something to Kheelan.

  “Left ear.” Kheelan’s nostrils flared.

  “Sharp front teeth and we are agreed.” The air lightened as Decker’s tension released. That he was having fun was not lost on Alice.

  “Two teeth.” Kheelan scowled. “Back teeth.”

  “Two back teeth and one front.”

  Alice lifted her gaze to Jasper, who shook his head, indicating she should observe.

  Kheelan closed his eyes and nodded his agreement.

  “Done.” Decker let out a hearty sounding laughter. “Now, witch, your offerings?”

  Davina’s lips twisted into a sneer. “I have offered you more than your due. Your oracle took Gretchen, the responsible witch and left her bleeding corpse in the woods like an animal. My things are to be returned before I leave this cave.”

  Jasper leveled a nasty look at Davina. When he talked everyone hushed. “Alice keeps the grimoire and the neck
lace. She has lost her mother, and her father chose to sever himself from her in a painful way. You will take nothing else from her, without ripping it from me.”

  “Jasper, my aunt didn’t know.” Alice shook her head, feeling the tension in the air build again. “I’m sorry, Davina, you have a lifetime of magic training, our family book is all I have.”

  “Don’t apologize to her.” Jasper never took his eyes off Davina. “These things belong in your family and are as much yours as hers. Alice is due. If not for her undoing the spell cast by your coven and that elf, we would be having a very different conversation.”

  “No, if not for her, you would all be dead and there would be no conversation.” Kheelan looked at Alice with an intensity that would have hurt, if he had any magic remaining in his grasp.

  “That’s enough. Your part is handled.” Chester turned back to Davina and spoke soft. “We talked about this.”

  “Fine, PPK spy. I guess we are finished.” Davina’s eyes ricocheted around the room. “Chester, you may retrieve your personal belongings and then I’d like you out of my woods. You and Alice are not welcome here.”

  Davina and Kheelan left together.

  Chester lingered with Alice. “I’m sorry. I did warn you that your aunt wouldn’t be forgiving. Say good bye. We need to get going.”

  “Not so fast. I want the parts from Kheelan before you leave the woods. I will take it myself otherwise and that won’t be pretty.” Decker snatched Alice’s hand and tugged her to him. “Alice and I have our own negotiations while you tend to that, don’t we, sweet?”

  Jasper closed his eyes. “Sir. Please.”

  “The law says she comes with me. That is not negotiable.” Chester sounded stern, but he appeared shocked. “While your customs allow elf hunting, she is a half-witch and that is not permitted.”

  “Go with you? The law?” Alice pulled away from Decker and pressed against Jasper. She turned her head, looking at him. “What law? What is he talking about? Do you know?”

  “I… you have to go. I told you, you couldn’t stay here.” Jasper hugged her. “Can we have a minute?”

  “No.” Decker gave Jasper a stern look, before turning to Chester. “I am no longer in agreement. Alice and I have business that my terms are contingent upon. I will return her to you in two days. Alive, mostly intact.”

  “Return me? I’m not his. I didn’t do anything wrong. Chester, damn it.” Alice stepped away from Jasper. “Wait a minute. I get a say in where I am going.”

  “No, you don’t, but I promise you, nothing bad will happen to you.” Chester spoke in a soft reassuring tone, shaking his head while he did. “Two days is unacceptable. They will issue a fugitive retrieval squad.”

  “Fugitive?” Alice wrinkled her nose. Her skin started to shimmer. “I’m…”

  “No fugitive.” Decker’s voice boomed in the room. “My father will speak to Maxwell, if you need. One day. My oracle will return her in one day. In the meantime, you prepare her housing. She is the only reason you didn’t have to call the special forces to bury witch bodies.”

  “Not one day. Tonight. I will gather the ear, teeth, and have the coven sign the treaty, then I need her.” Chester grew rigid. “If you don’t return her, you are harboring a hybrid. That is a crime. I can’t spare you any consequences.”

  “No. She will be at the PPK when you arrive.” Decker shook Chester’s hand. “I will leave word you were effective and unbiased, which is some feat, considering what you are.”

  Alice watched Chester leave before she turned to Jasper. “Fugitive? What happens to me? Will they jail me at the PPK? You knew about this?”

  “Nothing happens to you.” Jasper looked to Decker. “We can assure… he can assure nothing happens to you.”

  “That’s right. It’s one of my bargaining chips. We have to come to terms, sweet. Chester didn’t give us much time.” Decker smiled and chewed his lip. “Make yourself busy, oracle, gather her things, etcetera.”

  Jasper ran a hand over her hair. “It’s all going to be fine. You, the great slayer of mighty elves, have nothing to fear anymore.”

  Decker snorted. “Great slayer? I weakened him for her. Go.”

  Alice watched Jasper leave, her eyes burning at the edges.

  “Don’t cry yet. Save those.” Decker took her hand and walked with her deeper into the cave.

  He took her to a room that reminded her of the questioning room, but with more shelves, a table, and minus the rack.

  “We aren’t trading parts.” Alice scanned the shelves.

  “We are.” Decker walked to the corner and returned with a glass ball.

  “What is that?” Alice watched him set the glass down.

  “It is a lacrimarca, they hold tears. Do sit.” Decker indicated a chair and took one himself. “Let’s talk about where we are. I have two grimoires and a necklace.”

  “I stole those.” Alice sat across from him.

  His fingers played with the glass ball. “True, you did, but it was my oracle that stopped you from having to return them. That’s the same as if I had.”

  “I saved your life.” Alice hardened her tone.

  “Fine, we draw then. Let’s start fresh.” His brow arched high.

  Alice let out a long breath. “What do you really want? I’m tired, confused, and frankly I just want to be where I am going to end up.”

  “Now, that’s defeatist. I can offer you choices where you are going.” The air filled with magic and the ball spun in his fingers.

  “Choices? It didn’t sound like I have many of those.” Alice watched the ball.

  “Yes, choices, so you are not treated as a hybrid fugitive.” He palmed the lacrimarca and handed it to her.

  She took it, feeling a cool sensation as it rested in her hand. “You can?”

  “Yes, what is that worth to you?”

  “What do you want?” She glanced up, looking past his unsettling smile and focusing on his shimmering eyes.

  “Hair, tears, a tiny amount of blood, and a part.”

  She made a sound of displeasure. “No parts. I’ve given enough blood and you took a part already. What are you offering? Aside from some promise, I don’t even know you can keep without asking Chester.”

  “I keep all of my promises. What will it take?” He laced his hands together, tenting his fingers.

  Alice sat the ball down. “Why do you want pieces of me?”

  “I want to understand. I need a ward. While we have this lovely new friendship and a modicum of trust, I saw what you are capable of.” He shrugged. “You will always be a light-witch. Old habits, I suppose.”

  Her face hardened. “Yes, and if I learned anything from you, it’s that you will never change. I want my books, I’m keeping this necklace. I want something personal of yours and some hair so I can make my own ward.”

  “Fine.” He leaned back in his chair.

  Alice rubbed her temples. She knew she was too tired to be negotiating with Decker. “I’m not done. You owe me a lot, and you know that. You have to give a part too.”

  Decker laughed. “I might have liked you in time. No ears.”

  “What part do you want?” That she was considering agreeing to giving Decker some part of her, made a frown fill her face.

  “Fingertip? That will replace the blood too.”

  Alice pulled her hand into her lap. “No.”

  “I’ll take the smallest, on the hand you don’t favor, just the tip. It will tell me a lot.” He blinked slowly a few times. A smile twitched to life at the edge of his lips.

  “I don’t care what it will tell you.”

  “Time is wasting.”

  The pads of her fingers pressed into her forehead as a headache threatened. “You want to cast against me, after all I’ve done.”

  “I am a creature of honor. I will not cast anything other than a ward to protect myself from you. If we trade parts, I imagine you will do the same. I would advise that you do. Jasper can help you.”
r />   Fingertips? What was she doing? “I want your dagger. Promise me you will not kill my father or aunt. Don’t hurt them, please.”

  “That is a strange request, considering they both want you dead. Very well though. Are we agreed?” Decker pulled out his dagger and sat it on the table, pushing it toward her. “I haven’t cleaned it yet. You get bonus blood from both me and Kheelan. Though it would take some fancy magic to separate them.”

  Alice knew she could, and that would give her a needed edge over Kheelan, but hesitation yanked at her. “I can’t agree to this. You really want to chop off my finger?”

  “Just the tip. I’ll stop the bleeding, heal the wound, and even take your pain. You fascinate me, letting you go without discovering everything I can, is a testament to our friendship.” He reached over and slid his hand over hers.

  “This isn’t how friends behave.”

  “Hair for hair?” When she nodded, he pulled out a few of his. “Even trades are not something I usually do.”

  Alice put her hand over the hairs he pushed across the table.

  He laughed, pulled his hand back, and stood, walking over to her and yanked out a few hairs. “Cry for me.”

  “I can’t cry on command.”

  Decker walked to a shelf and put her hair in a container. When he returned, he had a glistening blade. “This is very sharp. That will help.”

  Alice stood, her chair falling behind her. “I didn’t agree to parts.”

  “You did. I will leave Davina and Kheelan alone, alive. If they make another attempt at me…”

  “Defend yourself. I don’t want cut up.” She backed away, tears coming to her eyes.

  Decker sat the blade down, cupped the lacrimarca in one hand, and stepped to her, framing her face with his other. “Thank you, for saving me.”

  Alice was moved by the gentleness of his touch and words. More tears came. When the cold glass pressed on her cheek, she stared into the depths of his eyes, wondering if he ever did anything without an ulterior motive. “I would do it again.” She turned away when he removed the ball.


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