Stories for Amanda

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Stories for Amanda Page 9

by Amanda Todd Foundation

  Jenny stood up and walked over toward my table. “Um… hey there. Wyatt, is it?”

  Wyatt turned and looked at Jenny. “Yes, ma’am, it is.”

  “I think you would be more comfortable sitting at my table.” She leaned over and flashed her breasts as I rolled my eyes. “If you know what I mean,” she said with a purr.

  Wyatt smiled at her and looked at me, giving me an is-she-for-real look. He turned back around. “Thanks, but I’m rather comfortable here.”

  Jenny stood up and looked stunned. “What?”

  “Thank you, but no, thank you. I’m fine right where I am.”

  “Jenny, please take your seat now,” Mrs. Hathaway called out.

  I sat there for forty-five minutes, trying to pay attention to what was being said about Romeo and Juliet, but all I could really focus on was the drop-dead gorgeous guy who kept bumping his knee into mine every five minutes and apologizing.

  Don’t get used to it, Skylar. The moment he finds out that hanging around you is committing social suicide, he won’t be talking to you… let alone, sitting next to you tomorrow.

  Right before class was over, Wyatt leaned over and bumped my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled.

  “I was wondering if I might be able to borrow your notes during class tomorrow, just to get caught up. Mrs. Hathaway told me to ask someone.”

  “Oh, um… yeah, sure. Of course! You can take them tonight if you want. I won’t need them. Our next test isn’t until next week,” I said as I handed him my notebook.

  “Awesome! Thanks so much. By the way, I told you mine. Are you going to tell me yours?”

  I shook my head, confused by what he was asking. “Tell you my what?”

  The moment he smiled that crooked smile, I thought I was going to die. He had a dimple in his left cheek. Oh dear Lord.

  He laughed as he shook his head. “Your name, angel. What’s your name?”

  “Oh!” I said with a small laugh. “Skylar. Skylar Woods.”

  He smiled bigger as he reached for my notebook. When his hand brushed against mine, I wanted to let out a gasp. My whole hand felt like small bolts of lightning had just gone through it. He looked down at our hands and then looked up and captured my eyes. His eyes clearly showed he’d felt the same thing I felt.

  As the bell rang, he slowly moved his hand off of mine and smiled. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Skylar. I hope I see you around.”

  “Same here, Wyatt. Welcome to Marble Falls,” I said with a smile.

  He stood up and started to walk off. I noticed Mike Barnes and a few other football players stopped him to introduce themselves. They must all know that he was here to play football.

  I glanced up toward Mrs. Hathaway as I gathered my things. She smiled and gave me a wink. I gave her a weak smile back, knowing after the football players all started telling Wyatt about my past, he would try to quickly distance himself from me.



  I wasn’t able to stop thinking about Skylar. I’d never seen such a beautiful girl before. That curly, long brown hair and the bluest of blue eyes were burned into my mind. The moment I saw her in the parking lot that morning, I’d known I needed to get to know her.

  Then, when I saw her in my English class, something had happened. It was something that had never happened to me before. My heart had started pounding, my hands had started sweating, and I’d felt like I couldn’t catch my breath.

  I walked into the lunchroom with Mike and a few other guys from the football team. I was really surprised that they were accepting me so quickly. From what my father was told, the coach had watched my games from my old high school. I was probably the best high school quarterback in New Mexico, and this high school needed a good quarterback.

  I glanced over and saw that girl, Jenny, waving at me like a fool. When I looked away, I saw Skylar sitting at a table with another girl and a guy. They were sitting alone at a huge table while everyone else was crowded around two tables.

  “Dude, get your lunch, and then come sit with us. Just watch out for Jenny. She’s already tried to get her claws into you once,” Mike said with a smile.

  I laughed and shook my head. “Thanks, dude, but I think I’m going to go sit with Skylar.”

  Mike’s smile faded. “Skylar? Skylar Woods?”


  “Ah, dude… I get that you’re new and everything, so I’m gonna let that one slide. You can’t hang out with Skylar.”

  I instantly felt anger boiling in my blood. Holy shit. What is going on with me? Why am I getting so mad? “Why not?”

  “Um… well, Skylar is, um…” Mike looked back over toward Skylar and then back at me.

  I stood there, shaking my head. Holy shit. Does this guy even know why he’s not supposed to like this girl?

  “Jacob, Wyatt wants to know why he can’t hang out with Skylar.”

  Jacob laughed. “Dude, Skylar is… tainted if you know what I mean.”

  I just looked at him. “No. I don’t know what you mean.”

  Jacob let out a sigh and looked around. “She has an older brother who’s in the Marines. He was always worried about Skylar because she was so innocent yet beyond beautiful. She had no idea how many guys wanted to be with her. While her brother was gone, he asked his best friend, Charlie, to ‘watch over’ Skylar. Well, he watched over her all right. Charlie ended up talking her into going to a movie with him one night. Her mom and dad didn’t have a problem with it since they knew Charlie, and he was their son’s best friend. Well, he had sex with her. Next day, he bragged all over town about what a good piece of ass she was. Problem was that Sky said he’d raped her.” Jacob stared over toward Skylar with an almost sad look in his eyes.

  My heart started pounding, and I balled my fists together.

  “Sky’s brother came home and found out about it. He beat the shit out of Charlie before he had to leave to go to Iraq. Charlie ended up telling everyone that Skylar had lied and that she had begged him to have sex with her. Most everyone took Charlie’s side, and Sky ended up with… well, with a bad reputation. Most of the girls were jealous of Sky, so they took off with the story Charlie had told, and they spread it around like wildfire.”

  I looked at this kid and shook my head. “Did you know her well before this happened?”

  Jacob glanced down at the floor and nodded his head. “Yeah, I, um… I used to date her.”

  “You ever have sex with her?” I asked.

  He looked up at me, shocked. “Jesus Christ, dude. I’m not going to talk to you about that. Sky’s not some tramp who just fucks and moves on. We dated. It was different.”

  “Yet, you stand here and tell me she’s ‘tainted.’ That’s pretty fucked-up. Sounds to me like the only problem Skylar had was a bunch of asshole friends who turned on her when she needed them the most.”

  Jacob just stood there and stared at me.

  Mike shook his head. “Dude, you don’t get it. Charlie said she’d begged him to fuck her.”

  Jacob glared at Mike. “Shut the fuck up, Mike. If Wyatt wants to talk to Skylar, let him. We’ll see you on the football field, dude.”

  They walked over toward the table where Jenny was. She watched me as I headed over to Skylar’s table. The next thing I knew, Jenny was standing in front of me, blocking me.

  “Hey, there. Why don’t you come and sit with us? Get to know some of the cheerleaders and other football players,” she said as she bounced around, making sure her breasts were moving all over the place.

  I wanted so badly to tell her to push off, but I just smiled at her. “Thanks, but I actually think I’m going to sit and get to know Skylar.”

  Jenny turned and looked at Skylar who was deep in conversation with her friend. “Really? Skylar? I don’t think you understand, Wyatt. Skylar is a bit of a… whore. Like, if we could, we would plaster a big red A across her chest,” she said with a laugh.

  What a bitch. “Wow…”

nodded her head and smiled. “I know. Good thing I warned you, huh?” She turned and looked over at Skylar and then back at me.

  “No, that’s not what I was wowing,” I said as I walked past Jenny and made my way over toward Skylar.

  Skylar’s friend noticed me first and smiled. I smiled back as I sat down on the same side of the bench where Skylar was sitting, and I started to slide over, closer to her.

  The guy that was sitting at the table was good-looking. He was a big guy, so he must be athletic. I smiled, and he just looked at me. He kind of resembled Skylar.

  “Hey,” I said as Skylar turned and looked at me.

  Her face turned ten shades of red.

  “Um… hey,” she said as she glanced around.

  The kid sitting across from me was looking me up and down. “I take it your friends haven’t talked to you about my sister yet?”

  Ah, another overprotective brother. I smiled and nodded my head. “Oh yeah. I’ve heard all their rumors. Funny thing about me is that I actually like to get to know someone before I label them.” I reached my hand across the table and introduced myself. “Wyatt Smith. I take it you’re Skylar’s younger brother?”

  He reached out and shook my hand. “Only by five minutes,” he said as he looked at Skylar and winked.

  “Twins. Oh, wow,” I said as I looked at Skylar and smiled.

  The blonde friend reached across the table toward me and smiled again. “Hey, I’m Michelle, Sky’s best friend and this idiot’s girlfriend.”

  I laughed and turned back at Skylar.

  “My brother, Mitch,” Skylar said.

  I looked at Mitch and then Michelle with a grin. “Nice to meet you both.”

  For the rest of lunch, we all sat there and talked. Mitch loosened up a lot, and I found out he played football and baseball. Michelle and Skylar had been best friends since kindergarten. I also learned that Mitch and Skylar’s older brother, nicknamed Skip, was in the Marines, and he would be home on leave during Christmas.

  Skylar had a beautiful laugh, but she seemed to be really uncomfortable around me. I couldn’t tell if she was just a shy girl or if it was because of what had happened to her with the label everyone had placed on her.

  When the bell rang, I asked her what class she had next.

  She rolled her eyes. “Calculus.”

  My heart slammed in my chest. “I do, too.”

  She smiled. “Oh yeah? Cool.”

  “Can I walk with you?”

  She stopped and looked around. “Um… sure. I mean, if you want to.”

  We talked all the way to class about how much she hated calculus, but she was trying her best to keep her grades up. Her parents were pretty hard on her about keeping a B-average and above in all her classes.

  “I’m great at it. I love it. Let me know if you ever need any help.” I gave her a wink.

  She smiled and then dropped out of sight. I watched as she fell to the ground. I looked up and saw Jenny and another girl walking by.

  They both laughed before Jenny said, “Oh, sorry, strumpet.”

  I leaned down and tried to help Skylar up. She pushed my hand away, and I could see tears building in her eyes.

  “I’m fine.” She stood up and started walking away at a fast pace.

  “Skylar, wait.”

  She walked into the classroom and made her way to the very back.

  Does she sit in the back of every classroom? Alone?

  Jenny stood up and grabbed my arm. “Empty seat here.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  “No, thanks.” I made my way over toward Skylar.

  She was looking out the window, but she moved over a little when I sat down. I swore I thought she was crying.

  For some reason, the idea of her crying broke my heart in two, and I never wanted to see her cry again.



  It took everything out of me not to look at him during calculus. I glanced over toward Jenny. I hate her. I can’t even believe she was my best friend or that I was ever a part of their stupid cheerleading squad. I hate them all.

  As soon as the bell rang, I jumped up and made my way out of the classroom. I practically ran to my locker. When I opened it up, a note fell out, and I reached down and picked it up.

  Really, Skylar? Do you really think someone as attractive as Wyatt would ever be interested in the school tramp? You’re not even beautiful enough for Charlie to want you. Might as well give up now.

  Just seeing his name made me want to throw up. I looked around, but no one was watching me. I ripped up the note and threw it back into my locker as I reached for my car keys.

  I never skipped school—ever. But I just couldn’t stand to stay here another minute.

  I decided to go to the nurse. I told her I was feeling really sick. I never asked to go home, so I wasn’t surprised when she let me sign out without calling my mom or dad.

  I got in my car and drove out to the lake. It was my place to clear my head and get all the hate out of my heart. I reached into my shirt and pulled out my heart necklace that Skip had given to me.

  “Anytime you need me, Sky… hold on to this necklace, and I’ll be with you.”

  I felt the tears burning in my eyes. I pulled in, parked, got out, and sat on the hood of my car. Why? Why did this happen to me?

  I’d begged my parents to let me go to another school, but my father had said that I had to face my fears and stand up for myself, or they would always brand me as something I wasn’t. Only problem was that no matter how many people had tried to defend me, Charlie’s parents would somehow get to them and convince them I was the one lying. They couldn’t have their son branded with a bad reputation as a rapist.

  Oh my god, I was so stupid for trusting him.

  I felt my cell phone vibrate in my back pocket. I took it out to see a text from Mitch, asking where I was. I replied back, telling him I left school early because I needed some fresh air.

  I turned my iPod on as I leaned back and slowly felt myself letting go of everything—every fear, hurtful word, painful memory. Each disappeared with every breath I took until I fell asleep, so I could forget for a while.

  While I was dressed in a beautiful gown, Wyatt twirled me around. We laughed as he looked at me with such love in his eyes.

  I never wanted to wake up from this dream—ever.



  I heard his sweet voice calling out for me. This is the best dream ever.

  “Skylar. You’re going to get sunburned, angel.”

  I just wanted to feel his lips on mine. I wanted to know what it would be like to have someone kiss me with love and passion instead of lust and greed.

  Then, I felt my skin burning on my arm.

  “Skylar. Please wake up.”

  I snapped my eyes open and sat up as I pulled my earbuds out of my ears. I was looking directly at Wyatt. What in the hell is he doing here? Who told him where to find me?

  “Did you follow me here?” I asked as I slid down the hood of my car and backed away from him.

  He looked so confused, and then he took a few steps back.

  He thinks I’m scared of him. Oh shit.

  “Um… no, of course not. I found this place a few days ago, and I fell in love with it. It’s a good place to come and study… to just relax. I didn’t even know it was you until I walked up closer to see if you were all right. Your face is sunburned. How long have you been out here, angel?”

  I just stared at him. Why does he keep calling me angel? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “I, um… I’m not sure. I was listening to my favorite song and I guess I fell asleep.”

  Wyatt smiled and asked, “What’s your favorite song?”

  “Um, Christina Aguilera’s ‘Beautiful’. What time is it?”

  “It’s five.”

  Oh no! Oh shit! I pushed past him and opened up my car door.

  “Hey, where are you off to in such a rush?”

/>   I stopped and looked at him. “Work! I work at Pizza Mia. Sorry, Wyatt. I have to go, or I’m going to be late.” I jumped in my car and raced to work. Thank God I keep an extra uniform in my car.

  Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any worse, I walked into work to find Jenny, Michelle, and Rachael sitting at a booth. I passed them and ran to the back to change. I clocked in with one minute to spare.

  “Do you want me to take their table? They know that’s your booth.”

  I nodded my head and smiled at Eva. She was a sweetheart of a lady and one of the few people in this town who actually believed me about Charlie.

  Once Eva walked over to take their order, I heard Jenny ask, “What section is Skylar’s?”

  “Her section is full. Are you going to order or what?”

  I heard the front door open, and the bell rang. I looked up and saw Wyatt walking in. What in the hell? He looked at me and smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back at him. Shit! There’s just something about him that draws me to him. As he walked up to me, his smile grew bigger, and I noticed people were staring.

  “Hey,” he said as he sat down at the bar.

  I smiled and walked over to one of my tables to take their order. The whole time I felt Jenny’s eyes just piercing me.

  Why is Wyatt doing this? Doesn’t he realize how they’re going to harass me for this?

  For two hours, while I was running around, working, and trying to avoid Jenny, Wyatt was talking to Mr. Jones, one of our regulars, about World War II. Jenny attempted to talk to Wyatt once, but she was quickly bored with his conversation about war. When she got up and went back over with her friends, Wyatt looked at me and winked. I had to giggle because he really didn’t like Jenny at all. After getting tired of waiting for Wyatt to stop talking, Jenny and her friends finally decided to leave.


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