The Assassin's Weakness

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The Assassin's Weakness Page 1

by Jeanette Rico


  Jeanette Rico


  Chapter 1: Reaper

  “Gideon we need to talk. It’s urgent. Call me as soon as you get this message…”I pull the phone away from my ear and hit delete as I walk through the hotel doors. I blend into the crowd. I am very good at blending in. Several women give me the once over, but no one bothers me. It’s usually women who notice me the most. I am not vane, but I know what I look like. A former lover once told me that I look like a fallen angel. She said it’s the contrast between my golden hair and my nearly onyx colored eyes. Several other women mentioned my odd eyes. I’m six foot four and muscular. My eyes aren’t the only thing that fascinate women. I also have several scars on my body, a product of my rough upbringing. My mother was a prostitute and my father was a drug dealer. I was ten when my parents were killed. I don’t remember much. According to my file they died during a drug deal gone bad.

  I was twelve years old when Cameron Mathews took me in. I had run away from my last home. I was sleeping in a cardboard box near a downtown Manhattan alley. I had not eaten for days and was feeling weak. Cameron had just stepped out of the street when I jumped him. I was tall for my age and I was desperate. Instead of kicking my ass, Cameron took me home and fed me. Don’t get me wrong, I was extremely wary of him, but I was also extremely hungry. I remember asking him if he was a child molester. He laughed at that one. We established a tenuous relationship after that. He offered me a job as a courier. I was not aware that he was a Confradia Assassin back then.

  Cameron was twenty four when he took me into his home. He was one of the Confradia’s assassins before he was paralyzed. He’s in his forties now and still looks like he’s in his early thirties. He’s also pretty fit considering his condition. Women always commented on his auburn hair and blue eyes.

  I was introduced to life in the Confradia when I was fifteen. Cameron had been training me for several years. I thought he was training me in case I had to defend myself. He taught me several forms of fighting and how to shoot a variety of guns. At first I was shocked to find out what he did for a living. After my initial shock wore off, Cameron offered me a place in the Confradia. He explained the Confradia’s purpose. That’s when I realized that I wanted to save the world.

  Confradia stands for Guild. The Confradia is a secret society of trained assassins who are sent to “deal with” only the extremely evil. We are sanctioned by a very secret branch of the military. Only people high up in the government ranks know about us and they know better than to say anything. The Confradia is only called when an extremely powerful person considers themselves untouchable by societal standards. For example, state senators who child traffic or billionaire moguls who kill women.

  I walk past the concierge’s desk to the elevators. A woman in the elevator smiles flirtatiously. I’m wearing a charcoal Armani suit and black wingtips. Some people are so blinded by my rich attire that they don’t notice a killer in their mist. Right now, I have my nine millimeter and blade hidden in my suit. My mind wanders back to Cameron’s phone call. He has never called me during a job. Cameron knows better than to distract me. Which brings in to question… why he is so desperate to talk to me?

  I walk through the elevators a few floors below my mark’s room. I have been observing his movements for several days now. His name is Donald Henderson. Mr. Henderson is the heir of Henderson Pharmaceuticals. The Confradia was contacted after they found out that Mr. Henderson was testing viruses on children in several parts of South America and Africa. Several lawyers dug up evidence implicating the man’s company, but the truth was buried along with any witnesses. It’s funny how money can cover the most heinous of crimes.

  I stop into one of the empty rooms using a dummy key card. Many hotels think they are so technologically advanced because they don’t use keys. They don’t seem to realize that when they use computers to control their business, they are actually making themselves more vulnerable. All I had to do was get a key card machine, the hotel’s room codes and voila, a room card. I also have access to their registries and video cameras. It has been very useful in helping me observe my target. I snuck into his room earlier and installed a few microphones and cameras. I open my laptop and turn on the cameras. The man is surrounded by security. I have been working on an angle to get him alone. I look over his itinerary and come to a decision. He’s planning to go to the gentleman’s club nearby. It’s very easy to get lost in the crowd, which is what is going to happen to my mark.

  Several hours later I walk into one of New York’s most exclusive gentleman’s club. There are women dancing and serving drinks in various stages of undress. My target is sitting at the VIP section drinking and partying. The club is dimly lit obscuring what I’m sure are nefarious activities. The walls are covered in red velvet drapes. There are large chandeliers hanging over each table. I move towards the bar to get a better angle. Several women approach me, but I politely decline. He’s drinking rather heavily. His guards are also getting into the partying mode. That’s what happens when you hire amateur security guards.

  The music is blaring through the walls. There are a few nearly naked girls dancing around him. The tables are littered with bottles of liquor. The night is nearly over and my mark is extremely wasted. One of his men walks out of the club. If he sticks to his routine, he’ll have one of his men pull his car up to the alley. I prepare my silencer and wait for him to bring the car around.

  When he gets to the alley, he makes the call. That’s when I strike. I knock on the window feigning inebriation. The man opens the window in annoyance and says, “Get the fuck away from the car ass…” I don’t let him finish his sentence because I drag him out of the car and shoot him in the head. Taking him by the arm I toss his body into a nearby trash can. Once I’ve disposed of the body, I take his place in the driver’s seat of the car. Several minutes pass before my target and his men come out of the club. They stumble around inebriated, eventually making it to the back seat of the car. They close the doors laughing and joking. I lock the doors enabling the child proof locks. Then I turn towards the men and withdraw my gun. I discharge three consecutive shots to their heads. They were so inebriated that they didn’t even try to get out of the car. Once I’m done, I step out of the car and walk out of the alley.

  I’m several blocks away when I hear the a few excited screams. A girl runs out of a building nearby followed by a few more girls. They’re laughing and talking excitedly. I look towards the building. St. Bart’s College. The girls are all wearing school-girl uniforms. I wince when a few girls pass me by and whistle flirtatiously. I wonder why these girls are out so late. I ignore them and continue towards my parking garage. However, I only make it a few steps before I run into a slight form.

  Chapter 2: Kiss


  School was horrible today. I had three tests and a project to present this morning. My mom shipped me off to St. Bart’s after her new husband paid me a little too much attention. Carlson Adams is my mom’s fourth husband. They were married last year. I didn’t want to attend St. Bart’s, but my mom blackmailed me. She said if I didn’t attend St. Bart’s she wouldn’t pay for my dance classes and studio time. I’m a ballet dancer. My dream is to dance at the New York City Ballet. My heart broke when several of the dance schools I applied to rejected me. A few of my dance friends got in. They were shocked that I didn’t. Even my dance teacher Mrs. Thredeu was shocked. Something tells me my mom had something to do with my rejections.

  My mother is a recording agent. She makes a great deal of money. Unfortunately, she’s not the best parent. She basically forced me to attend St. Bart’s. I agreed only because I knew she could make things very di
fficult for me if I didn’t. She knows a great deal of people in the dance industry. One word from her and my dream of becoming a ballet dancer is over. Trust me. She’d do it. My dad is no better. He’s a drug addict and a gambler. I haven’t seen him since I was eight.

  So here I am, a freshman at St. Bart’s College. Thankfully, St. Bart’s is located in uptown Manhattan. There is always something to do here. What annoys me most is that I have to wear a uniform of a white button down shirt, plaid skirt and knee socks. To be honest I think my mom placed me in this school so that I can die a virgin. Yeah, St. Bart’s is an all-girls college. I think my mom hates the fact that I am getting older. Not because she loves me, but because the older I get, the older she gets. I remember once, one of my step dads commented on how beautiful I was getting. This made my mom very angry. She made me wear very conservative clothing after that.

  I console myself with the knowledge that I really haven’t had an interest in anyone. I am far too busy to waste my time on boys. It also helps that the dance studio is a few blocks from the school. I go to the studio all the time. I figure at least it keeps me away from her pervy husband. Carlson was making me very uncomfortable. I don’t know why my mom marries these men. Most of them are seriously creepy. Unfortunately, my mom has a blind spot when it comes to men.

  It’s a late night. We’re hanging out in front of the school. Cherry and Tamara are talking about going out. Two other girls are running ahead of us causing a racket. I roll my eyes at their antics. Tamara notices my derision. “Come on Jade. Loosen up a little. We’re planning to meet some boys at a bar nearby. You should come.” Cherry and Tamara are my roommates. They are both pretty blonds. Tamara has a short bob and Cherry has long hair. They both have blue eyes. Tamara is short and stacked and Cherry is tall and thin. I’m the complete opposite. I have olive skin with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I brush my bangs away from my eyes as I shift in my perch. I’m not very tall. I’m about a little over five feet. My body is fit due to all the dancing. The girls say I look like the Victoria’s Secret model Adriana Lima. I don’t know about that.

  Cherry and Tamara are always getting into one problem or another. Don’t get me wrong, I like them, but sometimes they’re a little too much. I shake my head. “Nah. I’m okay. I think I’ll just hang around my room and veg out.”

  We’re currently sitting on the front steps of the school. It’s Friday night and we have nothing to do. Maybe I’ll go to the dance studio. Tamara nudges me and smiles. “Come on Jade. You never go out. Do you even date?” I shrug my shoulders. “I go out. I just don’t find the guys we meet very interesting.” She rolls her eyes and clucks her tongue. “You need to put yourself out there girl. Live in the moment.” I scowl at their comment. “I live in the moment.” I say adamantly. Cherry and Tamara laugh at my comment. “Come on Jade.” Cherry says. “You never go out unless you go to the dance studio. I have never seen you with a guy. I mean you need to be spontaneous sometimes. It’s Friday night. You should be getting drunk and trolling the bars.”

  I grimace at their comment. I hate going to bars. I’d rather stay home and read. Unfortunately, Catholic colleges are not as strict as high schools. We’re expected to be in bed on weekdays. There are no curfews or restrictions on the weekends. I look at Tamara and Cherry. “I can be spontaneous.” Tamara giggles mockingly and Cherry snickers. “Okay Ms. Spontaneous. Show us what you got.” I straighten my spine. But inside I’m a little worried. Cherry rubs her hands together and smiles gleefully. “Okay…how about… you step out into the street and kiss, in the mouth, the first guy to walk down the sidewalk.” My stomach drops at her suggestion. I think it through and say, “What if the guy is married or ugly?” Tamara rolls her eyes. “Okay, we’ll do this. We’ll step out with you and when we find the right guy, we’ll tell you.” I gulp loudly in disappointment, but I refuse to back down. “Fine. Let me know when you see someone.” The girls move near the front gates and lean their shoulders casually near the entrance.

  They both maintain stand there talking maintaining an aura of relaxation. I follow behind them hesitantly. What have I gotten myself into? We hang around the front for a few minutes. There are a few girls going in and out. A few girls are in uniform and others are out of uniform. Some girls keep their uniforms on because they say guys like it. Something about corrupting a catholic school girl. That’s just weird.

  I’m ready to call the whole thing off when the girls visibly stiffen. Tamara and Cherry give each other and excited look then turn back towards me. Tamara’s eyes widen. She gives me an imperceptible wave and whispers under her breath. “Jade, get your ass over here. We found your man.” I look around for a way to escape, but Cherry must anticipate my nervousness because she grips my wrists tightly and pulls me close. “Okay, he’s coming down the sidewalk. Just walk up to him, say hi and lay one on him. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. He’s delicious.” I try to look back, but she pulls my face towards her. She fluffs out my hair and unbuttons the first three buttons of my blouse. I pull back and cover my chest. “What the hell Tamara…” Before I can say more, she turns me around and pushes me into a wall.

  Wait…it’s not a wall. I look up towards the man in front of me. He’s perfect, tall with gold hair and sinfully dark eyes. He straightens me up. “Are you okay?” He asks. His voice is deep and rich. I’m speechless. I don’t know how I did it, but suddenly I’m in his arms kissing him. He seems stunned for a moment, but then his arms are around my waist. The world disappears around me. I wrap my arms around his neck. I suck his tongue into my mouth. I don’t know how long the kiss lasts, but suddenly I’m no longer in his arms. He pulls away stunned. I hold on to him feeling dazed. The kiss was incredible.

  Chapter 3: Unexpected


  I look down at the girl in my arms stunned. When I set out to exterminate my mark this evening, I had never expected to be kissed by a beautiful young girl. I step back a little dazed. I am speechless. The girl breaks out of her trance. Her face is flushed and she is gasping for breath. “Wow.” She whispers in astonishment.

  I compose myself and move back in question. “What was that about?” I say in a controlled voice. But the girl doesn’t answer. Instead, she lifts her hand to her lips in a caressing manner. One of the girls behind her clears her throat snapping the girl out of her reverie. I raise an eyebrow in question. “Is there a reason you kissed me? Or is it a policy for Catholic school girls to accost men in front of their school.” The girl’s face flushes in embarrassment. She looks young, very young. Stuttering out, she answers. “Um…I…uh…I thought you were someone else. I’m sorry.” She whispers horrified. Somehow her explanation unsettles me. Whoever she was waiting for is a very lucky man.

  I move further away maintaining a blank face. “Well then I better go.” I give her one last look and step around her. I’m a few steps away when I hear her call. “Wait!” Her small hand wraps around my forearm. I look down at her hand, then up to her face. She removes her hand quickly and begins to fidget. Her fingers move over her hair and wrap around a loose strand. I lift up an eyebrow in question. My body heats up when she bites her lip. “I’m…Jade.” She says nervously. I nod my head maintaining a blank stare. She shuffles her feet looking uncomfortable but persists. I have to give her credit because many people have told me that I’m intimidating.

  However, this little girl is ignoring the danger in front of her. She clears her throat and straightens her spine. “What’s your name?” She says with a shy smile. I look over her shoulders to see her two friends gaping at her. I focus back on her and move closer. Her eyes go wide. She licks her lips becomingly. She looks very innocent, too innocent for someone like me. I lift my hand taking the strand of hair from her fingers. “Trust me little girl. You don’t want to know who I am.” She lets out a small gasp at my words. I let the hair slide from my fingers and walk away. I don’t look back this time even though I really want to.

  When I’m a good distance away, I
take a deep breath. There was just something about that girl. It’s odd because I’ve kissed many women. But I know that her kiss is one I will never forget. It’s too bad that I will never see her again because there’s just no room in my life for a relationship. And even if there was, I don’t think a young innocent school girl would be a good candidate for someone as cynical as me. I’d imagine she’d be that kind of girl who wants to be wooed. I’m more the “let’s go to the back room and fuck” kind of guy. I definitely wouldn’t be the kind of guy for someone like her. I need to stop thinking about this. A few minutes later I reach the parking garage. My black McLaren SLR Mercedes is right where I left it. Once I’m in the car, I push the night’s events to the back of my mind.

  I reach for my cell phone and dial Cameron’s number. He answers on the first ring. “Cameron.” I say keeping my eye on the road. I can hear Cameron’s breathing over line. “Gideon we have a big fucking problem. I’ll be waiting for you.” The line goes dead. Cameron has never been one to mince words.

  I look at my side mirror and do a U-turn. Several minutes later I’m standing in front of a gated brownstone. When Cameron retired he vamped up the security in his home. The house is located in a rural area outside the city. His home is reinforced by the highest security. As a former Confradia assassin, Cameron has many enemies. You never know who is coming after him for something he did in his past. The gates open admitting me in.

  Once I’m through, I drive up to a long driveway. I walk up the large brownstone’s stairs to the door. There is a digital security pad near the door. I place my hand over it. The pad glows, and then dings. The doors open to a large foyer. I step through removing my weapons and placing them in a metal container. Then I step towards a large circle encrypted on the floor. The floor vibrates and I’m surrounded by several glowing circles. After a moment the circles stop and glow green indicating that I can pass. Anyone who does not pass the circle runs the risk of dying once they step out of it. I did say that Cameron was serious about his security. Most would call him paranoid, but I know better.


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