The Return of the Man in Blue

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The Return of the Man in Blue Page 7

by C. S Luis

  “I thought you liked them taller and less exotic? With more cleavage showing.”

  I wrinkled my eyes at him. Of course he thought that considering most of the women I had brought into the store.

  “It’s not like that, Jarrell….”

  He grinned, nodding. “So, she is special,” he then said once more, which made me blush. “I can see it in your eyes. I saw it the moment you stepped in.” He pointed to the camera at the side corner of the store. God, he saw it? Bastard, he knew me far better than I had suspected. Was I that obvious?

  “You got it or not?” I insisted, sighing and trying to ignore him.

  “Yes. I have what you need, my friend. One special piece coming up for the lovely lady,” he very plainly said and walked away from the counter to the back. “I’ll be right back.”

  I glanced back at Claudia and walked over to her to see what she was looking at. I knew she was probably wondering what I was doing.

  “Hey sweetheart, you okay?” I asked. Coming from behind, I put my arm around her to see what she was staring at in the glass. I had to keep myself in check. I was beginning to act the part of a caring boyfriend and had to be careful I didn’t forget who I really was.

  Claudia looked over at me and smiled. God, she made me weak when she looked at me like that. “What are we doing?” She innocently asked me.

  “I’m getting something for you, sweetheart. I already told you,” I said as I put my hand on her cheek. She shied from me.

  “Mr. Slater, this jewelry is far too expensive,” she said, and I smiled at her when she said that but I didn’t respond.

  Then Jarrell broke my concentration, and I spun my head back, asking Claudia to wait for me while I returned to the counter with Jarrell. He placed a velvet cloth on the glass counter and slowly unwrapped it. Inside was a beautiful necklace with a sparkling chain and a large red ruby stone surrounded by diamonds.

  “It’s white gold,” he said. “The diamonds are of the highest quality.”

  I grinned widely, and he smiled in a sleazy manner that made me frown a little.

  “Cash or credit?” He asked.

  I grinned, lifting my phone. “Transfer okay?”

  He smiled. “Even better.”

  I looked back over at Claudia; she was still busy looking around.



  I noticed Mr. Slater and the man talking; they were looking at something on the counter, and I was curious to see what it was. I bit my lip. Was he buying me something from this place? The prices were incredibly high, and I wondered why we couldn’t just go to the mall. He could buy me a top and even some lunch.

  Why did he insist on buying something at all anyway? But I smiled because I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it. The fact that he was so attentive to me and that he wanted to get me something made me feel important and special again, especially by the way he had shunned Ms. Stephens and wanted to only talk to me. God, I’d missed him so much; if only he knew how much he meant to me.

  I looked back and noticed Mr. Slater walking over to me. He put his arm around my shoulder, and it made me tremble when he did that. But I’d be a bad liar if I said I didn’t like it when he so protectively held me. I felt safe in his hands; I felt important and the center of his world.

  “Ready, sweetheart?” He asked, and I simply nodded as he smiled and led me out, saying nothing else as we walked out the door.

  As we approached the car, he opened the door for me and helped me in. He walked around to his side and climbed in and sat there for a moment. I glanced over at him as he pulled out a velvet cloth from his coat pocket and opened it. Within it was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. Diamonds surrounded the large red stone centerpiece.

  I gasped, staring at the jewelry in his hand.

  “You like it? It’s one of a kind.”

  I blinked at him. I couldn’t contain my excitement. It was lovely, but I couldn’t possibly accept it. I gazed up at him in disbelief.


  John Slater

  “It’s one of a kind,” I said to her.

  “But, Mr. Slater I don’t think I can accept this. It’s so beautiful and it must have cost a fortune. I don’t think I can take such an expensive gift,” she innocently said, but I could see she loved it.

  “Why not? I want you to, so don’t argue with me, Miss Belle,” I said and leaned forward with the necklace in hand and came closer to her. She shied her eyes away from me in the other direction as I very carefully placed the necklace around her neck, feeling the texture of her soft brown hair as I did.

  She smelled good. I kissed her forehead, and then I pulled myself away. She touched the necklace, feeling over it and looking down at it; she appeared so innocent and intoxicating at the same time.

  “I love it!” Claudia happily said, and she sat up and wrapped her arms tightly around me, so tight that I trembled in her embrace.

  “You forgive me?” I asked her, and Claudia slowly pulled away and blinked over at me.

  “For what?”

  “For leaving you.” I merely said. “I didn’t want to, I just had no choice. You know that, right?”

  Claudia gazed deeply into my eyes. That strange aura and feeling that so many times clouded my feelings and my thoughts emerged again, intoxicating my mind. I bit my lip. Why did I feel such weakness when faced with her?

  “Mr. Slater, you didn’t have to buy me something because of that.”

  She dropped into my arms, and I felt her face against the side of my cheek as she squeezed me tightly. “I just didn’t want you to leave us. You’ve become such an important part of our lives.” She pulled away and looked right at me. “I care about you,” Claudia softly said.

  “You do?” I gasped like a weak fool. The aura had spun out of control inside me.

  John, don’t…

  Claudia smiled and put a hand on my cheek. “We both do, Michael and I. You’re part of our Milton family now. You should know that. I was never mad at you for leaving, just sad I would never see you again,” she said.

  I exhaled. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. I wanted her to say she sensed it too. The link that bonded us that bonded Project X and I to her in some strange manner I couldn’t understand.

  “I still want you to have this,” I said to her. Claudia smiled at me and very slowly kissed my cheek and then dropped down on the car seat to admire the necklace. I couldn’t move for a moment; as I put one hand on the steering wheel and one to my cheek where Claudia had planted her kiss. I swallowed hard, trying to clear my head.

  Who are you? What is that feeling that has this hold upon you?

  After a moment, I turned on the ignition; the sounds of the car startled me, and The Man in Blue was smiling.

  I put the car into reverse and pulled out of the space and drove out of the parking lot. We drove onto Montrose and pulled into Texas Art Supply. Claudia blinked up as we stopped; she hadn’t stopped admiring the necklace, and I was happy she liked my gift.

  Then, I thought that perhaps I had overdone it by just a bit, but she was my girl, and she had to have the best. Only now did I consider what people might say if they saw it. But the smile on her face was enough to silence the thoughts of their judgment.

  I turned off the car and hurried over to open Claudia’s door; she took my hand as I helped her out to her feet and closed the door behind her. She came to my side almost immediately, taking a hold on my arm without an invitation from me. I felt good; a sense of warmth rewarded me deeply. She curled next to me, walking alongside me as we walked up to the entrance of the art store together. I was a happy man, and the smile on my face spread.

  I opened the door for Claudia and allowed her to walk ahead of me as I followed behind her. She immediately sprung from the doorway towards the other side of the store. My eyes followed her through the aisle as I stepped into a whole new world of color and art.

  The clerk at the register near the entrance just smiled over at me
. “Welcome, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?” He offered. He was a black man with a warm smile and a kind face.

  I waved away his offer. “I’m just here with my…a friend,” I said.

  Did I almost say girlfriend? I bit my lip hard.

  Check, John, check!

  Another clerk was busying reading a magazine as I picked up a basket and walked very slowly to catch up to Claudia.

  Dressed in a suit and tie, I very much looked out of place among the slackers and hippie art folk. Some of them glanced in my direction. I was taller than most, suited up and brawny. I demanded the floor, the attention of darting eyes, and I caught a few young girls looking in my direction and even some men.

  But then I was used to that wherever I went. Did they want to know who I was with? Perhaps they wanted to know who I was more importantly. I finally caught up to Claudia, and those around us had never stopped looking over at me. Now they saw my company, and a few flashes of jealousy appeared.

  I stepped beside Claudia, who was standing by the oil paints picking up a few oil sets. She had a few in her hands, and when she saw me, she smiled as I came very slowly to stand beside her and she put the paints in the basket.



  Even with the basket in his hand, he looked very handsome. God, he could fit in anywhere, no matter what. He was always calm and cool about everything he did. He merely smiled at me when he found me by the oil paint aisle with that folded lip and big grin of his that I loved. I hadn’t meant to run off, but being at the art store always made me act like a kid. The smell of fresh paint and the new paper and glue was sweet like a candy store to me.

  Mr. Slater slowly came to stand beside me; he had picked up a basket, and as he neared, I put the items I wanted into it. He smiled, looking down at the items. As I looked for another tube of paint, I noticed him pick up the sets and examine the tubes. He seemed slightly interested, and I smiled to myself, watching him as he put them down again, looking around.

  People were looking over at him like he was some kind of celebrity. It never failed. I started noticing how people always found him quite interesting. There was indeed something about him. I noticed two girls looking over from the end of the aisle, whispering, and I heard one say, “Is he someone famous?”

  “He looks like it,” her friend answered.

  I blinked over at them, but they weren’t even looking at me. I saw Mr. Slater looking at the other side of the shelves at the acrylic paints, comparing them to the oils I had put into the basket. Staring back at the girls, I moved over to him and put my hand in his, and he quickly turned, not at all surprised to find it was me. I pulled him with me by the hand, and he followed like a puppy.

  “Come on, Mr. Slater. I want to look in this direction,” I so cleverly said, glancing over at the girls staring at us. They looked shocked when they realized he was with me, and they began to whisper and gasp when he put a hand on my shoulder and walked to the other aisle alongside me. I looked back at them, and the looks on their faces were priceless. I was the envy of them. It was finally my time to shine.

  I picked a few brushes, looking through them first before I finally made a choice. Mr. Slater simply and patiently watched me, and I felt him looking over my shoulder. It made me nervous, but in a good way. I wondered why he did that, but I liked his attention. I just glanced back, finding his eyes staring right at me. I grabbed a few of the brushes and put them in the basket.

  He picked them up and examined them. “So, how do you know which ones are the right ones?” He curiously asked.

  I guess he wanted to be interested in what I was doing. I shrugged my shoulders, unable to offer him an answer. “I just do, I guess.”

  He purely smiled and nodded. “Good enough for me,”

  “So, why do you prefer oil paint? Is it easier to use than acrylic?” He curiously asked. I guess that’s why he had been examining the tubes.

  I glanced over at him. “I’m just curious, Miss Belle; since it’s something you enjoy I want to learn more about it,” he offered.

  I smiled. “It’s easier for me,” I answered.

  He nodded his head, lifting his eyebrows. “Some find oil harder to use,” he offered.

  “I never have,” I responded.

  “So, are you taking art classes for this?” He asked me, and I thought about Michael’s offer to get into the art society.


  He looked impressed by my answer.

  “Self-taught, huh?” He asked.

  I thought about it for a moment and then said, “I guess so. I’ve never taken any classes. I just know I enjoy it.”

  “That’s good, and you’re very talented from what I’ve seen.”

  I blinked up at him. When had he seen my work? He noticed the look on my face, perhaps realizing I was asking that very question.

  “I’ve been in your room, Miss Belle. Remember?” He offered, and the reminder made me blush. It sounded weird, especially with people still staring over at us, well, mainly at him.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I happened to come across some of your artwork, and I couldn’t help but admire it.”

  I blinked, finding it hard to look up at him. I suddenly felt naked.

  “I especially liked the picture you did of me.”

  I quickly glanced up at him, surprised that he had found it.

  He smiled and winked.

  “Sorry,” I said. “It wasn’t my best. I was upset with you.”

  He blinked back at me. “Really? I thought you captured me nicely. I can sometimes look that mean.” I was slightly embarrassed. “What do you think?” he asked with a frown. “Don’t you see it?”

  I started laughing as he smiled over at me. “Now you’re just making fun of me,” I said, trying not to laugh.

  “No, not at all, Miss Belle,” Mr. Slater said with a big grin.

  “I loved it, Claudia,” he simply and very seriously said. “I would have taken it, but it wasn’t mine to take.”

  It was getting very hot with people staring over at us, coming into the aisle like they were looking for something just to gawk at Mr. Slater. But he didn’t appear bothered by it. I wonder if he noticed how people just stared at him, as though he was a celebrity. I wondered if he got that a lot and wasn’t even bothered by it anymore.

  But it bothered me, even if I didn’t want to admit it. Well, now it did, especially when he smiled back at the people looking. I guess it was the only polite thing to do. And when he smiled the way he did, with that gorgeous grin of his, it made them blush as it had made me. I guess I was jealous.

  That’s my smile, I wanted to say. He does that only for me!

  I grabbed a few more brushes and put them in the basket and turned to him. “I think I’m done,” I said.

  I just wanted to leave. I felt the envy of others’ eyes, and I wanted them to stop looking at him. And yet, I was delighted that they were jealous of me when they caught him by my side as we began to walk towards the register to pay for our items.

  The same girls were in front of us. And after paying for their items, they glanced over at us, well, at Mr. Slater who was merely smiling as he put the basket on the counter. Their eyes regarded me with envy as they hurried out giggling.

  The man was very nice, pulled the items out of the basket and scanned them one by one, dropping them into a plastic bag.

  “Did you find everything you needed, sir?” He asked Mr. Slater, who politely smiled and nodded.

  Mr. Slater pulled out his credit card, looking over at me when he thought I would object again. But I was smart by now; I knew not to say anything. I felt uneasy. He was paying for everything. I was considering talking to Michael about writing Mr. Slater a check from my inheritance to cover the cost of his expenses, at least without him knowing I had done so.

  Mr. Slater signed his receipt as the clerk put a copy in the bag for him and handed him the bag. We walked out with Mr. Slater leading the way, and he opened the doo
r for me and allowed me through as we stepped out and walked over to the car.

  He helped me into the car and hurried to the other side and he turned on the engine. I gazed over at him, and he immediately looked over at me.

  “What is it, Miss Belle?” He softly asked, knowing I meant to ask him something.

  “Mr. Slater, why is it that everywhere you go people can’t help but notice you? What is it about you?” He blinked and blushed.

  “Haven’t you noticed how the people inside were just looking at you? And they were wondering who you are?”

  He looked ahead, his thin lip slightly curving, but he didn’t fully smile. I think he was merely considering my words with a slight pleasure.

  “I know they were saying that because I could read them all. They wanted to know you; they wondered who you were. What is it about you that makes people want to know you?” I asked him so suddenly I hadn’t realized it.

  He blinked back at me, turning very slowly to look over at me. “To me, only one thing matters,” he responded.

  “What’s that?”

  He smiled. “What you think of me, Miss Belle.” I was surprised by his answer. “I don’t care what other people think, whether or not they’re looking at me. That’s not important to me. It never has been.”


  John Slater

  “You’re a very interesting man, Mr. Slater,” Claudia simply said, smiling back at me. That about made my day. I liked the idea that she thought so. How long have I been trying to get her to realize it, and now she was finally coming around. Perhaps all the countless eyes had struck a chord in her. But as I said, I was used to the stares and the looks wherever I went. It’s who I was now.

  “I’m glad you think so, Miss Belle,” I said with a grin and turned on the car.

  “So, are you hungry?” I said, changing the subject, realizing I had embarrassed her from the color on her face.


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