Death Dwellers Motorcycle Club:: Fifteen Bad Boy Biker Books

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Death Dwellers Motorcycle Club:: Fifteen Bad Boy Biker Books Page 19

by Kathryn C. Kelly


  “Kitchen Pirate?” she blurted. Heat tore through her when the other women tittered, rolled their eyes, and curled their lips.

  K-P hooted with laughter and elbowed the man next to him. “What do you think, Stretch? Think the bitch believes I look like a pirate?”

  Stretch blushed as fiercely as Meggie, then raised a startling blue gaze to her. He was young but oh-so-handsome. She nodded and he smiled at her.

  “Fuck with her, not only won’t you get your patch, you’ll lose your dick, boy,” K-P growled, all humor gone. “Outlaw will rip it from your body.” He turned his brown eye to her. “As for me, name’s Kitchen Patrol.”

  “Yeah, as in Kitchen Bitch,” Val commented, sauntering through the same door the other girls had come through.

  “Fuck off, you little roach,” K-P commented.

  Flipping K-P the finger, Val walked to Stretch and slapped him upside his head. “Consider that a warning. I’m not telling Outlaw you were drooling over Megan’s tits.”

  “How would you know what he was doing?” Meggie snapped. “You weren’t even in here.”

  He pointed to the ceiling. “Eyes in the sky, babe.”


  Val nodded. “All over the place. In almost every room.”

  Just kill her now. She swallowed, deciding to act cool. “Which rooms aren’t they in?” she squeaked.

  Val and K-P exchanged glances, before the younger man laughed. “Gotcha, babe! No camera is in Outlaw’s bedroom.”

  She sniffed and shrugged. “I wasn’t worried about that, Val,” she lied.

  As he snacked on some of the sliced, raw onions, K-P paused to direct the girls on what he needed them to do.

  “What do you need, Megan?” Val asked when silence fell, only broken by the chopping of vegetables and seasoning or running water to wash utensils, food, and chopping boards. The girls were silent, eyeing her with curiosity, dislike, or hostility, depending on who was doing the staring. “Megan, ignore the Bobs.”

  She was almost afraid to ask if all these women’s names were Bob, but K-P appeased her curiosity without her asking anything.

  “If you suck cock, you bob your head up and down.” He demonstrated using his finger and Meggie frowned, grossed out. “Anyway, babe, that’s why they’re called the Bobs. These bitches are expert dick suckers. If you don’t have a Masters in Deep Throating, you need not apply.”

  She gasped in outrage. “So Christopher named them Bobs because they…he–”

  Everyone but her laughed.

  “You’re precious, babe, I swear,” K-P barked, chomping on more onions. “Outlaw ain’t poetic enough to call these whores Bobs. That’s my name for them. He just calls them Club Ass. The Bobs are exceptional, though, paraded out only on special occasions.”

  “I need something to do,” she announced through tight lips. She wanted to ask where Christopher was, but didn’t want to look like she knew about as much—or less—than everyone else.

  Val lit up a cigarette and took a few drags. “An emergency came up, so Outlaw had to ride, Megan.” Holding his cigarette between two fingers, he twirled it to indicate the room. “This,” he began, ashes floating in the air.

  “Hey, asshole,” K-P yelled. “Get the fuck out of my kitchen with that shit or I’m going to shovel whatever the fuck has ashes in it down your fucking throat.”

  Val glared at him and took another drag. “We’re gonna have brothers from support chapters spending Thanksgiving with us. Some of them arrived earlier and we need food to feed everyone.”

  “And girls to entertain everyone,” Megan said dryly, unable to help the comment.

  Val smiled. “That, too. You were still sleeping and shit, and Outlaw told us not to wake you up.” He shrugged. “But shit needed to get going, so I rounded up some bitches to get started.”

  “Well, what can I do to help?”

  “There’s gonna be a party later. This’ll be your first real taste of a club party, so just chill today. Okay? Call Kiera and Ellen. Go buy a pretty outfit. After today, this shit’s yours to plan.” He pointed to K-P, purposely allowing more ashes to fall from the tip of the cigarette. “This asshole is your kitchen bitch from here on out for parties and shit. What you tell him to do, he’ll do.” He thrust a thumb over his shoulder. “These bitches and any other bitch come through here has to follow what you tell them to do. They give you shit, you throw them the fuck out or have one of us do it.” He shrugged. “If you like them, don’t tell Outlaw if they fuck with you. Handle it yourself. Put them in their places. You tell him, whether you like them or not, he’s either going to bar them from the club forever or take away their privileges for a few weeks. Either way, he’ll forbid you to have contact with them. If you don’t like them, tell him if they fuck with you.”


  “What he’s saying, babe,” K-P called, popping more onions into his mouth and not looking up from his task, “is Christopher is president. That makes you the first bitch.”

  It was pointless to insist they not call her a bitch. They were going to do it anyway. She huffed out a breath. “You mean first lady?”

  Val and K-P exchanged glances. “Yeah, that, too,” K-P agreed.

  “Of the Death Dwellers?” she asked for clarification.

  “Yeah, you got a problem with that?” K-P asked. His shoulders had tensed and it sounded as if he brought the blade down a little more forceful than necessary.

  “Nope. Christopher loves this club,” she said softly, thinking of another man who felt the same. “So did my daddy. It’s an honor. I just hope I do them proud.” She lowered her lashes, uncomfortable with the admiration in the gazes of Val, K-P, Stretch, and the other Probate whose name she still didn’t know. She finally moved from the spot she’d stood in since she walked through the doors. “I don’t have any money to go shopping. Besides, I went yesterday, and we’re going next week. I don’t think Christopher would like it if I went shopping again today.”


  “What I’d really like to do is cook Christopher a meal.”

  Val grinned. “Have at it in the smaller kitchen for now. I’m sure Outlaw would like that. But you can’t do it today. He’s not getting back until later. By then all this food will be ready.” He threw the cigarette down and stepped on it to put it out. “Advice from a Valentine.” He winked and grinned at her and, for the first time, she noticed his dimples. “There’s gonna be a lot of bitches here. You’re going to see shit you’ve never seen before. Outlaw has put the word out but there are vicious bitches out there. I’m gonna call Ellen and Kiera so they can take you back to the mall. Get an outfit…It’s like this—better to have him jealous of you than you be jealous of him.”

  “That’s totally up to Christopher,” she snapped. “If he doesn’t think enough about me not to make me jealous–”

  “See them bitches in here? How little they have on? We’re going to double that here tonight, all half-dressed, serving your man and all the other boys. Outlaw’s a man, babe. He might not touch, but he’s sure the fuck going to look at all that tits and ass.”

  “He’ll look at them regardless if I’m showing my tits and ass, too.”

  “Just because he has eyes in his fucking head. He’ll be looking but he won’t be seeing if you’re in here with some sexy little outfit, too.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “I’m getting a pervy vibe from you, Val,” she pointed out, folding her arms.

  “Aww shit, Megan. You’re fucking gorgeous. Do I want to see you in some little dress with fuck-me-heels on? Fuck yeah. But I’m not the one whose attention you want. I’m telling you, babe, set the precedent now. So you don’t have to worry about later.”

  Meggie agreed to let Val call Kiera, so she and Ellen could pick her up, but asked for at least two hours before they arrived. He agreed, slammed a wad of bills into her hands, and disappeared. She wanted to clean Christopher’s bedroom and take care of the
laundry piling up.

  The laundry room was located off the west end of the building, right off the second hallway. Just like the kitchen, the laundry room was extreme with three commercial grade washers and dryers, minus the slots for coins. Along the back wall were four ironing stations. It surprised her they didn’t have a commercial steam press. Whatever. At least she’d be able to get most of the wash done, including the bed sheets, comforter, towels, and a lot of their clothes.

  In between runs to the laundry room, she scrubbed the washbasin, bath tub, and toilet, dusted the furniture in the bedroom, cleaned the mirrors then swept and mopped. Although she wouldn’t have time to save their clothes, she made up the bed and placed the teddy bear Christopher had given to her for her birthday in the center on the mound of fluffed up pillows.

  By that time, Val was calling for her because Kiera and Ellen were outside. It surprised her to see a late model silver Impala instead of Ellen’s raggedy pink van. The passenger side door opened and Kiera got out, wearing sweats and running shoes, her hair in a ponytail, looking like a regular girl. Reluctant, Meggie trudged to the car and slid into the back seat, returning Kiera’s smile and scowling at Ellen’s glare.

  “Val said you need an outfit for tonight,” Kiera began, strapping her seat belt on.

  “Yeah,” Meggie grumbled. She still preferred not to have to spend time with the two with Christopher’s intentions to spend time with them over the holidays, but she’d either been at the club or in a hospital since she’d met Christopher, the exception being yesterday. It pissed her off, though, that he still wanted her to be around them. She settled against the leather seats, enjoying the new car smell, frowning at the growl of motorcycles. She glanced in both directions, startled to find bikes on either side of the car and another tailing when she looked out the rear glass.

  “We have company.” She remembered yesterday when Snake—her brother—and his goons surrounded them. “Are they trying to run us off the road?”

  “No, babe,” Kiera answered. “That’s three of the Dwellers. Outlaw don’t want you going nowhere without an escort.”

  “I’m not royalty or anything.”

  “No shit,” Ellen spat.

  She ignored that. “Why in the world would he order something like this?”

  “Because of yesterday, I guess,” Kiera answered. She met Meggie’s gaze through the rearview mirror and shrugged. “That’s why Val made us take this car. Everyone knows Ellen’s van.”

  “I guess they would with its Pepto Bismal pink paint job decorated with patches of rust,” Meggie said sweetly. She didn’t appreciate the woman’s jealousy when Christopher had made it so clear to her where he stood with them. Meggie sure hadn’t demanded Christopher offer her this sort of protection and to her way of thinking having a three bike escort brought more attention to her.

  They fell into a tense silence until they turned into the parking lot of a strip mall with a ladies’ boutique. Departing the vehicle, it surprised her to find Val there, although she realized he must’ve been left behind to babysit her and she wondered how he felt about that. The other two were Probates and she couldn’t remember their names, either.

  They escorted them to the door of the boutique, then backed out to stand aside. Meggie paused, her brow furrowing, not too sure about this place where everything from adult toys to hooker heels were on sale. Then, she thought about those other girls, the ones K-P called the Bobs, and hardened her resolve.

  “Val gave me enough money for all of us to buy things,” she began.

  Ellen rounded on her. “You fucking kidding me, bitch?” she snarled. “You got my ass banned from the Club until the spring social and now you want to spend money on me? Or is it because it’s Val’s money and not Outlaw’s?”

  Meggie shoved her back, not appreciating Ellen getting in her face. “I didn’t get you barred from anywhere, you evil witch.”

  A tall, dark haired woman, with huge boobs walked over to them, cringing at Ellen’s stare.

  “Get the fuck out my face, Sapphire. This is between me and this backstabbing bitch.”

  “I’m not a bitch,” Meggie shouted, anger rising in her.

  Kiera elbowed Ellen. “Shut the fuck up. If Val hears you, he’s gonna tell Outlaw, and you’ll be banned for good.”

  “Fuck off, Kiera. Just because you wanna shove your tongue up this bitch’s pussy doesn’t mean I do.”

  Kiera rolled her eyes. “I never even thought of eating her pussy. I just want to be able to go to the Club, so I’m following Outlaw’s orders.”


  “Would you stop calling everyone a bitch?” Meggie wouldn’t bother to respond to any of their other crudeness. “Just because you have a degree in bitchiness, doesn’t mean we do, Ellen. Now, leave me and Kiera alone or I will tell Christopher about how you’re acting.”

  “Meggie, c’mon, babe, let’s look around,” Kiera pleaded. “Shopping’ll cool you off.”

  “No. She jumped on me for no reason and I want an answer. I’ve tried my best to cooperate with Christopher, so I don’t deserve to have her attacking me for no reason.”

  “You want a fucking answer, bitch?” Ellen sneered, her eyes as rounded as a fish’s. “You couldn’t wait to open your fucking mouth to tell Outlaw what I said about spending his fucking money.”

  Christopher really, really, LIKE REALLY, should’ve shut up and not confronted Ellen. He’d promised he wouldn’t, which would’ve been a huge favor to Meggie because she was having enough problems with Ellen and Kiera. He’d just made it worse. Unfortunately, if she cowered to Ellen now, the woman would use it to her advantage. She was a major bitch. “What I say to Christopher is none of your business,” she snapped. “It wasn’t my intention to get you banned. The issue we were discussing had nothing to do with you.”

  “Then how the fuck my name came up to make him forget whatever y’all were talking about that’s not my goddamn business?”

  “It was related.”

  Ellen snorted. “Doubtful.”

  “Whatever. I’ll talk to Christopher,” Meggie promised. “Ask him to let you come back.”

  Without answering, Ellen stomped past her and headed for a rack of skirts, Sapphire hot on her heels.

  Meggie sighed and glanced at Kiera. “Why’d she come if she’s so angry? Why’d Val call you two?”

  “I suppose she came to light into you and she figured this was her only chance for a while.” Kiera rubbed her temples. “She loves the Club and the boys and she’s hurt Christopher came down so hard on her. To be fair, he warned her not to upset you.”

  Meggie widened her eyes. “He did?”

  Kiera nodded. “Yeah, babe. He did.”

  “Val said if Christopher bans anyone, I can’t be around them because he’ll forbid it.”

  “Meggie,” Kiera said urgently, touching her arm, “if you like us, hang with us today. If Outlaw sees us getting along, he’ll ease up on Ellen.”

  Meggie’s nostrils flared. It would give her such satisfaction to make Ellen suffer because she’d been a thorn in her side from the first time they’d met. She’d disparaged her daddy and taunted Christopher’s attention to Meggie. “I’ll think about,” she said, and glided away, just wanting this day over with.

  K-P AND THE BOBS HAD done an outstanding job with the food. Christopher knew K-P had a hand-picked team of girls whom he called to assist him in the kitchen in times like these. After he’d started fucking Kiera and Ellen, they directed all the other preparations, but with Megan being there and Christopher so pissed with Ellen, he’d left K-P in charge.

  Val had followed his instructions and gotten Megan off-premises. Without being there, Christopher didn’t trust the constant presence of the bitches wouldn’t have upset her. But he’d had business to see to, some of it still undoing problems created by Big Joe. In the beginning, Boss had hidden the disappearing inventory by accusing rival clubs of intercepting and stealing shipments. Yeah, they’d been steal
ing the fucking shipments because fucking Boss had been tipping them off, playing them all, and getting paid in the drugs he’d come to depend on.

  It had taken Christopher months to broker a deal with two of the clubs, which had happened only because the body count was rising in both clubs. The Dwellers had already began to bring in support clubs to do their distribution, which made the situation even more fucked up because those clubs were also losing men thanks to Boss. The motherfucker was lucky he hadn’t been put the fuck down then, but Christopher and Snake didn’t want anything to happen to him. In turn, Val, Digger and Mortician had been loyal because of Christopher, and Rack thanks to Snake. They’d protected Boss.

  Now, with a huge gun shipment being prepared for a Canadian buyer, Christopher had to get extra escort for the run and he needed some of those same clubs he’d worked so carefully with to undo all the damage that’d been done. Motherfuckers couldn’t be trusted when they were dealing with two rocks. Though the club would give each of the five men twenty large and both clubs a quarter rock a piece, motherfuckers couldn’t be trust when his club would still make such a huge profit.

  Christopher leaned back against the wall, watching the Bobs working the main room from where he sat at the corner table. Jesus. Fuck. Those bitches were dressed in mesh bras, keyhole thongs, and clear heels. They were doing his boys proud, serving drinks to the visiting brothers and not hesitating to suck dick or give up some ass.

  He wondered if Kiera and Ellen would keep Megan away for the night. He hadn’t been all that happy that Val had sent her off with Ellen but he hadn’t specifically said to only call Kiera. But, fuck, if they were protecting Megan from this free-for-all, all the better.

  Perhaps, too, they were giving him a chance to enjoy himself with one of the Bobs. The question was did he want to? Yes and no. He didn’t want Megan hurt if she found out he’d fucked one of these bitches. On the other hand, he was a fucking realist. They couldn’t last.

  Digger sauntered over, beer in hand. “John Boy on his way.”

  “Cool.” He hadn’t hung out with his cousin in months. If Megan was here, she’d definitely dampen their style. They had a friendly rivalry with bitches that usually ended up with both of them fucking the same bitch, together and separately.


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