Fierce Awakenings

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Fierce Awakenings Page 3

by Kristy Centeno

  Angered by the fact that someone had invaded his territory, Tristan hissed angrily, and with a simple mental command he teleported his body out of the cave and into the forest where he immediately set out to find the intruder.

  It didn’t take long for him to pinpoint what he detected to be something heavy set, judging by the pounding of its feet. As it moved about, he soon realized that he wasn’t dealing with an ordinary adversary. What he didn’t expect was the sight that greeted him once he finally tracked down the trespasser.

  Chapter Three

  Victoria spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening with Tyrone and Sasha, enjoying a nice quiet meal while conversing over what was new in the werewolf world, which wasn’t much. She found it easier to forget her distress when she was amongst friends. After a while, she managed to be herself and forget about that morning’s conversation with her parents. But as she strolled across the yard after leaving Sasha’s house for the evening, her anger and disappointment began to rise once more.

  Never in her life had she felt so powerless, and this was saying a lot considering she was a she-wolf. Her life had just become even more unfair, and for a split second, she wished she had been born male instead. Her life would have been much easier that way. She could have chosen the mate she wanted instead of having one chosen for her. Victoria seriously contemplated leaving, abandoning the pack and starting a life on her own sounded heavenly. But where would she go? What if she came across a pack of rogues or much worse, maneaters? Those unscrupulous fiends could most definitely force her to mate with their leader. Incidents like those happened and she didn’t like the idea of being ravaged by a group of wild, horny rogues and then having to give birth to children who would more than likely carry the maneater gene.

  Despite her desires to flee her parents, the pack, and her responsibilities, she admitted she didn’t know for sure if she could do it. She would risk getting caught by some lunatic pack or being hunted down and killed by werewolf hunters. The pack provided protection even if she hated to admit it.

  Victoria wasn’t a helpless damsel by any means. She could fight well and protect herself quite readily if the need arose, but she still was no match for a pack of randy rogues with huge appetites for blood and sex. Even if she fought back she could still get hurt or worse. It was best not to chance it, at least not for the time being. But there was one thing she needed now more than ever. The urge to be alone and far away from the mansion was nearly overwhelming. The beast inside of her desperately needed to be let loose.

  Without hesitation, Victoria ran inside the mansion and retrieved the keys to her car. Eluding detection by acting nonchalant and sticking to the shadows, she managed to slip into her car, start it, and drive off before catching a beta’s attention.

  Moments later, she was driving off with no particular destination in mind. Turning on the CD player, she blasted the music as high as it would go and stepped on the gas pedal. The car swerved a little when she pushed it forward, but she managed to maintain control over the vehicle before it fishtailed off the road. The urge to shift and go for a run was too strong for her to ignore; she continued to drive until she found a nice isolated patch of forest far enough away from the mansion and the pack that she didn’t feel the need to conceal herself.

  Victoria drove the car to the edge of the road, parked it, turned the ignition off, got out, and locked the doors before marching down the incline. It was getting dark so she was confident no passersby would be able to spot her from the road above. The prospect of tasting freedom, even if it were for a short span of time, was very appealing.

  The woods were calling out for her to join the mysterious nocturnal creatures that often lurked within what humans described as nothing but trees and bushes as far as the eyes could see but to her, the woods were a sanctuary. It was a place where she could be who she really was without feeling the need to hide or camouflage her true form in any way.

  Locating a place where the trees hid her from view, Victoria undressed and let the change take over her body. Within seconds, she was in full werewolf form and plowing through the woods using all her speed to gain momentum.

  Running always gave her a feeling of freedom, even if she knew it was just an illusion. Deep down, she understood that freedom was probably the one thing she would never have. Her alpha father had made sure she grew up as disassociated from the pack as possible and now that she knew what her parents’ plans included, she realized that perhaps her father’s intentions was to shield her from life outside her bedroom walls so she wouldn’t fight him when the time came for him to be rid of her.

  Howling in frustration, she allowed her inner beast to take over and dominate her submissive side. Although stronger than a full grown man, her human side was far more passive than her she-wolf. Living as a human was restrictive, but as a wolf she felt no such restrictions. It was as if she was one with nature. Here, no one would come to disturb her peace, at least not anytime soon.

  Victoria was aware that if she took too long her father would send Tyrone or one of the other Trackers to come look for her, but for the time being she was alone. The night was perfect for a well-executed hunt, so the decision to do so was rapidly made. Hunting was an activity that could distract her from the troubling thoughts crowding her mind. For the time being, she could forget she was Victoria, the alpha’s daughter, and focus on being the she-wolf that matched her outward appearance. Sensing a small herd of deer nearby, she directed her stride toward where the animals were grazing contently, completely unaware of the approaching predator.

  As big and bulky as her werewolf form was, she could still plow through the forest without making noise. Because of how fast and steadily she was able to move, Victoria could continue to get closer and closer to her intended victim without them realizing they were being stalked by a hunter. The blackness of the forests surrounding her aided her fast approach and concealed her massive bulk. Victoria didn’t stop to debate her mode of attack. Instead, she continued running until the small herd was within a few yards of her.

  Adrenaline now pumping the fuel she needed to use the ability to take down her prey rapidly and quietly, Victoria sized up her victim and propelled her heavy body forward. The moment the herd finally spotted her, they bolted in different directions. However, for a fully grown buck, his reaction came a little too late. By the time he chose to run, Victoria already had him pinned down to the ground. Quickly but efficiently, she ended the buck’s life and began to feast on the meat he had to offer.

  It was on times like these, when she felt more of a predator than a person, that Victoria wished she wasn’t part of a pack or the daughter of an alpha so she could do as she pleased. It was useless to lament, especially in a place as peaceful as the woods. Nothing she said or thought would change who and what she was. If there was anything at all she could do to change the direction her life was going, she would do it in a heartbeat.

  Hunger now satiated, Victoria started to pick herself up from the ground when she sensed a presence nearby. At first, it was a very faint and barely noticeable manifestation, but as she held still and allowed her senses to do their work, she began to understand that there was something not right with it. She was caught off guard by the unfamiliarity of the being she knew was there but could not see nor identify. How odd, she thought. This wasn’t a werewolf; at least she didn’t think so. What on earth was it then?

  Now fully standing, Victoria sniffed the air in order to catch a whiff of the being’s scent but there was nothing noticeably obvious that she could identify as familiar or unfamiliar about its aroma. Troubled over this new set of events, she started to hike in the direction where she sensed the presence might be.

  However, that effort proved to be fruitless. The moment she moved forward, it took off. The more she tried to reach it, the more it drew away from her. The worst thing about being in the middle of the woods while someone or something is out there watching you is not being able to see your opponent. No m
atter how much she tried to distinguish one shadow from another, she had no clear view of whatever was momentarily sharing this territory with her.

  Victoria began to think that whatever was out there watching her might be a ghost. She wasn’t particularly familiar with the whole apparition theory, but some elders believed them to be real. She had no experience with the spirit world, but she admitted to herself that it might be a possibility. After all, if werewolves were real, then who was to say that ghosts were not? However, something deep within her predatory instincts told her this wasn’t a spirit. This was something else.

  She continued to follow what she assumed to be the path it took, but she had no better luck locating whatever was out there. She moved swiftly through the forest but it still managed to evade her. Minutes of trying to catch up with it left her as alone as when she had first entered the woods. It wasn’t going to let her see nor investigate it and by eluding her, it was practically letting her know that interaction between them was not an option.

  Much to her disappointment, as quickly as the presence had appeared it vanished, leaving her with the strange feeling that this unexpected encounter was of significant importance.

  Victoria remained standing in the middle of the woods for a long time, hoping that whatever creature had been lurking around would come back. However, the being did not return. And after spending several hours away from her prison, she decided to go back home before someone came looking for her.

  Within moments she was fully dressed and driving back to the mansion. Upon arrival, she parked the car just inside the huge metal gates. Before Victoria could even open the car door, her father yanked it opened. Releasing a startled gasp, she raised her eyes to meet those of her father, who was leering down at her as if he wanted to burn her to a crisp. She wasn’t expecting him there waiting for her.

  “I hold much love for you, Victoria, but if you ever leave without telling anyone where you’re going, I will have you locked in the cellar until the time of your mating.” His rage-filled voice warned her not to push the limits of his anger.

  “I’m sorry, father.” She tried to sound docile. “I just went out for a hunt.”

  As she stepped out of the car and stood to face her father, Tyrone stepped forward. Guilt washed over her in rapid waves at the sight of him. She already knew that Tyrone tried covering for her.

  “Why not do so here? We have plenty of acres for you to shift and go hunting,” he snapped.

  “I wanted to be alone.”

  “If you have the need to be alone, go up to your room and shut the door.”

  She would have stayed quiet, but the moment he uttered those words, all her good intentions vanished. “I’m not a kid! You don’t have to treat me like a pup. I’m fully grown now! Treat me as what I am!”

  Her father was so angry Victoria thought he would slap her right there on the spot.

  “I will treat you as the mature woman you claim to be when you start behaving as such.”


  “Now run up to your room and stay there if you don’t want to be locked in the cellar.”

  “How can you treat me like this?”

  “You push my limits like no one else ever has. If there’s someone to blame for my behavior towards you, it is you.”

  “It’s not my intention to—”

  “You risk much by disobeying me and this is not the first time you’ve done it. If you were more obedient, I wouldn’t have to be so stern with you.”

  Victoria said nothing. She was too angry to answer without lashing out at her father.

  “Tyrone, take Victoria up to her room and make sure to assign a guard to watch her door for the rest of the night.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” Tyrone stepped forward and gently ushered Victoria away by the elbow. “Come on, Victoria.”

  The lord werewolf marched inside the mansion and disappeared through a door located at the far side of the living room. Victoria stared after him long after he was gone. How could he be so cold with his only daughter? He never treated Darius like this, why the difference in treatment between them? Just thinking about her brother brought another flow of sadness. How she missed Darius, if he were here things would be different. Her father wouldn’t be so grumpy or completely overbearing. Darius always managed to calm their father’s temper no matter how over the boiling point it had gone. That was something she could not do.

  The moment Darius matured enough to mate, he found love and an alpha position with the woman he chose to become bonded to. Unfortunately for Victoria, in order for him to take the position as alpha that came with the werewolf princess whose father died soon after the union and who had no male children to argue their rights as alpha, Darius had to move to Alaska and take over his bride’s pack. He took on his role and despite his youth, he became a great leader and amazing alpha. But that all meant that Victoria and her parents did not see him unless he took time to travel home to see his family.

  Since Darius’ departure, their father became stricter and overbearing to the point that Victoria felt he was suffocating her. She tried to convince herself that he was just being a father who cared about his daughter’s wellbeing but somehow, that definition didn’t sound right when it came to her next of kin. He just wasn’t compassionate or loving enough for her to even see him as a type that would care if something bad happened to his only female child.

  Victoria sighed and continued to follow Tyrone silently up the stairs to her bedroom. Once inside her room, Tyrone turned to face her. Although he appeared somewhat disappointed, she knew the man well enough to know he was only disappointed because she had been caught.

  “I’m really sorry, Tyrone.” She gazed at her adoptive father, regretting the fact that he probably got an earful from the alpha because of her. “I didn’t plan to stay out for so long, but once I—” She stopped herself from mentioning the presence she encountered in the woods. That was her little secret, one she wasn’t ready to share. “I just lost track of time.”

  “Next time, try to come home before your father realizes you’re gone.” Tyrone handed a small basket he had been carrying to Victoria. She didn’t have to lift up the handkerchief to know there were a dozen oatmeal cookies inside. “He threatened to have my head the next time you disappear without anyone knowing your whereabouts.”

  Victoria smiled because she knew her father would never hurt Tyrone. He was the best Tracker the pack had to offer and the friendship between alpha and beta was too great for even a moment of anger to ruin.

  “You know as well as I do that he will do no such thing.”

  Tyrone smiled, then nodded. “He threatens to do it all the time.”

  “Even if he threatens to do it every time I disobey, he’ll never cut your head off. He might flog you, but never decapitate you.”

  They both laughed.

  “Thank Sasha for the cookies,” she added.

  “I will. Now be a good pup and stay inside your bedroom for the rest of the night.”

  “Even if I wanted to leave, you know I couldn’t.” As soon as Tyrone left, there would be a guard posted outside her bedroom door.

  “Don’t worry about your father’s anger. It will pass; just don’t do anything to make it worse,” he said. “At least, not tonight.”

  His anger. That was the problem with her father. He was always angry for no apparent reason, and more than once, during her short years, Victoria had wondered why.

  “Tyrone, you know him well.”

  He nodded in confirmation.

  “Why does he treat me the way he does?”

  “He’s just an overprotective father who fears losing the only child he has left.”

  Although her heart wanted to believe Victor Bonvalet cared for her, deep down Victoria knew that wasn’t the case.

  “As much as I want to believe that, I sense my father is more complicated than that.”

  “Yes. Your father is complicated, but he also worries about you, Victoria.”
  “Maybe,” she murmured.

  “Get some rest.”

  “I’ll try.”

  Moments later, Tyrone slipped out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  Alone and disappointed, Victoria could only watch from her bedroom window as those outside resumed their activities for the night. Occasionally, she would spot her father assuming his alpha duties while Tyrone followed, supervising the younger betas.

  As usual, Victoria could only stand on the sidelines and watch because she was permitted to do no more than that. It was as if she didn’t even exist. As if she wasn’t part of the werewolf society at all. She hated being thought so little of as much as she hated being treated as if she was no more than a breeding trophy.

  Chapter Four

  For most of the following day Victoria avoided both her parents and spent the day watching the betas train by practice fighting. It was an activity she readily enjoyed but was not allowed to partake in. As the princess, her only choice was to sit back and watch. If she wanted to educate herself she could only do so by observing and memorizing each move. It wasn’t a very effective way to learn but it worked better than guessing.

  Most of the younger betas were trained by Tyrone or Danero, one of the other Trackers. Danero was a young, handsome werewolf who was a skilled, vicious fighter. He was also a good friend. He was second in command after Tyrone. Despite his youth, Danero had earned quite a name for himself amongst the Bonvalet pack. Victoria knew how much her father valued both Tyrone’s and Danero’s services. Inflicting a mortal wound on either Tracker could leave the Bonvalet pack vulnerable to some degree.

  Being a she-wolf at heart as much as by blood, Victoria desired to join in the normal activities others were allowed to participate in. She was denied almost everything, and she hated her constrictive lifestyle. To make matters worse, she resented her father for the way he dictated her life. She knew other daughters out there were not raised as she, and they were as much a part of the pack as every other member. But the Bonvalet pack was led by a different type of leader and Victoria knew no one dared go against her father, which meant she wouldn’t get any help and she had no allies except Tyrone, Sasha, and Danero. Not even her mother would step in to her defense if the need ever arose.


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