Triple Threat

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Triple Threat Page 20

by Bella Jeanisse

  He pulled back from me a bit and then leaned down and kissed my lips. “You have the softest lips I ever touched.” He kissed me again and said, “I gotta stop now.”


  He sighed. “Because, if I don’t, I won’t get that lap dance.”

  “OK. Are you hungry?”

  He smiled again. “Why? You cook?”

  “Yeah, of course I do. Don’t all girls cook?”

  He laughed. “No. My last girlfriend couldn’t boil water right.” Then he stopped and looked a little upset. “I mean…”

  “I think you’ll like my cooking.” I didn’t want him to finish that sentence. I didn’t want him to take back putting it that way. It sounded like he was assuming I was his girlfriend. Or at least hoping I would be. Then I smacked his behind. “Come on. I’ll make you some French toast.”

  He let me go and I got off of the bed. “I’ve never seen a woman more beautiful than you.”

  I turned around and found him watching me again. I smiled, but realized he was talking about my physical appearance. I wanted him to like me inside and out. But I had to take what I could get from him. I just wished he would show me an obvious sign that he wanted me for what was in my mind and heart also. I wanted him to love me for me, not be like all the fans who thought of me as if I was a pinup girl.

  I got out my silk bathrobe and put it on. Then I walked to the kitchen and started pulling out the things I needed. I could hear Giovanni moving around in the apartment, but I couldn’t see him from where I was.

  Soon, Giovanni was next to me in his boxers. “Can I help?”

  That made me think about how many times Chad and I had done the very same thing. I closed my eyes for a second, upset that I just had to think of him, while I was with Giovanni. Things between Chad and I would have to change if Giovanni and I ever got together.

  I was sure that I could not continue sleeping with Chad if I was with Giovanni. I would feel way too guilty about it. It had been different when I dated anyone else. I didn’t feel the same about any of them as I did for Giovanni. I used to be drawn to Chad even if I slept with my boyfriend that same day. I could never do that to Giovanni.

  All of a sudden, Giovanni put his arms around me from behind and slid his hands in my robe. He held my breasts and caressed them. “Most girls have such small boobs. Yours fit my hands perfectly.” I could feel his rigid cock against me.

  Then he pulled away quickly. He had promised no sex, and he was obviously having a hard time with it. But he kept doing it to himself, so I laughed.

  “Do you wanna break that promise you made?” I asked as I tried not to laugh again. “I’d be OK with that now.”

  He put his hands on my hips. “Believe me, I want you so bad right now. But I made that promise for a reason. You know that I think of sex differently than a lot of guys. I can’t just take what I want all the time. If we had sex every time you turned me on, you wouldn’t get any sleep. I’d be inside you day and night.” He started kissing my neck. “At this moment, all I can imagine is lifting up this robe and bending you over the… I’m so sorry.”

  He backed away again. I turned around. He was leaning on the wall opposite of where I stood. His eyes were closed. I could see how angry he was at himself.

  I went to him and put my arms around him, needing to help him deal with it. He, in return, wrapped his around me. “If I got dressed, would it make you feel better?” I asked.

  “No.” He admitted as he ran his hands up and down my back. “I think of being in bed with you when you’re not even around. It just never felt that way for me before you. But I can’t just fuck you. I want it to mean something to you, and I know you feel that way too. Doing it because you want it and doing it with love are two different things. I want you to care about me if we do it again.”

  I looked up at him. I had to tell him, didn’t I? “I do…”

  “Don’t.” He put a finger over my lips. “Now’s not the time for either of us to say anything more. Can we just make breakfast so I can stop seeing you naked in my head?”

  I smiled and moved his hand away from my mouth. He was right. It had to be the right time and place and I didn’t want him to reject me. So I said, “Yeah, take out the butter and juice. I got everything else out already.”

  We separated and started to take care of breakfast. It was nice, cooking without hands in my panties, like when Chad helped. Giovanni and I worked well together, and he even helped me wash the dishes afterward. We smiled at each other every now and again. And Giovanni touched my cheek or hair once in a while.


  We left for the rock festival early that Friday. Chad was obviously jealous when I got in Giovanni’s van with him and Phil. Chad glared at Giovanni for a full minute before getting in his van. Chris and Mark made the trip with him.

  Phil was exhausted from partying after our gig the night before, so he fell asleep pretty quickly. I was sitting in the middle, as close to Giovanni as I could. He held my hand under his on the steering wheel most of the time. But once in a while, he grabbed my leg. We didn’t talk much. I leaned on his arm when I started to fall asleep, too.

  When we stopped to get gas, Phil was still out like a light. Giovanni pulled me out and held me as he kissed me for what felt like a long time. I ran my hands up his shirt, wanting to take it off.

  We both jumped when we heard Phil say, “Hey, Giovanni, where the hell are you?” Then we were on our way again.

  We went to the hotel first. The show was supposed to run until 10 or so and we had a long drive home. After checking in, we went upstairs to put our things away. Chris had booked us all our own rooms.

  Chad’s and Chris’ rooms were down the hall from mine, but Giovanni’s was just across the hall. He winked at me as we both opened our doors. I was glad he was close, also.

  Right after that, we had to get to the festival. Chad insisted I ride with him. I did it just to make him happy. After much begging from Chad, Mark got in the back of Giovanni’s van. Chad and I were alone.

  I sat next to him as he wanted. We drove in silence for a while. Chad kept a hand on my knee, and it crept up my leg every few seconds.

  When he slid it under my skirt, I said, “Chad, stop.”

  “But why, baby?” He sounded so disappointed. “I miss you. You’ve been so distant this week.”

  I leaned my head on him. “Not yet, please.”

  He sighed. “I love you, baby. Why can’t we just do it once? I’ll be fast. I promise.”

  “Not now, Chad.”

  He pulled his hand away and just drove for a while. I could feel his pain. I wasn’t sure how long I could do that to him. I knew he needed me. At that moment, I felt bad for denying him my body. But Giovanni and I seemed to be getting closer, and I wanted to pursue that avenue.

  When we had parked, Giovanni was not there yet. As soon as we had our seatbelts off, Chad turned to me. Then he grabbed me and started kissing me. He knew how much I loved his kisses. He got me down on my back quickly and lay on top of me, his feet on the floor.

  I tried to resist, but it was so hard. He was getting me fired up. I started kissing him back within a minute.

  He got my blouse and bra open and then grabbed my breast, fingering my nipple. He pulled my panties halfway down my thighs then opened his pants.

  But when I felt his cock between my legs, I tried to push him away. “No, Chad! Stop. I asked you not to do this.”

  “I’m so close, please. I need you so much. Baby, it hurts.”

  “No, don’t.”

  He tried teasing me with his erection. “Baby, I know you want me. You’re so wet. Please, baby. Please.”

  Just then, “You’re Mine” came on the radio. The local rock station was playing songs from the bands performing that night. Chad looked at me, and I looked at him.

  “You’re still mine. Aren’t you?” he whispered.

  I closed my eyes, unsure I was. Then he started kissing me again. He made
his way to my neck and bit my earlobe. He kissed my chin then went down my neck and chest, finally stopping at my left breast. He moved his lips all around and then sucked on my nipple.

  The song was really getting to me. I couldn’t stop him anymore and he knew it. I was on fire and needed him to put it out. When he started pushing into me, I moaned.

  “Oh God, I missed your pussy,” Chad whispered as he kissed my mouth again.

  I closed my eyes while he slowly slipped further in. Then I let out a sigh when he started to thrust. Once I had gotten my legs up and around his back, I couldn’t move at all. He had me pinned down in the close quarters. His hips moved furiously. I clutched his shoulders, feeling it coming right away.

  He kissed me as he drove in and out of me. I loved his lips and tongue. Nothing could taste better. Soon, I had to hold him tighter. I threw my head back as much as I could and screamed his name out. I tensed and shook all over.

  “I still got it, baby,” Chad whispered as he kissed my neck and ear. “I love feeling you cum like that.”

  I just kept my grip on him and closed my eyes. The climax had been so powerful, I was having trouble breathing. While Chad went on, I did everything I could to relax and enjoy the rest of his lovemaking.

  Chad grabbed the pocket in the door over my head and then he began to almost slam his hips into mine. I knew time was not on our side, so he was probably trying to hurry. I cried out after only a few strokes. The trembling was so strong, tears started to fall from my eyes.

  “I love you! Baby! Oh, God!” He pulled out, quickly straddled my neck and shoved his cock into my mouth.

  I drank him in, loving the taste.

  “Damn… oh… Suck it harder!”

  I did and heard him cry out my name. I sucked him even after there was nothing more to extract. Then he shouted, “Shit! They’re here!”

  Chad pulled his dick out of my mouth, closed his pants up fast and got off me. I pulled myself together as quickly as possible. He opened the van door and jumped out. Then he looked at me. “You got cum on your chin.”

  I wiped at it as I saw Giovanni’s van coming towards us. I sat up fast, not wanting him to know what Chad and I had done.

  I heard a door slam. Chad turned around quickly. Then I noticed Giovanni had parked almost next to us. Chad walked away as Giovanni got out of his van.

  “You OK?” Giovanni sounded concerned.

  I looked at him. “Why?” I felt guilty. I prayed he didn’t kiss my mouth.

  “You’re crying.” He picked up my hands and pulled me towards him. He took me into his arms. When I didn’t say anything, he put his hand on my head. “Crystal, what happened?”

  I thought quickly and said, “I’m not ready to tell you. I’m sorry.” I put my arms around him, needing him to hold me and say he loved me. He had no idea just how close Chad and I were.

  He hugged me tightly. “It’s OK. I don’t need to know. But I’m still here for you.” He held me until I let him go.

  Then Chris and I went to go meet his friend that had gotten us into the festival. I grabbed a bottle of water along the way to wash down Chad’s semen. I couldn’t deal with the thought of Giovanni kissing me and tasting it.

  When we checked in, we were told where to put our equipment, and what time we had to be ready. By the time the two of us returned to the vans, the guys had most of Giovanni’s drum set out of his van.

  We went on at 7:30. We were the second band on the bill. It was different playing outside. Everything sounded strange, but it was really cool.

  The first song we did was “Sex Addict.” It was our most popular and fastest tune. It had a punk beat. It used Chris’ full vocal range. As always, we started out with Giovanni playing alone, then me and then Chad came in. When Chris began singing, he blew everyone away with his incredible voice.

  Then Chad and I had a ball doing a solo where he started and I added to it slowly. Then Giovanni came in and we let him have at it. We made that the intro to our second song, “Love Me ’Til the End.” That was slower and more alternative, with a few bursts of Chad playing furiously and Chris getting loud and brash.

  But our third song, “You Can’t Change Me,” brought the house down. It began as a ballad. Chris nailed it so well. Then about a fourth of the way in, the tempo gradually increased and it changed into a serious rock song. Then at the end, we stopped playing and Chris sang unaccompanied for a time, bringing the song back down to a ballad. He sang strong and perfect. Before he was even done, the crowd erupted.

  After our set, we all felt awesome. It was the biggest thrill we had as a band. Backstage, we received a lot of compliments and encouraging words.

  It was somewhat surprising. Never before had other bands told us how good we were. Usually, there was a lot of competition between us and the other bands we played with. They were so professional. And they weren’t all just looking at my chest. I was really getting praise about my playing skills. It felt nice to be recognized for my talent instead of my half-naked pictures.

  As soon as Giovanni got me away from Chad and Chris, he kissed me forcefully on the lips. It was brief, but wonderful. Then not long after, Chad did the same thing. I was torn between them again. How could I hurt Chad? But then, how could I give up the chance to love Giovanni?

  We stayed outside to watch the rest of the bands. The music was really great. Every band there that day sounded different. Whoever chose the bands did an excellent job.

  When the last band had played, Jon Harris from Gasoline took center stage. He yelled into the microphone. “Do you think we got some great talent on the east coast?” He got cheers in reply. “It’s gonna be pretty hard to pick a winner.” More cheers. “I got a favorite, but I’m not a judge.”

  It was great watching him in person. We were closer to the stage than we had ever been at one of Gasoline’s concerts. He was sporting his usual shaved head and goatee. He'd had that same style as far back as I could remember.

  “OK, I hear we’re ready,” Jon shouted. Someone went to him with a piece of paper. “Ha! Can I call it or what?” He smiled broadly. “This was my choice, too. You ready to hear the winner?” There was loud cheering and screaming. “OK, the band that’s getting their big break tonight is… Triple Threat!”

  I screamed and the guys all kissed me. Jon waved at us to get up on the stage with him. He put an arm around my shoulders.

  “This little lady can wail, can’t she?” Cheers and catcalls came from the crowd. Jon leaned down and whispered. “I woulda signed you guys anyway even if you didn’t win this. You’re incredible, and I don’t just mean your tits.”

  He looked back out at the mob below us. “Should I invite them on tour with us?” he asked. The whole place erupted. “I’ll take that as a yes. So, guys, you willing to tour with me?”

  “Hell, yeah!” we all shouted. It was almost unreal.

  He smiled at me. “Well then, let’s get started.”

  Suddenly I heard the extended intro to “Party Hard.” I turned around to see Dominic Spinelli, Gasoline’s guitarist, coming towards us. His long brown hair was in a ponytail. When he got close to me, his green eyes opened wide as he smiled. He was thin, like Chris.

  Then Tommy Fischer, the bassist, started to play. I smiled slyly at him. He was so hot, and I'd had a crush on him forever. He strode right to me, watching me. With my high heels on, he was only an inch or two taller than me. His close-cropped hair was dyed black with blond tips. It was spiked up and really sexy.

  “Hey, cutie.” He smiled and winked, showing off his adorable dimples. “Wait for me later.” He looked the same as he did back when I first saw him. He never seemed to age. You would never suspect he was 35.

  I only managed to reply, “Hi.” I felt like a teenager again.

  Then someone smacked my ass. “If you’re good, I’ll fuck you later.” I turned towards the voice and came face to face with Dean Johnson, their singer. He had an almost evil look in his eye. “You look like you could teach me
a thing or two.”

  He had grown out his hair. It was just to his shoulders in the back, a bit over the ears on the sides and he had long bangs that were only a little in his face. It was sexy, but I hated guys who talked to me that way.

  I moved closer towards Chad. Then Jon left us to go behind his huge drum set. We watched them play from the side of the stage. They were even more amazing than I remembered.

  Afterwards, there was a huge party in the hotel at which most of the bands (including us) were staying. I met a lot of the other bands’ members. I talked to everyone I could, trying to act like just one of the guys, but I still got that stare. The one that told me they had seen our website. I got separated from Chad and Giovanni, but I was having fun.

  Within about 15 minutes, Tommy was pulling me away. It surprised me. He took me to an empty side room. At first, I couldn’t imagine why he was doing it. But when he leaned in and kissed me, I knew.

  “I’ve never met a girl bass player that was so good,” he whispered in my ear while he kissed my neck slowly. He pulled my hips to him and started grinding his stiff cock against me.

  I was torn between my crush on him and Giovanni. “Um, Tommy, I don’t even know you.”

  “What’s to know?” He slid his hands up my skirt and grabbed my ass. “I’m horny, I want you and I saw the look you gave me. You like me.”

  I pushed him away a bit. “That’s not what I meant.” I looked into his eyes. Oh, those eyes. His alluring, almost turquoise, eyes were getting to me.

  “See, you want me.” He kissed my lips again. “I always know. You got a crush on me, don’t you?”

  I closed my eyes. How did he know?

  “Well, now you can have me. At least for a little while.” He went back to my neck, brushing his lips over my skin and driving me crazy. “If you want, you can bunk with me on the tour, babe.” He bit my earlobe and my knees went out on me.


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