Stories for Amanda

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Stories for Amanda Page 37

by Amanda Todd Foundation

  Making a menu for the night was fun. It wasn’t interior design, but she loved coming up with colorful dishes that would look as good as they tasted. She was making two dozen hamburgers, barbequed spare ribs that she could bake in the oven and then finish on the grill to get that yummy charred taste, and she’d buy a dozen hot dogs too. For her side dishes, she was making a vat of baked beans in two crock pots, multi colored pasta salad and a tomato, mozzarella and fresh basil salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar.

  Along with the food she bought to make everything on her menu, she picked up some pies from the bakery for dessert. On her way home, she also stopped and bought beer and soda for drinks. All in all, she thought it was going to be a great first meal for all of them. They could make a toast to her Uncle Smitty. It would be a celebration of his life for everyone on the ranch.

  As the ranch hands started drifting in, a little before seven o’clock, the ones she hadn’t met before introduced themselves. They seemed to be a friendly lot for the most part. There were one or two that made her slightly uncomfortable, but she figured that was to be expected. Apparently Colt didn’t care for the looks some of them gave her either.

  “Tony, she’s off limits, you hear? That goes for all of you. You treat Ms. McDermott with the same respect you showed her when Smitty was still alive. If you can’t do that, there’s the door.” Colt pointed to the door and stared down the crowd around him. There were only two men who stared back. Tony Costa and Pete Barrons. That gave Colt the information he needed. Tony and Pete needed to be on his radar. He’d make sure they steered clear of Carrie.

  In order to break the tension, Carrie announced that everyone should help themselves to the beer and sodas in the coolers that she’d filled on the porch. She then ducked inside the house with Colt hard on her heels.

  “Colt, I appreciate your protectiveness, but maybe threatening them on the first day we take control of the ranch isn’t the way to go. I can handle those cowboys. You might be surprised. Just because I went to school for interior design and I can cook a meal for twenty, doesn’t mean I can’t also shoot a dime out of the air.” Uncle Smitty had taught her how to shoot at a very young age. She was a natural and had always kept up with it. Shooting skeet was a favorite pastime of hers.

  Carrie took the burgers and hot dogs out of the refrigerator and handed them to Colt. “I already lit the grills. Go put these on and in a little bit, I’ll take the ribs out of the oven and you can char them up a bit. While you’re doing that, I’ll get all the fixings ready and bring the salads out, okay?”

  “Yes ma’am. Sorry if I stepped on your toes out there, I just don’t like the way those two looked at you.” He took the tray out of her hands and surprised her yet again. “Until you say otherwise, I consider you mine. No one covets what’s mine, okay darlin’?” He quickly kissed her as he walk out the door.

  Carrie must have stood there for a good minute feeling her lips tingle. He sure was moving fast on the whole making her his thing. There was definitely a spark there, and she had already told him she was open to the idea of marriage to keep the ranch if she thought it would be a good marriage, but he seemed so sure. It almost seemed as if it was a done deal for him already. They needed to have a chat.

  After ten minutes had gone by, Carrie took the ribs out to Colt. “Here you go. They’re fully cooked so they just need to be heated up a bit, okay?”

  “Sure thing, darlin’. I had some of the boys set up those tables from the shed and wipe them down.” Pointing to another table on the porch by the coolers he said, “I thought you could use that one to put the food on.”

  “Yes, that’s fine, thanks. I’ll start bringing it out now.” She went back inside the house, Mollie following her every move hoping to get a morsel of something. She gave Mollie a piece of cheese and started carrying condiments, plates, napkins and other fixings out to the table.

  “Ms. McDermott!” One of the twins was running up to her. “Ms. McDermott! I can help you.”

  “That would be great. I’m sorry, which one are you again?”

  He gave her a big smile and pointed to the dimple on his left cheek. “I’m Terry. You can tell cause I have this dimple. Sam ain’t got one.”

  Smiling at the ten year old, she gently corrected him. “Doesn’t have one, not ‘ain’t got one’. Okay, you go on in and wash up. You can help me carry out the salads.” Carrie watched him wash his hands and went to the refrigerator to take the food out. She handed Terry bowl after bowl, and he put them on the table outside.

  After all the food was on the table, Carrie clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. She waited until Colt had come up to stand next to her. “Thank you all for coming. I’d just like to say that Smitty loved this ranch. He left it to Colt and I and we want you to know that we don’t intend on changing anything right now. Uncle Smitty always knew you all could run this ranch. He had every confidence in you, so I do too.”

  Colt spoke up too. “In the coming days and weeks, we’ll both be learning exactly how everything is done here so that we can help where we’re needed. We both want to be hands on owners like Smitty was. I hope that you all continue on here, but if any of you have any issues, please come talk to us. Now, let’s eat!”

  There was a light smattering of applause as the ranch hands came up to grab plates of food. “This sure does look good ma’am. It’s been a while since me and my boys have had this kinda meal. Thank you.” He nudged both of the twins. “What do you say boys?”

  “Thank you kindly, ma’am.”

  “You’re welcome. Now go on and enjoy that food. There’s plenty for everyone. And after you’re done with dinner, I have some pie too.”

  After everyone had left, Carrie was alone in the kitchen when she heard the back door shut. She continued washing the larger pots that didn’t fit in the dishwasher when she felt hands on her waist. She gave a little shiver of delight, but when she turned around she said, “Colt, we need to talk.”

  “Well, that’s not really what I had in mind.”

  Carrie smiled but held her ground. Drying her hands off, she pushed him away. “This is all just going way too fast for me. We just met yesterday! I know I said I’m on board with the possibility of marriage to keep the ranch, but I need some time. You seem like you’re ready to say ‘I do’ already.”

  “Well, I am. You’re a nice lady, Carrie. I’m most definitely attracted to you, and we already have this great ranch to run. Think of all the things we could do together. We could branch out with the cattle, have a family or just enjoy each other’s company. I think we suit. I trust my gut, and my gut says we’re a good fit.”

  “But you can’t just know that, Colt. Marriage is a big step. What happens if we find out we don’t suit as well as you think we will? What happens to the ranch then? We split it fifty-fifty? I don’t want that to happen. It’s just too much, too soon.” Carrie felt tears sting her eyes again. What on Earth was wrong with her? She wasn’t one of those women who cried.

  “Why the tears, darlin’? Don’t over think this. We’ll figure it out together. I didn’t mean to push so quickly. I’ll back off. Let’s just get to know each other like we said before, okay?”

  Carrie nodded her head in agreement, but to her horrible dismay a sob broke out of her. Colt gathered her up in his arms, stroking her hair and whispering soft words in her ear.

  She allowed herself a couple of minutes of sorrow and then pushed away from him. “Wow, I’m sorry about that. I’m just a little overwhelmed. I’m missing Uncle Smitty too. It’s just so different being here without him. I’m glad you’re here. Mollie too. It’s so nice to have a dog around. She’s very comforting.” As a matter of fact, as soon as Carrie broke down, Mollie came over and lay at her feet.

  “Aw, Carrie, you’re going to have to forgive me. I can’t seem to help myself.”

  “Forgive you for what?”

  Colt pulled her close again and bent his head down to hers. Placing his forehead against hers,
he whispered, “for this”. Before she had a chance to register what he was going to do, his lips were on hers. She resisted for all of two seconds before wrapping her arms around his neck. Colt took that as a good sign and deepened the kiss, rubbing her back and then tangling his hands in her hair.

  He looked into her eyes to judge her reaction as he slowly pulled away.

  “Well, yes, we do have the sparks.” She smiled up at him. “I’m not sure that constitutes as taking it slow though.”

  “How about if I promise not to kiss you again until you’re ready? Okay, darlin’?”

  She agreed and then ran her finger lightly over his scar. “How did you get this?”

  “I was thrown from my horse. Ironic, isn’t it? The trainer getting thrown? Well, it wasn’t the first time, but it was the most painful. On my way down, my face scraped along the side of an axe that was sticking out of a chopping block. It could have been much worse.”

  “Oh, wow. That must have hurt like the devil!”

  He chuckled at that. “It wasn’t pleasant for sure.” He leaned in and gave her one more, quick kiss. “Sorry, that’s the last one. Scout’s honor. You know, you have the sweetest lips in Montana, Carrie.” He reluctantly took another step away from her. “Now, I’m going to go make sure the horses are taken care of for the night. If you’ll finish up those pots, I’ll give you a foot rub when I get back. I know you’ve been in this kitchen the better part of the day. Dinner was delicious by the way. A man could get used to eating like that pretty quickly.”

  Chapter 6

  As time went by, Colt and Carrie got to know more about each other. They spent hours at night talking about their childhoods and their friends and families. They held hands as they took walks in the moonlight, and enjoyed the occasional picnic by the watering hole. Colt had kept his promise. Since that night in the kitchen, he hadn’t made another move on her other than a quick caress here and there. The more Carrie got to know him, the more agreeable she became to the idea of marrying him. It was nearing November then, and Carrie was beginning to wish she hadn’t asked him to take it so slow.

  One cool night in mid November, Carrie had had enough. She wanted another taste of Colt. She wasn’t sure if she wanted all of him, but she sure could use some more of his kisses.

  Gathering up some blankets, she asked him if he wanted to go snuggle up with her on the porch and look at the stars. “Hell yes. I’d love to share a blanket with you, darlin’.”

  When they were seated together on the porch swing, Colt placed her hand on his leg and covered it with his. He loved their time together.

  Carrie was fidgety and seemed slightly nervous. Looking over at him with her eyes slightly cast down, she whispered, “Colt?”

  “Yeah?” She didn’t say anything so answered her again. “What is it, darlin’?”

  “Well, I’m not really sure how to do this. I mean I know how to do this, I just, well…” What the devil was she trying to say? She just wanted to kiss him. Should she just do it? He still found excuses to touch her; he was still nice to her, and they laughed together all the time, but was he still attracted to her? She thought she had seen him checking her out a time or two when he thought she wasn’t looking, but maybe she was wrong.

  Colt laughed. “How about if I help you out, okay?”

  “Uh huh”

  Colt leaned into her and she brought her lips to his. Ah, yes. Heaven. There might not be anything better than kissing Colt. No, she was wrong. There was something better. Colt ran his hands over her as he parted her lips so that he could taste her. His hands were gentle but insistent at the same time. She couldn’t get close enough to him.

  She sighed and mumbled his name. “Colt.”

  He pulled back from her. “Too much, darlin’?”

  “No, not enough. I’m ready for the next level.”

  “I won’t make you say it twice.” He gathered her up in his arms and walked her into the house. He went straight up the stairs to her room and laid her in the middle of her bed. They made love all night long, and that’s when she knew that she would marry that man.

  They woke up in each other’s arms with satisfied smiles on their faces. She was deliciously sore in places she didn’t know existed. He was sated like he couldn’t ever remember being before. He knew they’d be good together. What did surprise him though was her choice not to use birth control.

  When Carrie made a decision, she went into it all the way. She was ready for the whole deal, and she wanted it all. Marriage and a house full of kids. She was already designing nurseries in her head.

  “Good morning, Colt.”

  “Good morning, darlin’. How are you feeling?”

  “Sore,” she informed him with a giggle. “But I think I’ll be feeling better later. Maybe around lunch time? I could make you a sandwich after.”

  “Carrie, that’s the best deal I’ve been offered in a long time. It’s a date, but now I have to get up. Why don’t you sleep in today? I’m going to be gone until lunch time. There’s some broken fencing that I’m going out to mend. It’s pretty far out and it’ll take me a while.”

  “Okay, I will. Thank you.”

  “What are you thanking me for now?”

  “For taking this chance. For caring for my Uncle Smitty, and agreeing to marry me and help run this ranch. It means a lot to me.”

  “It’s not a hardship, Carrie. Don’t you know? I’m already in love with you, girl. I think I might have fallen for you when you invited my dog into the house. Anyone who loves animals like you do is good people.” Running his hands over her ample curves he said, “This gorgeous package you’re in doesn’t hurt either.”

  “I’m glad you like my package. I’ve always been very aware that I’m not like those models. I’ll never be thin. Just wait until I get pregnant, I’ll be as big as a house.”

  “You will never be anything but gorgeous, Carrie. I thank god you don’t look like those models.” He gave her rump a gentle slap and got up out of bed. “I’m going to take a quick shower and I’m off. Go back to sleep, darlin’”

  Carrie woke a bit later to a noise coming from downstairs. She looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was almost ten am. Colt must have really worn her out the previous night.

  “Colt? Is everything okay? I didn’t expect you back so soon.” When she didn’t get an answer, she thought she must have been hearing things. She got up and put her robe on.

  Making her way down the stairs, she saw a shadow in the kitchen. “Colt?” She turned into the kitchen to see Tony standing there.

  “Hey, gorgeous. Looks like you got a nice tumble in bed, huh? I was waiting to see what kind of gal you were. Now it’s my turn.” As he walked towards her, Carrie held up her hand.

  “Whoa, I’m not any kind of gal. You need to leave now, Tony.”

  “Aw, come on now, Sweets. You can’t save all those curves for just one man. I won’t tell the others.”

  Carrie wasn’t sure how seriously to take him. She didn’t really feel threatened, but she still wanted him out of her house. “I really think you’ve got the wrong idea here, Tony. Colt and I are getting married.”

  “But ya ain’t married yet, are ya, honey?” He took another step towards her and she ran out the front door, straight into Colt.

  “Hey there. What’s wrong, darlin’?” When Colt saw Tony standing behind her, his face showed his confusion. “Tony, what are you doing in here?” Looking from Tony to Carrie, he asked her, “Is everything okay here?”

  “Yeah boss, I was just chatting with Ms. McDermott.”

  “No, Colt. It’s not okay. He was trying to push his way into my bed. Even after I told him we’re to be married.”

  “Is that a fact?” Colt grabbed Tony by his coat and shoved him out the door. “We’ll mail you your last paycheck.”

  George was standing outside of the barn when Colt stepped out of the house with Tony. He was on his way to the main house to check on Carrie after he saw To
ny heading that way. He never did trust that man. “Everything okay here, Colt?”

  “Escort Tony off the property, please. He no longer works here.”

  “Yes sir, happy to do it.”

  After George had a grip on Tony, Colt turned back to Carrie and wrapped his arms around her. “Are you okay, darlin’? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” She struggled against him as he pulled her tighter. He felt something hard in her pocket. Loosening his grip as she pushed harder at him he said, “What’s that?”

  Carrie chuckled at him. “That’s what I was trying to tell you, but you kept pulling me in tighter. I’m fine. I wasn’t afraid of him. Remember me telling you that Uncle Smitty taught me how to defend myself?”

  “You have a gun in your pocket?”

  “No, silly. I enjoy target shooting, but I could never shoot a person.” She pulled a stapler out of her robe. “I grabbed it on my way downstairs when I heard the noise and you didn’t answer me. I figured if I had to, I could throw this and run for the door. There are always ranch hands around. I’m sure one of them would’ve helped me.”

  Chapter 7

  They planned a Christmas wedding held right there at the ranch. The house was decorated inside and out. White lights shown all across the porch and along the roof line. Pine boughs were wrapped around the railings with big red bows every couple of feet. It had started to snow earlier in the day, and the house couldn’t look any lovelier.

  Inside the house was just as festive. It was packed with the ranch hands who hadn’t any other place to be for the holidays. Carrie reluctantly invited her parents who were surprisingly supportive. Colt’s father and brothers were there as well. His mother had passed away years before.

  It was a low key event and exactly what they both wanted. They were married by their foreman, George, who got ordained over the Internet.

  Ham and turkey with all the fixings lined the table. The counter tops were filled with hot and cold finger foods ranging from cheese platters to home-made mini crab cakes. There was a full bar, and Mr. Bolton was playing bartender. It was a night filled with laughter and good cheer, just as Christmastime should be.


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